Domain F Chart

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Week 2- Looking Forward

Courtney Burnett
TED 690
Professor Johnson


The following paper is an opportunity for me to look forward into my teaching
career and show where I will make professional growth and how I will do so. I
have provided a 5 year professional growth plan that I intend to follow to
better myself as a teaching professional. I also include, in this paper,
rationales for the artifacts that I chose to use in the domain F of my PDQP.

Moving forward from Domain A of our PDQP, where we talked about our
strengths and weaknesses, I now focus on Domain F that helps me to plan out


where I go from here to strengthen those weaknesses I have found within my
teaching. Domain A, which talks about making curriculum accessible to all students,
made me think about the struggle I have had with teaching too much in whole
group instruction. I would like to spend more time in guided leveled instruction,
especially in the small group setting. When looking into Domain F, the TPE states
that I have professional, ethical, and legal obligations to my students and I also
need to spend time in professional growth throughout the course of my career. What
perfect way to adhere to the later portion of the TPE and set up a 5 year plan for
professional growth. The following chart gives specific examples of how I will set up
my professional growth over the next 5 years of teaching.
Academic Year
Complete a
Program in

Academic Year
Commit to the
committee to
move our
school from a
Tier 1 to Tier 2
status within
the behavioral

Academic Year
I will write a
local classroom
grant proposal
to gain funds
to purchase
science and
items for my
classroom and

Academic Year
I will attend a
preferably with
a co-worker so
we can work
together to
implement the
teaching styles
into the

Academic Year
I will work in
another grade
level and
myself to new
curriculum and

Each of these goals will in one way or another help strengthen the weakness I
have found within my teaching, which is to want to provide a more individualized
instruction plan for each and every student. Completing the Masters in Education
program will gain me access to so many new areas of knowledge of how to
accomplish this goal for myself, based on what has been done in other successful


countries. Committing to the PBIS committee will help gain a better school wide
behavioral support plan for my students, with time spent in redirection taken away,
my focus can remain on the student and that students academic goals, rather than
the behavioral actions of another student. Attaining a grant for my classroom will
provide each student with new learning tools that will enhance their learning,
especially in the areas of technology and science. Bringing Keagan Teaching
Strategies into the classroom will provide an engaged learning that students will
undoubtedly want to participate in. Teaching in a new grade level, especially if the
option to loop to the next grade with my current students is available will give me a
one up on the student needs, in the very beginning of the year, allowing to me to
essentially pick up where I had left off in the previous academic year. All of these
professional goals will pertain directly to my own personal growth as a teaching
In Domain F of the PDQP I have included many artifacts that support my goals
for my 5 year professional development plan. The first of which was the chart itself.
My rational for these goals over the course of the next five years are as follows. I
would like to attain a Master's degree to put myself in a position to attain a new
teaching role in a new district in time. I would like to be as qualified as possible to
viewing employers. I would also like to utilize the knowledge I have attained from
the Master's program and use it in my classroom as a benefit to my students. I
would like to commit to the PBIS committee next year because I have seen what the
program has done for other schools and school districts. It is a very necessary
program to implement positive behavior and positive reinforcement for appropriate
behavior. The grant proposal would benefit my students directly and would engage
them in their learning in a more advanced way, by providing them with physical


tools to use to learn that they previously lacked. Attending a Kagan Cooperative
Learning workshop is on my list of goals because the teaching strategies that have
been used in the Kagan teachings have narrowed the achievement gap between the
majority and minority students. "The most impressive fact was that minority
students gained at an accelerated rate, narrowing the achievement gap" (Kagan, M.
2007). I would like to eventually work in another grade level to challenge myself as
a teaching individual. I would dislike to get too comfortable in one grade level and
the effort I give would begin to feel redundant in any way.
The second artifact I provided was my schools current progress in the PBIS
program. We have come a long way in this short introduction to the program. I have
been so impressed with the program that I would like to help in seeing the school
through to the next tier of the program. I think this has become a great behavioral
program for our students and staff to follow. It brings unity to what our vision is for
the school in positive behavior. I included the schools progress as a starting point to
where I will get involved in the upcoming school year.
The third artifact I provided was the information on Kagan Teaching
Strategies. I have heard from teachers who have implemented these teaching
strategies into their classroom and found much success in engaging all of their
students in their learning. I think that this teaching style, paired with the PBIS
program will compliment my classroom nicely. Together, I will have students that act
positively and are fully engaged in the learning process.
The fourth artifact is a literature review that supports the need for
professional development and the benefits we see in teachers that partake in a
significant amount of training. The last artifact I included was an image of a local


grant that I will apply for, in order to receive money from the state to provide new
technology and science materials for the students.
The effort I put into my teaching over the next five years will benefit my
students and myself, immensely. At the end of those five years, with goals
accomplished, I will in no way be done with professional growth. I will simply take
the time to reevaluate where I have come in those 5 years and where I need to go
from there. I think this activity has reminded me that these professional goals need
to be ever progressing and nonstop. Curriculum never stops changing and neither
should our training to teach it to our students.

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