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Function 1:-check on passage plan as a mate-master on shore leave, tsunami

warning, action as a mate, whom all will u inform before taking theshipapproaching signs of TRS-"fall of pressure 3 mb below normal" where do u
get normal pressure of that place-situvation: fishing vessel crossing from
port, in restricted visibility-cards: preffered channel to port, towing vsl seen
from stbd side, fishing vsl with extending gearfrom aft side..- MS notice
issued about armed guards recently-He draw symbol of wind with 25 kts and
asked wat it is-asked to show how warm front is shown on weather map-tell
about VDR, difference between VDR and SVDRAsked 3 Situations (Mainly
asked about Restricted Visibility Situations).2. Explain the rule 'Restricted
Visibility'?3. Explain about Buoyage System? (Region A and B).4. Own
vessel collided - actions?5. Own vessel grounded - actions?6. CBD signal?6.
Explain about currents?8. What is TRS?9. ISM Code - How is it helpful for
us? What is the use of ISM code?10. Deep water anchoring? -passage
planning as mate-assist master at mate-grounding actions-lights and shapesrestricted visibility sound signal-NUC definition-lights and shapes-making
way and anchor-requirements of ETA on a tanker-AIS-functioning-static and
dynamic data-TDMA-working-how many slots in 1 min-how it is ensuring 2
AIS doesnot use same slot-TRS-approaching signs-how will u escape from
dangerous quadrent in northern hemisphere-prognosis and analysis weather
reports-Bridge manning-watch doubling-how-why-situvations, cardsWhat is
TSSWhere is TSS formedWhy TSS not formed above 20 deg latWhy
advance quadrant of TSS most dangerousWhat is rough weatherWhy rough
weather is associated with high latitudes

ROR Cards: dredger, towing vessel (identification, action??)Situations:

power driven vessel crossing from your stbd. Side, open sea, clear
visibilityPower driven vessel crossing from your stbd. Side, open sea,
Restricted visibilityPower driven vessel crossing from your port side, TSS,
restricted visibilityWhich was your last trading area?What season will you
expect in Arabian Sea in the month of June?What about the weather in South
China Sea?How will you ascertain and monitor weather?Signs of TRS;
Which is the dangerous semi-circle?Function 2Loading on a tanker; tanks
loaded to 70%; Port informs the ship to leave berth due toforecast of heavy
weather. Master wants to know the GM of the vessel? How will youfind the
GM of the vessel?How will you load grain?Hazards of concentrates;Stability
of RORO vessels;LNG cargo; loaded passage; how the boil off of the cargo is
controlled?Gun tackle, how is it used on ships; advantage or
disadvantageFunction 3What all certificates does a ship require to carry?
Preparation for loadline survey;Requirements for ETA; draw the forward
ETA arrangements;What is the provision given for preventing the chafing of
the chain?Mooring: how will you berth the ship with following current?
Which will be the last lineto cast off for a ship at berth, having head current?
Capt. R. Sagar:What are the recent changes in ISGOTT?
Function 1:ROR Cards: towing vessel-RAM,Cardinal marksSituations:
restricted visibility, crossing situation, overtaking situationRules 6 & 10What
is VTS? From where to obtain information;TRS: signs, associated weather
avoiding actionOcean currents: East of north AmericaFunction 2:Load
density, stowage factor, capacity plan,Grain: stability criteria for ships with
DOAContents of IMDG supplement; how to refer it;Concentrates: hazards;
how to determine that which cargo shall be classified as concentrate or
grain;What are salient features of SOLAS ch.12; additional safety measures
for bulk carriers;How to refer trim-tables, deadweight scale;Function of
B/L;Function 3:Preparation for SEQ survey (pilot boarding arrangements;
flags)Oil record book entries Duties of C/O on board;Foul anchor, with
submarine cable- action; hanging off anchor;Passing towline to disabled
vessel in calm seas and rough weather;SOLAS requirements for ETA on oil
tankers;Oil overflowing during cargo operation- action as OOW;Preparation
for dry dock-stability;A.B. slaps O.S.-action as chief mate;
Mantra for first shot:

Self confidence, clarity of mind, common sense, co-operative

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