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Lesson Plan #1

Title of Activity
Age group/Grade
Subject Area Objectives

Choose and draw your favorite sea animals

Main Content Area: Literacy
Additional Content Areas: Cognitive and general knowledge, Art,
Music, Dance, Dramatic play skills, Social / emotional, self-esteem,
Physical (gross and fine motor skill), Social / emotional, self
After reading the book Imagine Fun at Sea by Silver Castle,
students will be able to identify and choose their favorite sea
animals from the story and draw a picture of their animals and
write a short sentence.

Language and Literacy


New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core

PartB: English Language Arts and Literacy
Craft and Structure
4) Exhibit curiosity and interest in learning new vocabulary.
Key Ideas and details
1. with prompting and support, ask and answer question about details in a
2. with prompting and support, retail detail(s) in a text
3, with prompting and support, ask and answer question about characters
and major event in a story.
Integration and Knowledge of Ideas
7)With prompting and support, student will engage in a picture walk and
make connection between self, illustration, and the story (text) in which
they appear.
9a) With prompting and support, students will make cultural connections
to text and self.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
10) Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
Responding to Literature
1.With prompting and support, make connections between self, text, and
the world around them. (text, media, and social interaction)
Key idea and details
1. With prompting and support, ask and questions about details in a text.
2. With prompting and support, retell detail(s) in a text.
Vocabulary acquisition and use
With promoting and support use words and phase acquired through
Conversation reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Responding to Literature
11) Create and present a poem, dramatization, art work, or personal
response to an author or theme studied in class, with prompting and
support as needed.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
6) Demonstrate an emergent ability to express thoughts, feelings and

Lesson Plan #1

Content Standards

New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core

Emergent writing and reading skills
Writing standards:
Text type and purpose:
1.With promoting and support, use combination of drawing,
dictating or writing to express about a book or topic (e.g. I like .
because )
2.With prompting and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or
writing to compose
informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing
about and supply some information about the topic
3.. With prompting and support, use
a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to narrate a single
event and provide a reaction to what happened
Responding to literature
11, Create and present a poem, dramatization, art work, or personal response
to an author or theme studied in class, with prompting and support as needed
Standing and listening Standards
Comprehensive and collaboration.
2. With guidance and support, confirm understanding of a text read aloud or
information presented
orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key
details and requesting
clarification if something is not understood.
Vocabulary acquisition and use.
6) With prompting and support, use words and
phrases acquired through conversations, reading and
being read to, and responding to texts.

Justification and Theory

Background Knowledge
2c) Uses new vocabulary correctly.
This fun book reading activity is appropriate for preschoolers
because it gives the children a chance to not only understand
between sea animal distinct from land animal on land but it always
good to allow students to learn and explore reading in engaging fun
ways. From 2D to 3D ways of reading fun and engaging book after
language because it about words and picture together. Its
developmental appropriate its what children like when a book is
engaging and fun to play with along text and picture help them to
learn even more. We want to encourage children make believe and
use their imagination to pretend play by wearing masks to be
something they are not and practice creativity and since reading
and writing go hand to hand so after reading asking children to
identify what animals they like to be critical think and voice out
their opinion or express themselves from what they read.
For example, this deluxe version of Imagine Me mask
books include removable 3-D masks and lively
moving pop-ups. Put on one of the four masks and

Lesson Plan #1
follow along or dream up your own tale. Transform
your make-believe world into playtime reality.
Children will able to tell us what they know and what
they like and make a choice on their own to draw
what their favorite animals is and perhaps write a
words or sentence if they know. We encourage prints
and story reading to incorporate into children
practicing writing as well. Reading and writing goes
hand to hand and they happen natural in children
with teachers or parents support. One of the ways is

Teaching Strategies used in class

Anticipatory Set

After reading the book, Imagine Fun at Sea by Silver Castle,

students will be able to identify and choose their favorite sea
animals from the story and draw a picture of their favorite sea
animals or given opportunity to practice drawing and writing if
they know how.
From reading, and asking questions, children will give chance to
practice, emergent writing and doing art. Drawing is usually come
first then reading and writing come later This activity will help
children to understand different sea animal but also expose them to
making their choice by association and allow opportunity for
preparation for later writing. as well as use, new vocabulary words
from the book to express themselves. Seal Seagull (both land
and sky animal) shark only live in ocean. Seal live in both land and
ocean, sea turtle also could temporary on land but must live in the
ocean as well. I want to allow children to make connection by
discover about different animals habitat and help them do
This reading activity will start out group experience during a read
aloud, and then transition to small groups project (4-5 children) and
then the children name out their favorite sea animals to draw on the
table for example, I like .? Or my favorite sea animals are .? I
will employ the following learning strategies: I will use dialogic
reading strategies, sometimes pause to ask open ended stimulating
thinking questions and I will communicate with my teaching
partner and we both model the activity before the students begin
work in small group. Since we have 15 students we might rotate
three times and I will monitor the childrens work while
encouraging and prompting to how to draw and write by supporting
I will prepare ahead of time to use my I-Pad to take a lot different
pictures of animals from my computer that associate with different
types of sea, land, and sky animals.
I will also select and record a fun and engaging short fun sea
animals video on my I-pad from YouTube to enticing children to
learn later.

Lesson Plan #1
Before the class start, I will take some sea and land animal dolls
from the Block Center to hide them in the Center Area where
children cant see.
Once the children come and settle down at the circle area on carpet,
I let children know that we are going to learn about sea animals
Before we drive into our lesson, I will invite them to tell me what
kind of sea animals do they know that live under in water or sea or
in the ocean or any animal they have encounter with their families
member or they have seen outside themselves any animal that they
can think of.
This way by using the KWL questions, I could tap into children
prior knowledge about animals and their habitats by on what they
know, what they want to know and what we going to learn together.
As they name out some animals they see outside, I will write down
their responses on the blackboard along with their names and thank
them and compliment them for effort and participation.
I will also spell each letter of the word and clap for each letter for
children to imitate and show them how to spell out the animal
And then I would take the sea and land animals that I had hidden
out to explain to children that like us who live in different home
and apartment, animals also live in different home called habitat
to survive or else their stay within their environment.
Intentionally I ask the children can we human live under the sea?
Why not?
Ill let the children know that there are animals hidden all around
different Center Areas and let them go search for it.
As they find each animal, Ill ask them where each belong and let
them put them back into the right container.
Instructional Input

1. Meet at the carpet with all the children.

Introduce to children that we going to learn
about different kinds of sea animals like shark,
seagull, seal and sea turtle today from an
exciting book but ask the class which is their
most favorite sea animal from the beginning?
and Why? or which is the least favorite and
why? If they have hard time explain the why,
give encourage and prompt and support the

Lesson Plan #1
children as needed. Let them know it okay for
themselves to express what the like or dislike.
2. Explain to the class that we going to learn
about some of the special features of different
sea animals like where they live under the sea?
Why? and what they like to eat and do for fun
at the sea? What is their favorite food and
things to do at the sea? and why some sea
animals need to come up to land? but others
like shark does doesnt? Why? and how
come? Let children know its okay that they
dont need to answer all these questions now
but as we read the book will discover the
answers together so they need pay attention to
their teachers and peers, we read the book and
encourage them to ask teacher any question if
they may have. They are encouraged to ask
teacher or their peer for questions and help
using an active dialogue style of
3. Read the book, Imagine Fun at Sea by Silver Castle
use dialogic reading strategies during the
reading and sometimes ask open end
stimulating questions. For example, when
reading about to about the seagull, how come
the seagull doesnt live under the sea? But still
call sea animal Why? what does seagull like to
eat? Why did it change it feather from gray to
black? Give children time to respond and
encourage them to think and wear the sea
animal mask as we read.
4. Techer Set positive role model to children on
how wear a mask and allow other to ask us
question and we ask their questions.
5. Encourage each child to take turn when it come
wearing the sea animal masks, encourage
children to engage in wearing the mask be
brave and are welcome to make believe and
imagine that they are that sea animals when
they wear that mask. They welcome their
friends by their friend allow their friend to ask
him or her questions. For example, children,
will love to wear each mask but let them know
that they need to take turn and share wearing
the mask. For example, if a child pretends to be
a when the teacher can prompt the student by
our side and encourage to ask question about
what they have read about the seagull, what

Lesson Plan #1
does seagull likes to eat?
5.write the question What doe seagull like to eat?
on the board for child to see. Allow them time to
say garbage! Encourage children to say complete
sentence like Seagull likes to eat garbage and
fish. Ask children to spell out garbage or
Seagull as stand up and clapped their hands as
they jump to spell out S e a g ulu .
allow children to spread their arms open and
pretend to be seagulls open their arms to pretend
to fly like a seagull as they walk slowly in the circle
6. Then prompt children to sit and letter by letter
and clapping our hands as well spell and spell
out the word Seagull and garbage our loud.
7. Encourage children to the be Fierce shark rule
the sea but to be kind at the same the time.
When children wear this shark mask, they
encourage children to ask the shark questions
like what does he like to eat? And give prompt
to our shark if necessary because shark like to
eat fish so we courage children to eat more fish
as well like the shark.
8. Guide children to ask more about the shark
about his sharp razor sharp teeth and how is a
shark swim? What will happen if a shark stop
swimming and write the word or sentence shark
are good swimmer and have children all stand
and ask them to pretend to a shark and ask
them how does their skin feel? soft or hard?
Like razer?
9. Explain to children that when shark is good
swimming and they to swim all the time
because if they dont they sink into the bottom
of the ocean. Then ask question why does shark
favorite place is the Mosel? And define Mosel or
ocean floor to children. Explain to the when
shark rest and stop swimmer when they are
tire, they sink to the bottom of the ocean. Ask
children can swimmer backward? The answer
no and explain to children when shark cant
swim backward but only swim forward then
teacher can write out the word forward and
backward on the board for children to model
and again invite children to stand up and move

Lesson Plan #1
and pretend to be instead of fierce shark but
also prompt them to be kind hearted shark. ask
children do they think shark can eat vegetable
like sea turtle do?
As we do pretend play with sea turtle, we
can again invite children to imagine to be sea
turtle that gently gliding through the ocean.
Encourage children to act as sea turtle and dive
deep into the sea like a diver do to dive deep
into the sea to explore the mystery of the
Invite the children to take turn to wear
the sea turtle and allow other to interview on
what they like to eat? ask children for
feedback? then write down sea turtle like to
eat seaweed every day so again teacher
promote children to eat more vegetable to be a
good diver like the sea turtle and allow room for
children glide through the classroom slowly.
Teacher can explain to children our
previous question by why does sea turtle and
sea go on hand? Explain to children they are
tired so they needed rest therefore they go on
line. And invite others to be seal? and ask
question about how fast a seal fast? What does
a seal love to eat? and give children time to
13. After reading the book, discuss the with the students. Ask
them which is the favorite part of the story and what is the
favorite sea animal from the book? And why?
14. . After we finished discussion, explain to the class that we
are going to do a follow up writing activity by drawing their
favorite sea animal in small groups and write a sentence
about it. Teacher can give example of how sentence might
be for them to fill in the blank and it they dont know
something they invite to ask their peer and teacher for help
and if they dont now to spell out the world they can look at
the black board or teacher can make a copy of the picture of
sea animal and draw it in front of the children and
encourage children to draw their favorite sea animals and by
simple provide them with pencils and Blank papers to
freely color and draw their own favorite sea animals . if
they dont understand the word, let children know they are
welcome to ask both teachers and their or even try to
discover way to find out how spell the word by looking at

Lesson Plan #1
the board.
15. Give some blank paper and provide pencil and crayon for
to a small group of children and let them draw their own
favorite sea animal from the book and write a sentence if
they know how to do it Before doing it go over the whole
class today slowly one more time how to draw different sea
animal and invite children to help teacher draw to role
model to their friend.
16. After children finish their small group drawing and writing,
children, they share it the share at the end of the day
through show and tell.
Instructional Resources and

Anticipated Time Frame

Plans for Assessment/Check for

Plans for Differentiating


Imagine Fun at Sea by Silver Castle

markers (for the teacher)
Blank papers
45 minutes (15 minutes for the read aloud, 5 minutes for
discussion, 20 minutes for small group drawing and writing, 5
minutes to share with a friend)
I will use my observation in class and checklists items from the
child developmental checklist to assess each students learning on
their Emergent, writing, and reading skills along with spoken
language and dramatic play item and multiple of other assessment
like child-teacher interview or conversation as also part of my way
of assess the student understanding. The main criteria of the
checklist are to check item if the children progress or show it sign
of progress. How do the children play in dramatic play and their
art will also be label with date and be documental with anecdotal
and runner record to observe the childs behavior and ultimately we
will document the children into our authentic portfolios along with
other informal like checklists, rubric, interview and observation
Supporting ELLs: To support English Language Learners, I will
promote dramatic play and peer English Language learner(ELL)
with more advance peer or native speaker to have peer to peer role
modeling, teacher can also give ELL extra time to encouragement
to do their work and show role model to ELL on how to practice
their language by promoting more opportunity for ELL for practice
reading and writing more but at the same time I will adjust my
curriculum and to be more sensitive to their needs. I will also
encourage the parent read more with the child in their native
language at home to read to their children both in their native
language and in English
Supporting children with identified delays, speech, and/or
disabilities: I will have the child who has speech is intentionally sit
across the teacher during lunch time and then I would positive role
model the child and use puppet shows and dramatic play as
strategies to help children with disabilities. I would offer

Lesson Plan #1

Extension Activities


scaffolding support and positive reinforcement on. It also good

children with disabilities to use puppet show to help children with
language issue and promote positive peer to peer social interaction
with teacher and peer. I will use music and dramatic play as my
powerful tool to bridge the learning since speech impair has issue
with speaking but not with listening. Therefore, I will provide more
a 1 on 1 corresponding attention and help that children by be more
flexibility with changing my lesson using more music, visual and
dramatic as way to connect these children. I will make my activities
s more developmental appropriate for children with special need.
Being flexible teachers and encourage another peer to help me to
help that child.
If children cannot draw and write a simple short sentence, then they
can just simply draw and color. Teacher can also model in draw out
the shark, seal, sea turtle and seagull on big paper and write the
world out for children to see if they practice written out the sea
animal name. we can also use our sea animals mask as puppet
show to enhance collaboration, and build self confidence in child
term to speak out theyre through a puppet.
When the activity is completed, students and teacher will together
hang up their drawing and writing on the wall for showcase sharing
with their friends.

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