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Murfreesboro Police Department ae & ena me semana Dateofcompiine W828 (Cuef 167500 How Received complainants Name ser: Alesis SS aan as te ee eres Previninty inFermabeu Azer rhe mertewt re kb Atami. ‘Authoring Ivestigtion: CHEF IAMS K.DURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTIAENT ae a aiseais anal Ei peepee a (cua Willams Seo — Murresboro Police Department Rule & Regulation Volatons Final Dsposton of vestigation substntated Regarding Wnfounded Regaring: sustained Regarding: a of Approving Aatoriy(Chiet/Desigree]_Oate corrective Action Taken by Agee [rmination Iesento [Denton Suspension of ou Sas [ten Reprisal [Verba Repeinand fora counseng [ne Acion information oie fhe: “tare o approving thar chel/oesigned) Dale TENNESSEE Creating obetier uot of te MEMORANDUM To: Chief Karl Durr FROM: ‘Assistant Chief Erie Cook@C- DATE: Novernber 28, 2016 SUBJECT: Officer Chris Williams ‘fier reviewing the information provided by Sergeant Craig Snider pertaining to the investigation of the incident at Hobgood Elementary, specifically the statements made by Officer Chris Willams regarding his conversation with Pastor McCarroll, there are some inconsiatoncice that are evident. Pastor MeCarell purports that Officer Willams was his only ‘source of information concerning the events that occurred at Hobgood Elementary School However, in Officer Wiliams’ fist statement, he denied giving any specific information to Pastor MeCarol. Upon further questioning by Sergeant Snider, Officer Wiliams did state that he had spoken to Pastor McCaroll on that day but was in such an emotional state that he "zoned out” ‘and does not recall the specifies ofthe conversation between himself and Pastor McCaroll In ight of other evidence regarding Officer Wiliams state of mind at the time ofthe incident, his inabifty o recall specifics of his conversation is credible. Therefore, while Officer Wiliams and Pastor McCarroll have different recollections about the content ofthe conversation, there is insufficient evidence to suppor a finding of dishonesty and sustain a charge of uniuthfulness against Oficer Willams, FEC [Bur sexs one PEEP = tbs ae ronment or Laer Murfreesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department eo & Date of compli 04/2016 case 16-7390, How Recshed complainants ames dees: Aegations EH, Section 2002 (N(1) Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds - Unsatisfactory Job Performance Authoring Ivestgton: CHIEF JAMES K DUBE, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT DateTime of nln cation of ident 5/2016 Eployets) velvet signment at Tne of nein lyde Adkison jajor Administrative Services Investigate signed Murreethoro Foes Dopartment’s le & Regulation Vilatons JE. Seton 00210 Final Dispos of ivstigtion: Pot alr: [sonerted negara [bnsubstartited Regarding: Usoundes Regain sustained Resrding: a LA; pbichoting tel one coneiv Aton Takan by Ane [rerminason: [Resignation [Denoton Suspension of ou is [ten Reprint |Verba Repeal [ra coursing Ine Acton information Ong fer: “Tira of Approving Authority (Chel Designee) ate Police Department Ginsirsots wonlameemartngor TENNESSEE Crecting a better quot of fe MEMORANDUM To: Chief Karl Durr FROM: ‘Assistant Chief Eric Gook©C- DATE: Cctober 31, 2018 SUBJECT: Major Clyde Adkison After reviewing the information provided by Sergeant Craig Snider in his investigation into the April 15, 2016 juvenile arests at Hobgood Elementary, specifically the actions of Major Ciyde ‘Adkison, | find reasons for concern. In his statement to Sergeant Snider, he indicated that he was aware of the pocaible arrecte of the juveniles baced on casual convereatione between officers at the Police Annex. Ths is somewhat troubling because as the Division Commander he should have taken the opportunity to ask questions conceming this incident and failed to do 80. On April 15, 2016, Officer Willams contacted him shorly before the arrests were to take place and voiced his concems regarding the situation. Major Adkison again failed to recognize the opportunity to intervene in what is an unusual situation and advised Officer Willams to not interfere, There is no evidence to show that Major Adkison attempted to contact Lieutenant ‘Teeters or Officer Templeton to gain further knowiedge even when it was his duty to do so. Given his years of experience as a supervisor and a division commander, Major Adkison should have recognized the uniqueness ofthis situation and acted accordingly and his failure to do so precipitated the events that ultimately occurred at Hobgood Elementary. | believe that there isa preponderance of evidence to conclude that Major Adkison fled to sufficiently supervise this event. For that reason, find that Major Adkison i in violation of City ‘of Murfreesboro Employee Handbook Poly tiled Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds ‘expressly section i number (1) unsatisfactory J performance for aling to propery supervise this event ee oe open rw Murfreesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department 8 Discipline Form Date of complains 4152016 case 16-7390 ow Reeve — na EH. Secton 3002 0) Dispnary Prosdures and Gromds-Unelsfadory dob Poromance a — pains ae. S018 saad Sori oo pee (Soother Seaman Aininovaie Sona steeseehash Murresboro Paice Daparenent’s Rule & Resltion Vestn): f+ JER, Secon 3002049) Final Dspstion of vestigation Poe fare: xonerated nase Unsbstantisted Regarding [Juntounded nagar stained Regarding: J ‘erat approving uthory ehiel/Oesnee) Date orrecve Aion Taken by Agency frerminaton: [Resignation [Bemation: Saspendion of sas [urtenReprina [verbal Repeimand [oral ounssing [Ne Action: information Ory for: “Tirature of approving ator Ciel/Oeigea) Date ) Police Department ccoiSrieerngo © TENNESSEE Creoting o better quay cf tle MEMORANDUM To: Chief Karl Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook-<- DATE: October 31, 2016 SUBJECT: Sergeant Greg Walker After reviewing the information conceming Sergeant Walker's involvement in the events leading up to the incident at Hobgood Elementary School on Apri 15, 2016, | am conoemed ‘about the lack of thorough supervision in this case. However, its important to point out that Sergeant Walker, at the time, wae responsible not only for the suparvsion of the SSEO personne! but also ran the supply section, as well as coordinated and supervised the schoo! Crossing guards. This complicates his work but does not relieve him of the duty to inform his cchain of command about ongoing events especially ifhe isto be absent atthe time they are to ‘occur. Given the complex nature of this incident, Sergeant Waker should have informed Lieutenant Teeters and Major Adkison about the investigation and the possibilty of criminal ‘charges being brought against muttple juveniles. Sergeant Walker's statement to Sergeant ‘Snider concerning this incident reaffirms this whten he said, he may have mentioned this to Lieutenant Testers but was not sure’. Because of his actions and based on a preponderance of evidence, Ifind that Sergeant Walker failed to supervise Officer Templeton adequately and was negligent in not thoroughly notifying his chain of command. For these reasons, | believe Sergeant Waker violated City of Murfreesboro Employee Handbook Policy tiled Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds expressly section j, number (1) Unsatisfactory ob performance for fling to propery supervise (Officer Templeton and not adequately notifying his chain of command, al! Ke emncn eT mee — CAB a Murfreesboro, 1N Murfreesboro Police Department &@ Discipline Form ‘Complainants Name: ares: Alegatons [EH secon 3002 119) Oscar Procedres and Grounds - Uneattacoy Jb Promence EH, Seton 3002 (IT 1}4) Incompetence ‘Authoring Ivestgton: CHEF JAMES K.DURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTIENT How Asienet: aterm finn teat of den A506 [Hobaood Elementa Employes vole sesigmento Tne of det: [Crystal Templeton [sSEO Investigator Asien: Murroesbro Poze Department's Rule & Regulation Visto: [EH Seaton 0020 11X1 2 [EH Seaton SOnaN TT Fina poston of vestigation: Poi Fare: (xoneated Reiading Unscented Regarding [Unounded neering sustained Regarding: 7 ZS af Appravng Aatory(Giet/Deseree] Date Comactive Action Taken by Agency ination: Resignation: [ematon Suspension Fo Hours [Wren Reprinands [verbal Repeiand [Ors Counsing Ino aation: [Information On: ote ‘entre of Approving thoy (Cnal/Baiee) Date of Polce Department = Some condamraesnetncor ORO TENNESSEE Crecting a better qualy fife MEMORANDUM To: Chief Kart Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook-C- DATE: October $1, 2016 SUBJECT: Officer Crystal Templeton ‘As a result of my review of the report submitted by Sergeant Craig Snider conceming the arrest ‘of ten juveniles, some of which occurred at Hobgood Elementary School on April 15, 2016, | find that Officer Templeton did not conduct @ systematic and thorough investigation of the Lndertying incident that resulted in criminal charges against the juveniloa. Further, the petition {or delinquency should have contained more particularized facts and information supporting the criminal charge against each jwvenile. While | do not believe that she acted maliciously or ‘was motivated by any reason other than helping the victim, she stilhas an obligation to conduct «comprehensive and complete investigation. During her interview with Sergeant Snider, she ‘was unable to provide specific information or details concerning the actors 1 > ina a ‘mitigating factor to be considered inthis incident isthe role that the magistrate's office played in recommending the specific charges that were fled against the juveniles. ‘After careful consideration of Officer Templeton's actions relating to this incident, | have ‘concluded that based on @ preponderance on the evidence Officer Templeton violated City of Murfreesboro Employee Handbook Policy No, 3002 tiled “Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds", Specifically section |, page 11 number 1, Unsatisfactory Job performance and number 14, Incompetence. ee ice Murfreesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department Discipline Form @ econo mee row cee complainant's tame: dees: Alegations ELH. Section 1003 (f) Prohibited Activities While Using Sick Leave 6.0. #104 Standards of Conduct [Authoring Invesigton: CHIEF AMES K OUR, MURFREESBORO FOUCE DEPARTMENT ae cr apo sia Sol — pe fae aso vs et urreesboro Police Department's Rule & Reustion Vilations: ft [EH, Section 1003 2 |6.0-#108 Final bipostin of vestigation: Poy re: [rested Resa [Usbanted esog ynoundes epg ussined nage (7) @) y Approving Authority (ChetfDesenee) Date orev Action Taken by Agen Frerminton: Resignation [Denaton ‘Saspersion of ours ue [ten nepal [Veta Reprnad [ra coursing INoActon, lnfrmation ok foe ‘enaare of Roprving ator (Chal/Besgnes) Dale Police Department Samo sschepmrteetorin gor Mt eREeaTONS TENNESSEE Creating @ patter quotty of MEMORANDUM To: Chief Karl Durr FROM: ‘Assistant Chief Eric Cook=¢- DATE: October 31, 2018 SUBJECT: Officer Mark Todd ‘After reviewing the information provided by Sergeant Craig Snider in his investigation into the ‘April 15, 2016 juvenile arrests at Hobgood Elementary specifically the actions of Officer Mark Todd I find reasons for concern, In his statement to Sgt Snider, he admits to caling in sick to void the impending arrests that were taking place that day. Ile also expresses remorse for not intervening in the planned activities and understands he falled to faithfully carry out his duties. ‘and abandoned those who depended on him for protection. At no time did Officer Todd attempt to notiy his chain of command despite is feelings relating to the investigation and ensuing arrests. AS a result, based on a preponderance of the evidence, | find Officer Todd to be in Violation ofthe following rules and regulations. 41. Officer Todd intently misrepresented his reason for leaving early which isa violation of City of Murfreesboro Employee Handbook Section No: 1003 tiled Sick Leave specifically letter F, titled, Prohibited Activities While Using Sick Leave, which states “to give false explanation for any sick leave use" is prohibited. 2. Officer Todd also violated General Order No.104 Standards of Conduct by falsely claiming to be sick in order to avoid his responsibilties and duty not only to the department but to the citizens of Murfreesboro specially the students enrolled at Hobgood Elementary School : Police Deparment : al’ 202 Seah Caachi arn nnn 3903732 i? Murfreesboro, TN Murtreesboro Police Department 8 Discipline Form Dsteof Complaint: 04152016 Complainants ames asa: ‘Alegstiont ELH. Section 3002 ()1) Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds - Unsatisfactory Job Performance ‘Authoring vestgton: CHEF JAMES K DURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT Employees involved: signnent at Time of dant: Scott Newberg. [Sergeant - Patrol -05:45-14i00 rteesboro Poe Department’ Rul & Regulation Wostion(s [+ [EH, Secon 30020 Final Dspostion of vestigation: Pot tr [exonerated Repo substantiates Repading [Uefoundes Rearing: [Susans Reng: CE) once Action akan by Agency [remington Resignation [bemower Suspension of urs us [ren Raprinand” [verbal Repear Jora ounssing no Aton: information On othe: "Geraore of Roprovng Raho eiel/oaignes) Dale Police Department oe ceetBeomnn oe TENNESSEE Greeting a batter quatty of MEMORANDUM To: (Chief Kart Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook. ¢- DATE: October 31, 2018 SUBJECT: Sergeant Scott Newberg ‘After a review of the facts of the investigation conducted in response to the arrest of the juveniles at Hobgood Elementary School on April 15, 2016 specifically the conduct of Sergeant [Newberg and his involvement inthe incident, lam concerned at the lack of direct oversight and Suigeanl Newbeiy's fallure to communicate with Lieutenant Testers in the absonce of ‘Sergeant Walker on that day. Sergeant Newberg should have thoroughly briefed Lieutenant ‘Teeters and involved him in the process throughout the day. By not doing so, the proper amount Cf supervision was not given fo ths incident. This caused confusion in the later conversations between Newburg and Teeters that contributed to the ultimate outcome. | would like to point ‘out that Sergeant Newberg was attempting o carry out his duties as a Shit Sergeant as well ‘as providing supervisory support for members of the SSEO unit. While Sergeant Newberg's wilingness to help and provide support for other divisions is commendable, however itis his responsibility to recognize when he is unable to adequately perform his duties and should have solicited the assistance of others in order to make sure this investigation was conducted correctly. Sergeant Newbery’ failure to maintain control and exercise his duty to evaluate Officer ‘Tempieton’s work concerning this investigation as well as personally overseeing the actual arrests was unacceptable, Because ofthis, | believe that there is a preponderance of evidence to conclude that Sergeant Newberg falled to sufficiently supervise this event. For that reason, | find that Sergeant Newberg isin violation of ity of Murfreesboro Employee Handoook Policy tiled Disciplinary Procedures and Grounds expressly section i, number (1) Unsatisfactory job performance for faling o properly supervise Officer Templeton. : Police Deparment Murtrvesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department a Discipline Form DeteofCompuints —_O4/SZ016 cone Wow Reeve: omplatoants Nome res: egatons: EH. Secon 2002 (i) Deipnar Procedures and Grounds - Unealisacan Job Permence Autor investigation: CHEF AMES K: DURA, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT ow Asigned DateTime of idan Location of det 5/2016 [Hobaood Elementar Employees invave eigen Tine of nid [Steve Teeters Jeutenant Administrative Services Investigator signed Murfreesboro Poca Deparment’ Rule & Regulation Vain): [EH Secon soar FnalDispostion of vestigation: Policy Faure: [rxonarates Regarding [unsubstantiated Ragarg founded Regn Sustained Regarding: = pki ible — Dae Corectve Aton Taken by Agen [erminston Resignations [Benton Saspnsion of ours Sus [wetten reprimand [ert Repro fora counseng Ine actor information hy jomer: “Jerature of approving thoy enet/Desgnee) Date Police Department Ginza ecoddmorersen gov ORO TENNESSEE Creoting 0 better quay ofa MEMORANDUM To: (Chief Kari Durr FROM: ‘Assistant Chief Eric CookEC- DATE: October 31, 2016 SUBJECT: _Lioutonant Stove Teotors ‘Asa result of my review of the report submitted by Sergeant Craig Snider concerning the arrest of ten juveniles at Hobgood Elementary School on April 15, 2016, | find Lieutenant Teeter's actions as the supervisor of the SSEO Unit o be substandard on this occasion. When notified by Officer Templeton of her intent to cherge # number of juveniles he failed to ask auficiont questions for his own edification about the incident. He should have taken the time to have Officer Templeton meet with him prior to the attempt to obtain the petitions and been directly Involved in all the decision making process throughout this event. ‘Once contacted by Officer Willams, Lieutenant Teeters did get in touch with Sergeant Newberg and inguire further into what was taking place, but failed to exercise his authoriy as a Lioutenant and at least postpone the impending arrests. One reason for this could have been how Sergeant Newberg relayed the information concerning Dr. Gilbert's desire for the arrests to take place. Lieutenant Teeters cited this as his rationale as to why he did not intervene in this incident. It is unclear if Sergeant Newberg misrepresented Dr. Gilberts wishes or Lioutenant Teeters failed to understand what he was being told and came to his own ‘conclusions based on the facts he had and his own past experiences. This does not excuse Lieutenant Testers from his responsibilty to supervise his subordinates in an effective and comprehensive way. | believe that there is a preponderance of evidence to conclude that Lieutenant Teeters failed to sufficiently supervise this event. For that reason, I find that Lieutenant Teeter is in violation of Section 3002 ()(t) of City of Murfreesboro Employee Handbook Policy entitled "Unsatisfactory Job Performance.” Police Deparment Murfreesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department a 6 Date ofCompain: 04/520 Gosek 16-7390 ow Received Complainants Name: ‘es: ‘Alegatonts Omsahifaclery JOB TeRearmnaee Authoring Investgetion: CHIE AMES KDURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT Mow Assen DataTime of nin Location of fisizo1s SS CTHobgood Elementary _mpoyees) moe: Assignment 2 Time of dent (Jeff Carrol alto 19:45-22:00 Eee pe eres SS sera inal Dspostion of vestigation: otf [sone nese CO neta np nouned esa ried Reng oractive Action Taken by Agency frerminaton Resignation [penoton Tunpension ofa ae [weiter nepriand [verbo nepeiand [oral Couns [we Actions Information On: other: ‘erature of Approving Authority (cit/Besgnes) Date Police Department sent Cnet { Gin arraote emaieeats gor ONS) TENNESSEE Greeting @ better quoty of its MEMORANDUM To: (Chief Kart Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook <— DATE: October 31, 2016 SUBJECT: Officer Jeff Carroll Ths repor is in response to the investigation into the Arrests of juveniles that ocurred at Hobgood Elementary school on April 15, 2016, specifically the actions of Officer Jeff Carrol ‘After reviewing the information provided in tis investigation, find that Officer Carrols actions ‘were not in violation of any general orders or policies pertaining to the Murfrocabore Police Department or the City of Murfreesboro. Officer Carrol carried out the orders he received from ‘Sergeant Newberg in a professional manner given the nature ofthe situation Poles Dapatnant ns Murfreesboro, TN Murfreesboro Police Department & Discipline Form DateofCompint 4152016 ‘ase 167380 ow Receive complainants ames Aedes: ‘legato VwSauehacham, [ee Pertommare Authoring Investigation: CHIEF AMES K.DURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTIAENT ow signed DateTime of nin Location f nine: Enployets] led Assignment at Time of cent: [albert Miles [Patrol 13:45.22:00, rts Murresboro Police Department's Rule & Region Vestn mn 302 (iL) na spoon of vestigation: [xoneratos negating: D (Unsbstantoed Reparig [Untounded Reprne sistaned Regarding DZ. ‘Sage of Approving Authority (Ciet/Deiges) ate Corrective Action Taken by Agen: [rmination co, [Benations Suspension of ours [weiter reprimand [Verba Reprind [ora ounseing Ino Action: Information Oni [ther “Senate of Approving Maho [OeTOmses) Date Police Department saci Cat egarcs cconirentgor TENNESSEE Creating @ batter quatty of tte MEMORANDUM To: Chief Karl Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook=¢- DATE: October 31, 2016 SUBJECT: Officer Albert Miles This report is in response to the investigation into the arrests of juveniles that occurred at Hobgood Elementary School on April 15, 2016 specifically the actions of Officer Abert Miles. ‘After reviewing the information provided inthis investigation, | find that Officer Miles’ actions ‘wore not in violation ef any general order or policy pertaining to the Murfreesboro Police Department or the City of Murfreesboro. Officer Miles carried out the orders he received from Sergeant Newberg in a professional and compassionate manner given the nature of the situation, “Murfreesboro, 1N Murfreesboro Police Department a o4i152016 Dateot Complains complainant's Name: legato Um satahictory Joe Tec Remance, ‘Authoring Investigation: CHI JAMES K. DURR, MURFREESBORO POLICE DEPARTRAENT How Asgned: DateTime of nc cation of ident [Hobgood Elementar tmpoye(s vou: slenment at Time of cent: [Paul [Special Vicims Unit Investigator send: urreesboro Police Deparment’ Rule & Regulation Vito: eH. sce Ci) Ct ina Depostion of vertenton: poy rau Z[Benerats essai (1) [substan Reps [rious Reersing sustained Repwing Zz fe Approving Astor (hiefOssere) Date orate Action Tan by Agen frerminaton [esignains [pension “Suspension [pafioun Se [ten Reprinand [Verba Repriand [ora counscing In aeons infomation One [omer ‘grtar of Approving Authority (Ciet/Desiges) Dale Police Department Gigaset econ Grncestosmger ORO TENNESSEE Creating @ betier quality of tle MEMORANDUM To: ‘Chief Keri Durr FROM: Assistant Chief Eric Cook-<- DATE: October 31, 2016 SUBJECT: Detective Paul Mongold Upon review of the report on the Hobgood Elementary School incident that occurred on April 15, 2016 specially the involvement of Sergeant Paul Mongold | find no wrong doing on his part. Sergeant Mongole's involvement consisted of offering advice to Officer Templeton concerning this incident based solely on the information provided to him by Officer Templeton, During one of their conversations he told her that he would not personally charge any of the juveniles and had never seen the spectic charge used in the prosecution of juveniles. He offered these statements to her only as guidance and assumed that her specific chain of ‘command was aware of her actions and monitoring it appropriately socnm owe epoca

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