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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 19, 2016

We spend a lot of time planning, budgeting and organising our daily living. What is the
one key discipline we must possess and one big obstacle we must win over? Bhagawan
explains today.

It is not enough if your home budget is balanced; you must learn

the art of having a balanced view of life, which will not be affected
by triumphs and troubles, gains or losses, victory or defeat. This
balance can be got only by reliance on God and faith in the
indwelling God. You must learn to steer clear of hatred, malice,
greed, anger, anxiety, pride and other obstacles that come in the
way of your inner peace. Education must render you a monarch of
your talents and your tools for acquiring knowledge. The eye, the
ear, the tongue, etc. are like wild horses that have no bridle
between the teeth; learn the art of meditation (dhyana) through
which the senses can be controlled and the will directed inwards
towards the mastery of feelings and emotions. You must heed one
discipline - controlling of your senses; if you give them free rein,
they will drag you into calamity.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 26, 1969

Let the wave of memory, the storm of desire, and the fire of emotion pass
through without affecting your equanimity. Baba

19 dsMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN,Awpxw bhuq swrw smW,Awpxy roz dy jIvn nUM clwaux leI,aus dI rUpryKw, pYsw ikvyN Krc krnw hY Aqy
aus nUM qrqIb dyx ivc, Krc kr idMdy hW[auh ikhVw Kws AnuSwSn hY ijhdI pwlxw swnUM krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy auh
ikhVI rukwvt hY ijs nUM swnUM dUr krnw huMdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: quhwfy leI ie`nw hI kwPI nhIN ik quhwfy Gr dw bjt,iekswr hY[ies dy nwl-nwl quhwnUM ieh vI is`Kxw
cwhIdw hY ik jIvn ivc ikvyN iekswrqw AwauxI cwhIdI hY[ies iekswrqw au`qy, quhwfIAW kwmXwbIAW Aqy AOkVW,lwB
Aqy hwnI,ij`q Aqy hwr dw koeI Asr nhIN pYxw cwhIdw[ieh iekswrqw qW hI pRwpq ho skdI hY jy quhwfw,Bgvwn au`qy
Brosw hY Aqy ies scweI qy ivSvwS hY ik Bgvwn,quhwfy AMdr vws krdy hn[quhwnUM Awpxw mwrg pRdrSn krnw
cwhIdw hY ik nPrq,bury ivcwr,lwlc,gu`sw,icMqw, hMkwr Aqy hor rukwtW ijhVIAW quhwfI SWqI ivc rukwvt hn,aunHW nUM
ikvyN dUr kIqw jw skdw hY[is`iKAw ies qrHW dI hoxI cwhIdI hY ijhVI quhwfy hunr nUM jwigRq kry Aqy igAwn hwsl
dw h`iQAwr bxy[A`K,k`n,jIhv Awid auh jMglI GoVy hn ijhVy dMdW dy ivckwr, lgwm nhIN hn[iDAwn krn dw
hunr is`Ko ijhdI mdd nwl,ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwieAw jw sky Aqy ie`CwvW Aqy BwvnwvW nUM kwbU kr ky, AwpxI
AMqr-Awqmw vl moiVAw jw sky[quhwnUM,iek AnuSwSn au`qy iDAwn dyxw cwhIdw hY ik quhwfIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy,quhwfw
kMtRol hYvy[jy qusIN AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW nUM Ku`lI Cu`tI dy dvo gy qW auh ,quhwfy ivnwS dw kwrx bx jwx gIAW(26
julweI,1969 dy idvX pRvcn)[
quhwfI XwddwSq dIAW qrMgW,ie`CwvW dw qUPwn Aqy BwvnwvW dI A`g dw Asr,quhwfI iekswrqw au`qy nhIN pYxw

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