Debate Preparation

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Name: ___________________

New Jersey vs. New England Debate

Taking all the information we have learned the past couple of
weeks, as a class we will discuss whether the Emerson family
should move to either New Jersey or a New England state.

Basic Terms:
Debate: A competition in which two opposing teams
make speeches to support their arguments and
disagree with those of the other team.
Resolution; A statement that individuals can have
different opinions on.
Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution.
Negative team: disagrees with the resolution.
Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the
other team.
Evaluator: decide the winner.
Debate Procedure:
A resolution will be introduced.
Students will be assigned a position, either to agree or
disagree with the resolution.
Each side will have the chance to plan arguments that they
will present during the debate. Debaters must work with
their teammates to build an argument to defend their
position. Remember to use the organizer.
The Debate:
Presentation of arguments: Each side will get time to present
their argument (5 minutes). During the presentation each
side will present the points that defend their position.
The rebuttal: After each side presents their arguments, the
teams are given a few minutes to form their rebuttal. The
rebuttal is the time to point out the weaknesses of the
opponents arguments. Remember to take notes during the
other teams presentation.

The Decision: The evaluator will review all of the points

presented and will make a decision that they will share with
the class.
1. Organize your argument. List each argument you can
use to defend your position below. Be sure to include
evidence to support the point.
Argument 1:
Argument 2:
Argument 3:
2. Complete your argument with a strong summary.
Include your strongest evidence.
Closing Argument:

3. Preparing for the rebuttal. A rebuttal is a chance to

answer the points made by the other side. You may not
bring in new points, but you can argue against points
made by the other side. Complete this organizer to
prepare your thoughts.
Argument Presented


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