Unit Lesson 3

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Unit lesson 3 Mixtures (Separating Solids)

Student Name: Samantha Bolognese

School Name: Lawrenceville Elementary

Grade Level: 1

Host Teachers Name: Mrs. Potter

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

What is a mixture?
What makes up a mixture?
Can a mixture be separated?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge
Students will have prior knowledge about solids and properties of solids. Students have had
exposure to mixtures in their daily lives. Students have not learned about mixtures in class or the
proper definition of a mixture.
2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials
by their observable properties.
2-PS1-2. Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine what materials have
the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.
2-PS1-3. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of how an object made of a
small set of pieces can be disassembled.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives


Students will be able to define a mixture.

Students will gain knowledge of what a mixture

is through class discussion. Teach will assess
students definitions in their science notebook.

Students will separate a dry solid mixture into


Students will sort a Chex mixture to distinguish

the different parts. Teacher will assess student
performance by ability to separate into correct

Students will conduct the experiment and note


Students will draw their separated mixtures to

show their observation of the changes. Teacher
will assess students drawings for completeness
and accuracy.

Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
Chex mix
20 cups
20 trays
Prepared anchor chart
Science notebooks
Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

Teacher will pre-write and set up mixture anchor chart

Teacher will have cups of Chex mix in cups and on trays prior to activity

Step-by-Step plan:
1. Lesson beginning: Students will be guided to rug by teacher upon entry to the classroom
after P.E. Teacher will tell students to sit in their assigned spots on the rug to start the
lesson. Teacher will introduce the lesson and say, The past two science activities have
focused on solids and liquids and their properties, today we will talk about mixtures.
Does anyone have a guess what a mixture is? Teacher will reveal mixtures anchor chart.
Teacher will tell students to record the newly learned definitions (mixture, solution,
solute) to their vocabulary on page 2 of their science notebooks when they return to their
2. Teacher will begin giving instructions for the activity. Teacher will say, To explore solid
mixtures, each of you will get a cup of a mixture of solids. You will separate the solids on
the tray into its parts. Once the mixture has been separated you will draw the parts you
observed in your science notebook on page 4. Teacher will enforce science protocols by
reminding students we do not eat any of the materials even if they are food. Teacher will
tell students they are able to eat the Chex at the end of the activity when given the order
3. Teacher will dismiss students to their seats where they will record their new vocabulary
words. Teacher will distribute materials to students upon finishing their words. Teacher
will walk around to monitor students and keep them on task. Teacher will give a 3 and 1

minute warning to finish up their observations, for those who finish early they will work
on their science worksheets. Once everyone has recorded in their notebooks teacher will
give students permission to eat their mixture.
4. Closure: Teacher will summarize mixtures by asking students, How did you separate
the parts? Was it easy? How many parts were there? What if water was added? Teacher
will ask students to share some of their observations. Teacher will assign home
assignment on mixtures and allow students clear their desks and pack up.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

Was it easy to separate the parts?
What method did you use?
How many parts of the mixture were there?
Timing: 25 minutes
Lesson beginning- 5 minutes
Separating mixtures- 15 minutes
Closing- 5 minutes

Teacher will dismiss students by groups from rug to their seats

Teacher will call only students who finish their work to get materials for the

Classroom Management:

Teacher will monitor student behavior during the activity

Teacher will reinforce proper science protocols
Teacher will only allow students to eat the mixture once everyone is finished


Two students with food allergies will be allowed to eat their safe classroom snack instead
of the Chex mix
Teacher will prompt students to think about the properties of matter
Teacher will monitor students to confirm they are engaged and staying on task
Early finishers will work on fun science worksheets in back of their science notebooks

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