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Davis 1

Clayton Davis
Mr. Kerr
English II
December 12, 2016
150,000 Dead...Was the A-Bomb Right?
Over 150,000 Japanese people died from two bombs in 1945. Some dying
quickly, and others longer and more painfully. But if these bombs had not been dropped,
the United States could have been used against our future enemy Russia, killing
millions of people. This would be the case if the bombs had not been dropped on Japan.
Nobody would have known the effects an atomic bomb has on humans. Atomic bomb
testing on humans results in deadly experiments that are not humane in any way. The
atomic bombs should have been dropped because it overall killed fewer people, and
there has never been an atomic bomb dropped ever since.
The atomic bombs on Japan killed between 90,000 and 166,000 people are
believed to have died from the bomb in the four-month period following the explosion
(AHF). Along with Japan being known for having a fight to death attitude because of
their culture, and Japan being raided on land, there would be an estimated half a million
casualties. The Soviets also planned on making its way to attack Japans islands.
During the Cold War, Russias president, Mikhail Gorbachev, could have said a single
sentence that would have killed millions of other people: America has let our soldiers
die on the beaches of Japan. America allowed Soviet soldiers to spill their blood on the
beaches of Japan, while Truman [President in 1945] and his criminal gang protected the
secret of their ultimate weapon. We shall never forget, nor forgive, this squandering of

Davis 2
Soviet lives (Nichols). We would have been in a nuclear war killing millions, but we
arent because we used the bombs. Without dropping the bombs on Japan, we would
not have an idea on the devastating effects of the bom.
The most powerful weapon in the world ended World War II. The war would have
continued into 1946, at the least. The United States and the Soviet Union would have
been entering the mainland and Japans islands, creating death everywhere. According
to US generals, the first attack the US planned estimated about 50,000 American
casualties and several times that number of Japanese casualties in the November 1
operation to establish the initial beachheads on Kyushu (Compton). That would just be
the first day. Everyone wanted the war to be over. People all over America didnt want
any more US soldiers dead. It was a how to end the war thought. The people werent
thinking about the effects of the bomb, and how many innocents would die. The United
States even seeked out military targets in Japan. The bombs were not dropped to kill
just innocents. They were dropped to destroy the Japanese military, too.
One of the United States most controversial decisions of the 20th century:
Should the atomic bombs have been dropped on Japan? The answer to that is, Yes, of
course. The atomic bombs should have been dropped because it overall killed fewer
people, and there has never been an atomic bomb dropped ever since. If the bombs
wouldnt have been dropped on Japan, over half a million people would have died,
Japanese and Allied forces, and millions more would have died in the future because of
the Cold War and/or other times.

Davis 3
Works Cited
AHF. "Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945." Atomic Heritage Foundation.
Atomic Heritage Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Compton, Karl T. "If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media
Company, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. Staff. "Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki." A&E Television

Networks, 2009. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Nichols, Tom, Agnia Grigas, Vivek Prahladan, and Gordon G. Chang. "No Other Choice:
Why Truman Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan." The National Interest. N.p.,
06 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

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