2nd Manipal Ranka Moot Brochure

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1st - 3rd October 2016

Organized By:

School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016



INVITATION ...................................................................................... - 3 MOOT PROPOSITION .................................................................... - 4 RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE COMPETITION .......... - 11 Registration Form ....................................................................... - 18 TRAVEL PLAN FORM ................................................................. - 20 SCHEDULE OF EVENT ................................................................ - 21 -

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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016



- 3 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016




Out of the numerous social evils faced by our country today, drug addiction or drug
abuse is one of the most common evil prevalent in the Indian society since time immemorial.
There are a variety of drugs which are used in various forms which include narcotics,
depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis etc.

The World Health Organisation has defined drug abuse as a state of periodic, chronic
intoxication, detrimental to the individual and to the society, produced by repeated
consumption of drugs either natural or synthetic.
As in other countries, the menace of drug addiction is spreading in India also. A large
number of our young men and women have taken to intoxicants. Near about 87.6 per cent
drug addicts are between the ages of 14 and 25 years. The coming generation is thus crippled
by the rampant abuse of drugs. The easy availability of different drugs in the market due to
illicit trafficking makes it much easier to procure it which again aggravates the problem.
Another form of social evil is "Human trafficking" which is the fastest increasing
criminal industry in today's world, coming to second only after illegal drug-trade. This evil
has been traced back to the ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean civilization and has
continued to grow. Trafficking in India is often disguised as migration, commercial sex or
disgustingly even marriage. It is estimated that ninety percent of the Indias sex trafficking is
internal. Women, girls and children are trafficked internally for commercial natural /
unnatural sex. Children are subject to involuntary servitude as factory workers, domestic
servants, beggars, agricultural workers and many times they are also naturally / unnaturally
sexually abused by their owners. No crime can be worse than this.
Also, a rapid increase in the use of computer and internet has given rise to new forms
of crimes / social evils like publishing sexually explicit materials in electronic form, video
voyeurism and breach of confidentiality and leakage of data by intermediary, e-commerce
frauds like personation commonly known as Phishing, identity theft and offensive messages
through communication services.
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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016


The Indian government is committed to fight against the aforementioned social evils
at home and abroad. It has recently assisted few countries to enact anti-trafficking
legislation(s), trained law enforcement officials, prosecutors, border guards and judicial
officers on detecting, investigating & prosecuting traffickers and protecting victims and
provided start-up equipment for new anti-trafficking police units.
Hence, this moot problem is been framed to spread awareness amongst youth, The
Future of India and common sections of the society to come forward and discuss the same
for eradication of these social evils.


Narendra Mohan (hereinafter NM) a smart, handsome and fair skinned boy, aged 15

years was on 03/04/2015 crowned the new student "Mr. Fresher" in the Tenth Standard of
Little Flower Intermediate School, Jaipur in the State of Rajasthan. On the fateful day
(25.4.2016), NM while coming outside the school premises went to a nearby Pan-stall to
purchase a soft-drink. While sipping his drink, he saw his senior of Eleventh Standard
Rajveer Singh (hereinafter RS) aged 17 years and 11 months, making gestures to come
behind the shop. NM went with RS where RS took out a Cigarette and started smoking the
same. After a few puffs (shots), RS offered the same to NM and told him, it is not a normal
Cigarette and if you take only two puffs (shots), you will reach in a different world. NM
being a curious teenager went ahead to "Try" that joint and as soon as he took that in, after a
few moments, he started feeling lightheaded and he said that I am feeling too good and tried
to enquire from RS that what is it actually and from where he got it. RS in reply gave him an
address and asked NM to reach that place at 5 pm sharp and warned him not to disclose that
address to anyone.

At around 4.45 pm, NM reached that spot and found that it was a deserted new

construction site a bit far from the city, at the newly build four lane highway, where there was
hardly anyone around. After waiting for few minutes, when he could not find RS, he called
RS on his mobile phone. RS picked the call and told him that he will be late by half an hour
around as he is stuck somewhere but requested NM to go to the Roof-Top of the deserted site
- 5 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016


and wait for him over there. RS also promised that he will bring 'A New Thing' for NM to
'Try' and he is busy arranging that only. NM went ahead and after sometime RS arrived there
with 5 boys and 2 girls of age group between 14-19 years around.

They soon became friends with NM and gave him some special 'Chocolate' with a

Joint of Marijuana. Two boys from that group thereafter started 'touching' NM on different
parts of his body. NM by that time was so much inebriated that he failed to understand the
nature of that act and after some time NM lost his senses and slept.

At around 2.30 am next day (26.4.2016) NM came back to his senses and found

himself in a heavy headache and nearly unable to open his eyes. After gathering some
strength he tried to get up but found that very hard too. After making some efforts he finally
stood up on his legs and found himself naked and in a corner of the same building but on
different floor. He tried to recapitulate what happened last evening but reminding himself
about yesterday's incident after he started eating the chocolate given by RS, he found himself
unable to remember anything thereafter. With pain, he started walking and found a torn shawl
nearby, covered himself and found his mobile phone near the shawl with a printed message to
"check the inbox of your e-mail". NM switched on his mobile and opened his inbox on
Gmail.com. There was a new e-mail with an attached video and near about a dozen
photographs. He downloaded that Video file from his inbox and clicked on "Play Video". To
his horror he saw himself being wantonly molested at the very first by all those boys and
thereafter being sodomized by the entire group one by one. Thereafter, he received a call
from RS who warned him of dire consequences for disclosing last day's act to anyone. He
also told him that he will upload the video on U-2, a globally recognized free site for
uploading Movie and Songs and also on Face-Life another trans-national social website.
Thereafter, NM reached the nearby highway, got an auto-rickshaw for himself and reached
home by 4 pm. At home everyone in his family was waiting for him. At once he didn't told to
his parents about the incident but after their continuous questioning and mental assurance,
told them the entire unfortunate incident. NM's parents assured him not to disclose this to the
Police or anyone concerned as it was a matter of the reputation of the entire family

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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016



On the same fateful night another incident happened at the same spot at the same time

when one girl named Ruchi, aged 16 years, after drugs addiction was raped by one Sohan,
aged about 18 years, forming part of the group. On coming to senses she left for her home
and did not tell to any one including her family members.

Unfortunately she became

pregnant and got aborted by a lady doctor. This fact was known to the nurse and she
complained to the Hospital authorities, who hushed up the matter. It leaked and was reported
in the news papers. Police investigated and filed a complaint, which is still pending. This
fact was also highlighted in the PIL filed by Bachpan


After five days, (on 30/04/2016) RS called NM and demanded Rupees Five Lac.

Within 24 hours together with a rider that non fulfilment of which will lead to Video & Photo
Upload. NM being a teenager got very scared from that call but didn't told that to anyone. As
the time approached, he thought 'if I will not give him the money, what will happen to me
and thereafter to my family's reputation'. Thinking that, he made a plan to steal his mother's
jewellery and pay the ransom. He worked as per his plan and furnished the ransom to RS.

NM's father thereafter went to "BACHPAN", a Non Governmental Organization

(hereinafter NGO) and sought their help. The NGO first took NM into confidence, took him
to the nearby police-station, got a First Information Report (F.I.R.) registered (on 1/5/2016)
with its copy to the Cyber Cell of the Police. The police came in swift action, conducted raids
and on preliminary investigation found that not only NM but at least two dozen more
male/female teenagers were victims in the same kind of act. Not only the victims but most of
the alleged accused were also found to be teenagers involved in the gruesome act for easy
money. The police also found post interrogation that the accused not only abused and
blackmailed their victims but also supplied their Video files / Photographs to a person Jai
Dev (hereinafter JD), a citizen of Mumbai where these Video's etc. were actually uploaded on
free porn sites available for downloading in public domain. Also it came out in the
investigation reports that the main Kingpin in the aforementioned affair was no other then
Ms. Saloni Kamra who also happens to be the current Women & Child Development
Minister of India and a sitting Member of Parliament (hereinafter SK) directly in touch with
JD. It also came out in the preliminary investigation that JD was a near relative of SK. The
police, for nabbing JD (through proper channels) sought the help of Police Commissioner and
got the information through Home Ministry.
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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016



The NGO somehow became aware of this investigation report and other concerned

information(s) and passed on the information to a national newspaper PATRIKA who in turn
conducted a Sting Operation (hereinafter OP) on SK on 10/05/2016 in very knotty
circumstances and compiled its data in three various compact discs (C.D.'s).
Disc 1 Contained SK taking token money for a bribe from a reputed multi-billionaire private
tycoon active in many sectors in national and trans-national level and getting a promise from
that businessman for depositing the rest of the remaining amount in "Swiss Bank" as directed
by SK & JD.
Disc 2 Contained SK observing the transportation of few children from orphan homes being
transported to a third world country for prostitution etc. and
Disc 3 Included contents of SK's 'private life' involved in natural/unnatural sexual
The channel thereafter broadcasted all the three discs on 12/05/2016. Following the
broadcast, almost all the News Channels in the Country aired the same news numerous times
and a huge hue and cry was raised by different sections of the society.

On the basis of the telecasted NEWS by PATRIKA, the NGO went ahead and filed a

Public Interest Litigation (hereinafter P.I.L.) in the High Court of Rajasthan at Jaipur for
the same on 15/05/2016 and demanded SK's immediate resignation and an inquiry by the
Central Bureau of Investigation (hereinafter CBI) with a request that the Hon'ble Court itself
shall monitor the entire investigation as it was a very high profile case. The Hon'ble High
Court admitted PIL on 17/05/2016 and issued show cause notices for the same to all the
concerned parties including Sohan and the doctor.

On the other hand, SK also filed a case of Defamation against PATRIKA & NGO on

20/5/2016 alleging her Right to Privacy enshrined by the Constitution and pleading that she is
not guilty and that PATRIKA is from no stretch of imagination authorized to put on
Television the news contents like the current one. NM, PATRIKA and some others adduced
evidence, provided material. Investigation report was called and provided to the parties. SK,
- 8 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016


JD, RS, Sohan and the doctor denied the allegations and claimed the action by the opposite
parties as private and malafide. They claimed damages for defamation. All the concerned
parties argued through their counsel and during hearings a large number of persons attended
the hearings in the Chief Justices Court.

The matter being of public interest and national importance, the Honble High Court

after hearing the concerned parties, perused and examined the record. Number of hearings
day to day were given to both sides and to some interveners. The Honble Court held on
10.07.2016 as under:(i)

There are prima-facie allegations against SK, JD and RS. Further investigation

to be done by CBI and if sufficient material to launch prosecution in the appropriate court and
in accordance with law. No sanction need be taken for SK from Central Government.

Cost-cum-compensation of Rs.10.00 lac was awarded in favour of NM to be

paid by SK and JD equally;


RS being below age of 18 years, though as per medical report and school

certificate of one school was about 18 years and 6 months, but as per matriculation certificate
was 17 years and 11 months, was held as juvenile, to be dealt with Juvenile Court in
accordance with law;

Appreciated the petitioners for taking up the sensational social issue at the

national level;

Writ for defamation dismissed. May file suit.


Directed the State to launch prosecution for rape and abortion of Ruchi against

Sohan and the doctor and the matter to be decided by fast-track court expeditiously.

SK and JD thereafter filed S.L.P. before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, which were

admitted. The Honble Supreme Court clubbed other similar PILs pending before it and
other High Courts. It issued notices to all the States to represent and assist it and fixed
15/9/2016 for final hearing.
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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016


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Sohan and doctor also filed S.L.P. which were admitted, clubbed with other matters

and to be heard on 15.09.2016.

Kindly draw S.L.P. and frame arguments & supporting judicial precedents from
the appellants as well as from the respondents side.

RELEVANT LAW(S) 1. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
2. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act, 1985;
3. Indian Penal Code, 1860;
4. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973;
5. Indian Evidence Act, 1872;
6. Information Technology Act, 2000;
7. Constitution of India;
8. U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for The Administration of
Juvenile Justice,1985;
9. U.N. Convention On The Rights Of The Child, 1989 (Ratified By
The Government of India in 1992);
10. Protection Of Children From Sexual Offences Act, 2012;
11. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956;
12. United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic In Narcotic
Drugs And Psychotropic Substances, 1988;

Money Laundering Act;


Income-tax Act, 1961;

15. Any other relevant law(s) For eg. Laws relating to media etc.

- 10 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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1. Aim and purpose


To give exposure to students pursuing the law course to the environment

of the court system in India and to hone their advocacy skills.
To provide a real life experience cum training in doing cutting edge
research, presenting ground breaking arguments and contributing to the
development of jurisprudence in concerned areas of law.
2. Date and Venue
October 1st to 3rd 2016 at Manipal University Jaipur, University Campus, Jaipur.
Adress-Dehmi Kalan, Near GVK Toll Plaza, Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway, Jaipur,
Rajasthan 303007

Team composition and eligibility criteria

(i) Each team shall comprise of three (3) members ONLY out of which two (2) will
be speakers and one (1) researcher.
(ii) Arguments shall be in English only.
(iii) The competition is open for bonafide students pursuing five year and three years
LL.B course.
(iv) Each Law College/ University shall be eligible to send one team. Team should
not disclose the identity of their institution in course of proceedings in the court
rooms; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification.
(v) Each team shall be provided with the team code by draw of lots followed by
exchange of memorials.


(i) The Registration form completed with all Team Details must be submitted
online and also sent to the College on or before 20th August 2016.
(ii) A registration fee of Rs.3000/- is to be sent by way of Demand Draft drawn in
favour of Manipal University Jaipur, payable at Jaipur along with the
registration form.
(iii) No change in the names of the participants shall be permitted after the
receipt of the Registration Form, except at the sole discretion of the Organizers.
(iv)Teams should clearly mention the participants name, contact no. including
year/semester of study.

- 11 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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Dress Code
Inside the court room the participant shall follow the below mentioned dress code.
(i) Females: white salwar Kurta & Dupatta or white shirt and black trousers
along with black coat and tie.
(ii) Males: white shirt, black trousers, black tie along with black coat and
black shoes.
The dress code for all the functions at the competition shall be western formals for
gentlemen and western or Indian formals for ladies
Competition Rounds
There shall be two preliminary rounds, quarter final, semi- final and a final round spreading
over a period of 3 days.

Preliminary Rounds
(i) In preliminary rounds each team shall argue from both the sides (appellant
and respondent).
(ii) The team shall be credited with a win in a preliminary round if their round
total is more than opposing team.
(iii) The marks of the EACH preliminary round shall be the cumulative total
of the marks of both the speakers and the marks of the memorial of the side in
which they are appearing.
(v) No team shall face each other more than once in the preliminary rounds.
(vi) Each team shall face a different bench in their each round of arguments.
(vii) TOP EIGHT (8) teams shall move to the quarter finals on the basis of the
marks of the preliminary rounds.
(viii) The following criteria shall be observed in deciding teams which are to
move in quarter finals.
a. The teams that have TWO wins in preliminary rounds shall proceed
to the quarter final.
b. In case less than 8 teams are able to score two wins then teams that
have 1:1 win loss ratio shall advance based on their aggregate score in
the Preliminary Rounds.
c. Teams that have TWO wins shall be given preference over those
which have 1 win and 1 loss.

- 12 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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(ix) In case of a tie between two or more teams, the aggregate total of the
score of oral submissions of the speakers shall be taken into consideration.

2. Quarter Finals
(i) Eight (8) teams shall compete in quarter final. Criteria for qualifying
to quarter finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to
the semi-final. Four (4) teams shall move to semi-finals.
(iii) The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks
of both the speakers.
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in quarter finals, the aggregate total of
the marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be
counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
3. Semi Finals / Final
(i) Four (4) teams shall compete in semi-finals. The criteria of qualifying
in semi-finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to
the Final.
(iii) The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks
of both the speakers.
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in semi-finals, the aggregate total of the
marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be
counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
(v) There shall be one (1) FINAL ROUND.
(vi) The marking criteria in Final Round is same as that of semi-final
(clause 3.(iii).

(i) All teams must submit Memorials/ Written Submissions for both sides.
(Appellant/ Respondent).
(ii) Participants are allowed to frame additional issues other than those provided in
the moot proposition, if desired.
(iii) All teams must submit typed Memorials for both sides and the Memorials
must fulfil all the following specifications;
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Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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(iv)Memorials must contain the following:

Cover page / Cause title.



Index of Authorities.


Statement of Jurisdiction.


Synopsis of Facts.


Summary of Arguments.


Arguments / Pleadings.


Conclusion / Prayer.

(v) The memorial shall not be of more than forty (40) pages and the Arguments
shall not exceed more than twenty five (25) pages.
(vi) The Memorial shall be typed on A4 size page in Font type: Times New
Roman, Font size: 12, 1.5 line spacing & 1 inch margin on each side. Blue Book
pattern shall be followed.
(vii) The Cover Page of the Memorial must follow the following color
scheme, Blue for the Applicant Cover Page and Red for the Respondent Cover
(viii) The Memorial must be spiral bound ONLY.
(ix) The Memorial must not
Sketches/Exhibits/Affidavits etc.




(x) Memorials that do not comply with the abovementioned specifications will be
(xi) Two (2) hard copies and one soft copy on one (1) CD for each side (appellant
and respondent) must reach the organizers latest by the specified date and to the
specified person.
(xii) Eight (8) hard copies from each side (appellant and respondent) shall be
submitted by the teams on reaching at the venue of the Moot Court.
(xiii) Identification of any type shall attract severe penalty.

- 14 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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Marking criteria for memorials

(i) Memorial from each side shall carry total of hundred (100) marks.
(ii) The following shall be the criteria for marking the memorials:

Marking Criteria

Marks allocated

Knowledge of Facts



Knowledge of Law



Proper and Articulate Analysis



Evidence of Original Thought



Grammar and Style



Correct Format and Citation



Extent and Use of Research



Clarity and Organization




(iii) A penalty of two (2) marks for each side of memorial shall be entailed on
each days default in submissions of memorials.

Oral Submissions

Each team shall comprise of two (2) speakers, as has been specified

(ii )Court language shall be English only

(iii) Each team will have a maximum of thirty (30) minutes to present their Oral
Submissions in Preliminary Rounds. No speaker will be permitted to address the
Court for more than seventeen (17 minutes). This includes the time the speaker
addresses the Court during the rebuttal/sur-rebuttal. The maximum time for
rebuttal/sur-rebuttal is five (5) minutes.

- 15 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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(iv) The maximum time allotted in quarter finals, semi-finals and final shall be
forty five (45) minutes for each team. No speaker shall be allowed to address the
court for more than twenty five (25) minutes. This includes the time the speaker
addresses the court during rejoinder/sur-rejoinder.
(v) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team must
notify the Court Officer of the amount of time that the team reserves for their
rejoinder/sur-rejoinder. A maximum of 5 minutes can be reserved for the
(vi) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team shall
notify the Court Officer as to the division of time between the 2 speakers.
(vii) If any speaker continues to speak after the completion of his/her time, he/she
shall entail penalty which shall be upon the discretion of the judges.
(viii) The final decision as to the time structure and the right to rejoinder/surrejoinder will be that of the Bench Judges.
(ix) During the course of oral submissions the participants cannot submit to the
court any material containing pictorial representation whatsoever. Further the
participants will not be permitted to make any audio/visual representation nor will
they be allowed to use personal computers, laptops and any other technical or
mechanical device during their oral submissions.
(x) Speakers shall not be allowed to pass annexure to the judges; instead the
teams may make a compendium of annexure that shall be given to the judges
before the start of proceedings.
(xi) If at any instance a submission is made with any material in violation to the
above clause and if any picture, sketches, photos, cartoons, caricatures, audio film,
video film, projector-slide or a computer generated image is submitted or
presented to court, the teams shall be disqualified from the competition forthwith.
(xii) During the course of the Oral Submissions no speaker shall neither reveal
his/her identify nor the identity of their University / College by any means

- 16 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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Marking Criteria for the Arguments:

(i) Each Speaker will be marked on a total of 100 marks by each Bench Judge.
(ii) The following will be the Marking Criteria and the Marks allocated to each
Speaker by each Judge in the Round:


Marking Criteria

Marks allocated

Appreciation and Application of Facts.



Identification and Articulation of Issues.



Application of legal principles.



Use of authorities and precedents



Response to questions



Presentation skills



Clarity of thoughts and logical structure of 10


- 17 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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Registration Form
Organization /

Particulars of the Team Members:



Speakers Name


Speakers Name

Mr. / Ms._______________________

Mr. / Ms.__________________________

Semester / Year _________________

Semester / Year ____________________

Contact No _____________________

Contact No ________________________

e-mail ID_______________________

e-mail ID__________________________



Researchers Name

Details of Registration Fee:Demand Draft for Rs. 3,000/-

Mr. / Ms.______________________

In favour of Manipal University Jaipur

Semester / Year _________________

Payable at Jaipur

Contact No _____________________

Demand Draft No & Date__________________

e-mail ID_______________________

Name of Bank___________________________

Accommodation Required (Oct 01 to 03): Yes


- 18 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

- 19 -

Please mention name of participants and Institution on reverse of original DD and

send the form along with DD to the following address:FoA&L
School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur
VPO Dehmi Kalan, Tehsil - Sanganer
Off Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway
Ph: 0141-3999100 Extn. Nos 136 & 143
Please bring the receipt sent by Manipal University Jaipur to the registration desk to facilitate
the registration process.

Name and Signature of Authorized Person

- 19 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

Seal of Institution

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

- 20 -


Mode of Travel
Train/Flight No.
Train/Flight Name
Arrival Place

Mode of Travel
Train/Flight No.
Train/Flight Name

Contact Person:..
Contact Number:..
(Please note that the institute shall provide for pick-up from airport/ railway station/ bus
stop, and the participating teams should make necessary arrangement for their departure.)

- 20 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

2nd Manipal Ranka National Moot Court Competition 2016

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5th July 2016


5th July 2016


20th August 2016


10th September 2016


15th September 2016


1st October 2016



2nd October 2016


3rd October 2016



- 21 -|P a g e
Organized By:
School of Law Manipal University Jaipur

In Association With:

Ranka Charitable Trust

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