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Advanced Microsoft Excel

About Program MS Excel for Corporate


Shared best use of Microsoft Excel

Program is based on real scenario problem

All MS Excel Training Classes are full of illustration and case study
Practical experience of Program. Faculty will help to have a practical
view of each function

Excel Essentials

Excel Basics
Keyboard Shortcuts and Commands
Working with Ribbon Tabs
Advance techniques of Copy and Paste
Basics about Date and Time
How to use Auto List
Wild Characters

How to make powerful use of Wild Characters, Find, Replace and Go To.
How date and time works in excel, how to create different QAT ( quick
access toolbar ) for different files and much more..

Formats, Conditional Formatting & Sorting

Cell Format

Data Bars, Color Scales & Icon Sets

Conditional formatting with formulas
Conditional formatting with Form Controls
Sorting basic
Sorting based on Customized List
Customized Sorting ( Advanced )

What are commonly committed errors and how to overcome them,

different type of conditional formatting, creating customized list and
sorting on the basis of customized list

Data Management

Data Validation and dealing with Invalid Data

Group and Outline Data
Data Filter
Data Consolidation
Data text to column
Custom Views

Consolidating data vertically and horizontally on few clicks (without using

any formula), Viewing & printing multiple reports on same data and same
sheet on click of button and much more

Formulas & Functions

Text Formulas ( Left, Right, Trim, Len, Upper, Lower, Proper etc. )

Lookup Formulas ( Vlookup , Hlookup , Index, Transpose, Row, Column

Logical Formulas ( If, And, Or, etc. )
Date & Time ( Day, Month, Year, Date, Datevalue, EOMonth, Workday
etc. )
Math & Trig ( Sumif , Sumifs , Sumproduct etc.)
Do you really know what Vlookup can do?
Vlookup can extract value from multiple tables on multiple sheets
Using Vlookup for two way lookup. (Vertically and Horizontally at same
Vlookup can calculate Income Tax on any Income falling in any slab
Using Vlookup for AR Aging analysis
When to have Range lookup True in Vlookup and how it impacts?

Charts & Graphs

Chart Basics
Line Chart, Column Chart
Sparklines and others

How to create multiple chart type in one graph, using primary and
secondary axis for different chart type in one chart, how to make best use
of newly added feature of sparklines

Data Analysis

Pivot Table ( Including Slicer )

Scenario Modeling
Advanced Filters

See how to add customized data in Pivot-Table, how to generate multiple

reports on a press of button in Pivot Table, How to use newly added
feature of slicer in pivot table, Creating customized reports from Advanced
Filter on few clicks, what are advantages and disadvantages of using
scenario modeling

Introduction to Form Controls, Macros

Introduction to Form Controls

Create and Edit a Macro
Absolute and Relative with reference to Macro

We will see what exactly we can do with Macros, when to use absolute and
relative reference in Macros


3D Reference
Customizing standard Excel options to user specific needs
Different techniques to remove duplicate
Talk to Excel
Mini Word in Excel
Screenshot and its usage ( Newly added feature )
Data Protection
Dealing with Objects

In this section of Excel Training, see how to work on multiple sheets at

one time, customizing excel as per users need, working with objects, Mini
word in Excel and use newly added features of Excel 2010 for better

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