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Fall, 2016
Homework #2

Instructor: Assist. Prof. Harika S. Kahveci
Assignment Date: Dec 9, 2016
Due Date: Dec 16, 2016 @ 5:30pm
Submit to: Tugba Tuncel (Room:003)

Question 1) Consider a compressor stage with exit velocity and flow angle equal those at its inlet.
This type of a stage is known as repeating stage. Besides, the rows inside the stages of this
compressor are mirror-image of each other, known as repeating rows. At the meanline, the
absolute air angle at the stator inlet is 30 deg. The flow enters the stage under consideration with
Mach 0.5 at a static temperature of 270 K.

a) Calculate the relative air angle at the rotor exit if 1 = 0.5 2.
b) Calculate the rotor angular velocity if the mean radius is 0.25 m.
c) Draw the corresponding stage velocity diagram. Show all dimensions and angles in your figure.

Question 2) The inlet properties for a compressor stage are given as: Tt1=300 K, Pt1=101.3 kPa,
M1=0.6, 1=35 deg. The mass flow rate into the stage is 75 kg/s. The total pressure loss coefficient of
the rotor is 0.06. The mean radius is 0.3 m and the rotor angular velocity is 900 rad/s. There is an
increase of 30 K in the absolute total temperature across the rotor.

a) Calculate the flow annulus area at the inlet to the rotor.
b) Calculate the relative total temperature and the relative total pressure at the inlet and the exit
to the rotor.
c) Calculate the stage loading coefficient and the flow coefficient.

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