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2005 Environmental

Sustainability Index
Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship

Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy

Yale University
Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Columbia University

In collaboration with:
World Economic Forum
Geneva, Switzerland
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Ispra, Italy
Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
Yale University
Daniel C. Esty Tanja Srebotnjak Melissa Goodall
Director Project Director Program Director
Beth Andonov Kathleen Campbell Kaitlin Gregg
Report Coordinator Research Assistant Research Assistant
Christine Kim Qing Li Molly Martinez
Research Assistant Research Assistant Research Assistant
Jessica Townsend Baohui Zhang
Research Assistant Research Assistant

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)

Columbia University
Marc Levy Alex de Sherbinin Bridget Anderson
Associate Director Research Associate Research Assistant

Joint Research Centre (JRC)

European Commission
Andrea Saltelli Michaela Saisana Michela Nardo
Unit Head, Econometrics and Researcher Researcher
Statistics Support

World Economic Forum

Arthur Dahl

Yale Center for Center for International Earth World Economic Forum Joint Research Centre,
Environmental Law and Science Information Network 91-93 route de la Capite 1223 European Commission
Policy Columbia University Cologny/Geneva Enrico Fermi 1
205 Prospect Street PO Box 1000 Switzerland TP 361, 21020 Ispra
New Haven, CT 06511 USA 61 Route 9W (41-22) 869-1212 Italy
(1-203) 432-3123 Palisades, NY 10964 USA Fax (41-22) 786-2744 (39-0332)-785287
Fax (1-203) 432-6597 (1-845) 365-8988 Fax (39-0332)-785733 Fax (1-845) 365-8922

The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report is available online at

Copyright ©2005 Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report


The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) was made possible by generous external sup-
port from the Coca-Cola Foundation, the Samuel Family Foundation, and George Kailis.

The final version of the 2005 ESI benefited from the expertise, advice, and comments of the
participants in an Expert Workshop that took place on 9-10 December 2004, at Yale University.
The ESI team (from Yale, CIESIN, the JRC, and the World Economic Forum) gratefully
acknowledges the contributions of: Neric Acosta, Bob Chen, Young-Keun Chung, Tomas Hak,
Kirk Hamilton, Alan Hecht, Anders Hoffman, Michael Ma, Jeff McNeely, Charles Ian McNeill,
Rosemary Montgomery, Heekyong Noh, John O’Connor, Tom Parris, Laszlo Pinter, Louise
Rickard, N. Phillip Ross, and Ulrich Wieland.

A number of other people provided advice, support, analysis, data, or technical expertise. In this
regard, we thank: Kym Anderson, Liliana Andonova, Timothy Boucher, Lisa Bürgi, Olivier
Cattaneo, Thomas Cottier, William Davey, Carmen Dominguez, Richard Elin, Jay Emerson,
Dave Ervin, John Finn, Andy Fraser, Tom Graedel, Timothy Gregoire, Ashok Gulati, Dale Hatha-
way, Sebastian Herrors, Kelly Hodgson, Jonathan Hoekstra, Gary Horlick, Eszter Horvath, Gary
Hufbauer, John Jackson, Lee Ann Jackson, Alejandro Jara, Michael Jenkins, Tim Josling,
Andrzej Kwiecinski, Wilfred Legg, Patrick Low, Arvind Panagariya, Craig Pratt, Richard Ro-
barts, C. Ford Runge, Gary Sampson, Jeff Schott, Kerstin Schulze, Gus Speth, and Xiaoshi Xing.

Finally, the authors would like to thank the many officials in national statistical and environment
ministries for their participation in the ESI country data review. Their help improved the ESI
data matrix and helped to hone the ESI methodological approach.

Suggested Citation

Esty, Daniel C., Marc Levy, Tanja Srebotnjak, and Alexander de Sherbinin (2005). 2005 Envi-
ronmental Sustainability Index: Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship. New
Haven: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.


The word “country” is used loosely in this report to refer to both actual countries and other
administrative or economic entities. Similarly, the maps presented are for illustrative purposes
and do not imply any preference in cases where territory is under dispute.
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1

Chapter 1 – The Need for an Environmental Sustainability Index.................................................. 7
Chapter 2 – Our Approach ............................................................................................................ 11
Measuring Sustainability ........................................................................................................... 11
The ESI Framework .................................................................................................................. 11
Data Coverage…….. ................................................................................................................. 16
Data Transformation.................................................................................................................. 16
Comparing the ESI to Other Indicator Efforts.......................................................................... 16
Uncertainties and Conclusions .................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 3 – Main Findings ............................................................................................................ 21
ESI Scores and Ranks................................................................................................................ 21
Developed v. Developing Country Environmental Sustainability............................................. 24
Relationship to Economic Development .................................................................................. 24
Relationship between Environmental & Economic Performance ........................................... 25
Central Role of Governance ...................................................................................................... 28
Finding Peer Countries – Cluster Analysis................................................................................ 29
ESI in Action……… ................................................................................................................. 33
Limitations………..................................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 4 – Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................... 37
2005 ESI Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 5 – Conclusions and Next Steps ...................................................................................... 39
Future Directions….. ................................................................................................................. 40
References ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Endnotes ........................................................................................................................................ 45
List of Acronyms........................................................................................................................... 46

Appendix A – Methodology.......................................................................................................... 49
Appendix B – Country Profiles ................................................................................................... 103
Appendix C – Variable Profiles .................................................................................................. 253
Appendix D – Component & Indicator Scores............................................................................ 349
Appendix E – ESI Values in Small States................................................................................... 379
Appendix F – Comparison of the ESI to Other Sustainability Indicators ................................... 383
Appendix G – An Ideal Set of ESI Indicators ............................................................................ 391
Appendix H – Critiques and Responses ..................................................................................... 397
Appendix I – Published Citations to the ESI.............................................................................. 403

11 February 2005
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

List of Tables

Table 1: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index – Scores and Rankings……………………....... 4

Table 2: High Population Density Countries .................................................................................. 9
Table 3: Desert Countries................................................................................................................ 9
Table 4: OAS Member Countries.................................................................................................... 9
Table 5: ASEAN Member Countries .............................................................................................. 9
Table 6: NEPAD Member Countries ........................................................................................... 10
Table 7: EU Member Countries .................................................................................................... 10
Table 8: NIS Countries.................................................................................................................. 10
Table 9: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Building Blocks – Components .................... 11
Table 10: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Building Blocks – Indicators
and Variables................................................................................................................. 14
Table 11: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index – Scores and Rankings
(alphabetical order) ....................................................................................................... 22
Table 12: ESI Components and Indicators with Statistically Significant Correlation
to GDP and the Growth Competititiveness Index ......................................................... 28
Table 13: Variables with Statistically Significant Correlation to the ESI ..................................... 29
Table 14: Cluster Analysis Results................................................................................................ 30
Table 15: Characteristics of Clusters............................................................................................. 31

List of Figures

Figure 1: Constructing the ESI Score ............................................................................................ 13

Figure 2: Comparison of Indicator Scores for Spain and Indonesia.............................................. 25
Figure 3: Regression of 2005 ESI on GDP (PPP) Per Capita ...................................................... 26
Figure 4: Regression of 2005 ESI on 2004-2005 Growth Competitiveness Index ....................... 27

List of Boxes

Box 1: “Sustainability” in the Broader Sense…………………………………………………….12

Box 2: Can Environmental Sustainability Be Measured?………………………………………...19
Box 3: How to Interpret an ESI Score…………………………………………………………... 23
Box 4: The Environmental Sustainability Index in the Philippines…………………………..…. 33
Box 5: Direction for Further Work: Data “Drill Down”……………………………………….... 42
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Executive Summary

The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Each has managed the challenges of develop-
benchmarks the ability of nations to protect ment with some success.
the environment over the next several decades.
It does so by integrating 76 data sets – track- The lowest ranking countries are North Korea,
ing natural resource endowments, past and Iraq, Taiwan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
present pollution levels, environmental man- These countries face numerous issues, both
agement efforts, and the capacity of a society natural and manmade, and have not managed
to improve its environmental performance – their policy choices well.
into 21 indicators of environmental sustain-
ability. These indicators permit comparison While absolute measures of sustainability
across a range of issues that fall into the fol- remain elusive, many aspects of environ-
lowing five broad categories: mental sustainability can be measured at least
in relative terms. National positions on
• Environmental Systems various important elements of environmental
• Reducing Environmental Stresses stewardship can therefore be determined and
• Reducing Human Vulnerability to Envi- are instructive.
ronmental Stresses
• Societal and Institutional Capacity to Re- The key results and conclusions that emerge
spond to Environmental Challenges from the 2005 ESI can be summarized as
• Global Stewardship follows:

The indicators and variables on which they are • The ESI has proven to be a useful gauge of
constructed build on the well-established national environmental stewardship. It
“Pressure-State-Response” environmental pol- provides a valuable summary measure of
icy model. The issues incorporated and environmental performance and a counter-
variables used were chosen through an part to yardsticks of human development
extensive review of the environmental litera- and economic wellbeing. Any measure of
ture, assessment of available data, rigorous sustainability will have shortcomings given
analysis, and broad-based consultation with the significant gaps in critical data sets,
policymakers, scientists, and indicator experts. divergent views about what comprises
While they do not provide a definitive vision sustainability, and differing opinions about
of sustainability, the collection of indicators how best to address underlying uncertain-
and variables that form the 2005 ESI provide: ties.
(1) a powerful tool for putting environmental
decisionmaking on firmer analytical footing • Environmental sustainability is a funda-
(2) an alternative to GDP and the Human mentally multi-dimensional concept. Some
Development Index for gauging country environmental challenges arise from
progress, and (3) a useful mechanism for development and industrialization – natural
benchmarking environmental performance. resource depletion (especially of non-
renewable resources), pollution, and
The higher a country’s ESI score, the better ecosystem destruction. Other challenges
positioned it is to maintain favorable environ- are a function of underdevelopment and
mental conditions into the future. The five poverty-induced short-term thinking –
highest-ranking countries are Finland, resource depletion (especially of potentially
Norway, Uruguay, Sweden, and Iceland – all renewable resources such as forests and
countries that have substantial natural resource water) and lack of investment in capacity
endowments and low population density. and infrastructure committed to pollution
control and ecosystem protection.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

• There are significant differences across • The ESI suggests that a more quantitative
countries in both current environmental and systematic approach to environmental
results and probable longer-term trends. policymaking – where: (a) problems are
By assembling a broad array of data that tracked through a carefully constructed set
make cross-country comparisons possible, of metrics and indicators (b) policy pro-
the ESI provides a powerful tool gress is evaluated empirically, and (c)
for tracking environmental performance, governments benchmark their results
identifying leaders and laggards on an against a relevant peer group – can help to
issue-by-issue basis, and designing policy highlight superior environmental pro-
responses. grams, technologies, strategies, and
• Most countries do well on some issues and
much less well on others. Virtually no • ESI-based analysis reveals some of the
nation scores very high or very low on all critical determinants of environmental
21 indicators. Thus, every society has performance: low population density, eco-
something to learn from benchmarking its nomic vitality, and quality of governance.
environmental performance against Some of these variables have long been
relevant peer countries. identified as theoretically important. The
ESI provides empirical support for these
• Environmental sustainability entails issues theories.
that are local as well as national and
global in scale, all of which should figure • Serious and persistent data gaps plague the
in international comparisons (as they do in ESI and other efforts to shift pollution
the ESI). control and natural resource management
onto more analytically rigorous underpin-
• The ESI and its elements provide a foun- nings. Investment at the local, national,
dation for more data-driven environmental and global scales in a more complete set
analysis and decisionmaking. In doing so, of key indicators should be seen as a fun-
it sheds light on a number of critical is- damental policy priority. The ESI does
sues. The ESI demonstrates, for example, not cover a number of important issues –
that income contributes to the potential for e.g., quality of waste management, wet-
strong environmental stewardship, but lands destruction, and exposure to heavy
does not guarantee it. Indeed, it is striking metals such as lead and mercury – because
how many of the bottom rungs of ESI are the requisite data are not collected or are
occupied by countries that are relatively not reported on a basis that permits cross-
wealthy. country comparisons.
• The relationship between environmental • The need for improved data to undergird
sustainability and economic development better environmental policymaking
is complex. At every level of income, emerges especially strongly in the devel-
countries face environmental challenges. oping world in the context of worldwide
Some countries manage their pollution efforts to achieve the large-scale environ-
control and natural resource management mental aims of the Millennium
challenges relatively well while others do Development Goals.
not. Development status is therefore not
environmental destiny.

Country ESI Scores by Quin-
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

29.2 – 40.0 40.5 – 46.2 46.6 – 52.4 52.5 – 59.6 59.7 – 75.1
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 1: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index – Scores and Rankings

Non- Non-
Country Name OECD Country Name OECD
Rank Score Rank onents Rank Score Rank onents
Rank Rank

1 Finland 75.1 1 38 Malaysia 54.0 23

2 Norway 73.4 2 39 Congo 53.8 24
3 Uruguay 71.8 1 40 Netherlands 53.7 16
4 Sweden 71.7 3 41 Mali 53.7 25
5 Iceland 70.8 4 42 Chile 53.6 26
6 Canada 64.4 5 43 Bhutan 53.5 27
7 Switzerland 63.7 6 44 Armenia 53.2 28
8 Guyana 62.9 2 45 United States 52.9 17
9 Argentina 62.7 3 46 Myanmar 52.8 29
10 Austria 62.7 7 47 Belarus 52.8 30
11 Brazil 62.2 4 48 Slovakia 52.8 18
12 Gabon 61.7 5 49 Ghana 52.8 31
13 Australia 61.0 8 50 Cameroon 52.5 32
14 New Zealand 60.9 9 51 Ecuador 52.4 33
15 Latvia 60.4 6 52 Laos 52.4 34
16 Peru 60.4 7 53 Cuba 52.3 35
17 Paraguay 59.7 8 54 Hungary 52.0 19
18 Costa Rica 59.6 9 55 Tunisia 51.8 36
19 Croatia 59.5 10 56 Georgia 51.5 37
20 Bolivia 59.5 11 57 Uganda 51.3 38
21 Ireland 59.2 10 58 Moldova 51.2 39
22 Lithuania 58.9 12 59 Senegal 51.1 40
23 Colombia 58.9 13 60 Zambia 51.1 41
24 Albania 58.8 14 61 Bosnia & Herze. 51.0 42
25 Central Afr. Rep. 58.7 15 62 Israel 50.9 43
26 Denmark 58.2 11 63 Tanzania 50.3 44
27 Estonia 58.2 16 64 Madagascar 50.2 45
28 Panama 57.7 17 65 United Kingdom 50.2 20
29 Slovenia 57.5 18 66 Nicaragua 50.2 46
30 Japan 57.3 12 67 Greece 50.1 21
31 Germany 56.9 13 68 Cambodia 50.1 47
32 Namibia 56.7 19 69 Italy 50.1 22
33 Russia 56.1 20 70 Bulgaria 50.0 48
34 Botswana 55.9 21 71 Mongolia 50.0 49
35 P. N. Guinea 55.2 22 72 Gambia 50.0 50
36 France 55.2 14 73 Thailand 49.7 51
37 Portugal 54.2 15 74 Malawi 49.3 52
The column labeled "components" contains bar charts for the five ESI core components – Systems, Stresses, Vulnerability, Capacity, and
Global Stewardship – that shows the relative strengths and weaknesses for each country. Higher bars correspond to higher levels of sus-
tainability. The relative heights are comparable across components and across countries.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Non- Non-
Country Name OECD Country Name OECD
Rank Score Rank onents Rank Score Rank onents
Rank Rank

75 Indonesia 48.8 53 111 Togo 44.5 84

76 Spain 48.8 23 112 Belgium 44.4 28
77 Guinea-Bissau 48.6 54 113 Dem. Rep. Congo 44.1 85
78 Kazakhstan 48.6 55 114 Bangladesh 44.1 86
79 Sri Lanka 48.5 56 115 Egypt 44.0 87
80 Kyrgyzstan 48.4 57 116 Guatemala 44.0 88
81 Guinea 48.1 58 117 Syria 43.8 89
82 Venezuela 48.1 59 118 El Salvador 43.8 90
83 Oman 47.9 60 119 Dominican Rep. 43.7 91
84 Jordan 47.8 61 120 Sierra Leone 43.4 92
85 Nepal 47.7 62 121 Liberia 43.4 93
86 Benin 47.5 63 122 South Korea 43.0 29
87 Honduras 47.4 64 123 Angola 42.9 94
88 Côte d'Ivoire 47.3 65 124 Mauritania 42.6 95
89 Serbia & Monteneg. 47.3 66 125 Philippines 42.3 96
90 Macedonia 47.2 67 126 Libya 42.3 97
91 Turkey 46.6 24 127 Viet Nam 42.3 98
92 Czech Rep. 46.6 25 128 Zimbabwe 41.2 99
93 South Africa 46.2 68 129 Lebanon 40.5 100
94 Romania 46.2 69 130 Burundi 40.0 101
95 Mexico 46.2 26 131 Pakistan 39.9 102
96 Algeria 46.0 70 132 Iran 39.8 103
97 Burkina Faso 45.7 71 133 China 38.6 104
98 Nigeria 45.4 72 134 Tajikistan 38.6 105
99 Azerbaijan 45.4 73 135 Ethiopia 37.9 106
100 Kenya 45.3 74 136 Saudi Arabia 37.8 107
101 India 45.2 75 137 Yemen 37.3 108
102 Poland 45.0 27 138 Kuwait 36.6 109
103 Niger 45.0 76 139 Trinidad & Tobago 36.3 110
104 Chad 45.0 77 140 Sudan 35.9 111
105 Morocco 44.8 78 141 Haiti 34.8 112
106 Rwanda 44.8 79 142 Uzbekistan 34.4 113
107 Mozambique 44.8 80 143 Iraq 33.6 114
108 Ukraine 44.7 81 144 Turkmenistan 33.1 115
109 Jamaica 44.7 82 145 Taiwan 32.7 116
110 United Arab Em. 44.6 83 146 North Korea 29.2 117

Note: The 2005 ESI scores are not directly comparable to the 2002 ESI Scores. See Appendix A for details on the methodology.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

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2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Chapter 1 – The Need for an Environmental Sustainability Index

We live in an era of numbers. In many issues where routine monitoring does not exist
realms, decisionmaking has become increas- and metrics are not available. Although
ingly data-driven. But the environmental imperfect, the ESI helps to fill a long-existing
domain has curiously lagged in this regard. gap in environmental performance evaluation.
Plagued by widespread information gaps and It offers a small step toward a more vigorous
uncertainties, environmental policymaking has and quantitative approach to environmental
often been based on generalized observations, decisionmaking.
best guesses, and “expert opinion” – or, worse
yet, rhetoric and emotion (Esty 2002). Just as companies have long benchmarked
their performance against industry peers,
This report presents the 2005 Environmental national governments are finding it useful to
Sustainability Index (ESI), which provides a compare their performance against others who
composite profile of national environmental are similarly situated, and the ESI makes such
stewardship based on a compilation of 21 “peer group” comparisons relatively easy to
indicators that derive from 76 underlying data do. The overall rankings must be taken for
sets. The ESI offers a tool for shifting pollu- what they are – a relative and approximate
tion control and natural resource management indication of how close a country is to being
onto firmer analytic underpinnings. In this on a sustainable environmental trajectory
regard, the heart of the ESI is not the rankings based on a “snapshot” view of a range of
but rather the underlying indicators and widely recognized issues including pollution
variables. By facilitating comparative analysis control, natural resource management, and
across national jurisdictions, these metrics societal problem solving capacities. The real
provide a mechanism for making environ- value of the ESI therefore emerges from
mental management more quantitative, looking at the relative position of each country
empirically grounded, and systematic. on the 21 underlying indicators. In fact, given
the “noise” in the analysis, we cannot really be
This report demonstrates how a commitment sure that Finland outranks Norway overall.
to environmental indicators and greater But we can say with some confidence that
emphasis on statistical analysis might both of these countries are outperforming the
strengthen environmental problem solving at United States and France in important aspects
the national policy level. The ESI, though still of environmental policy.
under development and impaired by persistent
data gaps in both basic environmental moni- The most important function of the Environ-
toring data and more advanced metrics, mental Sustainability Index is as a policy tool
illustrates the potential of such a policy tool. for identifying issues that deserve greater
The same approach could enhance decision- attention within national environmental pro-
making at the global scale, the local level, in tection programs and across societies more
corporations, and even within households. generally. The Environmental Sustainability
The lack of information on many critical Index also provides a way of identifying those
issues, limited data coverage, and the non- governments that are at the leading edge with
comparability of data across countries all regard to any particular issue. This informa-
render the design of indices more difficult and tion is useful in identifying “best practices”
implicitly influence what gets measured. and may help to guide thinking on what it will
take to make policy progress.
The selection of the 21 indicators and their
underlying variables is the result of careful The analysis of best practices and successful
screening of available data sources combined environmental policy does not imply that only
with innovative approaches to designing alter- one way towards sustainability exists. Coun-
native measures and “proxies” for important tries face an array of issues and policy

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

questions when trying to improve their envi- many of the bottom rungs on the ESI are oc-
ronmental performance. The answers that cupied by countries that are relatively wealthy.
make sense will depend on the nation’s
specific environmental, economic, and social The ESI also provides a tool for achieving
circumstances, internal factors such as the global-scale policy goals. The Millennium
priority given to environmental issues as well Declaration and the related Millennium De-
as a multitude of external factors including the velopment Goals (MDGs) explicitly commit
environmental policies of neighboring the world community to making progress in
countries. Each policy choice must be formu- achieving environmental sustainability within
lated and evaluated within this context. The the context of a broader global agenda aimed
ESI can assist in this analytical process by at reducing poverty, malnutrition, and expand-
identifying (a) the most significant issues a ing education and health care (UN 2000).
country faces (b) similar countries that have Moreover, donor countries supporting the
successfully addressed those issues, and (c) MDG process increasingly insist upon
the trade-offs that can be expected as a result accountability and transparency in how their
of suboptimal environmental choices. money is spent – and the evaluation of which
investments are paying off and which are not.
The ESI provides a useful national policymaker’s
guide to pollution control and natural resource Some MDGs have well-established metrics
management challenges, highlighting where that allow progress on these goals to be
each particular country might find that tracked. Goal 7 of the MDGs aims at “Ensur-
marginal investments of funding and political ing Environmental Sustainability” but lacks
attention could best be deployed. Objective the breadth of indicators needed to adequately
measures of policy performance are an gauge progress toward this ambitious goal be-
important mechanism for budget rationaliza- cause no such set of appropriate metrics is
tion and priority setting. readily available. The ESI offers a starting
point for developing such a set of metrics.
The ESI takes seriously the need to track a full
range of pollution and natural resource In all these regards, context matters. The ESI,
management issues that are critical to a with its emphasis on relative rankings, pro-
human-centered measure of environmental vides a mechanism for establishing context
wellbeing. It incorporates issues that are local and for understanding what is possible in
in scope as well as those that are global in terms of policy progress. Indeed, it turns out
scale. While countries at different levels of the comparisons to relevant peer countries are
development and with diverse national priori- particularly important in goal setting, identify-
ties may choose to focus on different elements ing best practices in both policymaking and
of environmental sustainability, all of the technology adoption, and spurring competitive
issues included in the ESI are of relevance to pressure for improved performance.
all countries. The broad scope of the ESI with
Decisionmakers are eager for tools that will
its strong emphasis on fundamental issues –
help them to identify problems, track trends,
such as air pollution, water quality, and human
set priorities, understand policy tradeoffs and
alterations of terrestrial ecosystems – has won
synergies, target environmental investments,
praise in the developing world because it
evaluate programs, and focus limited political
features basic environmental needs and not
attention. The ESI is such a tool.
just those of concern to developed countries.
Countries want to be seen as doing well in
The overall ESI scores and rankings also help
comparison to those similarly situated. Estab-
to ensure that countries are graded not only on
lishing the right peer groups is thus a critical
their economic results (e.g., GDP growth or
element of any benchmarking exercise. In
competitiveness rankings) but also on other
support of this quest, we offer a series of
policy goals including environmental
potentially relevant groupings in Tables 2
performance. In this regard, it is striking how
through 8.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 2: High Population Density Countries – Countries and territories in which more than half the land
area has a population density above 100 persons per square kilometer
RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Japan 57.3 8 Poland 45.0 15 Philippines 42.3
2 Germany 56.9 9 Rwanda 44.8 16 Lebanon 40.5
3 Netherlands 53.7 10 Jamaica 44.7 17 Burundi 40.0
4 Italy 50.1 11 Belgium 44.4 18 Trinidad & Tobago 36.3
5 Sri Lanka 48.5 12 Bangladesh 44.1 19 Haiti 34.8
6 Nepal 47.7 13 El Salvador 43.8 20 Taiwan 32.7
7 India 45.2 14 South Korea 43.0 21 North Korea 29.2
Note: Countries identified using CIESIN’s PLACE data set (CIESIN 2003)

Table 3: Desert Countries – Countries that are more than 50% desert (WWF Biome Classification)
RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Namibia 56.7 8 Niger 45.0 15 Iran 39.8
2 Israel 50.9 9 Morocco 44.8 16 Saudi Arabia 37.8
3 Kazakhstan 48.6 10 United Arab Em. 44.6 17 Yemen 37.3
4 Oman 47.9 11 Egypt 44.0 18 Kuwait 36.6
5 Jordan 47.8 12 Mauritania 42.6 19 Uzbekistan 34.4
6 Algeria 46.0 13 Libya 42.3 20 Iraq 33.6
7 Azerbaijan 45.4 14 Pakistan 39.9 21 Turkmenistan 33.1
Note: Countries identified using CIESIN’s PLACE data set (CIESIN 2003)

Table 4: OAS Member Countries – Organization of American States member countries

RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Uruguay 71.8 9 Bolivia 59.5 17 Honduras 47.4
2 Canada 64.4 10 Colombia 58.9 18 Mexico 46.2
3 Guyana 62.9 11 Panama 57.7 19 Jamaica 44.7
4 Argentina 62.7 12 Chile 53.6 20 Guatemala 44.0
5 Brazil 62.2 13 United States 52.9 21 El Salvador 43.8
6 Peru 60.4 14 Cuba 52.3 22 Dominican Rep. 43.7
7 Paraguay 59.7 15 Nicaragua 50.2 23 Trinidad & Tobago 36.3
8 Costa Rica 59.6 16 Venezuela 48.1 24 Haiti 34.8

Table 5: ASEAN Member Countries – Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries
RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Malaysia 54.0 4 Cambodia 50.1 7 Philippines 42.3
2 Myanmar 52.8 5 Thailand 49.7 8 Viet Nam 42.3
3 Laos 52.4 6 Indonesia 48.8

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 6: NEPAD Member Countries – New Partnership for Africa’s Development member countries
RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Gabon 61.7 15 Malawi 49.3 29 Togo 44.5
2 Central Afr. Rep. 58.7 16 Guinea-Bissau 48.6 30 Dem. Rep. Congo 44.1
3 Namibia 56.7 17 Guinea 48.1 31 Egypt 44.0
4 Botswana 55.9 18 Benin 47.5 32 Sierra Leone 43.4
5 Mali 53.7 19 Côte d'Ivoire 47.3 33 Liberia 43.4
6 Ghana 52.8 20 South Africa 46.2 34 Angola 42.9
7 Cameroon 52.5 21 Algeria 46.0 35 Mauritania 42.6
8 Tunisia 51.8 22 Burkina Faso 45.7 36 Libya 42.3
9 Uganda 51.3 23 Nigeria 45.4 37 Zimbabwe 41.2
10 Senegal 51.1 24 Kenya 45.3 38 Burundi 40.0
11 Zambia 51.1 25 Niger 45.0 39 Ethiopia 37.9
12 Tanzania 50.3 26 Chad 45.0 40 Sudan 35.9
13 Madagascar 50.2 27 Rwanda 44.8
14 Gambia 50.0 28 Mozambique 44.8

Table 7: EU Member Countries – European Union member countries

RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Finland 75.1 9 Slovenia 57.5 17 Greece 50.1
2 Sweden 71.7 10 Germany 56.9 18 Italy 50.1
3 Austria 62.7 11 France 55.2 19 Spain 48.8
4 Latvia 60.4 12 Portugal 54.2 20 Czech Rep. 46.6
5 Ireland 59.2 13 Netherlands 53.7 21 Poland 45.0
6 Lithuania 58.9 14 Slovakia 52.8 22 Belgium 44.4
7 Denmark 58.2 15 Hungary 52.0
8 Estonia 58.2 16 United Kingdom 50.2

Table 8: NIS Countries – Russia and newly independent states that were former republics of the Soviet
RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI RANK Country ESI
1 Latvia 60.4 6 Belarus 52.8 11 Azerbaijan 45.4
2 Lithuania 58.9 7 Georgia 51.5 12 Ukraine 44.7
3 Estonia 58.2 8 Moldova 51.2 13 Tajikistan 38.6
4 Russia 56.1 9 Kazakhstan 48.6 14 Uzbekistan 34.4
5 Armenia 53.2 10 Kyrgyzstan 48.4 15 Turkmenistan 33.1

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Chapter 2 – Our Approach

Measuring Sustainability The ESI Framework

Sustainability is a characteristic of dynamic In seeking to provide a policy-relevant gauge
systems that maintain themselves over time; it of national environmental conditions and their
is not a fixed endpoint that can be defined. likely trajectory over the next several decades,
Environmental sustainability refers to the the ESI centers on the state of environmental
long-term maintenance of valued environ- systems, both natural and managed. It also
mental resources in an evolving human measures stresses on those systems, including
context. natural resource depletion and pollution rates,
because the magnitude of such stresses serve
The best way to define and measure sustain- as a useful indicator of the pressure on the
ability is contested. Economists often underlying systems. The ESI further measures
emphasize an accounting approach that impacts and responses and human vulnerabil-
focuses on the maintenance of capital stocks. ity to environmental change. In addition, the
Some in the environmental realm focus on ESI tracks a society’s capacity to cope with
natural resource depletion and whether the environmental stresses and each country’s
current rates of resource use can be sustained contribution to global stewardship.
into the distant future.
These five core components and the logic for
Our emphasis is broader, more policy- their inclusion in the ESI are laid out in Table
oriented, and shorter term. The Environ- 9.
mental Sustainability Index (ESI) provides a
gauge of a society’s natural resource endow- This basic model builds on a broad base of
ments and environmental history, pollution theory in the ecological sciences and environ-
stocks and flows, and resource extraction rates mental policy. The core components of the
as well as institutional mechanisms and ESI have a great deal of overlap with the
abilities to change future pollution and widely used Pressure-State-Response (PSR)
resource use trajectories. indicator model, and especially its more recent

Table 9: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Building Blocks – Components

Component Logic

A country is more likely to be environmentally sustainable to the extent that its

Environmental Systems vital environmental systems are maintained at healthy levels, and to the extent
to which levels are improving rather than deteriorating.
A country is more likely to be environmentally sustainable if the levels of an-
Reducing Environmental Stresses thropogenic stress are low enough to engender no demonstrable harm to its
environmental systems.
A country is more likely to be environmentally sustainable to the extent that
people and social systems are not vulnerable to environmental disturbances
Reducing Human Vulnerability
that affect basic human wellbeing; becoming less vulnerable is a sign that a
society is on a track to greater sustainability.
A country is more likely to be environmentally sustainable to the extent that it
Social and Institutional Capacity has in place institutions and underlying social patterns of skills, attitudes, and
networks that foster effective responses to environmental challenges.
A country is more likely to be environmentally sustainable if it cooperates with
other countries to manage common environmental problems, and if it reduces
Global Stewardship
negative transboundary environmental impacts on other countries to levels that
cause no serious harm.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Box 1: “Sustainability” in the Broader Sense

The ESI does not track sustainability in the overarching “triple bottom line” (economic-
environmental-social) sense that is now often used. Sustainability in this broader sense is the
dynamic condition of society that depends on more than the protection and management of envi-
ronmental resources and stresses as measured with the ESI. It is also necessary to have economic
sustainability, with wealth distributed so that extreme poverty is eliminated, capital accounts are in
balance, and investments in wealth-generating assets are at least equivalent to their depreciation.
In addition, no society can be considered sustainable without attention to the social dimension,
including effective governance, social justice, and respect for diverse cultural, ethical, and spiritual
needs. The ultimate sustainability of human society also depends on education, through which
knowledge, science, culture, values and the accumulated experience that we call civilization are
transmitted from one generation to the next. For a complete measure of sustainability, the ESI
needs to be coupled with equivalent economic and social sustainability indices to give an inte-
grated set of measures of the efforts of countries to move towards full sustainability. With such
measures, it will be easier to explore and understand the interactions between the economic,
social, and environmental dimensions of the human system.

Arthur Dahl
International Environment Forum

DPSIR variant that additionally breaks out Ideally, these indicators would include all
Driving Forces and Impacts1. The cumulative relevant aspects of functioning environmental
picture created by these five components does systems, be distinct in their cause-effect rela-
not in any authoritative way define tionships, permit aggregation, reflect the
sustainability, but instead represents a diversity of circumstances across political
comprehensive gauge of a country’s present jurisdictions (including disaggregated data for
environmental quality and capacity to large countries), be easily quantifiable, and be
maintain or enhance conditions in the years scale-neutral.
Due to significant data gaps and conceptual
Indicators and Variables
limitations (such as how to measure and
While we separate the ESI into five compo- attribute the vitality of the oceans on a
nents for analytic purposes, each of these national basis), the actual indicator set falls
components, in turn, encompasses between short of the ideal. For example, a number of
three and six “indicators” of environmental important issues including wetlands protec-
sustainability. We consider the 21 indicators tion, the quality of solid and hazardous waste
to be the fundamental building blocks of management, exposure to heavy metals and
environmental sustainability – and it is these toxics, and ecosystem functionality were
21 indicators that are aggregated to create the omitted because we lack adequate data to
ESI. measure them across a significant number of
countries. Other issues such as biodiversity
Each indicator builds on a logic developed by loss, private sector contributions to sustain-
a careful review of the science and the litera- ability, and progress towards more sustainable
ture in the environmental field, as well as fisheries, forestry, and agricultural manage-
thorough consultation with many experts from ment practices are covered only to the extent
across the environmental sciences, govern- available data permit. We discuss these data
ment, business, non-governmental groups, limitations and our vision of the “ideal” indi-
research centers, and the academic sector. cator set in Appendix G.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

ESI Score

The components
summarize the 5 components
indicator values in
5 thematic categories

The ESI is the equally

21 indicators
weighted average of
these 21 indicators

76 variables

Figure 1: Constructing the ESI Score

The ESI score represents an equally weighted Thus, although on an individual country basis,
average of the 21 indicator scores. Each indica- different prioritizations are likely to exist, on
tor builds on between 2 and 12 data sets for a average these differences in weighting are less
total of 76 underlying variables. Air quality, for pronounced. The details of this effort are
example, is a composite indicator that includes discussed in Appendix A.
variables tracking the concentration of nitrogen
oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulates. Given The sensitivity analysis in Chapter 4 furthermore
the diversity of national priorities and circum- shows that the choice of aggregation strategies
stances, there will never be full agreement on a (and the implicit weighting that
universally applicable set of weights for the results) does not matter for most countries. Ag-
aggregation of the 21 ESI indicators. Indeed, in gregating at the level of the five components
some countries, water issues will be most press- (which we do not do for the reason stated above)
ing; in others, air pollution may be the priority. substantially changes the ranks for only a few
Developed countries are likely to put more countries – particularly those with high levels of
emphasis on longer-term challenges such as pollution and high capacity as well as low envi-
climate change, waste treatment and disposal, ronmental vulnerability. Belgium and South
clean and sustainable energy supply, and the Korea, in particular, move up dramatically as
protection of biodiversity. Developing nations their institutional strengths are given much more
will stress more urgent and short-term issues weight under component-based aggregation.
such as access to drinking water and sanitation, To improve the policy utility of the ESI and to
environmental health problems, and indoor air respect the diversity of judgments about how to
pollution. weight the indicators, we plan to introduce an
We settled on uniform weighting of the 21 indi- interactive version of the ESI which will allow
cators because simple aggregation is transparent the user to adjust the indicator (or component)
and easy to understand. Moreover, when we weights however he or she wishes, and then to
asked leading experts from the governmental, calculate a new score.
business, and non-governmental sectors to rank By giving each variable within an indicator the
the indicators, none stood out as being of same weight and weighting each of the 21
substantially higher or lower importance than the indicators equally, we provide an imperfect but
others. Similarly, when we tried to use statistical clear starting point for analysis. Table 10 shows
methods (including principal component analy- in summary the nesting of variables within
sis) to identify appropriate weights, nearly equal indicators and indicators within components.
values were suggested across all 21 indicators.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 10: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Building Blocks – Indicators and Variables
Comp- Indicator Variable Variable
onent Number Indicator Number Code
1 NO2 Urban population weighted NO2 concentration

2 SO2 Urban population weighted SO2 concentration

1 Air Quality
3 TSP Urban population weighted TSP concentration

4 INDOOR Indoor air pollution from solid fuel use

5 ECORISK Percentage of country's territory in threatened ecoregions

Threatened bird species as percentage of known breeding bird
species in each country
Threatened mammal species as percentage of known mammal
Environmental Systems

2 Biodiversity 7 PRTMAM
species in each country
Threatened amphibian species as percentage of known
amphibian species in each country
9 NBI National Biodiversity Index
Percentage of total land area (including inland waters) having very
10 ANTH10
low anthropogenic impact
3 Land
Percentage of total land area (including inland waters) having very
11 ANTH40
high anthropogenic impact
12 WQ_DO Dissolved oxygen concentration

13 WQ_EC Electrical conductivity

4 Water Quality
14 WQ_PH Phosphorus concentration

15 WQ_SS Suspended solids

16 WATAVL Freshwater availability per capita

5 Water Quantity
17 GRDAVL Internal groundwater availability per capita

18 COALKM Coal consumption per populated land area

19 NOXKM Anthropogenic NOx emissions per populated land area

6 Reducing Air Pollution 20 SO2KM Anthropogenic SO2 emissions per populated land area

21 VOCKM Anthropogenic VOC emissions per populated land area

22 CARSKM Vehicles in use per populated land area

Reducing Ecosystem 23 FOREST Annual average forest cover change rate from 1990 to 2000
24 ACEXC Acidification exceedance from anthropogenic sulfur deposition
Reducing Environmental Stresses

Reducing Population 25 GR2050 Percentage change in projected population 2004-2050

26 TFR Total Fertility Rate

27 EFPC Ecological Footprint per capita

Reducing Waste &
9 28 RECYCLE Waste recycling rates
Consumption Pressures
29 HAZWST Generation of hazardous waste
Industrial organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions per available
31 FERTHA Fertilizer consumption per hectare of arable land
10 Reducing Water Stress
32 PESTHA Pesticide consumption per hectare of arable land

33 WATSTR Percentage of country under severe water stress

34 OVRFSH Productivity overfishing

Percentage of total forest area that is certified for sustainable
Natural Resource
11 36 WEFSUB World Economic Forum Survey on subsidies
37 IRRSAL Salinized area due to irrigation as percentage of total arable land

38 AGSUB Agricultural subsidies

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Comp- Indicator Variable Variable

onent Number Indicator Number Code
39 DISINT Death rate from intestinal infectious diseases
Reducing Human Vulnerability

12 Environmental Health 40 DISRES Child death rate from respiratory diseases

41 U5MORT Children under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births

42 UND_NO Percentage of undernourished in total population

Basic Human
Sustenance Percentage of population with access to improved drinking water
Reducing Environment- Average number of deaths per million inhabitants from floods,
14 Related Natural Disaster tropical cyclones, and droughts
Vulnerability 45 DISEXP Environmental Hazard Exposure Index

46 GASPR Ratio of gasoline price to world average

47 GRAFT Corruption measure

48 GOVEFF Government effectiveness

49 PRAREA Percentage of total land area under protected status

50 WEFGOV World Economic Forum Survey on environmental governance

51 LAW Rule of law

Governance 52 AGENDA21 Local Agenda 21 initiatives per million people

53 CIVLIB Civil and Political Liberties

Percentage of variables missing from the CGSDI “Rio to Joburg
Social and Institutional Capacity

55 IUCN IUCN member organizations per million population

Knowledge creation in environmental science, technology, and
57 POLITY Democracy measure

58 ENEFF Energy efficiency

16 Eco-Efficiency
Hydropower and renewable energy production as a percentage of
total energy consumption
60 DJSGI Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index (DJSGI)
Average Innovest EcoValue rating of firms headquartered in a
Private Sector Number of ISO 14001 certified companies per billion dollars GDP
17 62 ISO14
Responsiveness (PPP)
World Economic Forum Survey on private sector environmental
Participation in the Responsible Care Program of the Chemical
Manufacturer's Association
65 INNOV Innovation Index

66 DAI Digital Access Index

18 Science and Technology 67 PECR Female primary education completion rate

68 ENROL Gross tertiary enrollment rate

69 RESEARCH Number of researchers per million inhabitants

Number of memberships in environmental intergovernmental
Participation in
19 International Contribution to international and bilateral funding of environmental
Global Stewardship

Collaborative Efforts projects and development aid

72 PARTICIP Participation in international environmental agreements

Greenhouse Gas 73 CO2GDP Carbon emissions per million US dollars GDP

74 CO2PC Carbon emissions per capita

75 SO2EXP SO2 Exports

Reducing Transboundary
Environmental Pressures Import of polluting goods and raw materials as percentage of total
imports of goods and services

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Data Coverage require appropriate “denominators” to permit

comparisons across countries of different
We sought to include as many countries as we scales, including transformations to improve
could in the 2005 ESI. For a detailed discus- the imputation model and the symmetry of the
sion of the inclusion criteria for countries, see data. To avoid having extreme data points
Appendix A. Where countries were missing skew the results, we “trim the tails” of each
data points, we attempted to fill the gaps in a data set distribution and construct a
variety of ways. We sent out an initial data “z-score” for each variable that preserves the
matrix to the Environment Ministry and the relative position of each country for each
Statistical Office of every country that was variable while providing a neutral way to
close to meeting our data coverage threshold aggregate the variable into indicators. The
of 60% of the total variables, asking them to details of this methodology are provided in
check our numbers and to fill gaps or update Appendix A.
the data where possible. We accepted the data
provided when they could be verified. A full
discussion of this “country data review” is Comparing the ESI to Other
provided in Appendix A. Indicator Efforts
Ultimately, any country with fewer than Despite the urgent need for indicators that
45 reported variables out of 76 was allow tracking of environmental performance
excluded from the analysis. We also excluded on a national basis, data on pollution control
countries that did not meet baseline thresholds and natural resource management remain
for land area and population because these spotty at best. A number of UN agencies and
small countries cannot be compared to others other international bodies collect data, but
in the ESI. We discuss the complexity of much of the information is lacking harmo-
including small countries and report the data nized methodologies, timeliness, and rigorous
for these countries in Appendix E. quality assurance and quality control proto-
A total of 146 countries met the criteria for cols. Further investments in environmental
inclusion in the 2005 ESI. For these countries, data and the production of indicators must be
we then used Markov Chain Monte Carlo made a point of focus for both national and
simulation to impute values for the missing global decisionmakers. Getting the appropriate
variables where a logic for imputation existed. analytic and empirical underpinnings for good
decisionmaking is essential to successful
Not only do data gaps mean that some impor- policymaking.
tant issues cannot be incorporated into the
ESI, but many of the data sets that we do use In recent years, important indicator develop-
are patchy, incomplete, haphazardly con- ment work has been done on the local and
structed, or otherwise deficient in some regional scales by groups such as the Interna-
respect. In order to highlight where improved tional Institute for Sustainable Development,
data is needed, we have undertaken to “grade” which produced the IISD Compendium of
the 76 variables that are in the 2005 ESI on Global Indicator Initiatives (IISD 2004).
eight parameters. The results of this grading Others have worked at the global scale,
exercise are reported in Appendix A. including the OECD, those working on the
“Dashboard of Sustainability” (ESL 2004),
and Robert Prescott Allen’s work on the Well-
Data Transformation being of Nations (Prescott-Allen 2001).
However there are relatively few comprehen-
To calculate the ESI scores for each country sive environmental indicator sets that permit
and to facilitate the aggregation of variables cross-national comparisons in support of
into indicators, the raw data were transformed sound policymaking.
in a variety of ways. A number of variables

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

For a variety of reasons, intergovernmental them to the ESI. A more technically complete
organizations have been unable or unwilling to discussion, including statistical comparisons,
produce such indicators, leaving an important can be found in Appendix F.
void in the international policy realm. The
closest the international community came in Robert Prescott-Allen’s Wellbeing of Nations
recent years was when the UN Commission on (IUCN 2001) has much in common with the
Sustainable Development adopted a work ESI. It combines measures of environmental
program on indicators that produced standard and human wellbeing, using a series of
methodologies for extensive sets of indicators thematic indicators, which are aggregated in
(UN CSD 1996; UN CSD 2001). The pro- an overall indicator of environmental wellbe-
gram aimed to help governments measure ing and human wellbeing, which in turn can be
their own sustainability at the national level averaged to produce an overall indicator. It
with sets of indicators they could adapt to their quantifies levels of sustainability in a broad
own requirements rather than a universal set of range of environmental areas, including water,
global indicators. But even here the CSD air, biodiversity, and landscape. The
chose neither to endorse any single set of indi- Wellbeing Index combines environmental
cators nor to produce comparable cross- outcomes with human outcomes and relies on
national indicators. relative rankings to generate aggregated quan-
titative indicators (although performance on
Although UN agencies and other international individual indicators is measured against abso-
bodies routinely produce global indicators lute benchmarks). Unlike the ESI, the
permitting cross-national comparisons on Wellbeing of Nations does not include meas-
economics, health, security issues, human ures of social capacity and it is not updated.
rights, and other high priority issues of global The Wellbeing Index has also been criticized
concern, efforts focused on the environment for its lack of transparency in the determina-
remain underfunded and understaffed. tion of the underlying weighting scheme.
Instead, international agencies produce vol- While the ESI is also based on a weighted
umes of more broadly dispersed data on the aggregation, its choice and justification of the
environment. The information collected is weights is straightforward and transparent.
often not methodologically consistent from
country to country. This non-comparability The Consultative Group on Sustainable
hinders usefulness from a policy perspective. Development Indicators (CGSDI) has pro-
duced a set of indicators spanning economic,
In the absence of effective environmental sus- environmental, and social development objec-
tainability indicators, it is impossible for tives, in a framework designed to be consistent
environmental decisionmaking to undergo the with the UN Commission on Sustainable
virtuous circle of diagnosis, target-setting, Development Indicator Initiative. The CGSDI
implementation, and evaluation that is possi- collection covers a wider range of outcomes
ble in other realms. Instead, environmental than the ESI, because its focus is sustainable
decisionmaking suffers from drift, with no development broadly defined, as opposed to
clear expression of priorities, no coherent environmental sustainability. It does not ex-
policy targets, and no ability to evaluate plicitly publish an aggregated overall index of
performance against objective criteria (Levy sustainable development, although such an
and Meier 2004). index is straightforward to calculate with the
data produced. The CGSDI indicators, in spite
Apart from the Ecological Footprint, when the of their explicit connection to the UN process,
ESI was first produced in 2000, there were no is weakly institutionalized, with no clear ongo-
other cross-national environmental perform- ing mechanism for data collection, evaluation,
ance indices or rankings available. Since that aggregation, analysis and dissemination.
time, a number of global-scale aggregate indi-
cator efforts have emerged. We highlight The Ecological Footprint, developed by
below some of these other efforts and compare Mathis Wackernagel and his colleagues,

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

measures the degree to which a given country our goal of minimizing these errors, the ESI
is living within its ecological means. It aggre- must be understood as an emergent product,
gates the consumption of natural resources prone to some imprecision where these data
within a country in terms of the land area that difficulties persist.
is estimated to require the support of such
consumption. This land area is then divided We aimed for the highest possible quality of
by the actual land area of the country – coun- both the 2005 ESI data and the Index con-
tries whose footprints are larger than their struction methodology by engaging in
actual area are said to be consuming beyond a extensive peer- and country-reviews. The
sustainable level. The Ecological Footprint many responses received to our country “data
has an intuitive appeal insofar as natural review” requests are a testimony to the
resource depletion is a central element of sus- recognition of many environmental officials of
tainability. It differs from the ESI in that it the importance of accurate, current, and
focuses on a single dynamic rather than a informative environmental data and indicators.
broader measure of environmental conditions. Dozens of experts helped to update, refine,
The ESI includes resource consumption and and critique the 2005 ESI. They contributed
uses the Ecological Footprint as a variable individually and collectively to ensuring that
because of its obvious relevance to the 2005 ESI stands at the forefront of
sustainability. But the ESI also tracks many currently available environmental indices and
other aspects of environmental stewardship, indicator projects.
particularly those associated with pollution We recognize that several methodological
and environmental public health. issues, including issue/indicator selection and
the equal weighting of our 21 indicators, are
open to dispute. We have continuously
Uncertainties and Conclusions reviewed and improved the ESI methodology
– and we expect to continue to do so as more
The validity, interpretability, and explanatory
data become available and statistical
power of the Environmental Sustainability
techniques are refined. As noted above, our
Index depend on the quality and completeness
vision of what an ideal ESI ought to include –
of the input data. Without sufficient data
if the data were available – can be found in
coverage at the national or sub-national scale,
Appendix G.
we would be unable to build the data matrix
which underlies the Index, and we would have Although the ESI as it stands is partial and
to rely more extensively on modeling tech- constrained by data limitations, we see enor-
niques to fill the matrix gaps. mous value in having a comparative tool that
helps to identify the leaders and laggards with
Data quality is also instrumental for the calcu-
regard to a broad range of environmental
lation of the indicators and Index. We are
issues. It is in the spirit of providing a starting
aware that there are many sources of uncer-
point for data-driven and empirically grounded
tainty including measurement error, systematic
policymaking that the Environmental Sustain-
and human error as well missing data. Despite
ability Index is put forward.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Box 2: Can Environmental Sustainability Be Measured?

Although we acknowledge that “measuring” environmental sustainability is challenging, there are
some common misconceptions about how difficult it is. We address these misunderstandings

Argument: the concept is too abstract. It is true that environmental sustainability is an

abstract concept, however it does not follow that it cannot be measured with concrete indicators.
“Health” is an equally abstract concept, yet the World Health Organization has made great
progress constructing useful cross-national indicators of aggregated health outcomes. “Poverty” is
very abstract as well, but a number of useful indicators have been produced to permit target
setting and evaluation. Many other examples can be cited in which abstractness is not an obstacle
to measurement, for example, in the cases of corruption, democracy, or human rights. There is no
reason to suspect that the environment is any different from other abstract concepts.

Argument: the concept is too multi-faceted. Some argue the measures proposed as
constituents of environmental sustainability are causally connected in multiple ways, diminishing
their ability to serve as indicators. It is true that the many indicators proposed in the ESI are
connected through complicated pathways of causality. Levels of environmental pollution, for
example, can diminish the state of environmental systems, and also affect people and organisms
adversely, while social and institutional capacity can intervene either in directly altering any of
these phenomena or in changing the nature of the causal connections among them. We agree
that this reality makes indicator creation challenging. However, complex causal structures are not
a reason for inaction; in fact, we argue that indicators can help make it possible to resolve
disputes on causality by strengthening the empirical nature of policy debates.

Argument: the term “environment” covers too wide a range of issues. Environmental
sustainability encompasses a wide range of issues from pollution to natural resource management
challenges and institutional capacity. It requires attention to the past, the present, and the future.
Underlying natural resource endowments and past pollution as well as resource consumption
define the environmental starting point for any society. Current pollution flows and resource use
clearly are important determinants of sustainability. And the ability to change trajectories –
including the societal and institutional capacity to fix problems and improve results over time – is
also a key driver of sustainability. In response, the issues reflected in the ESI do range widely. But
this fact does not invalidate the ESI. To the contrary, the diversity of issues embedded in the con-
cept of environmental sustainability makes the need for a broad-gauge ESI more clear.

Argument: there is no common unit of measurement. We agree that the availability of a

common unit of measurement, in terms of monetary value, land area, population, or risk, would
greatly facilitate the definition of environmental sustainability. However, the multi-dimensional
framework of the ESI cannot readily be reduced to a common scale. Transforming the ESI’s 21
indicators and underlying 76 variables to a common measurement metric would imply large-scale
assumptions and generalizations that would bias the results and mask much of the analytic
fraction of the index. Instead, making variables comparable on a cross-national level using GDP,
people, or populated land area as denominators allows the aggregation of information that
originally had different units of measurement and is the best option with the variety of the data
included in the ESI.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

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2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Chapter 3 – Main Findings

ESI Scores and Ranks While it is clearly possible to identify leaders

and laggards and to pose hypotheses on the
The ESI ranking provides a relative gauge of reasons for their positions at the high and low
environmental stewardship in 146 countries. ends of the rankings, it is more difficult to
The Nordic countries, Uruguay, and Canada analyze the middle ranks. In part, the volatil-
occupy the top ranks and have consistently ity of the mid-ranking countries is a normal
done so in previous ESI rankings (ESI 2001; statistical result. Since the majority of
ESI 2002). Other than Uruguay, these nations countries have ESI scores located closely
are highly developed countries endowed with around the center of the ESI distribution, small
natural resources, strong economies, and low movements result in larger changes in ranks
population densities. As industrialized compared to countries in the top and bottom
countries, they have substantial pollution positions.
stresses, but generally manage their environ-
mental challenges well. Uruguay stands in the Countries at various stages of economic de-
top tier for a slightly different reason. It is not velopment, human development status, and
very industrialized and thus faces relatively geographical size and location have ESI
low environmental stresses. It does, however values in the mid-range of 40 to 60. This fact
have some economic strengths and reasonably seems to indicate that environmental sustain-
good political and social institutions and ability challenges come in multiple forms and
capacity. So while it does not score very high combinations. The diversity of underlying
on any aspect of the ESI, it has no real weak- institutions – including economic systems,
nesses and thus lands in the top quintile across legal regimes, and regulatory systems – adds
all the components. to the complexity of the picture.

At the bottom of the table, North Korea, While definitive statements are hard to make
Taiwan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, and using the existing data, it does not appear that
Haiti are all countries with serious environ- any country has yet achieved sustainability.
mental stresses, poor policy responses, and Nevertheless, the ESI can be useful in the
(with the exception of Taiwan) limited institu- search for role models and best practices.
tional capacity. Among the next lowest five Lagging countries might look to the leaders, as
countries are both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. shown in the relevant peer group charts, and
Their presence at the bottom of the rankings, adopt the policy instruments, technologies,
along with relatively rich Taiwan, suggests and approaches of these leading-edge nations.
that a country’s level of economic develop- Because the ESI is an aggregate index, the
ment does not exclusively determine its search for policy models is best conducted at
environmental performance. Most of the coun- the indicator or variable level rather than at the
tries near the bottom of the rankings, however, level of components or total ESI score. For
suffer from the challenges of poverty and example, if the United States wanted to
weak governance. It appears that poor improve its environmental performance (and
environmental planning and limited invest- its ESI score), it should focus on its lagging
ment in environmental protection and indicators, such as its high levels of waste and
infrastructure as compared to the leading greenhouse gas emissions.
countries translate into markedly lower results
(Esty, Levy et al. 2003).

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 11: 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index – Scores and Rankings (alphabetical order)
Non- Non- Non-
Country Name OECD Country Name OECD Country Name OECD
Rank Score Rank Rank Score Rank Rank Score Rank
Rank Rank Rank
24 Albania 58.8 14 67 Greece 50.1 21 2 Norway 73.4 2
96 Algeria 46.0 70 116 Guatemala 44.0 88 83 Oman 47.9 60
123 Angola 42.9 94 81 Guinea 48.1 58 35 P. N. Guinea 55.2 22
9 Argentina 62.7 3 77 Guinea-Bissau 48.6 54 131 Pakistan 39.9 102
44 Armenia 53.2 28 8 Guyana 62.9 2 28 Panama 57.7 17
13 Australia 61.0 8 141 Haiti 34.8 112 17 Paraguay 59.7 8
10 Austria 62.7 7 87 Honduras 47.4 64 16 Peru 60.4 7
99 Azerbaijan 45.4 73 54 Hungary 52.0 19 125 Philippines 42.3 97
114 Bangladesh 44.1 86 5 Iceland 70.8 4 102 Poland 45.0 27
47 Belarus 52.8 30 101 India 45.2 75 37 Portugal 54.2 15
112 Belgium 44.4 28 75 Indonesia 48.8 53 94 Romania 46.2 69
86 Benin 47.5 63 132 Iran 39.8 103 33 Russia 56.1 20
43 Bhutan 53.5 27 143 Iraq 33.6 114 106 Rwanda 44.8 79
20 Bolivia 59.5 11 21 Ireland 59.2 10 136 Saudi Arabia 37.8 107
61 Bosnia & Herze. 51.0 42 62 Israel 50.9 43 59 Senegal 51.1 40
34 Botswana 55.9 21 69 Italy 50.1 22 89 Serbia & Mont. 47.3 66
11 Brazil 62.2 4 109 Jamaica 44.7 82 120 Sierra Leone 43.4 92
70 Bulgaria 50.0 48 30 Japan 57.3 12 48 Slovakia 52.8 18
97 Burkina Faso 45.7 71 84 Jordan 47.8 61 29 Slovenia 57.5 18
130 Burundi 40.0 101 78 Kazakhstan 48.6 55 93 South Africa 46.2 68
68 Cambodia 50.1 47 100 Kenya 45.3 74 122 South Korea 43.0 29
50 Cameroon 52.5 32 138 Kuwait 36.6 109 76 Spain 48.8 23
6 Canada 64.4 5 80 Kyrgyzstan 48.4 57 79 Sri Lanka 48.5 56
25 Central Afr. Rep. 58.7 15 52 Laos 52.4 34 140 Sudan 35.9 111
104 Chad 45.0 77 15 Latvia 60.4 6 4 Sweden 71.7 3
42 Chile 53.6 26 129 Lebanon 40.5 100 7 Switzerland 63.7 6
133 China 38.6 104 121 Liberia 43.4 93 117 Syria 43.8 89
23 Colombia 58.9 13 126 Libya 42.3 96 145 Taiwan 32.7 116
39 Congo 53.8 24 22 Lithuania 58.9 12 134 Tajikistan 38.6 105
18 Costa Rica 59.6 9 90 Macedonia 47.2 67 63 Tanzania 50.3 44
88 Côte d'Ivoire 47.3 65 64 Madagascar 50.2 45 73 Thailand 49.7 51
19 Croatia 59.5 10 74 Malawi 49.3 52 111 Togo 44.5 84
53 Cuba 52.3 35 38 Malaysia 54.0 23 139 Trinidad & Tob. 36.3 110
92 Czech Rep. 46.6 25 41 Mali 53.7 25 55 Tunisia 51.8 36
113 Dem. Rep. Congo 44.1 85 124 Mauritania 42.6 95 91 Turkey 46.6 24
26 Denmark 58.2 11 95 Mexico 46.2 26 144 Turkmenistan 33.1 115
119 Dominican Rep. 43.7 91 58 Moldova 51.2 39 57 Uganda 51.3 38
51 Ecuador 52.4 33 71 Mongolia 50.0 49 108 Ukraine 44.7 81
115 Egypt 44.0 87 105 Morocco 44.8 78 110 United Arab Em. 44.6 83
118 El Salvador 43.8 90 107 Mozambique 44.8 80 65 United Kingdom 50.2 20
27 Estonia 58.2 16 46 Myanmar 52.8 29 45 United States 52.9 17
135 Ethiopia 37.9 106 32 Namibia 56.7 19 3 Uruguay 71.8 1
1 Finland 75.1 1 85 Nepal 47.7 62 142 Uzbekistan 34.4 113
36 France 55.2 14 40 Netherlands 53.7 16 82 Venezuela 48.1 59
12 Gabon 61.7 5 14 New Zealand 60.9 9 127 Viet Nam 42.3 98
72 Gambia 50.0 50 66 Nicaragua 50.2 46 137 Yemen 37.3 108
56 Georgia 51.5 37 103 Niger 45.0 76 60 Zambia 51.1 41
31 Germany 56.9 13 98 Nigeria 45.4 72 128 Zimbabwe 41.2 99
49 Ghana 52.8 31 146 North Korea 29.2 117

Note: The 2005 ESI scores are not directly comparable to the 2002 ESI Scores. See Appendix A for details on the methodology.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Box 3: How to Interpret an ESI Score

The ESI score quantifies the likelihood that a country will be able to preserve valuable environ-
mental resources effectively over the period of several decades. Put another way, it evaluates a
country’s potential to avoid major environmental deterioration. The top-ranked country, Finland,
has high scores across all the ESI’s five components. Because it is doing relatively well across such
a broad range of environmental sustainability dynamics, we expect it to be more likely to provide
its citizens with high levels of environmental quality and services into the foreseeable future. The
bottom-ranked country, North Korea, scores low in many dimensions, but not in all. It is the weak
performance in a large number of indicators that generates the low overall score, which supports a
conclusion that North Korea’s medium-term environmental prospects are not good.

Because the different dimensions of environmental sustainability do not always correlate with one
another, the ESI score taken by itself does not identify the relative contribution of the different
indicators to the overall assessment of a country’s medium-term prospects, nor what particular
types of challenges are most likely to pose acute problems. Although North Korea has the lowest
ESI score, for example, its Environmental Stress score is closer to the world median. The United
States, by contrast, has a far higher ESI score (45th) than North Korea, but has a worse
Environmental Stress score. Therefore, although we would conclude that the United States is
more likely to be able to preserve its valuable environmental resources effectively than North
Korea, it is probably more likely to encounter problems that stem from high levels of pollution or
high rates of conversion of natural land. In some areas the U.S. has extremely poor scores
(greenhouse gas emissions are a notable example). However, these are balanced by above
average scores in many others areas, especially preservation of wilderness and investment in ca-

Gabon is the highest-ranked country in Africa, which means that our analysis concludes that it is
the African country least likely to experience major environmental deterioration in the short and
medium-term future. It does not mean that Gabon is without problems. Contributing significantly
to its high ESI score are its very high ranks on a number of natural resource measures, which
account for it having the third highest overall score for environmental systems. As a developing
country it has below-average scores on capacity, and this fact is likely to pose significant
challenges to the country as it faces the future. Its ability to move forward effectively, though, is
enhanced by its relatively good scores on human vulnerability and global stewardship.

Several countries in Latin America are in the top 20, including Uruguay which is ranked 3rd overall.
This outcome reflects a few facets of these countries’ development paths. Although some South
American countries have acquired negative reputations for abuses of natural resources, such as
the rapid Amazonian deforestation in the 1980s, for the most part the region remains rich in
wilderness and managed natural resources. In some cases, policy innovation has contributed to
dramatic improvements in controlling resource losses, such as the programs to combat illegal
logging in Brazil. In addition, many of these countries have a large share of their economies
devoted to agriculture, as opposed to heavy industry, which shifts the pollution to non-point
sources for which data sources are not readily available. Their prominence in the top-20 list of ESI
scores is also a function of the fact that they are more wealthy than most of Africa, and therefore
can invest in significant capacity and vulnerability reduction; that they are less industrialized than
North America, Europe, and much of Asia; and that they have retained greater wilderness than
most world regions. While these facts do not guarantee that these countries will avoid
environmental problems, they do suggest that their overall likelihood of major problems is lower
than elsewhere.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Developed v. Developing Country social and institutional capacity, and poorer

Environmental Sustainability countries tend to score higher in reducing
environmental stresses and environmental
While environmental sustainability is complex systems. The global stewardship component has
and hard to define, the ESI suggests that no clear relationship to income.
sustainability has multiple dimensions – and
An individual country’s performance is,
distinct challenges for developed versus
therefore, best understood by looking not only
developing countries. Developed countries
at its overall ESI score or ranking but by
must find ways to manage the environmental
examining its results with respect to the 21
stresses of industrialization and consumption
key indicators of environmental sustainability.
of natural resources, particularly those that are
Because the 21 indicators span many distinct
non-renewable. Developing countries face the
dimensions of environmental sustainability, it
risk of depleting renewable resources such as
is possible for countries to have similar ESI
water and forests as well as the challenges of
scores but very different environmental
funding investments in environmental protec-
profiles. The component-based bar chart in
tion and creating functioning institutions that
Table 1 highlights in summary form these
permit economic growth and support
differences. The “cluster analysis” discussed
appropriate regulation.
below further illuminates the range of sustain-
While the core environmental challenges vary ability challenges. Take, for example, the
across countries, the ESI facilitates the process difference between Spain and Indonesia in
of finding relevant peer groups and bench- Figure 2.
marking performance. Because of the range
The analysis of the relative performance of
and complexity of issues that fall under the
countries with similar ESI scores but different
environmental rubric, policymaking needs to
indicators profiles helps to illuminate the
be made more data-driven and empirical. The
range that exists across the most pressing
ESI supports this goal.
environmental challenges countries face. The
As in previous ESI rankings, no country analysis of the differences and similarities
(except Uruguay) scored in the top quintile among countries within the same peer group
in all five components. This fact suggests that offers insights into the relative efficacy of
countries tend to experience sustainability as a their environmental policies – such as air
multidimensional challenge where each pollution controls, biodiversity initiatives, and
country has strengths and weaknesses and a innovation in science and technology.
unique profile (see Appendix B for the
Spain, with an ESI score of 48.8 must deal
complete set of country profiles). Every coun-
with burdened ecological systems and quite
try thus has something to learn from its peers
high levels of environmental stress, as the
and multiple areas for environmental im-
“spider” graph on the next page suggests. Like
other developed countries, Spain has reasonably
strong capacity to handle the harms it faces.
Relationship to Economic Indonesia, on the other hand, has a similar ESI
score of 48.8, but faces a very different set of
Development challenges. It has stronger underlying systems
Economic conditions affect environmental and less present stress in several regards, but
outcomes, but a country’s level of develop- much less developed institutional capacity to
ment is by no means the only driver of its manage the challenges it must address, includ-
performance and ESI score. Richer countries ing severe water quality issues.
tend to score high in human vulnerability and

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

SYS_AIR: Air Quality

SYS_BIO: Biodiversity
SYS_WQL: Water Quality
SYS_AIR SYS_WQN: Water Quantity
GLO_GHG SYS_LAN STR AIR: Reducing Air Pollution
STR_ECO: Reducing Ecosystem Stress
GLO_COL SYS_WQL STR_POP: Reducing Population Pressure
STR_WAS: Reducing Waste & Consumption
CAP_ST SYS_WQN STR_WAT: Reducing Water Stress
STR_NRM: Natural Resource Management

CAP_PRI STR_AIR VUL_HEA: Environmental Health

VUL_SUS: Basic Human Sustenance
VUL_DIS: Reducing Environment-Related
CAP_EFF STR_ECO Natural Disaster Vulnerability

CAP_GOV: Environmental Governance

CAP_PRI: Private Sector Responsiveness
VUL_DIS STR_WAS CAP_ST: Science and Technology
VUL_SUS STR_WAT GLO_COL: Participation in International
Collaborative Efforts
GLO_GHG: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GLO_TBP: Reducing Transboundary
Spain Indonesia Environmental Pressures

Figure 2: Comparison of Indicator Scores for Spain and Indonesia

Note: the greater the distance from the center, the better the indicator result

At every level of development, there exists a quality. More recently, it has been suggested
large range of ESI scores. This fact suggests that increased wealth is a prerequisite for envi-
that countries in similar circumstances have ronmental improvements (Grossman and
available a variety of environmental management Krueger 1995). Several empirical studies have
strategies, some of which are much more likewise shown that wealth is an important
effective than others. Whatever a country’s factor in explaining environmental policy
development status, the ESI offers a useful results, but not alone determinative of envi-
tool for isolating appropriate policy interven- ronmental policy (Esty and Porter 2005). The
tions and environmental approaches. low rankings of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the
United Arab Emirates suggest that there is no
necessary connection between income and
Relationship between environmental success. Similarly, some developing
Environmental & Economic countries, such as Costa Rica, place significant
Performance emphasis on the protection of their environmental
assets. They have, as a result, environmental
Traditional economic theory posits a tradeoff outcomes that are far better than would be
between economic progress and environmental predicted by their level of development.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

ARG: Argentina
FIN AUS: Australia
BEL: Belgium
ISL BRA: Brazil
70 CAF: Central Afr. Rep
CHE: Switzerland
DNK: Denmark
CHE FIN: Finland
GUY ARG GBR: United Kingdom
60 CAF IRL HUN: Hungary
SV N IRL: Ireland
P NG IRN: Iran
PRT ISL: Iceland
NL D USA KOR: South Korea
GBR NLD: Netherlands
50 NOR: Norway
NZL: New Zealand
PNG: P. N. Guinea
BEL PRT: Portugal
K OR SWE: Sweden
SVN: Slovenia
40 TKM: Turkmenistan
TTO: Trinidad & Tobago
TWN: Taiwan
UZB URY: Uruguay
TKM TWN USA: United States
UZB: Uzbekistan
30 Not Labeled: 107 countries

0 10000 20000 30000 40000

GDP(PPP) per capita
Figure 3: Regression of 2005 ESI on GDP (PPP) Per Capita

ESI versus Per Capita Gross Domestic sub-par performance given their level of
Product (GDP) wealth.

In statistical terms, about 23% of the variance Likewise, Trinidad and Tobago falls below
in the ESI is accounted for by per capita GDP. Argentina and Brazil among medium-income
This result suggests that richer countries can – level countries. And Tajikistan and Uzbeki-
and do – invest in pollution control and other stan lag behind Guyana among low-income
environmental amenities. Examining Figure 3 countries.
above, which provides the regression results of
If we examine the ESI’s components, we can
the ESI on GDP per capita, helps to illuminate
get a more precise picture of the relationship
the relationship between wealth and environ-
to per capita income. The highest positive
mental results.
correlations are between GDP per capita and
As indicated by their position above the the ESI’s Human Vulnerability and Social and
regression line, the Nordic countries have high Institutional Capacity Components. The
GDP per capita but even higher ESI scores correlation is negative for environmental
than their wealth might forecast. The United stresses, meaning that high-income countries
Kingdom, Belgium, and the United States fall put significantly more stress on their environ-
well below the regression line – indicating ments than low-income ones.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

NOR ARE: United Arab Em.
URY SWE ARG: Argentina
ISL BOL: Bolivia
70 BRA: Brazil
BWA: Botswana
CAN CAN: Canada
CHE CHE: Switzerland
CHN: China
PRY DEU: Germany
60 LTU
BOL FIN: Finland
B WA GMB: Gabon
ISL: Iceland
KOR: South Korea
GMB LTU: Lithuania
50 NOR: Norway
NZL: New Zealand
TCD ARE PAK: Pakistan
K OR SWE: Sweden
PRY: Paraguay
40 CHN
ETH TTO TTO: Trinidad & Tobago
TWN: Taiwan
URY: Uruguay
TWN USA: United States
Not Labeled: 74 countries

2 3 4 5 6
2004-2005 Growth Competitiveness Index
Figure 4: Regression of 2005 ESI on 2004-2005 Growth Competitiveness Index

ESI versus Growth Competitiveness As with wealth, countries with the same
Index Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) value
often perform very differently in the
Classic economic theory suggests that a environmental sphere. These results suggest
commitment to high levels of environmental that some countries handle environmental
performance might well negatively affect challenges without seeming to harm their
competitiveness. Michael Porter (Porter 1991) competitiveness.
and others (Porter and C. van der Linde 1995)
have suggested, however, that this presump- Finland and the United States have similar
tion might be wrong under dynamic GCI scores, but Finland has a much higher
conditions. Regressing the ESI on the World ESI score. Similarly, Sweden, Iceland, and
Economic Forum’s Growth Competitiveness Norway are well above the regression line,
Index scores provides a starting point for while China, Trinidad and Tobago, and South
testing these competing hypotheses. Korea fall far below the line. To better under-
stand these relationships, it may be useful to
The Competitiveness Index explains approxi- look at the correlations not just with the ESI as
mately 19% of the variation in the ESI. As a whole but with the core components and
Figure 4 shows, competitiveness correlates underlying indicators. Table 12 below
positively with environmental sustainability. provides, in summary form, the most signifi-
We cannot say whether this correlation cant relationships. These results suggest that
implies any statistically significant causal economic strength is a critical factor in
relationship. The cautious conclusion is that a addressing environmental challenges.
commitment to sustainability is compatible
with national economic competitiveness.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 12: ESI Components and Indicators with Statistically Significant Correlation to GDP and the
Growth Competitiveness Index
2004 GCI Significance GDP/cap Significance
2005 Environmental Sustainability Index 0.45 *** 0.48 ***
SYSTEM Environmental Systems 0.05 0.11
STRESS Reducing Environmental Stresses -0.63 *** -0.60 ***
VULNER Reducing Human Vulnerability 0.69 *** 0.54 ***
CAP Social and Institutional Capacity 0.85 *** 0.82 ***
GLOBAL Global Stewardship -0.04 0.14
Indicator .
SYS_AIR Air Quality 0.48 *** 0.45 ***
SYS_BIO Biodiversity -0.22 * -0.16
SYS_LAN Land -0.32 *** -0.35 ***
SYS_WQL Water Quality 0.42 *** 0.52 ***
SYS_WQN Water Quantity -0.08 0.01
STR_AIR Reducing Air Pollution -0.73 *** -0.63 ***
STR_ECO Reducing Ecosystem Stresses -0.07 -0.22 *
STR_POP Reducing Population Growth 0.59 *** 0.43 ***
STR_WAS Reducing Waste & Consumption Pressures -0.47 *** -0.28 ***
STR_WAT Reducing Water Stress -0.54 *** -0.39 ***
STR_NRM Natural Resource Management -0.60 *** -0.57 ***
VUL_HEA Environmental Health 0.67 *** 0.53 ***
VUL_SUS Basic Human Sustenance 0.73 *** 0.55 ***
VUL_DIS Reducing Environment-Related Natural Disaster Vulnerability 0.26 *** 0.20
CAP_GOV Environmental Governance 0.80 *** 0.78 ***
CAP_EFF Eco-Efficiency -0.23 * -0.08
CAP_PRI Private Sector Responsiveness 0.83 *** 0.76 ***
CAP_ST Science & Technology 0.87 *** 0.83 ***
GLO_COL Participation in International Collaborative Efforts 0.87 *** 0.83 ***
GLO_GHG Greenhouse Gas Emissions 0.43 *** 0.49 ***
GLO_TBP Reducing Transboundary Environmental Pressures -0.27 *** -0.03
* statistically significant at 0.05 level ** statistically significant at 0.01 level *** statistically significant at <0.01 level

Central Role of Governance – facilitated by fair elections, free speech, en-

gaged press, active NGOs, vibrant legislatures,
In recent years, a growing emphasis has been etc. – are more likely to focus on environ-
placed on “governance” as a critical underpin- mental challenges. The second highest
ning of policy success generally and correlation is with survey data on environ-
environmental progress more specifically. mental governance. This result suggests that
The ESI provides some support for the focus countries that pay attention to environmental
on governance. In fact, if one looks at the policy and regulate effectively are more
correlations between the ESI and the 76 likely to produce successful environmental
underlying variables, the strongest bivariate outcomes. The third, fourth, and fifth highest
correlations all include elements related to correlations are similar variables, including
governance as Table 13 on the next page World Bank gauges of governmental effec-
shows. tiveness and rule of law as well as a University
of Maryland measure of the democratic char-
The highest bivariate correlation is with civil
acter of political institutions.
and political liberties, suggesting that coun-
tries where robust political debate takes place

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 13: Variables with Statistically Significant Correlation to the ESI

Variable Code Variable with Statistically Significant Correlation with ESI Significance

CIVLIB Civil and Political Liberties 0.59 ***

WEFGOV World Economic Forum Survey on environmental governance 0.54 ***

GOVEFF Government effectiveness 0.51 ***

POLITY Democratic institutions 0.50 ***

LAW Rule of law 0.50 ***

PARTICIP Participation in international environmental agreements 0.49 ***

*** statistically significant at <0.01 level

The variable tracking participation in interna- great deal about how their countries stack up
tional environmental agreements is the sixth against those who they consider to be similarly
most highly correlated with the ESI, suggest- situated. When the Norwegian prime minister
ing a relationship between engagement in met with the ESI team, he was not satisfied
global governance and environmental policy with Norway’s second place rank in the 2002
success. While none of these correlations ESI. Instead, he wanted to discuss was what
necessarily imply a causal connection, the his country would need to do to overtake
coincidence of strong governance with high Finland for first place.
ESI scores is striking.
As noted in Chapter 1, one way to identify
peer countries is through existing political
Finding Peer Countries – Cluster institutions such as the European Union or
Analysis ASEAN. But another way to identify relevant
points of comparison is through statistical
As noted earlier, one of the most valuable uses means. We therefore conducted a cluster
of the ESI is as a mechanism for comparative analysis, which identifies statistically related
policy analysis. In the quest for improved groups of countries based on the similarity of
performance, it is very helpful to identify indicator scores. While we can force the
appropriate peer countries against whom one statistical tools to generate any number of
can benchmark environmental outcomes and clusters, we find that the seven groupings
policies. In addition, those at the leading edge identified in Table 14 on the next page
of the peer group might also be looked to for represent a particularly interesting set of peer
best practices in the policy or technology groups. We see these clusters as having
domains. observable similarities and thus representing a
useful point of departure for policy compari-
Not only do peer countries provide a relevant sons.
context for judging one’s own performance
and perhaps a source of policy guidance, but The fact that the clusters include many
the compilation of rankings within a peer geographically connected countries, suggest-
group also spurs competition. One of the most ing that they have similar underlying
powerful lessons of the earlier versions of the environmental characteristics, provides a logic
ESI is that national political leaders care a for regional benchmarking.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 14: Cluster Analysis Results

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7
Low system & Moderate system Above average Moderate system, Above average Moderate Low system
stress scores; & stress scores; system score; stress, & capacity system score, system, stress, score; moderate
low vulnerability high vulnerability low vulnerability; scores; low moderate stress, & vulnerability stress,
& high capacity; & low capacity; high capacity; vulnerability & vulnerability, scores; low vulnerability,
moderate above average moderate stress & stewardship capacity, & capacity & capacity, &
stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship

Austria Angola Australia Bosnia and Herze. Argentina Algeria Albania

Belgium Benin Canada Bulgaria Bolivia Armenia Bangladesh
Denmark Bhutan Finland Croatia Botswana Azerbaijan China
France Burkina Faso Iceland Czech Rep. Brazil Belarus Cuba
Germany Burundi New Zealand Estonia Chile Iraq Dominican Rep.
Ireland Cambodia Norway Greece Colombia Kazakhstan Egypt
Israel Cameroon Sweden Hungary Costa Rica Kuwait El Salvador
Italy Central Afr. Rep. United States Jamaica Ecuador Kyrgyzstan Georgia
Japan Chad Latvia Gabon Libya India
Netherlands Congo Lebanon Guatemala Moldova Indonesia
Portugal Côte d'Ivoire Lithuania Guyana Mongolia Iran
Slovenia Dem. Rep. Congo Macedonia Honduras North Korea Jordan
South Korea Ethiopia Poland Namibia Oman Malaysia
Spain Gambia Romania Nicaragua Russia Mexico
Switzerland Ghana Serbia & Monteneg. Panama Saudi Arabia Morocco
Taiwan Guinea Slovakia Paraguay Turkmenistan Pakistan
United Kingdom Guinea-Bissau Trinidad & Tobago Peru Ukraine Philippines
Haiti Turkey Uruguay United Arab Em. South Africa
Kenya Venezuela Uzbekistan Sri Lanka
Laos Syria
Liberia Thailand
Madagascar Tunisia
Malawi Viet Nam
Mali Zimbabwe
P. N. Guinea
Sierra Leone

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Table 15: Characteristics of Clusters

Cluster: Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7

Number of countries 17 41 8 18 19 19 24

ESI 52.9 47.1 66.3 49.6 57.1 44.0 46.2

Environmental Systems 39.1 50.8 75.6 43.4 66.9 51.5 37.4

ESI Component Values
Average values of

Reducing Environmental
33.9 54.7 44.0 50.9 55.7 52.6 50.9
Reducing Human
71.3 26.6 78.0 72.2 51.0 54.2 49.4
Social and Institutional
77.7 36.1 83.5 52.3 52.1 29.6 44.4

Global Stewardship 57.5 63.6 49.4 31.4 54.5 26.8 52.2

Average values of other characteris-

GDP/capita $27,480 $420 $29,860 $4,390 $2,980 $3,810 $1,730

Population (millions) 33.6 19.0 46.1 11.8 21.2 20.7 149

Total Area (thousand

171 539 3,466 123 102 156 1,010

square kilometers)
Population Density (per
238 70.3 13.5 122 32.1 56.0 174
square kilometer)

Environmental Governance
1.0 -0.5 1.0 0.2 0.1 -0.6 -0.2
Indicator (z-score)*

* Note: Higher z-scores correspond to more effective environmental governance.

Cluster 1 represents relatively high population moderate systems and environmental stresses
density industrialized countries with above and relatively low human vulnerability.
average social and institutional capacity.
Cluster 2 groups the least-developed countries, Cluster 5 brings together a large number of
most of whom experience relatively low envi- Central and South American countries, along
ronmental stress, but have very weak with a few African countries, which all show
institutional capacity and are particular relatively strong environmental systems, and
vulnerable to natural disasters, undernourish- middle-tier results with regard to their
ment, and lack of sanitation and safe water vulnerability and capacity. Cluster 6 includes
supply. Russia and the most ecologically burdened of
the former republics of the Soviet Union along
Distinct from the first set of developed coun- with a number of Middle Eastern countries
tries, Cluster 3 is formed by large land area, (and a few other nations) who have average
low population density countries with low environmental systems, stresses, and human
levels of vulnerability and well-developed vulnerability but very low capacity and global
institutional capacity. Cluster 4 encompasses stewardship. Cluster 7 covers largely high
many of the countries of the former Eastern population density, middle-tier developing
Bloc along with a handful of other nations countries with strained ecological systems but
(Jamaica, Lebanon, Trinidad & Tobago, and middle-range scores across the rest of the
Turkey) who have similar patterns of components.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

ESI in Action of the pilot ESI, many countries have used the
ESI as a policy guide. Their experiences
Because the ESI was the first effort to rank provide a powerful logic for further efforts to
countries according to their environmental refine the ESI and other environmental
sustainability, it generated considerable atten- indicator efforts. We highlight some of these
tion. Approximately 100,000 downloads of experiences below.
the 2002 ESI report were recorded at
Columbia University servers, and the report Mexico’s low ranking in the pilot 2000 ESI
was made available through other websites as sparked a cabinet-level review within the
well. The ESI website has been widely read country ordered by President Ernesto Zedillo
and linked from many locations. It is the who had read an account of the ESI in
second site listed in a Google search for the The Economist. An exchange of visits took
phrase “environmental sustainability.” This place between the ESI team and Mexico’s
attention itself illustrates the desire for environment and natural resources ministry,
information and quantitative metrics of envi- SEMARNAT, in order to explain the ESI
ronmental sustainability. methodology and data sources and to demon-
strate how the ESI’s measures related to
In the course of the five years since the release

Box 4: The Environmental Sustainability Index in the Philippines

The Environmental Sustainability Index as a basic conceptual and analytical framework has now
been introduced to the discourse on environmental policymaking in the Philippines. As Member of
the Committee on Appropriations and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Ecology, I learned of the ESI
and argued for its inclusion as a framework for discussion in budget hearings for Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and its enforcement arm, the Environmental Manag-
ment Bureau (EMB). Noting the consistently dismal ranking (the lowest among the countries in
Southeast Asia) of the Philippines, I insisted again on the government using the ESI as a policy
tool in budget hearings in subsequent years.

In advancing the Philippines Clean Air Act, I proposed that the ESI and its measurement criteria be
utilized as a benchmark for the assessment and evaluation of environmental policies and
sustainability in our country. In a span of four years, two Secretaries of the DENR took careful
heed of such proposals and instructed mid-level DENR directors to view and adopt the ESI – in
whole or in parts – as a helpful, albeit tentative, gauge of the department’s performance. While
the DENR has stopped short of formally institutionalizing the ESI, the focus on quantitative
measurement of performance has become integral to the decisionmaking and evaluation processes
within the department.

As the new Chair of the Committee on Ecology in the House of Representatives, I have renewed
the call for government to be more serious about measuring the efficacy of programs and policies
on a range of environmental issues and sectors. With the dearth of data-driven environmental
indices in the country, the ESI could well provide a reasonably sound basis for judging which
technologies, approaches, strategies and regulatory mechanisms are effective or in need of
improvement or overhaul. I am confident that the Philippine government will see fit to move
towards more empirically based policy-formulation – notably in the environmental realm, with the
ESI as an example.

Neric Acosta
Congressman, Philippine House of Representatives
Chair, Committee on Ecology (2004 - present)

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

environmental activities within Mexico. One of the ESI team to the country for a series of
of the most immediate consequences of this high-level meetings. The most concrete
review was a high-level delegation from response came from the Emirate of Abu
Mexico that visited the World Bank and the Dhabi, which launched a regional initiative to
World Resources Institute to explore more dramatically improve the ability to monitor
effective ways to have their publications and communicate environmental conditions.
reflect recent Mexican data. This initiative, formally launched at the 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development,
After Vicente Fox’s election as President of is now being implemented.
Mexico in 2000, Mexican interest in the ESI
intensified. Victor Lichtinger, Fox’s first Belgium ranked far below other European
Environment Minister, put in place a set of countries in the 2002 ESI, which triggered
policy reforms that prominently featured substantial media attention and political
quantitative environmental sustainability inquiry, including parliamentary hearings.
metrics. In addition, reforms were adopted The environmental authorities, particularly
providing for enhanced transparency concern- those in the Walloon region, undertook an
ing environmental information. issue-by-issue review of the ESI. This effort
helped to identify a number of problems
Mexico has failed to fully implement Licht- related to the gathering and reporting of
inger’s metrics-based sustainable development environmental data, as well as raising a
strategy. Nonetheless, the environmental number of important theoretical questions
policy agenda within Mexico has been perma- about the construction of the ESI. The
nently altered. Sustainability indicators now Walloon authorities recalculated the ESI based
receive much more attention, and this sensitiv- on updated data for Belgium but found that
ity is seen within the private sector as well as their nation still lagged other EU countries.
the government. The Mexican Business This result spurred a focus on various policy
Council on Sustainable Development released shortcomings in Belgium, including the
a set of state-level sustainability division of responsibilities among Belgian,
indicators in 2001. Flemish, and Walloon authorities.
South Korea embarked on a similar set of in- The Global Environmental Monitoring
ternal evaluations stemming from its 8th from System Water Program (GEMS Water) has
bottom ranking in the 2002 ESI. The Ministry been an important source of data for the ESI
of Environment carried out a study examining because it is the primary source of comparable
the factors accounting for the low rank, and international information on surface water
invited a representative from the ESI team to quality. The ESI reports were straightforward
visit the country to meet with members of in their assessment that the suitability of the
government, industry, civil society, and GEMS Water data for comparing water
academia. The country sent two environ- quality across nations was very low. In the
mental policy experts from the Korea past, very few countries provided data to the
Environment Institute to spend a month with program and the data were difficult to obtain.
the ESI team learning the ESI methodology. When the 2003 World Water Development
The government adopted a strategic plan Report reprinted the 2002 ESI water quality
aimed at improving its rankings in a number indicator data, it drew attention to water
of high-profile global indices, including the quality data issues. Some governments were
ESI. Special attention was paid to water unhappy with the fact that the data table
policy and to patterns of international included only estimates of water quality where
collaboration. data was missing from GEMS Water. Others
The United Arab Emirates, ranked second were dissatisfied with the fact that some coun-
from the bottom in the 2002 ESI, launched a tries reported data from a large number of
major internal review to explore the reasons water monitoring stations whereas others
for its low position and brought two members reported only a small number.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

These complaints drew high-level attention to Some studies have made use of components of
the serious deficiencies in the GEMS Water the ESI in order to construct new indicators
program, and played a significant role in a for other purposes (Birdsall and Clemens
strategic effort to build the program into a 2003). The ESI has also been used for peda-
more robust repository of relevant water qual- gogical purposes allowing educators to create
ity data. A major drive was launched to bring quantitively-based themes related to environ-
new countries into the program. The approach mental stewardship.
shifted from passively receiving data from
countries to actively requesting data updates
on a regular basis. In addition, the data was Limitations
made much more easily accessible. As a
The results of the 2005 ESI should be seen as
result of these changes, participation in GEMS
a relative gauge of environmental performance
Water has grown from less than 40 countries
and a tool for highlighting policy issues that
when the ESI first started using the data to
need to be addressed. The resulting rankings
over 100 countries today, although data cover-
are subject to a number of uncertainties and
age is still low. While the ESI cannot take
qualifications. Our knowledge of environ-
credit for this shift, it did contribute to it by
mental sustainability is incomplete, and our
aggregating the GEMS Water data into
ability to draw precise conclusions is
national indicators and raising those indicators
hampered by additional elements of uncer-
to high prominence.
tainty such as measurement error and missing
Scholarly studies have made use of the ESI data.
data to facilitate quantitative exploration of
environmental phenomena. A partial list of We do not have sufficient information to
known citations is provided in Appendix I. estimate the uncertainty due to knowledge
Globerman and Shapiro (2002), for example, gaps and measurement problems, but we can
modeled foreign direct investment flows as a estimate the degree of error due to missing
function of governance structures and of envi- data. Although it underestimates the true
ronmental and development outcomes, and uncertainty associated with the ESI scores, in
utilized the ESI effectively as a proxy for Appendix A we report the variability in the
environmental outcomes. Several studies have ESI scores and ranks due to different sources
sought to compare the ESI to alternative sus- of uncertainty and modeling assumptions as a
tainability measures (Parris and Kates 2003), measure of the level of confidence that can be
or as a benchmark by which to evaluate new placed on the ESI.
indicators (Sutton 2003).

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

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2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Chapter 4 – Sensitivity Analysis

The robustness of the ESI cannot be fully combination of uncertainty and sensitivity
assessed without evaluation of its sensitivity to analyses can help to gauge the robustness of
the structure and aggregation methods utilized. the ESI ranking, to increase the ESI’s
To test this sensitivity, the ESI team launched transparency, to identify the countries that im-
a partnership with the Joint Research Centre prove or decline under certain assumptions,
(JRC) of the European Commission in Ispra, and to help frame the debate around the use of
Italy. A short version of their findings is the Index.
below. The more detailed version is included
in Appendix A. The uncertainty and sensitivity analysis ex-
plores the effect of four main uncertainties/
assumptions in the ESI: (1) variability in the
2005 ESI Sensitivity Analysis imputation of missing data (2) equal v. expert
weighting of indicators (3) aggregation at the
Prepared by Michaela Saisana, Michela indicator v. the component level, and (4) linear
Nardo, and Andrea Saltelli (Applied Statistics v. non-compensatory aggregation schemes.
Group), Joint Research Centre of the
The main findings are summarized below. The
European Commission
detailed methodological approach and results
are given in Appendix A.
Every composite index, including the ESI,
involves subjective judgments such as: the Overall, the ESI shows only modest sensitivity
selection of variables, the treatment of missing to the choice of aggregation, indicator weight-
values, the choice of aggregation model, and ing, and the imputation procedure. For most
the weights of the indicators. These subjective countries, the possible scores and ranks are
choices create the analytic framework and rarely at odds with their actual ESI score when
influence the message it communicates. tested against various combinations of
Because such indices can send non-robust assumptions in the sensitivity analysis. For 90
policy messages if they are poorly constructed out of 146 countries, the difference between
or misinterpreted, it is important that their sen- the ESI rank and the most likely (median) rank
sitivity be adequately tested. is less than 10 positions, given that all sources
of uncertainty are simulated simultaneously.
Because the quality of a model depends on the
This outcome implies a reasonable degree of
soundness of its assumptions, good modeling
robustness of the ESI.
practice requires evaluating confidence in the
model and assessing the uncertainties associ-
ated with the modeling process. Sensitivity Which countries have the most volatile
analysis lets one see the impact of the model ranks and why? The top ten ranking coun-
frame by studying the relationship between tries in the ESI all have modest volatility (2 to
information flowing in and out of the model 4 positions in the ranking) with the exceptions
(Saltelli, Chan et al. 2000). of Guyana (23 positions) and Argentina (9
positions). This small degree of sensitivity
Using sensitivity analysis, we can study how
implies a very limited degree of uncertainty
variations in ESI ranks derive from different
about the ESI scores for these countries.
sources of variation in the assumptions. Sensi-
Guyana’s high volatility can mainly be
tivity analysis also demonstrates how each
attributed to imputation uncertainties (28
indicator depends upon the information that
variables out of 76 have been imputed) as well
composes it. It is thus closely related to uncer-
as the choice of the aggregation level.
tainty analysis, which aims to quantify the
Argentina’s volatility is entirely due to impu-
overall uncertainty in a country’s ranking as a
tation, although only 5 variables have been
result of the uncertainties in the model. A

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

imputed. The countries with the highest vola- such as Azerbaijan or Spain, improve their
tility (50 to 80 positions) are found between position. Overall, the aggregation scheme
rank 39 (Congo) and rank 113 (Dem. Rep. methodology has an average impact of 8
Congo), which is partially due to the conver- ranks.
sion of tightly bundled ESI scores to
equidistant ranks. What if aggregation had been applied at the
component level instead at the indicator
Would the ESI be more stable and useful if level? Weighting the 5 components equally
no imputation had been carried out? Impu- versus weighting the 21 indicators equally has
tation allows us to include many countries in only a small effect on most countries. But a
the ESI that would otherwise have to be few are significantly affected. For example,
dropped for lack of data – and it reduces the Belgium and South Korea improve their rank
incentive for a country to fail to report data in by almost 40 positions if aggregation is done
categories where its performance is weak. at the component level. However, countries
Imputation, however, reduces to some degree such as Congo or Nicaragua decline by 30
our confidence in the accuracy of the scores positions. This movement is can be traced to
and rankings. Imputation affects countries the fact that aggregation at the component
with larger amounts of missing data more than level gives added weight to the components
others. But this relationship is not entirely with fewer indicators (e.g., Reducing Human
straightforward. Among the countries that are Vulnerability and Global Stewardship). Over-
missing almost 33% of the observations, only all, the assumption on the aggregation level
Guinea-Bissau and Myanmar are highly has an average impact of 8 ranks, similar to
susceptible to rank changes due to imputation. the impact of the aggregation scheme.
If no imputation had been applied, Syria,
Algeria, Belgium and Dominican Republic What if a set of expert-derived weights had
would have improved by between 9 and 37 been used for the 21 indicators instead of
positions. Conversely, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, the equal weighting? An alternate weighting
Myanmar and Zambia, would go down 27 to obtained by surveying the experts at the
43 positions. Overall, imputation creates an December 2004 ESI Review Meeting assigns
average uncertainty of 10 ranks. slightly higher values to indicators within the
System and Stress Components of ESI and
What if a “non-compensatory” aggregation less to the remaining indicators. Using these
scheme had been used, instead of the linear weights has a pronounced positive effect on
aggregation scheme? Aggregation schemes the rank of a few countries such as Sri Lanka
matter mainly for the mid-performing coun- and Niger, but a negative effect on others such
tries. When the assumption of compensability as the Chile, South Africa or Italy. Overall, the
among indicators is removed, countries having analysis shows only a small sensitivity to the
very poor performance in some indicators, weighting assumption with an average impact
such as Indonesia or Armenia, decline in rank, of 5 ranks.
whereas countries with fewer extreme values,

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Chapter 5 – Conclusions and Next Steps

The ESI is fundamentally a policy tool chy offers a more fruitful approach to policy
designed to make environmental decisionmak- progress.
ing more empirical and analytically rigorous.
It provides a way to benchmark performance, The problem of persistent data gaps, slow
highlight leaders and laggards on an issue-by- adoption of remote sensing and GIS technol-
issue basis, and facilitate efforts to identify ogy for environmental monitoring, and
best practices. In these regards, the ESI repre- incompatible methodologies constitute the
sents an important step forward. But the data most serious impediment to giving a full and
on which the ESI builds are crude and patchy, unbiased picture of environmental sustainabil-
and the methodologies for combining data sets ity trends. The quantitative basis is stronger in
into a single index continue to be refined. OECD countries than in many low-income
nations especially in Africa and Asia. Conse-
Measuring trends with respect to environ- quently more data need to be imputed to
mental sustainability is a conceptually difficult calculate the indicator, component, and ESI
and ambitious undertaking. We recognize the values in these countries. The gaps and our
many layers of uncertainty surrounding the imperfect means of filling them increase the
measurement of environmental sustainability: uncertainty associated with the results.
the lack of a clear definition of the concept
and benchmarks against which to verify Despite the data gaps, the statistical founda-
current performance; the need to fold into a tion of the 2005 ESI represents a significant
common metric the past, the present, and the refinement from earlier editions of the ESI.
future; the implicit assumptions and judgments We made more extensive use of statistical
made in the selection of the variables and modeling and analysis techniques to (i) impute
indicators as well as their aggregation, and the missing data (ii) investigate similarities and
uncertainty resulting from data gaps, including differences among the countries with respect
the possibility of failing to measure important to their environmental performance and socio-
aspects of environmental sustainability. economic driving forces (iii) understand
better the relationships between the variables
Yet, local, regional, and global environmental and indicators in the ESI, and (iv) rigorously
problems are increasing at a rate and scope test the sensitivity of the ESI to the implicit
that demands new approaches to facilitate and explicit assumptions and methodological
action. As a “process,” the ESI is designed choices made. The results have facilitated
and made available to the public in a transpar- several improvements to the ESI’s construc-
ent way. Its imperfections are openly tion as well as its interpretation.
acknowledged and discussed. Its use as a
sustainability measure is largely constrained to The variables included in the ESI have also
serving as a tool for policymakers to signal been updated with new data sets, more recent
trends in environmental pollution, natural information, and extended geographical
resource use, environmental health, social and coverage by merging different data sources
economic factors as well as international where possible and by developing new
environmental law and policy. Although the variables based either on new data initiatives
ESI score provides a snapshot view of the or our own design. The country review of the
relative position of countries, more informa- ESI data has provided updated data and useful
tive analysis derives from the 21 indicators feedback, which have improved the ESI
and underlying data sets. Simply put, no substantially.
country will achieve sustainability by tracking Although we cannot determine with any satis-
the ESI score alone. Identifying the areas for factory level of accuracy the precise position
improvement using the ESI’s stepwise hierar- of a country on an overall basis, we can

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

identify clearly the leaders and the laggards. With this goal in mind, the ESI team plans to
Seen in this context, the ESI has proven to be develop an environmental policy barometer
a useful gauge of national environmental that gauges more narrowly the impacts of
stewardship, providing a valuable counterpart current environmental policies, including
and counterpoint to GDP growth as a metric of pollution control, natural resource use and
governmental policy “success.” management, and environmental health
regulations, on environmental outcomes such
We cannot say with confidence that any as air and water quality, land and habitat
country is currently on a sustainable trajectory. protection, exposure to environmental toxins,
Indeed, we do not have established bench- and the provision of global public goods. The
marks against which to measure long-term project aims at supporting the Millennium
sustainability. But the variables and indicators Development Goals, specifically Goal 7
in the ESI shed light on a range of unsustain- “Ensuring Environmental Sustainability.” The
able pollution and consumption paths. Every new initiative will center on a system of
country faces serious pollution problems and target-oriented indices that track performance
is experiencing unsustainable levels of of countries towards the established policy
consumption of some natural resources. There goals.
are, however, significant differences in the
progress toward sustainability within different Future Directions
societies. By assembling a broad array of data
and metrics on a basis that makes cross- While the ESI represents the state of the art in
country comparisons possible, the ESI performance measures of environmental
provides a powerful benchmarking tool and a sustainability, it has limitations as a policy-
valuable mechanism for identifying leading making guide. We see a number of directions
performers on each issue and isolating the best for future work, both technical and institu-
practices which they follow. tional.

The ESI also helps to highlight some of the All indices are handicapped by the poor qual-
critical factors that shape environmental ity and coverage of available data, with
performance including: the quality of govern- inconsistent methodologies, poor time series,
ance, the lack of corruption, and low and significant gaps, particularly for develop-
population density. Some of these variables ing countries. There is no simple centralized
have long been identified as theoretically solution to this problem. It requires a long-
important. The ESI provides empirical sup- term effort by many partners. Each individual
port for these theories. data set for a variable should be the
responsibility of an appropriate organization
While environmental sustainability has be- that can ensure its quality control and regular
come a buzzword, the concept of sustainability updating. Governments need to recognize
– with its combination of past, present, and their primary responsibility for data collection.
future timeframes – inescapably presents some Public investments in data collection are more
serious methodological complexities. The than repaid in improved decisionmaking.
concept is dynamic and requires constant International assistance needs to be provided
monitoring and re-adjustment. On the country to countries without the capacity or resources
level, sustainability is affected strongly by to collect all the data necessary. Better
natural resource endowments, past develop- coordination is needed among the providers of
ment paths, current and future pressures, and data sets.
capacities to deal with them. To provide
policymakers with more immediate feedback This effort should be extended to build new
on their current policy performance, a more data sets for key variables and indicators that
focused index and set of indicators will be should be in the ESI but had to be omitted for
needed. lack of adequate data. There is a particular
gap in measures of sustainable resource

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

management in productive activities, such as Finally, the production of the index itself
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. New needs to be put on a sustainable basis through
technologies such as remote sensing and better institutionalization. While it is quite
automated monitoring stations are making it appropriate that innovative measures like the
possible to produce new uniform global data ESI should be developed in an academic
series for various environmental parameters. setting, an operational index for regular use by
In this regard, we believe that collaboration governments will be more credible if it
among the new Global Earth Observation becomes the responsibility of an appropriate
System of Systems (GEOSS), the Integrated international organization.
Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership
and the various global observing projects to We hope to build the interest of governments
define and generate new data sets will better in the ESI, and with their support discuss with
capture aspects of environmental sustainabil- intergovernmental bodies such as UNDP,
ity, such as land use and vegetation changes, UNEP, and the UN Statistics Division where
soil degradation, salinization, and air and an operational ESI might best be situated.
water pollution. Support for the ESI, and the development of
various derivative products, could also be
Filling the gaps in the ESI will both help to explored with other global and regional
move towards an ideal ESI, which would intergovernmental bodies and specialized
include all critical environmental parameters, agencies. Non-governmental organizations
and improve the balance and weighting of such as the World Resources Institute and
variables and indicators within the ESI. We Redefining Progress (with its Ecological
are also committed to engaging with others Footprint) should also be involved, as should
who may be in a position to help eliminate the private sector through organizations such
data gaps. as the World Economic Forum.
Data availability has limited the ESI to “snap- To build the case for the continued financing
shot” measures at a single point in time, yet of the production of the ESI, and the genera-
sustainability has much to do with dynamic tion of the necessary data series, some
changes and trends over time. We will work attention should be given to cost-benefit
to develop the variables as time series data analyses of more data-driven decisionmaking.
that can give the direction and speed of One of the goals of the ESI is to show
change, and thus the distance to sustainability the advantages of better science-based
targets. For some variables, this target will be information. Some case studies of its impact
reducing a damaging activity or pollutant to on government decisionmaking processes and
minimal levels; for others, sustainability will the resulting benefits would facilitate the
mean striking a balance between two transition of the ESI from an academic
undesirable extremes, and each variable research program to an operational tool for
should be scaled accordingly. decisionmaking.
The ESI is not yet mature enough to begin The ESI is still a work in progress, but it has
comparing ESI values between editions. reached the point where it provides a credible
There are too many refinements in the measure of relative government performance
methodology and improvements in variables on many of the short- and medium-term
for such comparisons at present. This flux actions necessary to achieve environmental
will probably continue for some years. sustainability. With continued improvement,
However, it is possible to back-calculate the it will grow in validity and impact – perhaps
ESI for previous years using the latest someday becoming as important a measure as
methodology and variables, in order to begin GDP in assessing national progress.
measuring not only the relative performance
between countries but also how each country's
performance is changing over time.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Box 5: Directions for Further Work: Data “Drill Down”

One of the remarkable stories behind the Information Age is how much environmentally relevant
data and knowledge are being generated and shared without any plan, government mandate, or
structured set of incentives to promote innovation. The ability to sift information is beginning to
become as important as the capacity to gather it, beginning at the global level tackled by the ESI.
This is particularly true for the quantitative performance measures that increasingly drive
companies, communities, and even individuals to gauge their relative environmental performance
against relevant peer groups. Even where government collects useful information, “hybrid”
regulatory strategies may split responsibilities across two or more administrative levels, fragment-
ing data collection and leading to inconsistent data categories and collection methodologies.
International collators of environmental data have, in particular, yet to “drill down” systematically
to subnational sources where much of the most critical performance information is to be found.

In short, information sources change as decisionmaking becomes more market-oriented and

decentralized, but by definition newcomers don’t fit the organizing principles or “schema” previ-
ously designed to assist in the identification and classification of globally relevant information.
Although designed for efficiency, these sorts of information-processing strategies often yield
systematic and predictable errors which, when magnified on a global level, can severely distort
both how nations approach environmental decisionmaking and how they analyze and discuss
improvements to the global system of environmental indicators. The ESI counters this tendency by
not only permitting but also encouraging change in technical details (both variables and how they
are synthesized into indicators) on how to measure progress toward environmental sustainability.

This bottom-up, evolutionary approach to indicators takes more time and money than repetition of
standard sources and methods. It also risks changing overall results so much that not only the ESI
but the objectivity of indicators in general can be called into question. Fortunately, even changing
a number of variables and adding several indicators produced relatively few major changes in
country rankings between the 2005 ESI and the 2002 ESI. Nevertheless, one direction for further
work centers on devising a more systematic approach to changing variables and justifying changes
so the ESI can show where better environmental data needs to percolate up from decentralized
and market-oriented decisionmaking processes.

Some environmental problems cannot be resolved by improving information flows among

decisionmaking processes — or even by generation of more and better information. Improved
data and information will not address questions of distributional equity. Nor will information fix
human limitations with regard to risk perception. Nonetheless, the Information Age creates the
possibility of reduced information gaps and restructuring institutional arrangements to form an en-
vironmental protection regime that is more refined, individualized, and efficient (Esty 2004).
Realizing the possibility may require that national governments (and the international institutions
they create) devise a decentralized and market-oriented information strategy that identifies gaps
by origin (for example, technical and analytic barriers, market failures, and institutional shortcom-
ings) and then decides who should fill them and who should pay. The ESI might become a
catalyst for such a strategy, by going beyond the “wish list” of better indicators that has been
given in reports to date. Such taxonomy would also help to connect indicators to actions, clarifying
who should act and what might be done to effect progress on a particular variable or indicator.

John O’Connor
Punta Gorda, Florida

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report


2001 Environmental Sustainabilty Index (ESI) (2001). 2001 Environmental Sustainability Index.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.
2002 Environmental Sustainabilty Index (ESI) (2002). 2002 Environmental Sustainability Index.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.
Birdsall, Nancy and Michael Clemens (2003). Promise to Performance: How Rich Countries Can
Help Poor Countries Help Themselves. (Center for Global Development. ed.). Washing-
ton, D.C.: Center for Global Development.
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) (2003). Population,
Landscape, and Climate Estimates (PLACE).
European Statistical Laboratory (ESL) (2004). Dashboard of Sustainability.
Esty, Daniel C. and Michael E. Porter (2005, forthcoming). “National Environmental
Performance: an Empirical Analysis of Policy Results and Determinants.” Journal of
Environmental Development Economics.
Esty, Daniel C. (2002). “Why Measurement Matters.” Environmental Performance
Measurement: The Global 2001-2002 Report (D. C. Esty and P. Cornelius, ed.). New
York: Oxford University Press.
Esty, Daniel C. (2004). “Environmental Protection in the Information Age.” NYU Law Review.
79(1): 115-211.
Esty, Daniel C., Mark A. Levy, et al. (2003). “Environmental Sustainability in the Arab World.”
The Arab World Competitiveness Report 2002-2003 (P. Cornelius, ed.). New York:
Oxford University Press.
Globerman, Steven and Daniel Shapiro (2002). “Global Foreign Direct Investment Flows: The
Role of Governance Infrastructure.” World Development. 20(11): 1899-1919.
Grossman, Gene M. and Alan B. Krueger (1995). “Economic Growth and the Environment.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics. CX(2): 353-77.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), et al. (2004). Compendium of
Sustainable Development Indicators. Winnipeg: IISD.
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) (2001). Wellbeing of Nations.
( Cambridge, U.K.: IUCN.
Levy, Marc A. and Patrick P. Meier (2004). “Early Warning and Assessment of Environment,
Conflict, and Cooperation”. United Nations Environment Program, Understanding
Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation. UNEP and Woodrow Wilson Center.
Parris, Thomas M. and Robert W. Kates (2003). “Characterizing and Measuring Sustainable
Development.” Annual Review Environmental Resources. 28(13): 1-28.
Porter, Michael E. (1991). “America's Green Strategy.” Scientific American. 264(4): 96.
Porter, Michael E. and Claas van der Linde (1995). “Green and Competitive: Ending the
Stalemate.” Harvard Business Review. (September-October 1995):120-134.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

Prescott-Allen, Robert (2001). The Wellbeing of Nations, A Country-by-Country Index of Quality

of Life and the Environment. Washington, D.C.: IDRC/Island Press.
Saltelli, Andrea, Karen Chan, et al. (2000). Sensitivity Analysis. Probability and Statistics series.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Sutton, Paul C. (2003). “An Empirical Environmental Sustainability Index Derived Solely from
Nighttime Satellite Imagery and Ecosystem Service Valuation.” Population and
Environment. 24(4): 293-311.
United Nations (UN) (2000). General Assembly Resolution 55/2, A/RES/55/2.
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (1996). Indicators of Sustainable
Development Framework and Methodologies. Division for Sustainable Development.
New York: United Nations Division for Sustainable Development.
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (2001). Indicators of Sustainable
Development: Guidelines and Methodologies. New York: United Nations Division for
Sustainable Development.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report


What we term Systems correspond to the DPSIR’s State category. Our Stresses are largely the same
as the Pressure measures, though we include a handful of Driving Forces, such as population growth
rates. Our Vulnerability component corresponds closely with the DPSIR Impact category. In many
ways, our Capacity component has much in common with the Response category of the DPSIR
framework, but there is an important difference. The Response category typically is used to monitor
deliberate social responses to environmental change, such as governmental policy or human behavior.
It is usually seen as causally subsequent to the other elements of the DPSIR framework. In our case,
we seek primarily to measure aspects of social and institutional capacity that will influence the nature
of ongoing environmental stewardship. Many of the relevant measures in this regard are not strictly
responses to environmental change. Rather they include independent measures of social strength that
in many ways will shape environmental outcomes. The Global Stewardship component has no simple
counterpart in the DPSIR framework, but rather deploys some of its elements within the category of
global responsibility.

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

List of Acronyms

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

BA Budget Allocation
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CGSDI Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators
CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
CITES Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
DJSGI Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index
DPSIR Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response
EcoValue 21 Innovest corporate environmental responsibility rating of companies
EM Expectation Maximization
EMEP Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range
Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
ESL European Statistical Laboratory
EU European Union
EVI Environmental Vulnerability Index
EWI Ecosystem Wellbeing Index
FSC Forest Stewardship Council
GCI Growth Competitiveness Index
GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring System
GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HDI Human Development Index
IGOS Integrated Global Observation Strategy
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
IISD Inventory International Institute for Sustainable Development Compendium of
Sustainability Indicators Initiatives
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISO 14001 International Organization of Standardization’s Environmental
Management Standards
IUCN World Conservation Union
LA21 Local Agenda 21
MAR Missing at Random
MCAR Missing Completely at Random
MCMC Markov Chain Monte Carlo
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development

2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Report

NIS Newly Independent States of the former Republics of the Soviet Union
NOx Nitrogen oxides
OAS Organization of American States
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PEFC Pan-European Forest Certification Council
PLACE Population, Landscape and Climate Estimates (CIESIN 2003)
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
PPP Purchasing Power Parities
PSR Pressure-State-Response environmental policy model
SA Sensitivity Analysis
SEMARNAT Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Secretariat of
Envronment and Natural Resources, Mexico)
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SOx Sulfur oxides
UA Uncertainty Analysis
UN CSD Commission for Sustainable Development
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
WWF World Wildlife Fund

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Appendix A – Methodology

Appendix B – Country Profiles

Appendix C – Variable Profiles

Appendix D – Component & Indicator Scores

Appendix E – ESI Values in Small States

Appendix F – Comparison of the ESI to Other Sustainability Indicators

Appendix G – An Ideal Set of ESI Indicators

Appendix H – Critiques and Responses

Appendix I – Published Citations to the ESI


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