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HAN LAM KHOA HOC CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM VIE VAC Doe Lip - Ty do - Hanh phic 86:45 43/VHL-TCCB Ha N6i, ngay 4A thang & nam 2016 Viv tham gia Gidi thuong quée Khwarizmi (KIA) lan thir 30 t6 chtre tai Iran Kinh giri: Cac don vi true thude Cn cit Céng van so 3028/BKHCN-HTOQT ngay 14/7/2016 cua B6 Khoa hoc va Céng nghé vé Giai thuéng quéc té Khwarizmi lan thir 30 t6 chire tai Iran (Céng van giti kém theo), Vién Han lam Khoa hoc va Céng nghé Viét Nam dé nghj cde don vj c6 nhu céu tham gia tim higu théng tin chi ti thuong tai trang web: www.khwarizmi. ir, Tran trong./ Noi nh: TL. CHU TICH - Nhu trén: TRUONG BAN TO CHUC - CAN BO - Chu tich Vign (dé b/e); : - PCT Phan Van Kigm (dé b/c); - Luu: VT, TCCB.T. Bai Dinh Tri BO KHOA HOC VA CONG NGHE CONG HOA XA HQI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM puaincu rae D vy do - Hanh phite Sé: gif /BKHCN-HTQT 2016 Ha Noi, gay 44 thang } Changes by THB me Hla uklter..Khea.. bese ac d thudmg quéc t8 Khwarizmi Vik VA CONE Kinh gti... ban MH Kinh trink Chi tich Prong Cong dién sé 062 ngay 05/7/2016 giri BO Khoa hoc va Céng nghé, Qt ai Sit quin Vigt Nam tai tran thong bio Té chite Nghién ciru Khoa hoc va Céng nghé thuge BO Khoa hoc, Nghién ctu va Cong nghé Iran giri th mdi hire tai Tehran, tham dy Giai thuréng quéc té Khwarizmi (KIA) Lin thir 30 sé Iran vao thang 02/2017 véi sy tham gia cia Téng théng Iran. jidi thong quéc té Khwarizmi (KIA) Ja mét gidi thuong lén nhim ton Vinh cée nha nghién cimu, sing ché va phat minh trén Khép thé gidi vi nhimg céng hién va déng gép to én ma ho da giinh cho cde Tinh vyc khoa hoc vi nghé nhu: Khoa hoc vii try, néng nghiép, sinh hoe, y té,... 10/11/2016. Thong tin chi tiét vé Gidi thuéng dé nghj truy cap tai trang web: www.khv mm hoac email BO Khoa hge va Cong nghé xin giti c can bo dang ky tham gia. rizmi, thdng tin dé Quy Don vj biét va cir Xin tran trong cam on sy hgp tée ctia Quy Don vi Noi nhdn: TL. BO TRUONG Nhu trén; G VU HOP TAC QUOC TE 9 tneémg (dé be); Luu: VT, HTQT a THE 1h Cho TET NAM Ss¥ OF \ THE ISLAM RAN i Adress: No.S4, comer of Borzou Al Ge. Ejavi St. (ASN, Zaferaniyeh. Tebran - Ir Fel: (9821 CONG BIEN Kinh guri: BG Khoa hoe va Cong nghé | Nee", Chuyér dai si quan Vigt Nam tai Iran nhén duge thu moi cua T6 cht clu Khoa hee va Céng ng! dial thor né thude BO Khoa hoc, Nghién etru va Quée t8 Khwarizmi (KIA) lan nghign ciru, sing ché Iran mdi tham g it thudn; ai p thé gioi vi nbtn ve Khoa hoi nha t ky thudt nhu khoa hoe vd try, néng thi y, sinh hoe. y té... Giai thuon; choa hoe do: 2017 tai Pehran véi sy tham du cua Téng tho do thing ing tiéng anh truée ngay n hode théng tin ding ky qua eS oi oNaaeEHng Thach nwarizmi International Award (KIA) His Excellency The Ambassador of Vietnam Subject: Call for Participation Excellency, e years have already elapsed since lranian Rese: ch Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) organized for the time, in 1986, the Khwarizmi Intemational Award, in memory of Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi inion mathem: ian and astronomer, e have the great pl asure to invite distinguished researchers of your este country to apply for this prestigious international award hers. innovators and faventors from all over the world and to appreci yy research work and contributic t fields of science and techno pgy such as Aerospace, Agriculture Natural Resources, es & Veterinary Medicine, Basic Sciences, Biotechnolo Environment, Civil F Basie Medical al & Cc terials & Metallurgy Sciences, Mechani Nanotechnology es. Chemical Technolo dustry & Technology \ Medical Sciences Wer the 2 zation s attracted the strong support of many international , COMSATS, COMSTECH, ECO. ECO Cultural Institute Ch, FAQ. ICARDA, IOR-ARC RCSTT, TWAS, I NESCO, UNIDO, UNESCO T nal Commission for ‘hran Cluster Office, WAITRO and WIPO. Award will be pre ended by H.E jus ceremony held in the 1. R. of February —- Rewarding Dedication & Fxceilence © Box va Kt 19821356 Tels/ 198, E-mail: k http://www. Re a , 0 : 0109: by rizmi international Award (KIA) 5 worth to miention that the success of the Khwarizmi Intemational Award rests primarily ;pon the kind collaboration of your embassy, indeed thanks to the active cooperation of the esteemed foreign representations. the last session of the KIA receive countries. For your kind information, the KIA Laureates of the participation of forty * session were from the R. of fran, China, Japan, USA, Germany, Australia and Mexico. »plications a of November, 2016. ther information, Application on-line and call for participation, for electronic circulation, at the website: hitp:// Please do not hesitate to contact us via fe 0 be submitted, in English, no later than the 10 sh to thank in advance your Excelleney for the time and measures you will take to widely ¢ the Khwarizmi International Award amor our scien ic community and look rd to receiving a strong participation from your esteemed country cept, Exveileney, te assurance of iny highest consider Mohanazadeh (Ph.D) 2puty President of FROST. tion & Excellence Rewarding Ded el/Fax: 9821 )56 27 63 ¢ 9821) $6 khwariemisirostin http://www. khwarizmi. : Poors of Excellence Watizm! International Award (U1 tii ipad {|

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