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Cells and Energy Review Sheet-Plastids and

1)Explain what part of the plant is responsible for making energy,
storing energy, and breaking down food for energy. Making=
chloroplast storing=leucoplasts
Breaking down food=mitochondria(w/oxygen)
2)Define and describe a chloroplast, explain where they are found
and explain why these organelles are so important to the plant.
Found in plants, contain chlorophyll and thylakoid
membrane that captures the sunlight.
3)List the main products of photosynthesis and what the plants uses it for.
Main product: glucose
by-product: oxygen. Glucose is food created by the plant
that is broken down in the mitochondria for energy.
4)Explain what chromoplasts are and how they benefit plants. What pigments do they contain?
How do they relate to the fall? A plastid also involved in photosynthesis. Rhodophyll=red,
xanthophyll=yellow, carotene= orange. These are the colors you see when leaves
change color because photosynthesis has slowed down.
5)Explain what leucoplasts store and the forms that they store it as.
Store the extra sugar(glucose) made by the plant. Can be stored as a simple(mono or
disaccharides) or complex sugar (starch).
6)Write out and explain the photosynthesis formula in words and chemical elements .
Carbon dioxide and water with sunlight will produce glucose and oxygen.
7)What are the different variables that affect the rate of photosynthesis? (hint-gizmo lab)
Temperature, amount of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and light wavelength
8)Compare and contrast an autotroph with a heterotroph.
Autotroph makes its own food to get energy
9)Explain how a tree gains mass. (use Van Helmonts experiment )
A tree or plant takes in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water with its roots,
with sunlight it is able to produce glucose. The process of making
glucose(photosynthesis) give the tree and all plants their mass.
10)Write out and explain the respiration formula in words and chemical elements.
Glucose and oxygen are broken down into carbon dioxide and water ATP(energy ) is
11)Explain the running lab that was done in class and how carbon dioxide rate was affected.
After exercise the amount of respiration increase. More carbon dioxide was released.
12)Explain how energy from the sun is related to energy in your body.

We eat the plants for energy. We also eat the animals that eat the plants.
13)Explain what the mitochondria is and list the main steps to breaking down foods. Organelle
that breaks down food into useable energy. It is involved in the 2 nd step of breaking
down food aerobically(with oxygen) into useable
14)Compare and contrast aerobic with anaerobic respiration .
Both types of cellular respiration a process done by all
cells. Aerobic involves oxygen happens in the
mitochondria. Anaerobic is without oxygen and
happens in the cytoplasm.
15)Explain lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic
Both are types of anerobic respiration. Lactic acid done by animals, some bacteria
some yeast. Does not require oxygen. Lactic acid is what makes your muscles
sore/cramp. Alcoholic respiration done by some yeast and some bacteria. Does not
require oxygen.
16)Define ATP.
Useable energy. Adenosine triphosphate
17)What is the cycle shown to the right? Explain it.
Carbon-oxygen cycle. The cow is releasing carbon dioxide which the tree takes in to
use for photosynthesis. The tree releases the extra oxygen that the cow takes in to
use for cellular respiration.
18)Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration
They are complementary processes. Photosynthesis carbon dioxide and water with
sunlight produce glucose and
19)Compare and contrast chloroplasts and mitochondria. Do plants cells have mitochondria? Do
animal cells have chloroplasts? Both organelles. Chloroplasts found in plant cells not
animal cells. Where photosynthesis happens. Mitochondria found in plants and
animals, where cellular respiration happens.
20) What part of the human body would contain a lot of mitochondria? muscles
21) Explain how energy is stored in food. It is stored in the bonds of the sugars. When
bonds are broken energy is released.
22) Identify the structure
simple sugar, carbohydrate

Importance/Primary Function

List the monomer and



Short term energy for us, long

term for plants

Simple sugar- monosaccrides

Cellulose - in plant cell walls for

structural support

C, H, O

23) Compare and contrast dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis?

Dehydration synthesis:Monomers combine to make polymers(large molecules), water is
Hydrolysis: water is added and the polymer breaks down into monomers
24) Examine the chemical processes below, and then determine if they are undergoing dehydration
synthesis or hydrolysis.
1. The production of a disaccharide from glucose and fructose. ____________DS______________.
2. Glycerol and 3 fatty acids combine to form fat molecule
3. Building a DNA molecule from nucleotides.
4. The creating two molecules of pyruvate from 1 glucose. __________DS__________________.
5. Stringing amino acids together to form a protein.

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