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Rupert 1

Juliana Rupert
ERWC/ Period 4
September 2016
Unit One Final Portfolio
I. Personal Statement

Prompt 2
2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem
solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how
you express your creative side.
Question 2
Creativity is when you have talents outside of the normal academics standards. Its when
someone can easily express themselves without struggling to do so. A creative skill that is very
important to me is my free writing. Without realizing it, being able to translate thoughts onto
paper has saved me when it came down to essays and note taking for multiple classes. The skill
has helped me not only in school academics, but also in my free time. For the past three years
Ive been working on my own story in any free time I have. It has been revised over five times
and written in multiple notebooks. Each friend that has read the copies have told me I have a
thing for writing and coming up with creative ideas. Being able to write what I want made it more
so easier for me to complete essay assignments for classes. Having writing as my creativity has
improved over the past years, and Im hoping itll only improve more through college.
Prompt 3
3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and
demonstrated that talent over time?
Question 3

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A talent of mine is my dedication to anything I set my mind to. Whether its a class or a
job chore needed to be done at home. Unless its absolutely necessary, like putting my mental
health first, I will drop a class. This has only happened once, luckily. Back in 11th grade I was a
die hard science fan and wanted to explore every aspect. I had planned to take AP anatomy in
12th grade, however, as soon as I started the class I knew I would struggle. On top of senor
projects and preparing for college, I had bad anxiety, and it even wasnt a full week of school.
After speaking to my parents, I dropped the class, still feeling guilty to this day. It means a lot to
me knowing that I can set my mind on something and complete it in any means possibly in any
given time. It has always come easy to me to set my mind on something and to complete it. It
has benefited me when it came down to finishing class with flying colors or writing an essay at
five in the morning.
Prompt 5
5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken
to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement
Question 5
One of my biggest changes have to be a class taken last year. My schedule had been
messed up, and the only way to fix it was to add Ap Environmental Science. Throughout the
entire year I had struggled to keep my grade up, which is very unlike me. It did not help that the
class started at an earlier hour than the normal bell schedule, I dont focus well in the morning.
After the class was over and passing with a C-, I felt like I tried my best despite the low grade.
Although, to this day I can make a valid argument on global warming and the ecosystem to
anyone who wants to argue against it. Throughout the semesters of this horrendous class, I had
both the support of my family and peers to help me overcome this class.
Prompt 6

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6. Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.
Question 6
My favorite academic subjects are both science and english. Both subjects have helped
me inside and outside the classroom. Sciences allowed me to push ahead and make convincing
arguments against environmentalists. On a trip to Yosemite, I spent hours talking to both my
mom and grandparents about the importance of National Parks, tectonic plates, and invasive
species. Lucky for me, they were interested. English has strengthen my skill in writing and free
thinking and has helped me free write more and more. Looking back on the story I had written in
9th grade, it took me seconds that I had written it, and saw how much I have improved. These
two academic courses have made a huge influence on choosing my major. In fact, Im unable to
decide between the two of them, since both would later benefit me in any career.

II. FAQ page

1. Am I eligible for financial aid even if I dont need it?
a. Yes. All I need to do is be a US citizen, have a valid social security number, and
have a high school diploma. (Source: h
ttps:// )
2. Can I apply to any international college?
a. Yes, us citizans can apply to colleges outside of American. (Source: )
3. Is it cheaper to stay in California for college?
a. If youre going to a college in-state it is cheaper. Depending on the financial aid.
4. Can I take two different majors in college at the same time?
a. You can take two major at once, it is called Dual Major. (Source: )
5. How many times can I switch my major?
a. As many times as you want but it can affect how long you stay in college. Take
core classes first before deciding what major you want. (Source:
our-major-in-college-and-how-has-that-affected-your-career )
6. Can a major guarantee a career?
a. It varies on the major, but it stay steadies on who get an immediate job and who
doesnt. Keep your major close knitted cause that will ruin your chances. (Source: )

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7. How much money should I save for college?

a. It depends both on the college and the financial aid, but most likely saving up any
amount of money will help.
8. Can financial aid from the us be used for international colleges?
a. Yes, financial aid can be used for international colleges. Its more limited but
there are options like Free Application for Federal Student Aid. (Source:
eral-financial-aid-to-pay-for-college-abroad )
9. Do other countries have community colleges?
a. Community colleges werent first seen in other countries until the US became
more productive in them. They didnt think they helped in a better education or
were at the same level as college and universities. Today, community colleges
can be found in certain locations, but not as many as the US. (Source: )
10. Is community college cheaper than state?
a. Community college can be cheaper than a university depending how long the
person is planning to stay and the financial aid they are using. (Source: )

III. Quick writes and Brainstorms

Quick Write #1
I chose to go to college because my parents and grandparents never went. I want to be
the first in my family, not including my aunt. I first want to go to Moorpark to build up credits.
Then I plan to move to Germany for a better education. I want to get enough knowledge to
become a forensic scientist.
Quick Write #2
There was one time last year when I was failing a class. My parents werent happy that I
missed 7 assignments and was failing test after test. They held the fact that I could lose my
phone over my head, and that I need to bite the bullet and pass. It was my first time failing and I
was devastated. By second semester I had to keep in mind that I could do it. I ended up with a
C- in the class by the end of the year. I didnt get stubborn, I didnt change how I worked or
improved myself. When failing, its important to not give up or stop working. Even if youre way
of passing is to keep at it and pull through, thats important. While I felt like I didnt improve, it
was nice to get it over with. This isnt the best case to describe a failure and recovery. Its more
so an almost fail and barely recovered story. I dont remember any type of failure where I did
something to improve. I just let it go.
Quick Write #3

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Dear Trusted Person I Know,

I am not fully prepared for college. I may know where I am going, but I am not mentally
ready for college. As you know, I plan on going to Moorpark before heading off to Germany.
Sadly, I don't feel ready enough. I'm not the best with tests, or studying. I procrastinate to the
point of the time before a period begins. I'm easily distracted and cannot focus at times during a
lesson. I feel childish at times too, I don't want to grow up, but I have to.
20 Words

Complicated 11

High self esteem 5

Dependable 1

Writer 4

Respectful 2

Daydreamer 14

Self-aware 3

Distracted 17

Stressed 19

Over-analyzing 6

Shy person 12

Somewhat impatient 16

Helpful 7

Loud 15

Talkative 8

Social to friends 10

Realistic 13

Anxiety 9

Procrastinator 18

On time 20

1. I ranked them by how important they affect me and others

2. I am half ready for college

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