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He was a chunky, awkward, and short 15 year old

who wore coke bottle glasses, spoke with a slight lisp

and walked with a gimpy step

due to his left leg being two inches longer than his right

School was not a kind place for him

because of his lisp and awkward walk nearly everyone called him “faggot”

Although he was tormented by the majority of the student body

the jocks gave it to him the worst

when walking through the hallways to class, they’d regularly slap him upside the

shove him into a locker, or play keep away with his glasses

On account of a medical condition

he’d occasionally have to use crutches or a wheelchair

and the jocks especially enjoyed attacking him then

often kicking his crutches out from underneath him or dumping him out of his

As bad as his walks through the hallways were

gym class was most horrific for him

he’d always be picked last for teams

tripped up

spit on
and intentionally fouled roughly during games

After class, in the locker room, was where he got it the worst

one of the most menacing jocks, a 6’4, muscular linebacker everyone called “Mad

would administer the boy a variety of wedgies, such as the “Melvin”

which involved pulling the boy’s tighty whitey’s up from the front, causing much
pain to his genitals

or the “atomic wedgie,” where Mad Dog’d sneak up from behind

and hoist the waistband of the boy’s underwear up and over the boy’s head

The most painful wedgie of all, though, was the “hanging wedgie,”

in which the boy would be hung by the waistband of his underwear

elevated from the ground

and sometimes twirled around in airborne circles

and once released

flung clear across the distance of the locker room

Every once in a while the jocks had contests

to see who could make the boy fly the farthest via such maneuvers

The wedgie attacks, name calling, and hallway beatings turned increasingly violent

eventually reaching a crescendo one day after school

when a group of jocks ambushed the boy in the bathroom while he was urinating

They seized him from behind, pushed his face into the piss filled urinal trough

pulled his pants down to his ankles, and forced a hard green banana up into his ass
laughing madly

the jocks raped him brutally with the piece of produce

yelling such things as “you know you like it, faggot!” among other taunts

Mad Dog even filmed the incident on his cell phone

joking about how he was going to put it on the internet

After sodomizing the boy for a minute or two

the jocks removed the banana from his bleeding anus

threw him to the cold tile floor

One of the jocks spontaneously

plucked a live cockroach off the graffiti covered bathroom wall

shoved it into the boy’s mouth

held his jaw shut

and made him swallow it

which elicited a boisterous round of applause from the group

The jocks then filed out the door

high fiving each other

still laughing hysterically

The boy stumbled up to his feet

vomited into the urinal trough

pulled up his pants and limped home

where he showered and brushed his teeth several times

That night the thoughts of revenge that’d swirled in his head for years began to
rapidly intensify

Stealing his dad’s guns and carrying out a Columbine style attack

planting a car bomb in Mad Dog’s Confederate Flag painted monster pickup truck

hurling a Molotov cocktail onto the field during a football game

poisoning the punch bowl at the prom with liquid LSD or cyanide

all types of ideas crossed his mind…

But for now, he just sat back in his bean bag chair

unsheathed a hunting knife he kept under his bed

rolled up his left pant leg

revealing a large patch of scars

and slid the tip of the knife about four inches down his upper left quad

drawing a small stream of dark red blood

which trickled slowly over his inner thigh

Watching the blood drip pierced through his cocoon of learned numbness like a
million needles

his eyes then welled up

and he started to sob uncontrollably

He got up and locked his door

crawled into bed

and yanked the covers over his head

That night he prayed for anything to happen

that’d prevent him from having to go to school the next day

a tornado



terrorist attack


He just didn’t want to see those faces anymore

he didn’t want to hear the laughter

He just wanted to stay in bed.

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