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Step 1 : Go to the login page of ID Hub and log in.

Step 2 : Click on Create New Contact link on the Homepage.

Step 3 : Select PWMCOLT in contact source dropdown and fill the other mandatory

Step 4 : Click on create contact button.

Step 5: Check the details again and Edit Contact if necessary.

Step 6: click on provisioning profiles link and select a role for the user. Once the
role is checked click on Run provisioning button.

Step 7: Click on Sign-off contact link and select Division. Write your name in the
Signoff By field and click on the Save button.

Step 8 : Click on Send welcome email button.

Step 9: Click on Setup password button to send a temporary password on users

email address. Click create password button.

Step 10 (for onboarded user): User will click on the link in email to be brought up to
the login page and will login with username and temporary password.

Step 11: Once the login is successful he/she needs to update password in the next

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