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There will be continual bus service from both Omni hotels and the Holiday Inn-Emerald Beach to the American Bank Center.

F R I D AY, J U N E 2 5 T H
8:00 am Credentials Distribution begins Exhibit Hall B, American Bank Center
9:00 am Exhibit Hall Opens Exhibit Hall A, American Bank Center
9:00 – 3:00 pm Issue Caucuses American Bank Center (see insert)
3:00 – 5:00 pm Senate District Caucuses American Bank Center & Omni Hotels (see insert)
5:30 pm Credentials Committee Room, 101-102, American Bank Center

F I R S T G E N E R A L S E S S I O N F R I D AY, J U N E 2 5
6:00 pm Convention call to order Arena, American Bank Center
Opening Ceremonies: State Chair Boyd L. Richie
Color Guard, Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem
Salute to our Veterans and Heroes
State Chair introduces the Temporary Officers of the State Convention and makes remarks
Report of the Permanent Credentials Committee
Report from the SDEC on its nomination for Permanent Convention Chair
Election of Permanent Convention Chair
Permanent Chair announces the appointment of Temporary Chairs and two additional members to each Committee
(except Credentials) and announces the meeting places for the Committees at 8 a.m. the following morning
Candidate for Governor, Mayor Bill White
Permanent Chair announces that the Convention will recess until the following morning at 11 a.m. so that
the Permanent Committees may transact their business. Permanent Chair announces where Senate District
Caucuses that did not complete their business before the Call to Order shall reconvene

S AT U R D AY, J U N E 2 6 T H
8:00 am Resolutions Committee Rm 101-102, American Bank Center
Rules Committee Rm 225 D-E, American Bank Center
Nominations Committee Rm 225 C, American Bank Center
Platform Committee Rm 225 A-B, American Bank Center
8:30 am Lady Bird Johnson Breakfast Watergarden A, American Bank Center
9:00 am Credentials Distribution resumes Exhibit Hall B, American Bank Center
9:00 am Exhibit Hall Opens Exhibit Hall A, American Bank Center
9:30 – 11:00 am Workshops & Trainings American Bank Center (see insert)

S E C O N D G E N E R A L S E S S I O N S AT U R D AY, J U N E 2 6
11:00 am Convention reconvenes Arena, American Bank Center
Permanent Chair calls the Convention back to order
Report from the SDEC on its nominations for Permanent Officers (other than Permanent Chair)
Election of Permanent Officers (other than Permanent Chair)
Report of the Rules Committee and action on the report
Report of the Nominations Committee for Party Officers and action on the report including the Committee’s
nominations for State Party Officers and SDEC members recommended by their respective Senate District Caucuses
Permanent Chair reads the list of Senatorial District nominees to SDEC followed by a formal vote of
ratification by the Convention
Report of the Platform Committee and action on the report
Report of the Resolutions Committee and action on the report
Announcements and further business
Adjournment. Following Adjournment, there will be a brief meeting of the SDEC in front of the Stage.

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