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D E C . 12 , 2 016

Key points


The factors driving higher U.S. Treasury yields give us greater

confidence in our expectation for self-sustaining U.S. reflation.

The European Central Bank extended its bond-buying program

beyond key 2017 European elections.
The Federal Reserve is widely expected to raise interest rates
this week, and we see two rate increases ahead next year.

Richard Turnill
Richard Turnill is BlackRocks Global Chief
Investment Strategist. He was previously
Chief Investment Strategist for BlackRocks
fixed income and active equity businesses,
and has also led the Global Equity investment
team. Richard started his career at the Bank
of England.

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Behind the bond yield jump

The post-election jump in U.S. Treasury yields has been driven by rising growth and
inflation expectations, leading investors to demand more compensation for future
inflation risks. This supports our expectations for U.S. reflation and preference for
inflation-linked bonds and value shares.

Chart of the week

Isabelle Mateos y Lago

U.S. Treasury bond yield change breakdown, 2013 vs. 2016

Chief Multi-Asset


BlackRock Investment


Chief Equity
BlackRock Investment

Jeff Rosenberg
Chief Fixed Income
BlackRock Investment

Percentage point change

Kate Moore

Real yield
Nominal yield

Inflation breakeven
2013 taper tantrum

2016 U.S. election

Sources: BlackRock Investment Institute and Bloomberg, December 2016.

Notes: The chart compares U.S. Treasury yield changes during the 2013 taper tantrum (May 21, 2013 to July 15, 2013), set off
by the Federal Reserve signaling a winding down of bond purchases, with yield moves since the U.S. election (Nov. 8, 2016 to
Dec. 7, 2016). Nominal yields are based on U.S. 10-year Treasury yields, real yields are based on yields of the U.S. 10-year
Treasury Inflation-Protected Security, and inflation breakeven is based on the difference between the nominal and real yields.

The chart shows the two factors driving higher U.S. Treasury yields now and during the
2013 bond market sell-off, known as the taper tantrum. One factor is inflation
compensation, as reflected in U.S. inflation-linked bonds (TIPS). The other is real rates,
or bond yields minus the market pricing of future inflation. The current inflation pricing
suggests that investors see the positives of stronger economic growth ahead.

Why this time is different

The jump in yields in 2013 represented expectations that the Feds end to bond purchases would remove downward pressure on
interest rates, allowing them to start rising again. This was seen suppressing future growth and inflation, given worries about the
fragility of the economy. That real rate-driven move sent the U.S. dollar higher, dented equities and sparked a sell-off in emerging
market (EM) stocks and bonds.
Fast forward to 2016 and the yield spike has been driven as much by the inflation outlook as real rates. Fears of deflation,
dominant earlier in the year when oil prices plunged, have faded. Inflation expectations are rising due to pick-ups in wages and
growth, as well as likely fiscal stimulus. Since higher growth and inflation can benefit EM growth without hitting currency values,
EM assets and commodities are holding up better.
Investors are not expecting a surge in price pressures. The TIPS market is pricing in average inflation of 2.0% over the next
decade, compared with 2.6% before the taper tantrum. We expect that pricing to keep edging up, which is why we favor TIPS.
The latest changes to our asset views in our 2017 Global Investment Outlook also reflect broadening global reflation. We now like
Japanese equities and have raised our view on European stocks to neutral, while we are underweight U.S. Treasuries.

Week in review

 he ECB extended its bond-buying program beyond key 2017 European elections and relaxed some
self-imposed purchasing restraints. The euro slid and the eurozone yield curve steepened.

 .S. stock indexes reached record highs, while European and Japanese shares hit 11-month highs.
EM stocks have recovered half of their post-U.S. election losses.

 hinas foreign exchange reserves fell $69 billion in November, renewing capital outflow concerns.
The drop was partly valuation-related following falling bond prices and a stronger U.S. dollar.

Global snapshot
Weekly and 12-month performance of selected assets








U.S. Large Caps






U.S. Treasuries





U.S. Small Caps










Non-U.S. World





U.S. Investment Grade





Non-U.S. Developed





U.S. High Yield










U.S. Municipals










Non-U.S. Developed





Asia ex-Japan





EM $ Bonds















Brent Crude Oil
































Source: Bloomberg. As of Dec. 9, 2016. Notes: Weekly data through Friday. Equity and bond performance are measured in total index returns in U.S. dollars. U.S. large caps are represented by the S&P 500
Index; U.S. small caps are represented by the Russell 2000 Index; Non-U.S. world equity by the MSCI ACWI ex U.S.; non-U.S. developed equity by the MSCI EAFE Index; Japan, Emerging and Asia ex-Japan
by their respective MSCI Indexes; U.S. Treasuries by the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Index; U.S. TIPS by the U.S. Treasury Inflation Notes Total Return Index; U.S. investment grade by the Bloomberg
Barclays U.S. Corporate Index; U.S. high yield by the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index; U.S. municipals by the Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index; non-U.S.
developed bonds by the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex USD; and emerging market $ bonds by the JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index. Brent crude oil prices are in U.S. dollars per barrel,
gold prices are in U.S. dollar per troy ounce and copper prices are in U.S. dollar per metric ton. The Euro/USD level is represented by U.S. dollar per euro, USD/JPY by yen per U.S. dollar and Pound/USD by
U.S. dollar per pound. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Week ahead

Dec. 14
Dec. 15
Dec. 16

Fed rate decision announced, U.S. retail sales, U.S. industrial production
U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI), U.S. and eurozone flash PMIs
Eurozone CPI

The Fed is widely expected to raise interest rates for a second time this cycle, with the market eyeing clues on how many
moves may follow in 2017. We currently expect two hikes next year. This weeks flash PMI data should confirm a broad pick-up
in global activity.

Asset class views

Views from a U.S. dollar perspective over a three-month horizon





A shift toward fiscal expansion and deregulation are supportive, but uncertainties about
the timing and implementation abound. Valuations are elevated. We like value, financials,
health care and dividend growers.


Euro weakness, signs of global reflation and ultra-easy ECB monetary policy support
cyclicals and exporters. Uncertainties abound, however, including Brexit, upcoming
elections and future U.S. trade policy.


Positives are a weaker yen, improving global growth and more shareholder-friendly
corporate behavior. We see the BoJ anchoring 10-year yields near zero as supportive.
Risks are renewed yen strength and rising wages eating into margins.


Economic reforms, improving corporate fundamentals and reasonable valuations support

EM stocks, we believe. Reflation and growth in the developed world are another positive.
Risks include shifts in currency policies and trade conflicts.

Asia ex-Japan

Financial sector reform and rising current account surpluses are encouraging. Chinas
economic transition is ongoing, but we believe lower growth rates are priced in. We like
India and selected Southeast Asian markets.


A reflationary outlook challenges longer-term bonds. Shorter-term bonds should benefit

from a slow path of Fed rate rises. We prefer TIPS over nominal debt. Agency mortgages look
pricey, but duration risks are mostly reflected in higher yields.

U.S. municipals

Fund outflows and potential tax reforms that could reduce the attractiveness of munis tax
exemption are challenges. Yet we believe a recent cheapening of valuations mostly reflects
these risks.

U.S. credit

Stronger growth favors credit over Treasuries. We generally prefer up-in-quality exposures
and investment grade bonds due to elevated credit market valuations. Floating-rate bank
loans appear to offer insulation from rising rates but we find them pricey.


We prefer selected peripheral bond markets due to higher yields and ECB support.
Upcoming elections in France and Germany keep us neutral.


Elevated valuations keep us neutral. Steepening yield curves and rising bank share prices
should bolster the outlook for selected financials, including subordinated debt, but Italian
banking sector woes pose a risk.

EM debt

Economic reflation should benefit EMs. Risks include a rising U.S. dollar and global rates,
threats to free trade and Chinas currency policy. Yet valuations reflect much of these risks,
and we see selected opportunities, mostly in hard-currency debt.

Asia fixed

Muted net issuance and positive fundamentals such as stabilizing leverage support Asian
hard-currency credit despite challenging valuations. Any U.S. policy shifts that dampen
global trade would pose a risk to export-dependent EMs.


Supply rationalization and reflation are underpinning oil and industrial metals in the near
term. We see the U.S. dollar strengthening, especially against the yen and EM currencies,
on stronger growth expectations and interest rate differentials.


Fixed income




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