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The Lost Writings

that Changed The Game

Vin DiCarlo (A.K.A Woodhaven)

Copyright 2004-2009 All rights reser


DiCarlo DiClassified Presents...



The Lost Writings

that Changed The Game

by Vincent DiCarlo

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.

The Transition to Natural Game............................................................14
The Two Fundamental Elements Required for
Conscious and Deliberate Pickup. ................................................15
Techniques, Mindsets, Beliefs
and how they are related. ..................................................................16
The Paradigm Shift.................................................................................17
The 6 Sticking Points Resulting from
the Traditional Model.............................................................................18
Natural Game Pros and Cons...........................................................23
A Model for Natural Game..................................................................24
Mindsets for Natural Game................................................................25
The Continuous Flow of Action .......................................................28
Natural Game Models & Methods......................................................34
Spontaneity over Structure................................................................35
Mutual Value Escalation.......................................................................39
Congruence to Intention.....................................................................43
Notes about the direct intention:......................................................47

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.

Notes about the indirect intention:..................................................48

Intention Shifting......................................................................................49
The Compliance and Value Model......................................................51
How compliance relates to value....................................................52
Mutual Compliance Escalation.........................................................55
Orbiters and Lets Just Be Friends (LJBF)................................58
Players and Fuck-Buddy (FB) Relationships..............................60
Tools and Application............................................................................62
Set High Expectations..........................................................................65
Value Flux and Reward Calibration.................................................66
The True Alpha Male..............................................................................70
Oriental Hot Tub of Sex............................................................................72
A letter from Vin............................................................................................83

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Its been 5 years since Vin DiCarlo (at the time, writing under the pseudonym
Woodhaven) released these landmark letters, and ultimately revolutionized
how the pickup community in general would treat the science of seduction...
When Vin first revealed Natural Game, he was heavily criticized by the likes
of Neil Strauss, Mystery and others who wanted to protect their own systems
from the changing world.

But reading
through the
following article
really strikes a
chord with me.
I relate to this
post so much.
Its everything
I could NEVER
say, but am
always trying
Chris (in
reference to
Vin DiCarlos
The Transition
to Natural

In order to truly see the genius of these letters, you must understand the
landscape of the seduction scene back then. Routines, patterns and lines
were king, and to challenge the status quo, was completely unheard of.
Until Vin came along, that is...
And after Vin enlightened thousands of average, normal and everyday guys to
the power of this ground-breaking new system and dramatic mindset shifts...
Suddenly, every guru and his brother had their own take on Natural Game.
Unfortunately, even the highest-held guru is still not anywhere near the level
of Natural Game that Vin was on his on his way to pioneering, even way back
in 2005.
Showcased here - in this mini-ebook - Are the original articles that
revolutionized the pickup community and are a must-read for anyone, if you
are serious about taking control of your dating and sex life.
Ive saved this file on my computer as Foundation.pdf because there are
MILLIONS of men alive who will never achieve the brick-wall foundation these
articles will give your game.
And with a shaky, unsure or poorly-designed foundation to stand on, you

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2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


cant ever build a solid game or expect reliable results.

Thats why I was not only excited, but also relieved when Vin told me these
articles were still around. You see, many a newbie is sent to find these
articles - as Ill explain later - And many come across dead links or missing
files where these breakthroughs used to be.
Why are they taken down? Because the select few who have read them, own
them or have saved a copy to their hard-drive refuse to share this knowledge
with others.
Its not being selfish in the normal sense of the word, but too many men who
see the Transition to Natural Game articles end up succeeding with women,
and even leaving the community .. Taking these rare articles with him.
Natural Game has evolved since Vin wrote these posts and I - along with
thousands of other men - believe they are tried-and-true classic writings, and
have stood the test of time.

Good shit.. Read and

re-read this fellas.. until
it is ingrained in your

You will find these articles simple to understand and (while technical) will
give you an instant perspective shift, and change the way you think... about
meeting women.
And... You will see that how you think is everything, when it comes to meeting

Zulu (in reference

to Vin DiCarlos The
Transition to Natural

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visitwww.GoCubeYourself.com
2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


How you think about pickup will effect every part of your social skills, how you
express yourself, and the reality you create for yourself.
This is the real hidden genius in Vins early writings: The Ability To Choose
Your Destiny, simply by improving your social skills and your skills with
You will be introduced to pimp game, reverse supplication, the value flux,
true meaning of lets just be friends, and how to change the concept that
sex is the ultimate form of compliance.
In a nutshell, youll get some of the most advanced - and deadly effective Tactics for finally meeting more women, getting her phone number, and taking
her home THAT night.
Reading these articles will give you an unshakable foundation for confidence,
and make everything you read about seduction - from now on - Easier to
digest and understand. Even if its from other authors.
And, although Vin has continued to innovate, these are the building blocks
every other theory, tip and tactic of his has spawned from.
These writings are considered significant events in the Pickup Communitys
If you were ever tempted to use routines, or even if you have a tendency to jot
down specific lines or stories to use in the future... Then you must read the
Transition to Natural Game articles.
They will redefine your reality about dating and women, and will reveal what is
really going on in your interactions with the fairer sex.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.

Ask any true pickup guru and master Pick-up Artist and youll find a
massive, mutual amount of respect for Vin. Most will even recommend you
check out his teachings without a moments hesitation.
This is because Vin pushed the envelope on what what is possible in your
sexual relationships, and liberated men... Empowering you to lift your game
and your standards, and not to settle for second best.
Vin has done more for men as a whole than almost anyone else in recent

Jesus couldnt
have written a
better post about
the meaning of
Rock (in
reference to
Vin DiCarlos
The Transition
to Natural

I know Im belaboring a point by now, but you will more than likely learn more
by reading these few short articles than by watching a dozen other DVD
sets, if you put what you discover to work for you, today.
Ive read the Transition to Natural Game articles dozens of times, and I still
take new insights away, each and every time.
Think about that for a second... Ive read a single set of posts - dozens and
dozens of times - And I pick out something brand-new each and every time. It
blows my mind.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.

If you have never read the Oriental Hot Tub House of Sex Lay Report you are
in for a massive treat.
Let me put it this way: Vins game, the way he thinks about women, and
how scary-good he is will mess with your head. But in addition to the
entertainment factor, youll also grab a few new tools for your Big Bag of
Tricks. In fact, I will even venture to say: You cannot be a true pickup artist
unless you read the Transition to Natural Game articles. Think about them like
William Shakespeare or The Beatles... Both basic to the untrained eye, but
revolutionary in their time, and groundbreaking for the future.

God its like

every time I
read it - it opens
my eyes a little

Many veterans of the pickup community will recommend these hard to find
articles as the first thing you read to get started in this daring counter-culture
and lifestyle... And most top pick-up artists hold the Transition to Natural
Game articles in high esteem.

Could this be
the greatest post
- Prodigy (in
reference to
Vin DiCarlos
The Transition
to Natural

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.

So enjoy the following articles, and feel free to re-read them again and again...
Because they are an essential element for developing the mindsets of a
TrueNatural Seducer.

You know...
I havent read
this in a SUPER
long time.
But I do
remember it
as being the
greatest article
Ive ever read.
Ill make an
effort to read
it again in the
VERY near

And once youve gotten a certain level of competence in your dating and sex
life, youll begin to automatically shoot much higher than you could have ever
dreamed possible when it comes to women.
Lastly, I want to thank Vin for giving me the opportunity to introduce these
articles... And for the drastic, lasting and complete transformation theyve
made in my dating and sex life.
From the bottom of my heart, Vin, thank you. And from the bottom of my
heart, my friend...
... Enjoy. :-)

- Daniel Rose, Author of The Sex God Method

- Sam (in
reference to Vin
DiCarlos The
Transition to
Natural Game)

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Vin DiCarlo Biography

Vin DiCarlo is the worlds premier dating coach and trainer of

professional pick-up artists. His provocative, controversial and chillingly
effective methods cut directly to the core of social interactions between
men and women. He draws on his scientific and analytical background and
combines it with his vast real-life experience with women in order to transform
his clients, enriching and motivating men across the globe.
Vins teachings are based in reality and observation rather than sugar
coated theories that merely stroke the ego. Always developing and evolving,
Vin is both a consummate professional and an eternal student of the game,
drawing upon his infinite knowledge of learning theory, neurofeedback,
motivational psychology and neuro-linguistic programming striving to produce
easier, faster, more powerful results for every one of his clients.
Vin takes you by the hand and guides you along through all of your
social endeavors, whether you are looking to meet many, many more
women, find a highly compatible girlfriend or make a living as a full-time
professional pick-up artist.
If you are looking for lines, gimmicks and simple routines, look elsewhere.
Vin delivers hard-hitting ideas that integrate into your subconscious behaviors
and personality, producing rapid and permanent change that manifests itself
in all areas of your social life.
Vin also provides exclusive and confidential one-on-one training for affluent
clients such as lawyers, doctors and high-profile business executives.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Vin DiCarlo Biography

What are his teachings about?

Vins main objective is to both endow you with the necessary skills for
interacting with women but to also help you cultivate a magnetically attractive
personality that touches others in a powerful, yet natural way:
1. Have supreme choice of beautiful, intelligent women. Spend your
time with someone you truly enjoy and cherish.
2. Taking complete control of your relationships. Start meaningful
relationships on your terms.
3. Use a completely natural approach, with absolutely no lying,
manipulation, or cheesy routines that will get you accused of trying to
4. Express your inherent personality. You should NOT have to become
someone else in order to make Vins method work.
5. Powerful transformation can be EASY. The quickest way between
two points is a straight line. You will not have to do magic tricks,
memorize elaborate stories, go out with big groups of women or buy
expensive bottle service, an average guy can use Vins method using
nothing more than just his words.
6. Cultivate valuable friendships and connections with people to foster
refreshing new social circles.
7. Learn powerful and effective social techniques and abilities that will
help you in business, networking and negotiations. Skills for LIFE.
Why Vin DiCarlo?
Vin DiCarlo is one of the highest paid, most in-demand dating consultants
in America today. In the last few years, he has worked hands-on with clients
from 32 different countries at fees starting at $13,000 for a one-on-one
three day weekend.
Vins methods transfer easily from one to another.
That simply means: Any man, young or old, rich or poor, no matter what
skill level, benefits from Vins teachings.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Vin DiCarlo Biography

Vin is a prolific writer, and is known for some of the most widely read
and reproduced articles. As the first professional pick-up trainer working
successfully on the East coast, Vin is the pioneer of natural game which
has been proven to be the most effective and imitated style today.
Vin is one of the only teachers in this industry who is acknowledged by well
known and respected academic institutions. Just last year, Vin was invited
to the very prestigious Syracuse University to give a talk on attraction and
cognition as it relates to dating in modern society.
Most importantly: Vin is both a master pick-up artist and dating coach, who
actively, currently lives what he teaches and practices what he preaches. Too
many gurus rely on clever marketing or outlandish and flashy techniques. Vin
is the real deal.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


the transition to Natural Game

How to transition to free-flowing pickup

Ive met a ton of guys from the Pickup Community. After going out with them
and watching them with women, I have seen the exact same things over and
over. They all run the exact type of game, and have the same problems. I am
not criticizing other peoples models, I am just pointing out the effect these
models seem to have on about 90% of the community guys Ive observed.
Again I emphasize that it is not an inherent flaw in older, more traditional
models (Mystery, Speed Seduction, Juggler, GWM), but more how people are
interpreting these models.
This post will help transition those people who are interested from an
approval-seeking, nerdy, entertainment frame, to smooth, Natural Game,
which is inherently more effective in all stages of seduction.
I have not posted anything advanced in a short while, and Natural Game is the
culmination of the past few months of my work. Enjoy!
1. The two fundamental elements of a pickup.
2. The difference between techniques, mindsets and beliefs.
3. A paradigm shift from traditional models.
4. Design the frame for endgame
5. The Continuous Flow of Action

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

1. The Two Fundamental Elements Required for Conscious and
Deliberate Pickup.
Any proactive pickup where the man decides who he wants, approaches her,
and consciously moves the interaction to sex requires only two things.
They are:

A strong and unwavering belief that the girl wants him

An interactive context which can lead to isolation

The great part about this is that any context will work. This represents the
differences between all of the methods you see here in the online community:
be it Gunwitch with his strong rapport assumption and ordinary conversation,
or be it Mysterys routines which fit into a precise and linear system. They are
both just interactive contexts which can lead to isolation. The true firepower
is the set of beliefs underlying the context.
The reason why there is so much focus on context is because it can be
learned quickly. Its very easy to learn a few jokes and tell a few stories and
memorize a few openers. Internalizing good beliefs on the other hand, usually
takes months or even years.
You will see some guys telling you to ignore belief and just develop a strong
context. While it may be beneficial to develop a really strong context, we must
take care that our execution of techniques isnt inhibiting the growth of good
beliefs, and not installing limiting ones.
The fastest route to mastery is to develop strong beliefs and become familiar
with a variety of contexts, i.e. get a lot of experience under your belt. Learn
to handle as many tough situations as possible - large groups, daytime
isolation, male competition, direct approaches, etc. Realize it can take quite
some time before your beliefs make a significant enough change that you
achieve the kind of success youre really after.
Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

2. Techniques, Mindsets, Beliefs and how they are related.
On the most superficial level, we have techniques. A technique is something
that you say or do while interacting with a woman. We all have a great deal of
conscious control over which techniques we use. On the flipside, techniques
are the least effective part of who you are and quite useless without the
deeper levels of mindsets and beliefs.
At the very deepest level, we have our beliefs. Beliefs determine your reality,
and are shaped by your identity. Unlike techniques, we have very little
conscious control over our beliefs. They are so far below the surface of our
awareness that it is nearly impossible to change them at will.
Most people ignore the mindsets behind techniques. This is the frame
through which we deliver our techniques. A mindset determines the internal
dialogue that you experience throughout the pickup. A mindset can be
applied to a group of techniques, and a group of mindsets is what makes
up a belief.
A mindset simplifies your pickup by redirecting your focus of attention.
Instead of remembering 20 different technical details, you just have one
mental focus - a specific mindset.
Mindsets are easier to change than beliefs, but not as easy to learn as
techniques. Exerting conscious control over your mindsets is the most
effective way to affect your inner game, since your attention is in direct
contact with your belief system.

Example of a mindset:
Take the Cocky Funny line Whoah, pointy shoes! Theyre nice, but I feel
sorry for the little elf you stole them from, whos now running around barefoot.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

You can deliver the line with the mindset of, Shes hot so I have to show her
Im not impressed by her, so she thinks Im better than her. Or you can deliver
the line with the mindset, I care about this woman, Im gonna joke with her to
make her laugh and feel good.
Obviously the latter is more effective, as the former will come off as insecure
because it comes from an insecure mindset. You are saying the same words,
but you are using two different mental foci. And each focus will get a different
result, because of the subcommunication the stems from each. And its crucial
I point out that the first mindset presupposes LOWER VALUE and the absence
attraction. A woman picks up on this, believe me.
The end goal is to change your beliefs, since they will ultimately have the
greatest effect on your game. Simple repetition of techniques with selfdefeating mindsets will do damage to your belief system. You need to adopt
great mindsets to insure proper development of a belief system.

3. The Paradigm Shift.

The traditional model in use by the majority of pickup community members is
the following:

Assuming that girls must be hooked in order to be interested in


Approach with prepared opinion opener designed to engage girls,

meanwhile feigning disinterest.

Assume since youre approaching her, shes automatically more

valuable, so...

Go right into story to in order to display higher value (DHV), which will

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

generate the attraction previously absent.

Continue to tell stories, tease girls until you get a clear indication of
interest (IOI).

Phase shift into a rapport / comfort phase which consists of

ordinary conversation, requiring you to drop the personality she was
interested initially attracted to.

Bait her into qualifying herself to you, and no matter what she says,
SOI her for that. (This step aint so bad)

Isolate and escalate. (This one isnt either)

The 6 Sticking Points Resulting from the Traditional Model

1. The first problem with this approach is that people regurgitate canned
openers without a social reason. Style had an entire post dedicated to this
point alone, so I wont go into detail here. If you use opinion openers either:
A. Genuinely care about the topic. Or,
B. Make sure its obvious that the opinion opener is just an excuse to talk to her.
2. Secondly, guys spend hours and hours on this website, learning material,
preparing a routine stack which is designed to engage girls. These guys go
out of their way to learn these girly topics of conversation which the majority
of us arent really interested in!
And then on top of that, they pretend that they arent really interested in
fucking the girls! They stack these routines, and these girly openers and
DHVs, and non-retarded women know exactly what they are up to. So these
poor guys just end up looking scared of being themselves.
Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

Feigning disinterest now becomes highly incongruent. I mean seriously. To
go out of your way to learn girly topics of conversation, just to have
permission to talk to chicks is supplication to the extreme! Entering a
female reality just so we can talk to her for a few minutes with the hopes
of fucking her is ridiculous!
Heres an analogy. What if a girl went out of her way to learn all about sports
or cars, even though she didnt really like, or understand these things. And she
did this just to relate to guys in conversation?
This girl doesnt really care about these things, but is pretending to, and
spending hours and hours on the internet learning about them, just so she is
allowed to talk to guys. Does this telegraph that she has an interesting life? Is
she telegraphing that she is a valued commodity? NO!
Exactly the opposite.
If a girl like this came up to me, and talked about things that interested me,
I might engage her for a bit, but would I be ATTRACTED TO HER? Hell no. I
would be totally creeped out!
Now what if she kept changing subjects and kept desperately trying to find
something I wanted to talk about. Would that make me more likely to find her
It may appear to work marvelously because it gets new guys doing something
theyve never done before talking to girls!
Learning girly topics of conversation will get you to open more consistently
- but its under an entertainment (approval-seeking) frame; while things will
seem great that night, she will be almost guaranteed to flake. You wont get

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

Ive questioned SHBs (after Ive slept with them and theyre more honest)
about this. These are girls who go out and are almost always the hottest girls
in the club, wherever they go. This is what one of them told me:
Yeah sometimes we talk to guys out of pity. If a guy seems really weird or is
dressed gay or something, well talk to him just so we can laugh about him
later. Its fun. He thinks hes getting somewhere, but then at the end we run
away from him laughing.
Girls will talk to sufficiently weird enough guys who seem gay for their
own entertainment. This is a fact, and very common with hot girls. They will
sit there and eye code each other, loving it, not because they are sexually
attracted, but for their own amusement. Dont design your game so that you
are becoming their source of amusement.
Sure you might be opening more sets, but its for the wrong reason.
3. Demonstrating Higher Value. The reason why this is detrimental once
again goes back to the mindset behind it. Feeling the need to demonstrate
higher value is the same feeling the average guy has when he starts bragging
about his job or car. Sure, you are using a more sophisticated technique, but
the mindset and beliefs behind it are EXACTLY THE SAME.
Never go out of your way to demonstrate higher value. Assume higher value!
Youre the fucking man! You have higher value automatically!
I tell plenty of stories in set, but I do it for fun, because Im having fun doing it
-- not with the intent of proving myself to the girl.
4. It is impossible to fake disinterest 100% of the time. Even if you memorize
5 stories, 3 teases and master the backturn, it doesnt matter because youll
fail the next test she throws at you.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

Women continually test guys they are attracted to, and most of it doesnt fit
a predetermined pattern because its nonverbal. I get tested all the time by
women. Theyre thinking, Who the fuck does he think he is, this skinny little
fucker... Im gonna see if hes for real. I hope hes not wasting my time.
So they have to test you. They dont want to fuck some ingenuine guy that
faked the first 10 minutes really well.
You have got to be the real deal through and through, my friend. And faking any more
than you can back up, will just insight more intense tests which you are bound to fail.
5. Relying on IOIs in order feel like its *on*, instead of assuming attraction.
Dont wait around for signs of attraction before feeling good about the
interaction. If shes interacting, and not just watching amusedly, then shes
attracted on some level.
Lets face it, most IOIs that people look for are pretty ordinary behaviors that women
exhibit when you talk to them anyway. Some of the popular ones Ive heard are:
She asks you where youre from
This is one of the most common pieces of small-talk when youre first getting
to know each other. It doesnt mean she wants to fuck you.
She touches you
Women are actually more likely to touch you if they arent as attracted to you,
as a way of playing with you. If a woman senses extremely high value, and is
a bit intimidated, she is less likely to touch you. She is also less likely to touch
you first if you are very direct. Of course, if you dont even have a chance, she
wont touch you at all. Either way, unreliable as an IOI.
Remember, one of the two things necessary in pickup is the belief that the girl
wants you. It may be difficult to believe at first but keep reminding yourself of
Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

this, and train yourself to see everything she does as a sign of attraction.
Is she looking at you when you talk? Its on. Is she contributing to the
conversation? Its on. Is she standing in your physical proximity? Its ON!
6. Dropping the personality that initially attracted her as a part of a phase
shift, mistakenly thinking it takes X amount of time to attract a woman, or
feeling the need to transition into X,Y or Z.
It sounds like three different points, but really they all stem from the same type
of beliefs and mindsets. They come from leftover society programming like
It takes a long time for women to become attracted. Or Men have to earn a
womans attention and attraction.
If you convey a fun personality to a woman in the first few moments of
meeting her, you should maintain that same fun personality while deepening
your connection. Intersperse your cocky playfulness with rapport. But at all
costs, stay congruent and do not become someone else entirely.
On the flip side, do not stay in a perpetual attraction stage where you are running
material for the upwards of 10 - 20 minutes. That is WAY too long. If you use
a couple of fun pieces to open a set, and they respond well to that, they have
already made a positive judgment of you. Keep it light on the material and rely
more on sharing positive energy with the set, and particularly your target.
Also a lot of people believe that you need a transition to do certain things
- especially kinesthetic related actions like touching, kissing, and pulling her
away. You do not need a transition for these types of things. You just need to
do them with the full certainty that she will enjoy it. Decide what you are
going to do, and do it like you mean it.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

Natural Game Pros and Cons
If youre going to make the transition to Natural Game, start out simple. It
takes some getting used to, and requires attention on a couple of different
levels. It may seem awkward at first, especially if you are use to the traditional
indirect model discussed above. But if you work with it and gain even just a
baseline competence, you will:

Improve your closing rate, avoiding sexless frames

Reduce your flaking

Focus more on the interaction and enjoying the process

Allow your true attractive personality to bloom

Develop an incredible belief system

If you would still prefer an indirect type of approach based on routines and
canned material, it would surely be beneficial to implement these mindsets
anyway, along with correcting all of the previously mentioned sticking points.
It can do nothing but improve your results.
Of course there are some differences that some may consider to be

Her initial impression of you becomes increasingly important and is

predominantly visual and auditory based.
This doesnt mean you have to be good looking, but it does
mean you need a tight image including style, bodylanguage,
tonality and facial expressions. She is going to size you up
based on your energy and vibe, and will interpret everything you
say through that filter.

Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


The Transition to Natural Game

There is no more masking insecurities behind indirect techniques.

You will be forced to confront your limiting beliefs head on,
and handle them once and for all. I actually think this is an
advantage, but it may be scary for some people to confront
their deepest fears and depend on their core identity to attract
women. Guys with self-hatred issues and poor self image
may shy from this type of thing, telling themselves it would
never work, despite the fact that it is the solution to all of their

Your opening percentage will be lower.

You will get blown out faster from certain sets. You can persist
on these, but it is likely that they would have not led to anything
anyway. In this way, it acts as an efficiency screen and which
saves you from wasting your time.

A Model for Natural Game

1. Assume Attraction. Adopt a mindset that you are going use your
personality to make her feel great.
2. Open direct. This includes direct compliments on her beauty or
remarks about the environment, or even a simple Hi. If you are
still hesitant to use direct openers, ask her for an opinion that
youre actually curious about. Your opening body-language must be
congruent to your intentions.
3. Go directly to vibing/rapport. Be playful with her and get to know
her. If you tell stories, make sure theyre fun, and not meant to
impress her. Lead the interaction via a continuous flow of action.
(explained below)

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The Transition to Natural Game

4. Lead smoothly to escalation. This could mean you instadate her,
venuechange her or close her.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, until you isolate and fuck her.
This is a very simple structure, but its effectiveness depends on the mindsets
in the next section.

Mindsets for Natural Game

The game starts before you walk up. A womans impression of you is largely
determined by what she sees before you open your mouth, combined with the
impression you make in the first few seconds.
People have a tendency to generalize the type of person you are as fast as
possible, which makes everything in the beginning very influential on the
remainder of the interaction. I think that it is often downplayed how important
it is to have a very strong visual image based on your style, dress and bodylanguage.
You will hear girls often saying, He was cute so I talked to him or He was
cute so I let my girlfriend stay and talk to him. Do NOT underestimate the
impression you are making visually. We talk all the time on here about it being
a limiting belief that you do not need to be handsome, but that does NOT
apply to your style, overall grooming and body-language. This stuff is vital.
One of the reasons why I avoid opinion openers is because of the subtle frame
of needing something from someone. Sometimes I think they are about a half
step up from a person in the mall asking you for a few moments to fill out a
survey - very unromantic and asexual. I like to start the romantic vibe from
the very instant I walk up. I dont give up any power by needing someones
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The Transition to Natural Game

opinion; I expect the girl to impress me from the very start.
Some people dont like to combine this type of thing with their direct game. To
me, this is one of the best parts about direct game. I love teasing and busting
on girls. The beauty is, if you are running a direct game, she knows youre just
playing with he because you like her and want to have fun with her.
Affecting her Emotions
It is a well known fact that we should engage girls on an emotional level.
Touch her emotions. Trigger her emotions, yet people are still confused about
how to actually do this. You dont talk about emotions with her. You cause
her to experience different emotions through a variety of ways. Off the top of
my head I can think of:

Display emotions through facial expression and tonality when you tell

Talking about your passions, let her sample some of your energy that
could be directed towards her!

Be unpredictable; her uncertainty will cause heightened arousal in

her body.

There is no set structure to pickup. We are artists. You are creating a unique
experience for her. Its fine to follow a predictable structure at the lower levels,
but its like a kata in martial arts. When it comes down to real world situations:
while having a loose structure you must adapt and improvise in an aesthetic

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The Transition to Natural Game

Take pride in your work and create a wonderful experience for the woman.
Give her the fantasy. Allow her dreams to come true. Be that man shes been
waiting for.
The state of mind you should have when interacting with a woman should be
one of relaxed and relished certainty. Dont rush things.
Imagine being a hunter with a high powered rifle, and youre hunting a dear
in some enclosed space. You know that any moment you CAN kill the dear
- but instead you choose to relax and enjoy the experience because of that
certainty. You continue to relish in the experience, enjoy the chase, and do it
at the perfect moment.
Enjoy your interaction with her being 100% certain that it will lead where you
want it to later on.

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The Transition to Natural Game

The Continuous Flow of Action
One thing I am realizing over and over again:
The time factor is completely irrelevant to pickup.
Time is usually a huge limiting belief for most people. People generally feel
that girls need some quantity of time in order to:

1. become attracted
2. become comfortable
3. leave a venue with you
4. provide contact information that wont flake
5. become turned on
This again, is leftover social programming. Let go of the need to make pickup
difficult or complicated.
My flaking ratio is very good. Not 100% perfect, but pretty damn close. The
average time it takes for me to get a non-flaking phone number is between 30
seconds and 5 minutes. Any more is unnecessary.
Heres why:
After a first meeting, she is going to walk away with some kind of impression
- a memory of the encounter. Now the way the mind works, is that it distorts
time around really strong impressions. We remember each event as a
series of mental pictures and sounds with varying intensities. The intensity
is determined by the emotions present at the time, and how rare or
scarce those emotions are. If you walk up to her like no man ever has, and

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The Transition to Natural Game

completely rock her world for a few moments, thrilling her with your masculine
vibe, she will never forget you!
Thinking back to the encounter, its very hard to determine time objectively.
Shes not thinking Well, he walked up, and said a few things to me, but only
stayed and talked for 3 minutes. I dont think I should meet with him - thats
not enough time.
What she is thinking is Wow, this guy came up to me, and he was amazing. It
was so romantic and seemed so right. He was cute, charming, and he made
me feel so good. I cant wait to see him again!
Only do what you need to create a strong impression on her. That impression
is completely time-independent. It is really based on:

Visual Impression: identity, body-language, style, facial expressions

Emotional Communication - vibe, connection, expression of


Continuous Flow of Action

The Continuous Flow of Action is a fancy way of explaining smoothness, and
it achieves a few different things:

Keeps you in control of the situation

Allows her logical mind to turn off

Lets her trust you immediately (because you are not like every other
guy trying to get something from her.

Makes everything seem right and natural

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The Transition to Natural Game

A CFA is best described by a lack of the following things:



looking for approval



While you should not do these things, it is even more important that SHE
does not do these things.
In order to achieve a continuous flow of action, you need a minimal structure,
quick responses and a lot of confidence. I will illustrate with a few examples.
Cold Approach (Assuming time is important)
1. Guy walks up, delivers opener goes into story.
2. Girl reacts positively.
3. Guy feels he needs more attraction, goes into another story, irrelevant
to first one.
4. Girl reacts positively again.
5. Guy waits, thinks of what to do next.
6. Guy starts getting some rapport, asks questions.

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The Transition to Natural Game

7. Guy waits some more thinking he needs more time for a solid close.
8. Guy asks some more questions, unsure if shes attracted enough,
looking for IOIs.
9. Girl is confused about his lack of confidence and doesnt understand
his true intentions so says shes gotta go.
10. Guy tries last ditch effort and attempts to close.
11. Girl doesnt give number, because shes being congruent with step 9.

Cold Approach (Continuous Flow of Action)

1. Guy walks up, delivers opener goes into story.
2. Girl reacts positively.
3. Without hesitation, guy immediately starts to connect, asking basic
questions. (School, work, etc)
4. Guy teases a bit about her answers.
5. Guy realizes he doesnt have much to say, so gets to the point.
6. Guy says Well Im off to meet some friends, but lets do coffee
7. Because guy is clear and confident, girl agrees, solid close.

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The Transition to Natural Game

Back to your place (Assuming time is important)
1. Guy walks girl into his place.
2. Girl sits down on couch, guy does also.
3. Guy thinks about what routine he needs to get girl excited.
4. Guy starts spouting non-sequitur routine to give her time to be turned on.
5. Girl is confused, closes up a bit.
6. Guy not seeing IOIs, waits, thinks of another routine, starts to deliver it.
7. Girl gets up and says she has to go.

Back to your place (Continuous Flow of Action)

1. Guy walks girl to his place.
2. Guy tells girl to take her shoes off.
3. Guy sits her in front of the TV, and turns it on.
4. Guy goes to fridge and prepares 2 glasses of red wine.
5. Guy comes back and toasts to good times.
6. Guy tells short joke, girl laughs.
7. Guy goes for kiss. Its truly ON.

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The Transition to Natural Game

The idea is that you provide her with instructions at every point and make
it clear how she should respond. Intentions are always clear, and actions
are always confident. The man knows the entire plan from point A to Z, and
assumes shes ready on the same page.
No hesitation, no indecisiveness. This is truly what attracts women - much
much more than canned material. Her emotions are engaged more than shes
ever experienced with another man. You are putting her in the romance novel..

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Natural Game Models & Methods

A free-flowing and organic approach to the game, by Vin DiCarlo

The current trends in seduction are moving towards a more natural, flowing
approach to picking up women. The canned-routine method of seduction was
designed for ego-preservation. As most completely-ego-driven endeavors are
short-lived, guys have caught on that a free-flowing approach is the way to
go. Being at the forefront in this new direction has inspired me to develop an
in-depth codification of the system I call Natural Game. And as a professional
pickup coach, Ive developed this system to be highly effective in-field, and
consistently teachable.
My recent work has been not only to identify those concepts that drive Natural
Game, but also to develop a systematic method for students, no matter
what their background, to make the transition to Natural Game. Contrary
to many of my routine-based opponents, Natural Game isnt a lazy method
that proscribes one to just be cool, act normal or be yourself. Although
relatively simple in practice, Natural Game is built on the most advanced
understanding of social dynamics and female psychology. Natural Game is
a highly practical and field-tested method, which preserves the inherent
attractiveness and integrity of the student. In other words, its all about
being your BEST, TRUEST self, which in my experience is the most powerful
way to attract women.
Given the highly ambitious scope of becoming a master pickup artist, a
systematic approach is necessary to ensure optimum development of the
correct behaviors and beliefs.
This article deals with three overarching, high-level concepts that serve as
a foundation for Natural Game. All great pickup artists have internalized
these concepts to the point of automaticity, even if theyre not aware of it.
Misattributing the source of their power, many of the best pick-up artists
waste valuable time honing auxiliary skills such as storytelling, humor and
random gimmickry. While these skills may serve as useful tools for specific
situations, they are of limited application. As techniques they are mostly
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Natural Game Models & Methods

irrelevant and unnecessary for creating attraction.
I believe it is highly beneficial to cut straight to the true cause of success,
leaving yourself the option of developing into a great storyteller or comedian
later on, if that is your inclination. In that case, development of Natural Game
concepts will constitute a robust foundation for whatever style suits your
personal taste. Our primary role as pickup artists is the successful seduction
of women. That will be the focus of this article.
The three base concepts for discussion are:
1. Spontaneity Over Structure
2. Mutual Value Escalation
3. Congruence to Intention

Spontaneity over Structure

Spontaneity is the characteristic of creating an experience with optimum
emotional capacity for the situation.
It is the time when you are totally on youre joking with the girl, laughing
with her, sharing, as if you had so much you could share with her. You told her
stories, and made jokes about things in the environment, teased her, related
to her...
If youve never experienced this before, keep reading!
Spontaneity is not doing what you have never said or done before, but a new
combination of the thousands of things you have already experienced. We
all have experiences from which to draw via associative process. Rather than
rehearsing memorized content, you are re-experiencing images from memory,
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Natural Game Models & Methods

and recounting those experiences here and now. Because this moment (the
setting, the woman, your recent experiences) is unlike any other, your recounting becomes fresh and new. Your amplification or elimination of certain
details allows you to custom tailor your presentation and ultimately the entire
shared experience to her personality type.
Spontaneity is a state where all of the relevant neural pathways are free so
that you have instant access to associated memories. You are extroverted
and aware of your environment. This is impossible if your mind is focused on
irrelevantly. You are not focused on the process because you are the process.
Your experience is that very moment, not stuck in the two minutes ago. You
are mentally present.
Are you in the moment with the girl? Are you seeing her for who she really is?
Are you more present in the moment than her husband? Then she is yours.
Because it is that presence itself that is most attractive for who it says you
are, and who you are not.
You are crafting an emotional experience based on the instantaneous moment
in which you and the girl reside. Spontaneity can be developed to such
a degree that your improvised conversation is more genuine and unique
than anything you could have planned ahead of time. This is because it is
born out of this unique moment, and is highly relevant. The freshness and
energy, which spawns from spontaneity, is a powerful and complete value
demonstration in itself. The very ability to be spontaneous is core to what
makes a man valuable, evolutionarily speaking.
Can you discard your routines and structure at the drop of a hat, when an
opportunity to act in the moment arises?
Or do you sacrifice the opportunity because of attachment to a predetermined
Spontaneity is of utmost importance. More than anything, women will feel
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Natural Game Models & Methods

great rapport with you based on your degree of spontaneity. Women spend
all of their lives searching for that guy who can vibe. A woman wants a guy
whose energy matches hers. Thats when she feels that click. First and
foremost, women ask themselves, How do I feel around him? How natural
does it feel? Do we have chemistry? Is there a real connection? When
you create a spontaneous interaction with a girl, she will feel like you are
her soul mate. If you can connect in that manner, she will forget all other
objections about you, and be completely in love. This is crucial for rapid
escalation to sex.
Anything that feels forced, rehearsed, or planned, kills the interaction. Even
guys that have great routines, or are great storytellers, possess spontaneity.
There still needs to be a good interaction flow between the stories. And for
when the stories run out! Resist getting stuck correcting mistakes beforehand.
Stay in the moment - the river keeps on flowing!
I recently heard a really good quote from Harmless. He said The guys that are
great - they can take nothing... and turn it into something. Hes talking about
spontaneous creation of experience based on circumstance taking what
little is available and creating context for interaction.
Another benefit to spontaneity is the byproduct development of situational
relevance. Strongly correlated to social intelligence, situational relevance is the
intuitive sense of whats relevant in a given context. Some guys run routines
that are completely irrelevant to the situation at hand. They never took the
time to develop their spontaneity, and now have zero sense of when their
routines are inappropriate. Even the coolest, most bad-ass routine will fall flat
if delivered at an inappropriate time.
Training your mind for spontaneity is the process of conditioning your mind to
develop instantaneous association recall. Development of any skill is preceded
by a strong stimulus to the neurology which facilitates that said skill. It is
analogous to weightlifting. Lifting weights provides your muscles a powerful
stimulus, and they respond by becoming stronger and more developed.
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From a strictly mental viewpoint, it is very much like learning a language. A
friend of mine took four years of Spanish in high school and a few years later
could speak nothing of the language. She then took a two week vacation with
her boyfriend in Puerto Rico, and came back speaking near fluent Spanish.
Putting yourself in a situation over and over with little preparation gives the
strongest stimulus towards generating new, useful neural-pathways.
Over-preparation in the form of learning too many pickup lines or routines will
circumvent that process. Its like using crutches for your whole life with the
expectation of developing strong legs. It just wont happen. For this reason, I
am a huge proponent of minimizing the number of routines you take with you
into the field.
Developing spontaneity in a nutshell:
1. Go into the field unprepared
2. Approach a woman with a specific intention (Well learn this in
section 3)
3. Persist as long as possible, congruent to your chosen intention
4. Repeat the process in a variety of situations to develop broad
Little preparation, strong sexual intent, lots of persistenceWe are warriors
of pickup. We should be guys who can trust their instincts in any situation
and win. Your subconscious should be trained to make superb decisions in
microseconds. You can recall highly relevant stories to tell women, crack just
the right joke at the right time, and know exactly which emotions need to be
projected to capture her soul.

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Natural Game Models & Methods

Mutual Value Escalation
Mutual value escalation has been the driving force behind the most successful
social strategies in history. It is also the concept that drives most symbiotic
relationships between living things. A mutual value escalation is an interaction
that results in an exchange in which both parties benefit, whether it be
financial, emotional, or intellectual value. A coach makes his players sharper,
faster, and able to think quickly; in return they go on to win games and
championships for him. Their combined value as a team is much greater than
the sum of their value as individuals.
Certain people are more inclined to escalating value than others. As pickup
artists, MVE is of utmost importance. You could say there are three types of
people in this world: givers, takers and leaders.
Givers give everything away up front, with a hidden expectation of return. If
they do not get that return, they harbor expressed or unexpressed anger and
hostility. The classic example of this is the nice guy who supplicates over
and over expecting to get sex in return. When he gets dumped, he resents the
woman and calls her a bitch. MVE is not supplication. It is the enhancement
and preservation of the collective emotions of a group of people. When a giver
gives something (with expectation of return), he holds emotional expectation.
The girl feels this pressure, and in-turn carries emotional obligation. This is
mutual value degradation.
Takers, realizing that givers get nowhere in our society, take what they can
from others, because of their own insecurity about their abilities to attain what
they desire. They also harbor anger and hostility if they do not get what they
want. A good example is a guy (who some might consider alpha) who tries to
extract sex or financial resources from a woman, but adds absolutely no value
to her life. This guy will occasionally succeed with low self-esteem women,
but eventually smart women will grow tired of this and break free from such an
unhealthy relationship. The relationship ends with both parties worse off than
when they started, both with a distorted perception of the opposite sex.
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Natural Game Models & Methods

Givers and takers come from a similar place. They are both attached to
an outcome and attempt to use negative emotions in order to reach that
outcome. The hostility and anger originates from the fear of an imagined
failure to take or get.
What most people fail to notice is that there is another option, the leader. A
leader will increase the value of himself all the while increasing the value of
the people he meets. He makes intelligent decisions, takes responsibility for
his actions, and creates positive emotions in his group. Since the majority of
people in the world fall into either the giver or taker category, it is the leaders
who rise above and make things go right. It is commonly thought that there
can only be one leader in any interaction. That is not true. It may be true that
only one person can lead at any one particular time; but two leaders can
interact in an effective and mutually beneficial manner.
Lets apply a leader-mindset to indirect game. Most people use indirect game
to lower a womans self-esteem, so she can be more manageable and easier
to attract. When done correctly, this cannot be further from the truth. Great
Cocky/Funny gives her the gift of humor. Well constructed negs demonstrate
awareness and social subtlety, valuable to any woman striving to be more
beautiful. Well-timed takeaways teach women to respect us, and in the end
they appreciate the lesson.
If your methods do not add value to the interaction, then you are coming from
the wrong place. Escalate mutual value, always.
Most healthy men and women have a tendency toward survival and the
attainment of positive emotions. People naturally want to be around others
who can add value to their lives and make them feel good. It is completely
natural and built into us by evolution. Natural leaders take care of themselves
and take action to improve themselves and others. It feels great to be around
people who possess this quality. They are charismatic, set you at ease, and
inspire everyone involved to feel good about themselves.

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Natural Game Models & Methods

Mutual Value Escalation is the way into secret society. By your actions,
you demonstrate that a womans involvement in your life would benefit her,
even if your intention is purely sexual. You give no implication of negative
repercussions. Leaders have no attachment, and make no implicit demands;
women quickly realize the potential of a no-strings-attached sexual
relationship, and a fulfilling long-term relationship.
We are not the guys who pressure women by dropping hints of emotional
dependence. We do not supplicate to women with insincere compliments.
We are also not the guys who, in a selfish pursuit of our own hedonism,
manipulate her emotions with lies, deceit and invalidation.
We strive to improve our womens lives by helping them to become stronger,
more independent, guiding them to self-discovery and excellence.
And for that, they will reward us with all theyve got!
Enhance her experience, whether it is day or night-game, indirect or direct
game. A lot of stock routines are created with value built-in, escalating
value artificially. Be aware of the large frame of what you are doing, and pay
attention to the emotional implications of your actions. Enhance the shared
MVE can be cultivated internally without routines, if you are aware of it while
developing spontaneity. If you prefer to use straight spontaneity, calling on
stories only when you are reminded of them, your intention will guide your
associations, and thus your language. Combine spontaneous expression with
a leadership intention so that you both benefit.
Learn to reframe everything to the more positive, optimistic, humorous. But
this doesnt mean kiss her ass. Be realistic and judge her shortcomings fairly.
Be aware of her shortcomings, (dont lie and tell her the opposite is true), but
make her feel better about them. This is the base structure of good C/F, or a
great neg-hit.
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Natural Game Models & Methods

The real power behind most great techniques is awareness. Do you have the
awareness to notice the subtle flaws and insecurities in a gorgeous woman?
Or are you perceiving her as perfect in every way, merely picking out some
random feature to criticize? In this game, cleverness is no substitute for true

Be aware and notice her shortcoming - shes a bit short for your

Be honest about it, dont lie to her - dont tell her shes the
perfect height if you dont believe it.

Reframe it positively to make her feel better about it:

o Low degree of subtlety (C/F style): Tell her it must be nice to
be able to get the childs admission price into theme parks.
o High degree of subtlety (Neg style): Tell her you think she
might look really great in high heels.

A successful approach is dependent on MVE. It is important to start with a

leader vibe from the very beginning; this is an opportunity for the two of you
make a great connection.
In contrast
Takers approach: Either forced, too cocky, or too presumptuous. These guys
may attempt to make women feel guilty for not talking to them.
Givers approach: Weak, and full of compliments. These guys will tell her
shes beautiful so shell continue the interaction. They think the act of giving a
compliment will garner her desire.
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Natural Game Models & Methods

Great approaches have a vibe that says, This is an opportunity for you (the
woman) to have a valuable interaction.
The direct approach presents a unique challenge since it is very common for
the inexperienced practitioner to convey giver when using a complimenttype opener. He must rely on projecting value through his vibe, as opposed to
having it built into the opener.
One of the most challenging approaches from a logistical standpoint is
opening a woman who is walking away from you. It requires a high level of
physical awareness and playfulness. Any taker vibe must be immediately
diffused by increasing your distance, or by using humor. It requires a very
subtle balance of vibe, body language, and timing.

Congruence to Intention
An intention is your underlying purpose and role in a womans life. An intention
can take many forms. You can be the guy who helps her with her math
homework, to the guy who sweeps her off of her feet and changes her life
forever. There are many different intentions, and it is the pick up artists job to
1. Familiarize yourself with the most common and effective intentions
2. Decide which intention is most relevant to a given situation
3. Congruently execute your chosen intention via a continuous flow of
The two most common categories of intention are direct and indirect. A direct
intention is one in which you express genuine interest in a girl from a place of
higher value. You would then continue to reassure her of this all along the way,
and treat her as if she is very special and unique. An indirect intention is one in
which your interaction with a girl is purely social; your interest is in something
besides her. Maybe you are talking to her just to get an opinion, or you are
bored, or you just love the sound of your own voice!

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Natural Game Models & Methods

Keep in mind the two are not mutually exclusive. It is completely natural to use
both of them. In fact, a great pick up artist should be familiar with each and be
able to use them with equal competence. To limit oneself to a single intention
is much like an actor who limits himself to playing one type of character
throughout his entire career. The skill of a great actor is not choosing a single
great role. Its his ability to adapt to any given role, and be congruent to that
Heres an example. Upon entering a club, you see a group of girls - not
exactly your type, but still somewhat attractive. You may chat with them in a
social way, while waiting for your friends. Later on in the night, you may catch
a glimpse of a stunning woman and you express your interest to her. You have
created attraction using two different intentions. Guys who prefer the direct
approach will use an indirect intention with girls they have no romantic interest
in, but it may result in those girls chasing them.
On the flipside, typically indirect practitioners shift to a direct intention
the moment they qualify the woman. Then they may spend the rest of the
interaction with a direct intention.
Observe a natural who does really well in a nighttime scene (bar or club).
How does he behave? Generally he will have a great time, enjoy the moment,
and spread his positive vibe to others around him. Women will gravitate
toward these guys, and find them very attractive in this environment.
Does this mean that party guys are universally more attractive? Of course
not, but people who go out to bars and clubs are going out to party for the
evening, so the behavior of a party guy is highly congruent to that context.
The natural pickup artist is familiar with the types of interactions that go on
during the course of the night. His behaviors are therefore congruent to both
his intention and the shared intention of the groups he meets. If a natural
gets up and walks away from a girl who isnt cooperating, it is because his
intention is to have a good time, and not chase any one particular girl. This is

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Natural Game Models & Methods

a natural takeaway.
When one speaks of a natural, we talk about guys who were born with traits
desirable to women. What exactly is the base characteristic that makes them
so attractive? Is it their high energy? Is it their relaxed body language? Is it
their boldness and honesty?
It is their congruence to intention. Unlike a pickup artist who has consciously
designed his game from the ground up, a natural cant consciously choose his
intention. But he is totally congruent to the intention he does have, although
its unconscious.
Development of Natural Game is the development of the fundamentals that
empower you to choose your intention based on the situation at hand, and
remain congruent to that intention. Remaining congruent to an intention
means to continually interact with a woman in a way that reinforces your
original intent, or serves to further define it.
Congruence is the opposite of coming across fake. In this game, to be
labeled fake or unauthentic is the kiss of death! As men, we are expected to
be strong decision makers, unwavering and ready to take action. A woman is
drawn to men who know what they want, especially with her. Make all of your
subsequent actions congruent to your original intention.
Congruence creates massive attraction in women, more than any given part
of the interaction. Women are not as imperceptive as men once thought.
Through congruency, you will amplify your value exponentially with each
consecutive action you take. Therefore, a complete method of seduction is
only effective to the extent that it is congruent within itself.
To a woman, the fact that congruence creates attraction is very obvious.
A woman would simply call it, being a real man. She doesnt want to
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Natural Game Models & Methods

waste their time with men who cannot make decisions, do not understand
themselves, and do not understand how to relate to her. Incongruence leads
to confusion. People deal with excess confusion by becoming indifferent to
it, or by escaping from it. The former will put you into the friend-zone, and the
latter will cause a woman to reject you.
No particular intention makes you attractive, but your congruence to it does.
Again no particular method is superior to others. If you master the art of
maintaining congruence to intention, a whole new world of opportunity will
open up, as you can now make any method or technique work.
A useful tool for familiarizing yourself with a particular intention is called
Intention Mapping. This is crucial if you wish to create your own method of
seduction. What most methods actually do is teach you to be very congruent
to a single intention, by teaching you behaviors and techniques.
Start by developing an idea of what kind of role you would like to play in a
womans life. Would you like to be lover who changes her life forever, a guy
with whom she has casual sex with a few times a month, or perhaps the guy
she encounters for a single night of passion?
Intention Maps are most effective when they match what a girl is ready for in
this particular time in her life. In other words, your intention should be included
in her realm of what is possible. While all women are different in how they view
the world, themselves, and what is possible romantically, as a general rule you
will find that

Shes single: shes open to romance and genuine interest from a guy

Shes with a boyfriend or husband for security: open to sexual variety,

which may lead to romance

Shes in an emotionally and sexually fulfilling relationship: toughest

case, but generally open to sexual variety or romance from a guy who
exhibits MVE

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After you determine the role you would like to play in a womans life, the
next step is to fill in the interaction with behaviors that are congruent to that
intention, and serve to further define it.
There are basically two main intentions. Direct and indirect. Here are some
guidelines for these.

Notes about the direct intention:

When approaching, many guys have a fear about expressing their interest in
girl before knowing that she is attracted first. They believe that they shouldnt
let a girl know they like her, unless she has first indicated her interest.
Ironically, it is that very belief which prevents attraction. The reasoning of,
Dont show your intention because if you show your intention she can
reject you, can only hold you back. The very act of demonstrating your true
intention is what generates attraction in the first place.
If you are out with a wingman, and you leave him to approach a woman, you
must get a quick number. In most cases a fast number will be more solid
because its congruent to you hanging out with your friend! If you stay around
build rapport it will be incongruent with you being out with your friend, which
demonstrates bad things about your character.
This is in contrast to you going out alone; getting a quick number is
incongruent with the direct intention. If you are alone, and you meet a woman,
push it as far as the limitations of logistics will allow before getting her
The direct intention is mostly projected through body language, vibe and
tonality. In other words, teasing her in a warm and reassuring way will not
break your intention. It should be done in a way that is still congruent to your
original intent of being genuinely interested in her. In fact, joking with her
should serve to demonstrate your comfort together, not to invalidate her.
If you chat with a girl in a direct manner, show her you will not leave her
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Natural Game Models & Methods

to engage another girl, that you are interested specifically in her. If you are
honest about your intention with her, and you genuinely think shes special,
you will have a huge advantage over other guys who may be after her. There
is strength in confidence. Often times, a strong direct intention will bypass
a lot of complications such as male competition and apparent logistical
In my opinion, a successful pickup artist must be adept at projecting the direct
intention. It is the thing which separates pickup artists from other players in
the club.

Notes about the indirect intention:

Indirect intention is good for bypassing certain societal roadblocks. It is
especially useful when a group of girls think they are more valuable than you,
when your target girl knows you are seeing other women, or when you wish to
attract a girl you work or go to school with.
Next time you are thinking of using a routine to generate attraction, do not
consider its standalone value. Instead, consider the congruence of that routine
to your original intention. Does it reinforce your intention, increasing attraction
and rapport? Or does it deviate from your intention, decreasing attraction and
rapport? Does each subsequent routine further define your intention, or does
it confuse the woman?
With an indirect intention, a girl will have a lot of reservations about sex and
generally exhibit a bit of last minute resistance. Back-turns and takeaways are
the most congruent way to handle this type of thing. If you start reassuring her
in a direct way, she will not believe it, and you will come across as weak and
Using a direct approach without a lot of social proof, it is not so important to
convince her she is special. You have already done so, and the fact that you
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Natural Game Models & Methods

are not chatting up three other women in the club reinforces that.
If you would like to convert the relationship from casual one more romantic,
continue to have sex with her regularly (1-2 times per week at least). The
repeated sex will result in emotional attachment.

Intention Shifting
While staying congruent to these specific intentions, there is also some
degree of flexibility. While it is best to avoid shifting intentions back and forth
throughout the interaction, there are two common points where intention can
be shifted without repercussion. I would recommend learning how to handle
both intentions very thoroughly before incorporating a shift into your game.
The two viable shifting points are Qualification and Conversion.
Qualification is when you explicitly convey your interest, after she has earned it.
Conversion is after you have had sex with her a few times such that she
doesnt write it off as a one night stand (usually between 2-4 times).
If you start with an indirect intention, you can shift to direct when you qualify
the girl. Stay direct until you successfully convert the girl. Starting out with
a very social game with heavy social proof, it becomes very important to
convince the girl you like her for a valid reason. That is why you must screen
her and qualify her verbally.
If your interaction starts off direct, you can switch to indirect after you have
successfully converted her. Direct interactions have less of a tolerance
for breaking congruency than indirect ones, so its wise to make sure the
conversion is thorough. She must become physically attached to you, through
repeated sex. At this point, you can choose to treat her as a casual partner,
while she will remain devoted to you emotionally.
Every successful pick up artist I have ever met has these concepts

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Natural Game Models & Methods

internalized. They may not be aware of it, but theyve got them. Understand
that Natural Game is complex and nuanced in theory. But developing a solid
foundation is crucial. Spontaneity, mutual value escalation, and congruence to
intention are the keys for getting started.

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The Compliance and Value Model

Fundamental concepts & effective tools for driving

relationships with women to the highest level
Your perceived value is of utmost importance in your interactions
with women. It determines how willing a woman is to meet up with you. It
determines a womans level of physical attraction for you. Ultimately, value
determines how far a woman will go just to be in your life.
I get many questions from guys asking how they can increase their value:
Do I demonstrate my value with storytelling?
Do I lower her value through subtle teasing and criticizing?
Should I be indifferent, or play hot and cold with her?
Firstly you must realize that value is almost entirely based on perception. The
only value that actually exists is inside the minds of the people around
you. Sure, there are things that society says is valuable, like how much money
you make or what kind of car you drive. But these things are only made
valuable inside the minds of individuals within that society.
What I am going to present to you today is a fundamental model of value.
This model determines the effect that other value-shifting techniques will have
when they are used. Value shifting techniques, like stories containing DHVs,
and negs (subtle criticisms) as well as social value cues, like cocky humor and
peacocking, are all subject to this fundamental concept.
This means that all of the above-mentioned techniques will work
perfectly when you have this fundamental concept down, and will
absolutely fail if you do not.

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The Compliance & Value Model

How compliance relates to value
The term compliance is used to measure the amount of effort a woman
makes for you or with you. When a girl talks to you when you approach her,
she is exerting some level of compliance. If a girl buys you drink, she is giving
a little bit more compliance. And of course having sex with a woman equates
to a high level of compliance on her part.
Compliance is directly proportional to value. The higher your perceived
value, the more compliant a woman will be. The higher you perceive a
womans value, the more compliant you will be to her, automatically.
Let me illustrate the fundamental relationship of compliance to value. If you
tell a story about something crazy that happened when you were chillin at
the Playboy Mansion, it can potentially be a demonstration of high value.
Lets say you use this Playboy Mansion Demonstration of High Value (DHV),
but then she tests you by asking you to hold her drink while she dances,
and you oblige. Your entire story is now negated. Since compliance is more
fundamental than a superficial story-telling technique, she perceives your
value based on the former.
If instead of holding her drink, you explain that you might meet up with her
later, then you would have been congruent and retained the value from the
story. In fact, you could have been having a conversation with her about the
mating patterns of the blue-jay in New England, and you would still have
higher value. This illustrates how the Value-Compliance relationship is most
fundamental. It is the element that determines the effectiveness of any given
Here is where it gets interesting. The compliance scales are different for men
and women. Typically, men seek compliance based in replication value.
That is, they will offer high level of compliance in order to have sex with a
woman. Her body is valuable because it can bear his offspring. Thus men
want to be close to, touch, and have sex with, women. They will often go to
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The Compliance & Value Model

great lengths in order to gain access to her value.
Women on the other hand, seek compliance based in survival value.
Typically, women have urges toward getting protection, shared living space,
and financial support, from men. Women will often use emotional manipulation,
and withhold sex in order to gain access to a mans survival value.
The following way of defining compliance and value will be helpful from
now on.
Compliance: the degree of value offered or given.
Value: determined by what the other party seeks.
Again, to illustrate: womans value to a man is typically sex (or reproductive
value, to be more technical). If men didnt want sex from women, women
wouldnt have any value. So men determine this value.
If you look at the nearly extinct, traditional courtship process, and make
two bars representing a man and a womans compliance scales, the C-V
relationship becomes very clear. (Fig. 1a, next page)

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Fig. 1a


Perception of







dinner date

meet you


will talk to you

Here I have made two bars, each representing a man and womans
relative values. The height of the bar represents their perceived value. The
man and woman have equal value in this diagram, for different types of value
the mans survival value to the woman is equal to the womans sexual value
to the man.
Here it is necessary to discern between compliance, and compliancepotential, or willingness. Compliance is a real act, while willingness to
comply exists in the mind. Although this discernment is crucial, compliance
and willingness are in-effect the same thing. For all practical purposes,
willingness and actual compliance have the same effect in the C-V relationship.
In diagram 1a, the tick marks along the side represent the levels of potential
compliance that are available for each person. In this diagram, the man has
potential to get sex from the woman, and the woman has potential to get
marriage from the man.

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The Compliance & Value Model

You probably realize that most women dont wait until marriage to have sex.
This model is just an illustration of the C-V that everyone can understand.
Well get into some common scenarios and practical application later.
Actually, this diagram is rather generous to men. In our society, the dynamic
is further pronounced by the idea that a man must win over a woman with
a diamond ring in order to marry her. This idea leaves a man with such little
perceived value!
The actual compliance levels are quite arbitrary; I have labeled them for
illustration. Just remember that a woman seeks compliance related to her
immediate survival and that of her family. A man seeks compliance related
to genetic survival by accessing a healthy, beautiful womans genes through
sex. So we see women chasing things like emotional strength, leadership
and wealth, and we see men chasing things like pretty faces and nice bodies.
Evolution has created this situation for us.

Mutual Compliance Escalation

When a man and woman meet and become involved with each other, they
take turns being compliant to each other.
A man approaches a woman; she in turn gives him attention and talks to him.
He asks her a few questions to screen her and she complies with answers.
He complies by qualifying her with a compliment. He asks her to go window
shopping with him and she agrees, etc.
This continues until you (hopefully) attain full sexual compliance from the
woman. However, most men never even achieve full compliance from
attractive women, yet surrender their full survival value all the time; they
would be willing to marry the woman just to have sex with her. It is a
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The Compliance & Value Model

common mistake to believe that the more compliance you give, the more you
will get from a woman and the more she will be attracted to you.
So, a man and a woman go back and forth escalating compliance in a mutual
way from one rung of the ladder to the next. You can see it illustrated in Fig 1b:

Fig. 1b








dinner date

meet you


will talk to you

In order to move to the next level of compliance, two things are necessary.
Firstly, you need perceived value of at least the same level or higher than the
girl. Your value creates attraction and a willingness to comply. The second
thing you need is comfort and trust. After all, women dont go around sleeping
with every guy that has higher value than them.
A womans comfort and trust is based in her thinking that compliance
escalation will continue after she complies sexually. Comfort and trust are
needed in proportion to how much sexual compliance she gives. Complying
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The Compliance & Value Model

with her requests is one way of developing comfort and trust, but it is
recommended you only comply with small requests that you dont mind
fulfilling. Hold off on complying with the large requests, since it can be quite
detrimental to your value. Take your time escalating, and be sure to screen
and qualify.
Attraction is the result of withheld compliance of value. The compliance
a woman feels she deserves, but doesnt yet have, induces attraction to
you, because you are the source of value she is seeking. Screening and
qualification makes her seek your compliance the commitment of your
survival value because S&Q imply you are a valuable guy. Her interpretation
is that you are used to attractive women and have developed high standards.
And only a high-value man has such access to attractive women.
Its important to note that having your compliance request rejected puts
your value into flux. (Well talk about value flux a little later, when we discuss
application). When a person declines your compliance request, it is not
necessarily because they perceive your value to be low. It is usually just
because they arent sure what your value is yet. Look at a rejection as an
opportunity to define your value with your subsequent actions.
For instance, if you go to kiss a girl, and she rejects you, its not necessarily
because she perceives your value as being low. It is simply because shes not
sure. If you try to kiss her again, right away, you may lose value in her eyes. If
you get angry or upset, or otherwise deflated, you will certainly lose all value.
If, on the other hand you are cool and nonchalant about it, or you humorously
tease her and joke about it, your perceived value will increase. You can try
again later with a better likelihood of getting a kiss.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Orbiters and Lets Just Be Friends (LJBF)

Lets look at the special case where the man has lower perceived value
than the woman. (Fig. 2a)

Fig. 2a

Special Case:
Woman Has
Higher Value



expensive gift

meet you

dinner date

will talk to you

Notice that sex is completely out of reach.

No matter what this man does, he cannot get a woman of much higher value
to comply with sex. As a result, a woman will usually tell him, Lets just be
friends. He becomes one of her many orbiters and continues to fight a futile
battle. In fact, there is both an instinctual and societal motivation for women
to lure the men into this type of role. After all, throughout our tribal evolution,
orbiters meant more men to help raise the children she had with the alpha male.
Depending on how high his value is, the orbiter can get some kind of
compliance from the woman, even if it isnt full-on sex. In Fig. 2a, you can see
that this fellow can get a kiss from her every now and then. How sweet.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Also, it doesnt mean he has to marry her to get a kiss. It is sufficient that she
already knows she could get marriage from him, if she were so inclined. That
is why women respond to men who are somewhat of a challenge. The woman
has most men at her disposal for whatever survival value she wishes to take
from them: companionship, dates (food), money, even validation when her
boyfriend is mean to hereverything is fair game.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Players and Fuck-Buddy (FB) Relationships
Just as common as women who collect orbiters, there are guys who sleep
around with many different women, with no strings attached.
Lets examine Fig. 2b.

Fig. 2b

Special Case:
Man Has Higher




dinner date

fondling, etc
meet you


will talk to you

Notice that marriage is completely out of reach.

There is nothing this woman can do to get this guy to marry her. In fact, this
guy probably isnt going to be exclusive with her. Basically, all this guy has to
do is show up, give her some good emotions, and she will have sex with him,
hence the term, Fuck-Buddy. She does however have a chance at getting
dinner every once in a while, so we can call this example an upgraded FB
relationship. Also note that she will talk to him before he says anything to her.
Often players are very good-looking guys, or have visibly high-status, e.g.
athletes, nightclub owners, and respected drug-dealers.
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The Compliance & Value Model

Societal programming tends to designate men to orbiter-type roles. Look
around and youll see evidence everywhere. But deep down, our genes are
telling us otherwise.
Most men, whether they admit it or not, would love to have a few different sex
partners that they arent committed to. After all, what man doesnt like sexual
variety? Evolutionarily, these women will bear his children to proliferate his
The interesting thing is, looking at Fig. 2b, this is still a traditional mindset. The
escalation of compliance levels still leads to marriage. Players in this society
still usually get married if they find the right woman. A player is searching for
that one woman who has high enough value to make him commit.
Once a man has a few girls who cater to his every need, dating becomes less
exciting. Theres no more challenge. What both sexes ultimately want is high
levels of compliance from high value people.
In addition, the fact that sex is so high on a womans scale of compliance is
both an outdated traditional model and unacceptable for our purposes.
The fundamental goal of a pickup artist is to reverse the sexual value of
each party, moving sexual compliance lower on the womans scale.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Tools and Application
Reverse Supplication Levels
What many guys realize as they become better with women, is that sex
isnt necessarily at the very top of a womans compliance scale.
Weve all seen women who do everything for their men. They buy them gifts,
cook them dinner and clean their apartments. There are women who would
practically die for their men.
We also know about pimps who have their hoes out on the street corner
every night, making money for them. These women are selling their bodies to
strangers to earn money for their pimp.
Talk about a high level of compliance!
At first, it may seem completely unreal to have women that compliant to you.
After all, there are many guys who cannot even get their girlfriends to have sex
with them!
Its actually quite easy, and is based on a few simple dynamics. There are
many levels of compliance residing beyond sex, leading up to full compliance
- her willingness to either die for a man or commit her life to his cause.
Prostitution fits this basic definition close enough.
The levels that reside beyond sex leading all the way up to prostitution are
called the reverse supplication levels. I have defined reverse supplication as
a man receiving survival-type compliance from a woman. Inserting the reverse
supplication levels into a womans compliance scale gives us Fig. 3a.

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Fig. 3a




prostitution for you

RS Game



new car

dinner date

fondling, etc
meet you


will talk to you

As you can see I have filled in some examples into the reverse supplication
levels: dinner, clothing, a new car, leading up to prostitution. Playing at that
level is pimp game and Im not interested in that right now. Between sex and
prostitution is a very real region, of which holds many interesting possibilities.
Just the acknowledgment of these levels lowers the level of sexual
compliance. Bringing these levels into existence by reaching for them will
make her sexual compliance come easier. Value is only perception, and if
you are overshooting the goal of sex by making larger requests, you can be
perceived as having extremely high value.
In other words, if all you want is sex, the best way to get it, is to simply set
your sights beyond it.
For example,

Ask a girl to write you a poem or draw you a picture.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Ask her what kind of girls she likes before youve even slept with her.

Assume youre going to sleep with other girls in her social circle
before youve even slept with her.

Find out if she has any connections to club owners and tell her youd
like VIP access.

Keep in mind, you arent taking value from her, you are merely increasing your
own perceived value such that everything you give is appreciated to a higher
degree. She will be more likely to listen to you, more likely to laugh at your
jokes and more likely to try to get rapport with you.
Escalate compliance one small step at a time. The time-span for doing this
stuff can take months. And remember, compliance is pliable. When you have
a woman at breaking point and push her threshold, her maximum level of
compliance increases. As her compliance goes up, so does the limit of what
shell do in the future.
Another key is making it fun and worthwhile for a woman to do these things.
Make requests that are related to your identity. If you are a chef, have her
pick up some groceries so you can prepare a romantic dinner. If you are an
artist, have her pick up a new set of brushes, and let her watch you create
a masterpiece. This way you can build a lifestyle the two of you can share,
which is a core need for her.
Though this article is only a small portion of my entire reverse supplication method,
it is powerful enough to warrant two points of caution. First, do not use this
method for abuse. Women do these things because they love us and care for us.
Dont run this on a broke college girl, and dont run it on a woman you dont care
about. Use it carefully to develop your lifestyle and enhance the experiences that
you share together. Second, dont become so dependent that you cant take care
of yourself. If it ever gets to a point where you cannot maintain your finances or
keep your apartment clean all by yourself, youre in trouble. Trust me on this one.
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The Compliance & Value Model

Set High Expectations
When it comes to value, nothing beats having high expectations for other
people, and putting a price on yourself.
So many guys are willing to sacrifice their own best interest to make a woman
happy, or to have sex with her. Dont drive two hours out of the way just to see
her, dont ditch your buddies to hang out with her, and dont volunteer to buy
her dinner if youve just met her.
In addition, you should expect women to respect you and treat you well. If
you compliment a woman, expect her to respond positively to it. Many guys
fail with compliments because they dont hold women accountable for their
behavior. If you continue to be nice to a woman after she is rude to you, she
will lose even more respect for you.
Expect a woman to give you her full attention when you are talking with her,
whether in person, on the phone or even in a chat room. Also, be willing to
walk away if she doesnt meet your standards. There are plenty of women that
will. Most of the time a willingness to walk will only help you, and draw her
The best way to punish bad behavior is with indifference. Any reaction
whatsoever is actually a reward, because it telegraphs your emotional
investment. Sometimes it helps to make it absolutely clear what she did
wrong in an assertive tone (not angry), and then follow it with indifference,
both physical and verbal.

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The Compliance & Value Model

Value Flux and Reward Calibration
There are times in an interaction with a woman when your value is in flux.
That is, your value has no definition. Realize that this is not necessarily a bad
thing but rather an opportunity to define it.
The first situation that causes value flux was mentioned above, when you
make a compliance request. For example, you try to kiss her, and she either
obliges or rejects you. Your value is then defined by your reaction to it.
The second situation is when a girl displays good behavior. That is, she does
something to indicate a higher level of compliance then where she was at
previously. For example, she calls you, she follows you as you lead her around
the club, or she buys you a new pair of shoes. These are all examples of good
Good behavior should generally be rewarded. Sometimes punishing good
behavior in small amounts works to confuse her and obsess about you. But
major jumps in her compliance should be rewarded.
But how should you reward her good behavior?

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The Compliance & Value Model

Lets take a look at Figure 4a, which illustrates what happens when a woman
does something good, and your value is in flux.

Fig. 4a

Value Flux



prostitution for you


RS Game
dinner date

new car


fondling, etc
meet you
will talk to you

In this example, the woman has kissed you. In general this behavior is in the
right direction and should be rewarded. There is a wide range of ways to do
this, but keep in mind, your reward will define your value, and therefore, how
she responds to you in the future. Lets say after the kiss, you decide to make
her your girlfriend and be exclusive to her. See Figure 4b. (next page)

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The Compliance & Value Model

Fig. 4b

Value Flux

prostitution for you


RS Game

new car



expensive gift
dinner date

fondling, etc
meet you


will talk to you


So the girl kisses you, and you decide to be exclusive to her. You bring up
relationship talk and tell her youve decided that you only want to see her.
Bad move. It would probably result in her telling you to take a hike, unless
shes a virgin and kissing is pretty high on her scale anyway.
Since exclusivity is pretty high on your compliance scale, transposing
your value bar so that it lines up with kissing would result in extremely low
perceived value.
Ok lets see what happens instead if you merely give her a compliment after
she has kissed you. Take a look at Figure 4c. (next page)

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The Compliance & Value Model

Fig. 4c

Value Flux

expensive gift



prostitution for you

RS Game

dinner date

new car


fondling, etc
meet you
will talk to you

As we see there, rewarding her kiss with a simple compliment goes a lot
further. You will create a much higher perceived value for yourself.
By creating a large amount of perceived value, you present yourself as a
valuable prize, a challenging conquest. A woman will realize that her efforts
will be both appreciated and at the same time, it will be an enticing chase.
Previously I mentioned that it the ultimate goal is to lower the effective level of
sexual compliance. As a pickup artist, you want to get her sexual compliance
as low as possible on the scale. Using these concepts makes that goal easy.
Eventually it will get to a point where it hits the bottom and drops off her
scale altogether.
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The Compliance & Value Model

The True Alpha Male
Although both value bars for the man and woman may be high, through skillful
compliance calibration, and adopting a high-value attitude, the effective
compliance of sex will eventually drop off the bottom of the womans bar.
Where does it go once that happens?
To your compliance scale.
Any step in an interaction between a man and a woman occurs on either the
mans or the womans side. One party always wants something a little more
than the other, no matter how slight the difference may be. As the interaction
is sexual in nature, sex will be one of the steps in the interaction.
If you reduce the compliance level of sex so that it disappears from the
womans bar, it must appear on your side. This is what happens when you
truly become the prize of the interaction.
Figure 5 illustrates the flipped compliance scales, where a man is chased for his
replication value and his woman contributes to the bulk of their survival value.

ALpha Male

Fig. 5


True Alpha


prostitution for you


new car

physical affection

exotic vacation
tandem hunting

phone talk

dinner date
small tasks

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The Compliance & Value Model

This situation represents the reality of a true alpha male.
This happens when the highest value that a woman can contribute is her
energy and resources, and the highest contribution the man can make is his
This is the difference between a real alpha male and what the general
population believes to be alpha. Most people identify alphas with taking up
space, walking slow and talking very loud. This is because true alpha males
are quite rare, and even if you met one, its doubtful he would explain in detail
the nature of his relationships with women. So guys appear a little more
dominant are assumed to be at the apex of the dating game, when really, they
are quite low on the scale of whats possible.
Keep in mind although full compliance is defined here as prostitution, it
doesnt mean the women are actually selling themselves; it just means they
would be willing to and their man knows he has that power over them.
While most men are out there struggling just to get sex, you can rise above
that. I invite you now to imagine fully what is possible.
Dont set your goals so low that you would be thrilled just to get laid. See the
bigger picture. Live a lifestyle where women are making your dreams come
true in every area of your life. Allow them to bring you excitement and energy,
and imagine a life where they are doing all of this simply for the opportunity to
please you sexually.
In what ways can a woman support your aspirations and contribute to
your happiness?

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2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

by Vin DiCarlo

Lay Reports act as a testament to your legacy as a pickup artist. It is the

documentation and representation of the art, in its pure form. From it, you can
learn about what really works, and about the style of the artist. It is not merely
a way of bragging to others on the forum about getting laid; this is the prime
essence of PU, as it proliferates real life experience.
Target Analysis:
Absolutely stunning Asian chick, raised in the US. 9.5 on a scale of 10. I found
it necessary to treat her as I would a 10 because of how people respond
to her in her environment. She has guys hitting on her wherever she goes continuously. A girl like this doesnt go 5 minutes in a public place without
some guy saying some nervous, predictable kiss-ass shit to her about her
Most of them say dumb things like Wow. I would love to take you out
sometime, but then does nothing to actually make it happen. Or You dont
have a boyfriend? No way! Or Are you a model?. Or they go over the top in
the other direction by trying to show indifference or by being mean to her.
Almost all men are completely incapable of subtlety and moderation, because
they consider her to be so rare and special because of her beauty. Every man
in the vicinity would glance over at us wherever we were, and then quickly
look away as to not get caught by her or the women they were with.
My treatment:
I distinguish myself from every other guy by treating her like a normal
person for once. This is key when dealing with 9s and 10s. Connect with
her, compliment her on non-physical things. Be absolutely honest and real.
Be clear about my true intentions (both sexual and of an emotional-rapport
nature), and express them without being pushy or crude.
I cold read her and pace her reality. I adopt her frame of screening to make
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

sure she is worth my time, but not in a blatantly cocky or insecure way. And I
keep strong eye contact.
I will use what we call Implicit Direct Game. Its a framework with a toneddown opener so as not to be immediately categorized with the hundreds
of other guys that hit on her. In other words, its standard to the protocol
outlined in my Direct Game post, but with a specialized compliment as an
opener. Works marvelously with 10s. Specialized compliment style opener
means youre saying something that makes you stand out a bit by seeming
perceptive. For example, Wow, that purse... (pause) it really compliments
your style, instead of, You are beautiful.
Logistics (pre-planned):
1. Have her drive to my town. (get her compliance, as I lead and control)
2. We eat dinner at a classy Italian restaurant.
3. Plan to isolate: we go to an old fashioned Japanese hot tub place.
Appointment already made, but a surprise to her.
4. Back to my place after hot tub, more sex to further connection, and insure
proper conversion to on-going sexual relationship.
Logistics were planned before the date. Always build isolation into your
logistics. Lead her confidently there according to your plan.
Initial contact and phone game:
I was at a low key nightclub in Boston and saw a mixed 4-set (2 guys, 2 girls)
come in. Decided on the target and approached the group. Opener: Whats
up guys, where you from? I was cool and vibed with everyone so as to avoid
the guys cockblocking. I then immediately sat with the target. Didnt bother
to isolate or try to extract because she was on a double date - the logistics
would be nearly impossible. Talked for about 5 minutes or so, and # closed.
Went to another venue with my wings. Note: Some people think that 5 minutes
is a flaky or non-solid close. They do not yet realize that the time factor is
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

completely irrelevant in PU. If you are ever thinking that a PU didnt go right
because you didnt spend enough time on something, there was another
factor youre not aware of.
Isolation is only good when you plan on going for same-night-sex, or when
you plan on changing venues with the woman. If you are just going for a
phone number, do not isolate the chick from her friends.
If she gives you her number in front of her friends, flaking will be reduced
dramatically. Shell want to show her friends that she met a good, desirable
guy. The friends will be asking her, Did he call you, see I knew he wouldnt
call, and then the girl will respond in your favor like Yeah he called, and
hes really cool, were going to do something. It becomes a little drama thing
where the friends are a bit jealous, and the target is hoping she met a great
guy for once. It will work out in your favor - all you gotta do is not fuck up!
I left her few chilled-out messages: Hey whats up. Its me calling to chat
and see what youre up to. Give me a call. Nothing fancy. I focused more
on being relaxed and having clear, deep and slow tonality. She didnt call me
back at first, so I was persistent. I kept calling and leaving messages, because
I knew I could reframe it later.
Side topic: How to be persistent and have it work
Continue to call and leave messages, ignoring the fact that she isnt calling
you back. Talk as if shes an old friend that you are about to reconnect with.
Be cool about it, and not mean or spiteful in any way. Set it up in your mind
as a low investment on your part, all youre doing is making a short call, to
remind her of something wonderful she can have.
Once you get her on the phone reframe it with this:
Girl: Sorry I havent called you back
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

Vin: I understand. You were busy. Sometimes meeting new people and
forming connections gets put on the back burner when youre trying to get
your life in order.
This achieves a few things:

Shows you are understanding and cool and not angry or spiteful.

Frames it as her getting her life together so that she can connect with
you. (Her raising value to meet you)

Presupposes she is now ready to form a new connection with you.

Demonstrates that we both have good values and have priorities in our
lives straight.

Back to the story

I got back from NYC this past weekend after having business meeting. She
called me that night, about 2AM, and we talked for 3 hours. I did some pregaming during this time.
Some excerpts:
Girl: Im getting fat. (Looking for me to qualify her, tell her shes hot)
Vin: Oh, really. Jeez... thats too bad. (Instead of sucking up and trying to tell
her how beautiful she is, I allow her to explain herself to me.)
Girl: Yeah I need to work out. Do you work out? (Girl trying to screen me)
Vin: Nahh. Im not in great shape or anything, pretty skinny actually.
(Again, I show her that Im not interested in getting her approval of me.)
Girl: Oh, we can fix that.
Vin: Why, are you a good cook? (I take the opportunity to screen her and
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

assert myself as the prize.)
Girl: Yeah Im pretty good. (Girl bites on it.)
Vin: Oh yeah, what can you make? (Get her to explain herself so I
can reward her with my time, congruent to me being the prize while still
Girl: Some guy I met today was asking me why I dont have a boyfriend, he
couldnt believe it. (Shes trying to show me shes valuable, which I interpret
as her trying to impress me.)
Vin: I understand, guys are so boring these days. I have a friend who tells
me the same thing. This girl is gorgeous, but guys just come up to her and
say things like Wow, youre so hot but they cant make a real connection.
And then there are the guys that are players that just want to use her for sex.
(Im telling her I understand her reality and Im neither a boring guy who is
incapable of talking to her nor a player.)
Girl: What did you like about me when you saw me? (Shes testing me to
see if Ill say the same thing as all the other guys.)
Vin: The way you carry yourself. Youre just so comfortable with yourself. A
kind of relaxed confidence. Its very attractive.
Girl: Really? That sounds good.
Vin: You know.. I meet so many girls who play games. But you dont have
time for that bullshit. Youre so real and genuine. (This is important. Not only
am I seeing her as she wants to be seen, Im reinforcing desirable behavior.)
Vin: Have you ever been to (city nearby)? No? You have to. Come out here
and Ill show you. Well have a very romantic evening. Youll love it. Well go to
dinner, walk around the city and then Ill have a special surprise for you. Oh,
and dress really formal, wear a sexy dress for me, ok?
Girl: Ok, what time?

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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

This demonstrates my current modus operandi:
1. Use conversation to induce screening frame.
2. Amplify screening frame, qualify and compliment her from a position of power.
3. Escalate and close.
I finish by suggesting she drive out to see me, and I tell her what to wear.
I imply an extremely romantic evening that will end with a surprise. The
surprise is that I will take her to a classy place that has hot tub rooms for rent.
Its a beautiful place, decorated in an old Japanese style, a very romantic
setting. There are hot tubs on the rooftop, where theyre private and isolated,
because of the architecture. You can sit in the rooftop hot tubs and get a great
view of the moonlit sky. Its nice even in the winter because the heat from the
water warms up the surrounding area. I take a lot of girls there nowadays, and
I swear the employees at that place think I hire hookers.
Since she doesnt know thats where were headed, she wont be bringing a
bathing suit ;)
So my challenge is, over dinner, to get her comfortable enough to get naked in
a hot tub with me.

Meeting up:
She drives to a nearby shopping center, and I pick her up there. In the car we
have a few different conversations. Most of what I do is vibing free mental
association, nothing flashy. The energy is good. We are both relaxed and
feeling good in each others presence. She tells me about how the night she
met me, her friend was trying to hook her up with some guy, who was part of
the initial 4set. Since she doesnt like getting hooked up by other people, she
said that she gave the guy an attitude without even getting to know him.

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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

I related to her by telling her a story about a friend of mine, who got moved
into a new room on campus. Since his new roommate had intended for
someone else to move in there, he viewed my friend through a preconceived
filter, without getting to know him.
So we shared some commonality and awareness of social situations. This
also implied that she should keep an open mind and get to know me without
preconceptions (from all the losers who have taken her out in the past).
We then talked a little about dating and stuff and how people are judgmental.
I told her about my sister who is dating a black guy now, and my parents are a
bit anxious about it. My dad asked my sister You guys arent serious, though
right? I joked about how that really means, He hasnt fucked you with his
huge black cock yet right? This got some laughs.
Arrived at the restaurant. From the car, I grabbed her hand and led her down
the sidewalk. I tell her to consider this as a vacation, where she can escape
to a fantasy world with no rules or worries. Arriving at the restaurant, I opened
the door for her, and escorted her inside. Leading, leading, leading, as much
as possible.
Sat at the table, talked some more. Straight association vibe...
We talk about our close friends, and I tell her that I dont really have a social
circle (true). I tell her that I have a lot of close friends who have their own
circles, but I rarely merge circles, and my friends know each other through me.
I also tell her about how I am doing workshops (I opted to tell her before sex,
so in the future if she ever finds out, it wasnt some secret thing I hid from
her), and how I used to be such a player. But I got sick of being a player and
playing games and meeting trashy untrustworthy girls all the time. This led me
to some genuine qualification.
I talked about how guys and girls play games and pretend to be disinterested,
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

in order to manipulate a persons emotions. I told her that she seemed very
real and genuine, and that she makes me feel like I can be myself. At this point
we are in deep rapport, almost a trance-like. (Talking about being genuine
reinforces the framework I am using for the seduction, where a connection
emerges between two genuine souls.)
I then focus even more deeply into her eyes, and relax into a deep trance. She
goes along with me, because I have been dominant and leading the whole
time. Then I tell her how good it feels to be with her. This also has the effect
of making her feel as if she is seducing me, reinforcing myself as the one
screening her.
We get back in the van (the cleaning van from my old job) and drive to the hot
tub place.
We arrive and she reads the sign and is says, Hot tubs...
The person behind the desk leads us to our room, and gives us our towels. He
leaves, she looks at the tub, looks at me and says Now what?
I say We get in!
She responds with Youre going to see me naked already?
I say jokingly, with a half-smile, Of course not baby, Ill cover my eyes!
She goes to the restroom briefly, and I get naked and get in the tub. I turn on
the jets, bubbles and lights to full power.
She comes back.
She says Are your eyes closed?
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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

I cant tell whats happening. Im trying to peek through my fingers, but all I
can see is steam and bubbles. Im feeling great.
You can open your eyes now. She whispers.
I open my eyes and shes about two feet away from me, in the tub, fully
naked. Shes wading toward me slowly with her gorgeous tits just above the
We sit closely together in the seat, enjoying the experience. Pretty soon, we
start kissing. She puts her legs on top of mine, and I put my arm around her.
I pull back a little. And talk about some things around us, comment on how
cool the place is. I tell her about how there are some hot tubs on the rooftop
also, which are also very nice.
Start kissing again, escalate to sucking tits, touching pussy. I pick her up out
of the water and put her on the wooden ledge. (The hot tub is at floor level,
and there is wood all around on three sides of it.) I place her up there and eat
her completely shaven pussy.
Then she gets in the tub and I stand up high so she can blow me.
Then I pick her up again (caveman style dominance), and place her down onto
the wood and start to fuck her.
We switch positions, doggystyle, missionary etc...
Its a great time.

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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

Two things can happen when you have sex so fast after a cold approach.
Either she continues to talk to you and it converts to an ongoing relationship,
or she writes it off as a one-night-stand and decides never to see you again.
After the lay, everything I did was to aim for conversion. After sex, I behave in
a way that will lead to future encounters so I can decide to what extent she is
involved in my life.
I am really relaxed, and caring toward her. We talk and deepen rapport. I drive her
back to my place where we lay on the couch and watch an episode of Elimidate.
I take her to my bedroom, and we hold each other some more, and talk some
more. We fuck again. We fall asleep for a few hours, me holding her close. I wake
up and drop her off. During the drive I have a little debrief, and she said that it
must have took some balls to take her to the hot tub place so soon like that. She
really enjoyed it and said it was different - shes never been in a hot tub before.
Keys to the lay, summary:

Direct approach and give great compliments. Direct works amazingly with
SHBs when you do it with class and distinction, see my complete Guide
to Direct Game post for more on this.

Mild cocky/funny humor, to make her laugh

Frame control Im screening her to see if shes worth my time

Open loops - pleasant surprises (dont reveal to her what the plans are)

Dressing confidently. No tie, instead slightly unbuttoned shirt with a small

pendant around my neck. One ring on right pinky.

Slow, romantic touch

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Oriental Hot Tub of Sex

Conversational attraction techniques

Telling her what to wear

Extensive pre-gaming on phone

Tight qualification and conveying understanding of her reality

Having her drive out to my place (one hour), subtly makes me the prize

Setting frame right in the beginning: well have a wonderful romantic night
together, Its like a vacation away from her ordinary life.

Strong eye contact

Planning and leading evening - creating a fantasy world for her, that shes
never experienced before.

Absolute honesty - telling her I teach pickup bootcamps BEFORE I went

for lay. A risk, but I did it in a very genuine way.

Relaxation and visualization an hour before we met up. Remembering all

the times women wanted me or I was successful, over and over.

Dominance caveman style touch when going for sex.

Inducing a trance state by going into trance myself while looking into her eyes.

Screening questions as a means of connecting and learning about one another.

I used no DHVs (demonstration of high value a Mystery tactic) and

avoided anything resembling an entertainment frame. (Im starting to
realize that NOT consciously doing DHVs is a real DHV.)

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2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


a letter from Vin

Dear Applicant,
I hope you enjoyed The Woodhaven Letters. I hope you
discovered a few new ideas which will change the way you
meet women forever. And I hope these Letters helped you
finally gain control of your dating and sex life.
... But these Letters were just the beginning. I have spent
the last 5 years of my life developing new teachings, tactics,
theories and techniques. And Ive packed it all into
The TrueNatural System.
If youd like to discover how to build on the rock-solid
foundation you got by reading these Letters, make sure you
are registered for The Inside Call.
Its only for Drills Applicants, so if you received this ebook
from a friend, you will still need to apply at
www.DrillsBootcamp.com to get access to the call.
Im excited for The Inside Call, and I hope to see you there.
Your Friend,


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2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


Dont miss The Inside Call and the Release of the TrueNatural System! Visit www.drillsbootcamp.com
2004-2009 Copyright Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


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