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4B4,47.6 ISSUE2 74 WHAT THIS BOOK COVERS SUBJECT PAGE General 1 Propeller Inspection 2 Blade repair 3 Bent blades 10 Overspeeding 10 Lightening strikes 11 ~ Composite blades - repair iL Checking blade angles 12 Impact damage 15 Balancing 17 Static balancing 18 Dynamic balancing 20 Dynamic balancing - example 22 Checking anti-icing systems 32 Track checking 33 Checking propeller clearances 34 Propeller fitting 35 Prop removal/fitting - example 38 Engine runs 42 Propeller removal - example 43 PCUs/CSUs installation & checking 46 Feathering unit - checking 48 Revision questions & answers AUTHORITY It is IMPORTANT to note that the information in this book is for study/training purposes only. When carrying out a procedure/work on aircraft/aircraft equipment you MUST always refer to the relevant aircraft maintenance manual or equipment manufacturer’s handbook. You should also follow the requirements of your national regulatory authority (the CAA in the UKyand laid down company policy as regards local — procedures, recording, report writing, documentation etc. For health and safety inthe workplace you should follow-the— : regulations/ guidelines as specified by the equipment manufacturer, your company, national safety authorities and national governments. * The blades should be inspected for damage in the form of abrasions, cuts, nicks or corrosion. Minor erosion or dents may usually be left until the propeller is removed, but cuts or gouges which may lead to cracks should be blended out immediately and the area should be re-painted - provided they are within the allowable damage as laid down in the manual. + ‘The spinner, hub and blade roots of hydraulically operated propellers should be examined for traces of oil leakage from the pitch change mechanism, if the propeller is of the “dry hub" type, oil leaking into the hub may, through centrifugal force, flow through the blade bearings, remove the grease and result in premature failure of the bearing. Some traces of oil may be found after initial installation, but if the leakage persists, the propeller must be stripped to the extent necessary to cure the leak, and to clean and re-grease the bearings. This particular problem does not apply to propellers with "wet hubs", but any leakage should nevertheless be investigated, * The CSU/PCU and connecting pipes should be inspected for oil leaks. Leakage at the mounting face of the CSU/PCU may be remedied by tightening the nuts or replacing the gasket, but leakage from other parts of the unit will normally require a replacement of the complete unit. The unit should also be inspected for security, locking, damage and corrosion. + Whenever the propeller is removed, the slip rings and contact brushes should be examined for damage and wear. Brush wear over the operating period should be assessed and the brushes should be replaced if the rate of wear indicates that they will not remain serviceable until the next overhaul. Check contact brush ° springs for correct tension. * Additionally the wiring (where fitted) should be checked for continuity and serviceable insulation (insulation test). A bonding test ensures that there is an earth return path via the engine/airframe. = BLADE DAMAGE Blades which are bent, twisted or cracked, or have severe surface damage, must be considered unserviceable, and the propeller returned to the manufacturer or an approved overhaul organisation. Minor surface damage may be blended out so long as the damage is within the limitations imposed by the manufacturer. Note that there is a limit on the number of defects falling within any one area of the blade. STONE DAMAGE DAMAGED PAINT AND EROSION ‘TO OVERSHOE OVERSHOE DEBONDING LEADING EDGE EROSION LEADING EDGE, STONE DAMAGE —_ SURFACE EROSION CORROSION SURFACE STONE “+ DAMAGE LIGHTENING BURN TIP DAMAGE, Fig. 1 EXAMPLES OF PROPELLER BLADE DAMAGE Damage Acceptance Areas If damage has occurred to a propeller blade, before repairs are carried out it “7 must be established whether the location of the damage is such that the damage can be repaired in situ. In Chapter 61-10 of the Maintenance Manual, under the heading-of Servicing, is a section entitled "Damaged Blades". This section illustrates the repair limits allowed on the blades and also details where such repairs can be carried out. The blade is divided up into stations; which use an alphanumeric-code to give a precise location of the damaged area, (Figure 2). = MINOR REPAIRS - METAL PROPELLERS Minor repairs are classed as those within the scope of the operator. They include the repair of small dents, nicks and light corrosion. PROPELLER MAINTENANCE Before we get too involved it is important to restate that what is contained in this book are general procedures for the maintenance of propellers and propeller systems. Of course, you must refer to the appropriate maintenance manual when ever carrying out maintenance on a propeller - or any other item of equipment for that matter. Maintenance can be divided in "Routine" and "Non Routine". Routine maintenance includes all those checks, inspections and tests laid down in the maintenance schedule and are carried out on a routine basis. QUESTION: Whose responsibility is it to organise the maintenance schedule? (5 mins} ANSWER: Unless the aircraft is being maintained using a LAMS (Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule) the operator will organise the schedule, probably in consultation with the manufacturer, and it is cleared by the CAA. Routine maintenance periods for inspection/overhaul of propeller hubs and blades are laid down in CAA Airworthiness Notice No. 75. This applies to propellers where the manufacturer has not issued its own approved schedules of inspection. Here it states what is to be inspected for; the amount of dismantling required; and how often this is to be carried out. 7 For large aircraft the periods are in general:- Overhaul - As laid down in the Maintenance Schedule/as prescribed by manufacturer. Hub/Blade - 3 years after installation - thereafter at 12 monthly Inspection intervals. Bare Blade ~~ Every 6 years (max, including storage. 7 Inspection Except for Public Category transport aircraft over 5700 kg. overhaul work may be carried out by a "C" Licensed Aircraft Engineer - typed for that engine - provided the necessary equipment is available. In all other cases an approved organisation must do the work QUESTION: What does the word "approved" mean in this context? (5 mins) ANSWER: ‘An approved company has been cleared (after the payment of a suitable fee) by the C.A.A. to carry out that work which the C.A.A. considers it fit to do. Non Routine maintenance includes all those operations which are not planned and usually involve special inspections, repairs, tests, fault finding, component replacement and sometimes modifications INSPECTION The routine inspection of propellers varies little between the different types of propellers. LC Typically a visual inspection will include checking the blades, hub, controls, systems, and accessories for:- Damage and cracks. Security and locking. Corrosion. Safety and locking. Leaks - where appropriate. Distortion - of blades The inspection of the blades should be close enough to detect any flaws. Remember that aluminium and its alloys are notch sensitive - so small scratches and indents must be detected and rectified. QUESTION: Can you explain what is meant by the term "notch sensitive"? (5 mins} ANSWER: ‘A metal is said to be notch sensitive if it soon develops a crack or fatigue failure from a small scratch or dent. Some metals are not particularly notch sensitive such as steel, but others, such as aluminium alloys are. The visual inspection includes the following: * All visible parts of the propeller, its components, controls, pipe connections and wiring should be inspected for damage and security. DE-ICING OVERSHOE LEADING EDGE CHORD / Fr | STATIONS ‘SPAN STATIONS MASTER STATION ‘TRAILING EDGE, ~~ ABROFOIL SECTION ro # 2/0 # ana ® snow Fig. 2, BLADE STATION IDENTIFICATION (EXAMPLE) Repair Limitations Severe surface damage to a propeller blade must be reworked at the earliest opportunity. However, minor flaws such as flaking are normally left to a blade overhaul period when a complete blade rework is carried out. Sharp indentations, scores and deep nicks can lead to the propagation of cracks. These defects must be smoothed or blended out. Crack detection, using non destructive test methods, must be carried out after blending to ensure that no cracks are present. Cracks, of course, render the blade unserviceable and must be returned to the manufacturer. Repair limitations depend upon which surface of the blade is damaged, and the requirements laid down inthe manual ——— _ Face and Camber-Repairs - Typical = Rework depth on the face or camber side of a propeller blade is usually limited to 0.060"(1.52mm). The reduction of blade thickness ("T" in Figure 3) must not exceed 25% of the reworked area or the limitations laid down in the reference table, whichever is the least. NOT GREATER THAN 25% OF BLADE BLADE THICKNESS THICKNESS a ~ ae DAMAGE Fig. 3 FACE AND CAMBER REPAIR (CROSS SECTION OF BLADE ALONG AXIS AT RIGHT ANGLES TO CHORD) 10 X DEPTH OF DAMAGE. LEADING EDGE — DAMAGE Fig. 4 TYPICAL LEADING EDGE DAMAGE REPAIR Tip Damage If the damage is light the tip can be blended out within the prescribed repair _ limits. The blade tip is usually of much thinner material than the rest of the blade, and therefore the limits are easily exceeded. The process of blending out a damaged tip is known as “tip cropping" or simply “cropping’-and it involves a-straight cut and radiusing the-trailing and leading edges to blend in with the remaining metal (Figure 5). ~Limitations related to cropping are laid down in the relevant manuals. To maintain balance when a blade is cropped, the remaining blades must be cropped by a similar amount. Separate blades must then be kept as a set. Usually up to 1” (25.4mm) of cropping is allowed and when ANY cropping has taken place an entry to that effect should be made in the propeller log book after cropping/blending, A tracking check should be carried out together with an engine run to check for vibration 12" (305mm) yi CROP RADIUSED TO BLEND MAXIMUM CROP MAXIMUM CROP Fig. 5 BLADE TIP CROPPING 1/3 BLADE LENGTH 2/3 BLADE LENGTH 6 (152mm) 6 (152mm) ENLARGED SECTIONS. ‘OF DAMAGE, REGION MAXIMUM. "y" MAXIMUM A NO DAMAGE OR REPAIR PERMITTED — 8 10,025"(0.63mm) W 0.025"(0.63mm) T c 0.050"(1.27mm) W 0.080"(1.27mm) T D 0.100"(2.54mm) W Outer 6"(152.4mm) AS REQUIRED WITH CROPPING LIMIT 1.0%(25.4mm) Fig. 6 TYPICAL REPAIR LIMITS Tools and Equipment Some propeller manufacturers produce blade minor repair kits containing all the necessary equipment in a carrying case for line maintenance. The kit may include:- * Abrasive pads (or mops) for mounting in a power drill. Flapper discs can be used instead of mops. * Cutting compound (240 grit approx.). * Buffing soap. 400 grade wet and dry silicon carbide abrasive paper. * A dial test indicator (DTI). A dye penetrant crack detection kit. ~ Damage may also be blended out initially by the use of:- Files. Scrapers. Other abrasives providing the damage is satisfactorily removed. Blending out Damage Once the depth of the damage has been measured to ensure that the end repair will be within the specified limitations, the following general procedure is adopted:- * Remove the damage using grit impregnated mops in a power drill. ~~ * Blend out the damage using a circular overlapping action until the damage has been removed, leaving a saucer shaped indentation oa which smoothly blends-with-the existing blade material. * Using a dial test indicator fitted to a calliper, measure the blade a thickness at the bottom of the that it is within the ee limits. Use a rule to calculate the area- ~ ene * Use a fine abrasive paper to remove the fine rotary marks left by the abrasive from the mops. * Apply buffing soap on a clean mop until a highly polished surface is achieved. * Crack test - if using penetrant dye care should be taken to prevent contact with rubber de-icing shoes. A magnetic test may be used on steel blades by mounting the blade in a machine and passing a current through the blade (about 3000 A at 6V). The blade is then sprinkled with a magnetic ink or iron filings. The ink or filings will gather around any surface (or just beneath the surface) defect. Remember this test will require the operator to be qualified in NDT techniques (see the book in this series "Non Destructive Testing"), and the blade will have to be demagnetised. * If the test is satisfactory, recheck the blade thickness to ensure that it is still within the limits. * Etch and/or apply protective finish as required. (See the book in this series entitled "Corrosion’). ETCHING Some inspections of damaged al alloy blades call for local etching. This is the application of a caustic soda solution to the area followed by a nitric acid solution which helps to: + Identify cracks/scratches better. * Show if shallow cracks have been completely blended out. Solutions 20% Caustic Soda solution and water. Add as much caustic soda to water as it will dissolve then add some soda pellets to ensure saturated solution. Used as the indicator solution. 20% Nitric Acid (1 part nitric acid to 5 parts water). Used to remove the corrosion caused by the caustic soda. — ~ Precautions ae * Keep all solutions in glass or earthenware pots. * Flush any spillage with water immediately. * If splashed on skin or eyes irrigate with copious amounts of clean water and seek medical advice. * Always wear protective clothing and goggles. Procedure Clean and dry the area of the blade to be locally etched, Place masking tape around the area. Smooth the area containing the suspected defect with fine sandpaper. Apply a small quantity of the caustic soda solution with a small swab to the area. After the area becomes dark, wipe off with a clean cloth dampened with water, but do not put too much water on the area or it will remove the solution and spoil the test. The dark stain that appears on an aluminium-alloy blade when the caustic solution is applied is caused by the chemical reaction between the copper in the alloy and the caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). If there is any defect in the metal it will appear as a dark line or other mark. Examination under a microscope will show small bubbles forming in the dark line or mark. Several applications may be required to reveal whether or not a shallow defect has been removed. Immediately after the completion of the final test, all traces of caustic soda must be removed with the nitric acid solution. The blade is rinsed thoroughly with clean water, dried and reprotected. BENT BLADES ‘The angle of the bend may be checked using a protractor. If the bend is only slight and within the limits laid down in the manual it can be cold straightened. If it is outside the limits it must be returned to the manufacturer. The cold straightening process must not involve straightening passed neutral and "bending back" and it should include local bend area etching and checking for fatigue failure and cracks. On some blades rebending might be allowed up to 20°, others the limit might be zero, i.e. no bending is allowed. OVERSPEEDING Overspeeding of the engine causes high stresses to be imposed on the propeller which can affect the material structure of the blades. The maximum speed of the engine is expressecin rpm. or percentage. The figures given-below are typical and require the following action: + Up to-145% (15% above maximum): 7 Check tracking. if 115% to 130% : Remove the propeller to the manufacturer, stating on the documentatiot Percentage overspeed and duration. Aircraft attitude (e.g. climb), height, airspeed, and all up weight. Installed position on aircraft. Propeller flying hours. Propeller identification/part number and serial number. Aircraft type and serial number. Date and time of occurrence. ‘The manufacturer will then decide if the blades should be scrapped or re-rolled. LIGHTNING STRIKE DAMAGE Ifa metal propeller is struck by lightning, burn damage to the blades is likely to occur. In removing this damage normal repair limits apply, but after cleaning out all physical damage, a further specified thickness of metal must be removed, and the depression blended to a smooth contour. The damaged area should be chemically etched, and inspected with a magnifying glass for any signs of metal abnormalities. Electrical circuits should be checked for resistance and continuity, and a functional check carried out. It is also important to carry out a Bonding Check between the metal propeller and the central earthing point of the aircraft (see the book "Electrics" in this series). If the bonding is not what it should be (say 0.05 ohms) then a visual check is required on the ;ropeller/engine/eirframe to ascerta:. where the high resistance is. It is also important to check all propeller and engine roller/ball ° bearings for damage and check engine oil for contamination (chip detectors). REPAIR OF COMPOSITE BLADES As always any repairs-carried out to a propeller are carried out in.accordance with the manual - this also applies to composite blades. In general, blades rectify minor damage which does not _ affect the airworthiness of the propeller. This damage includes * Nicks, dents and scratches. * Chordwise cracks in the leading edge cap. * Shallow gouges * De-bonding of the leading edge cap -.l- Damage outside the limits laid down will require the removal of the blade/propeller from the aircraft for the manufacturer's attention. In general, minor damage is repaired as follows (but refer to the manual] :- 1. Remove any paint and clean the area. 2. Sand and clean the area to a smooth contour. 3. Make up an epoxy mixture to which is added a fibre such as chopped glass fibre or chopped carbon fibre. 4, Fill the indentation with the mixture and allow to cure. (Note some repair schemes call for heat to assist the curing, and for pressure to be applied in the form of a vacuum bag). 5. After the resin mix has hardened it is sanded to conform to the contour of the blade. 6. Re-instate paint scheme with an approved primer and finishing coat. 7. Carry out engine run and check correct operation /balance of blade. ae 8. _ Inspect repair and record details in the propeller log book and sign. CHECKING BLADE ANGLES The blade angles may be checked using a: * Special gauge - locally made or supplied by the manufacturers. * Bevel protractor. * Blade table. QUESTION: What is the accuracy of the bevel protractor? (5 mins) ANSWER: 5 minutes of arc, ie. 5/60th. of a degree. L Angles can also be accurately measured using a Clinometer (Hilgar & Watts). ‘This has an accuracy of 1 minute and measures angles in relation to the horizontal. It is fitted with an accurate spirit Jevel-The degrees are read from a window showing the degree scale and the minutes are read from a micrometer scale where 1 revolution of the micrometer scale moves the degree scale by 1 degree=“he micrometer scale is divided-into 60 equal divisions hich gin te. (1/60th of a degree = I minute): In some cases these instruments are provided with attachments to be bolted to the propeller mechanism. For more information on these instruments you should refer to the book in this series "Precision Measuring Instruments". [PROPELLER PROTRACTOR SCALE “ARBOR Fig. 7 BLADE TABLE Measuring the Blade Angle on the Aircraft 3 This is measured from the flat face of the propeller in relation to the plane of rotation of the propeller. It requires that the propeller shaft is horizontal so that the plane of rotation is vertical. Proceed as follows: 1. Refer to the aircraft manual. 2. Check that the propeller shaft is horizontal. If it is not:- (a) Put the aircraft into rigging position and re-check that it is horizontal, or _ (b) Measure the angle of the propeller shaft and add this angle ha (GROUND ANGLE) to each BLADE ANGLE recorded. (Figure 8). c oe spa oF ACTUAL BLADE ANGLE PROPELLER HORIZONTAL venom | Fig. 8 GROUND ANGLE & BLADE ANGLE -13- If the propeller shaft is not horizontal measure and record its angle in degrees and minutes. (The actual angle in Figure 9 [c] is the ground angle A plus the perceived blade angle B). Mark the blade station with a pencil where the readings are to be measured from (manual). Turn the propeller until the first blade is in a horizontal position with its leading edge uppermost. Place the clinometer on the flat face at the correct station and operate the micrometer wheel until the bubble of the spirit level head reads central. Record the reading in degrees and minutes. If the propeller shaft is horizontal then this is the blade angle, if it is not then add the ground angle to this reading to obtain the correct value. Y ‘2. PLACE CLINOMETER ON 3. app 1.10 2 BLADE” FACE AND OBTAIN GRIN ACTUAL BLADE ANGLE. PERCEIVED BLADE. ANGLE. 1. PLACE CLINOMETER ON | ‘SPIRIT LEVEL rhits SURFACE TO OBTAIN GROUND ANGLE FOMND DEGREE SCALE MINYTE SCALE MICROMETER OR MINUTE WHEEL 2 Fig. 9 MEASURING BLADE & GROUND ANGLE Check the actual blade angle with that laid down in the manual and if it is outside the tolerance then-adjust the angle at the pitch change mechanism. Course adjustment may be carried out by re-indexing the blade (rare), but fine adjustments can be carried out by adjusting the lengths of the operating-links/mechanism: Check all other blades. Carry out an engine run and check for correct propeller operation and vibration. Record all work carried out - together with readings in the propeller log book CHECKING BLADE PROFILE Usually carried out after cropping, blending, and repairs on composite blades. An accurate profile is made with reference to a serviceable blade or to the manufacturers drawings and a template made of stiff card or aluminium alloy sheet. The profile might be a plan or aerofoil profile and is used to compare the finished profile with the template profile. MARK PENCIL LINE OW BLADE ea erence [REFERENCE EDGE OF TEMPLATE. - come me sew nomenon an Fig. 10 CHECKING PROFILE - IMPACT DAMAGE Impact can occur as a ground impact or an inflight impact such as a bird strike. If the propeller strikes or is struck by an object it must be suspect and removed from the aircraft for dismantling and inspection. ~The engine may also have suffered damage, Sit too must be carefully inspected. In general the following procedure applies - but always check the manual. 1. Remove the propeller. This should be returned to the appropriate maintenance organisation for dismantling and inspection. All parts including blades, bearings, and pitch change mechanisms are inspected for signs of impact damage including cracks and misalignment, and bending. Check for oil leaks and signs of damage to pitch change mechanisms. Carry out NDT tests on steel and al.alloy blades to check for cracking. Carry out NDT tests on composite blades checking for delamination /debonding. Any bent blades (outside user limits) must only be straightened by the approved maintenance organisation. 2. Inspect the engine outer case for cracks and signs of impact damage. Check the main bearers for damage, security, bowing and cracks. Check the engine for oil leaks - particularly around the propeller drive shaft. Check condition of an oil sample - check oil filters and magnetic plugs for any debris. Check propeller shaft alignment/run out. If any damage found the engine/bearers should be changed. If the bearers should indicate signs of shock damage inspect the surrounding airframe for signs of transmitted shock. 3. Fit replacement propeller and carry out an engine run. Check engine and propeller for correct operation noting cockpit indications. Check for vibration. Inspect engine afterwards for signs of overheating and leaks. PROPELLER SHAFT RUN OUT CHECK Equipment Required Refer to the maintenance manual for specific details of particular propellers. In general the following equipment would be used:- * Dial Test Indicator or Clock Gauge * Fixing Bracket * Counter Weight Procedu aoe ae Ensure that the intake blanks are fitted. Remove propeller, clean and inspect shaft for burrs and other damage. Hang specified weight on end of shaft to take up backlash in reduction gear/bearings. Attach fixture to reduction gear housing. Attach Dial Test Indicator (DTI) to fixture. - 16 Set the DTI on a parallel portion on the end of the shaft ensuring that the plunger is depressed and the scale adjusted to read zero. Rotate the shaft 360 degrees and note the gauge reading when doing so. Any eccentricity is half the full scale reading. Maintenance manuals may refer to Total Indicator Reading (TIR) eg Rolls Royce Dart states 0.002" TIR. If the reading is outside the limits the engine must be removed for overhaul. DIAL TEST INDICATOR EP) wees — REDUCTION GEAR WEIGHT cA PROP SHAFT a Fig. 11 RUN OUT CHECK PROPELLER BALANCING Usually carried out: After repairs to the blades. After re-assembly of the blades and hub. When specified in the maintenance manual. After reported vibration - and all other possible causes have been investigated without success. Balancing may be: 7 Static. : Dynamic: = = The manual might-call-for static balancing only or for static balancing followed by dynamic balancing. a —— QUESTION: Can you describe the difference between dynamic and static balancing. (10 mins) ANSWER: Static balancing is balancing in ONE plane and dynamic balancing is balancing in TWO planes. If you are not sure what this means - read on. Balancing is carried out by the manufacturer or by an approved organisation having the correct equipment and personnel. The equipment consists of special balancing rigs and electronic equipment to fit to the aircraft with the balancing carried out in-flight. Corrections can be made to the balance of the propeller by adding/subtracting weights close to the propeller shaft or inside the blades. Some turbo prop engines have vibration transducers fitted to the engine to give the pilot an indication of the vibration levels of the engine. These systems will pick up the propeller frequencies and indicate whether there is a vibration problem. These systems may be utilised during the dynamic balancing test flight. It is always a good idea to check the tracking if vibration is reported. Static Balancing This is balancing in one plane only and means that one blade is no heavier or lighter than all the others, If the propeller assembly is allowed to rotate freely it will not have a "heavy spot". If it does have a heavy spot then when the propeller assembly is rotated it always comes to rest with the heavy blade downmost. The "light" blade can have weights attached (in the blade shanks, lead wool packed into holes at the ends of the blades, or special bolts fitted) so that when the propeller assembly is rotated it comes to rest randomly with any blade at the lowest position. . Figure 12 shows the static balancing rig as used for the Hamilton Standard 14ST-23 propeller. Each blade is attached to the blade attachment ring in turn. The adjustable mass is Seto the correct position and-lead woot is added{or removed} to/from the inside of the hollow aluminium alloy spar. The condition for correct static balance is when the beam balances horizontal as indicated by the spirit level, withthe blade attached —_ = Each blade on the hub is balanced this way to produce a statically balanced propeller assembly. To balance 2 opposing blades, one to the other, the adjustable mass can be used to set the beam level with the first blade, so the second blade can be attached and its lead wool mass adjusted to obtain the same static bala The lead wool is pounded into position using a long wooden handle and is removed using a high pressure water jet. No draughts are allowed in the balancing bay during the balancing process, so all doors and windows must be shut and all fans off. ACCURATE SPIRIT HOLLOW ALUMINIUM ALLOY SPAR AQJUSTABLE LEVEL BEAM MASS / BLADE ATTACHMENT RING COMPOSITE PROPELLER LEAD WOOL FIXED MASS ‘SIDE VIEW KNIFE EDGES FRONT VIEW Fig. 12 STATIC BALANCING RIG Dynamic Balancing This is balancing in two planes. For static balancing, weights are added to the light blade, or removed from the heavy blade, and it does not really matter where the weights are placed in respect to the fore and aft plane - except of course we do not have a choice - we put them where we are told in the manual. With reference to figure 13. If the top blade was found to be the light blade and it had a correctly calculated weight (W) attached to it, as shown, so that the propeller becomes statically balanced, then all would appear to be OK. But as the propeller rotates so the weight (W) produces a centrifugal force (F) which is not opposite the C of G of the other blade. This centrifugal force times the fore and aft distance (D) produces an out of balance moment (F x D). This out of balance moment becomes more apparent when the propeller is rotating fast. So while the weight cured the initial problem (static imbalance} it has produced ~ another - dynamic imbalance - which will only be apparent when the propeller is rotating. F PROPELLER eC PROB SHAFT of G OF THIS BLADE Fig. 13 DYNAMIC BALANCE QUESTION: Can you see the solution? (5 mins} ANSWER: It is important that the weight (W] (or more correctly the mass) is placed in the correct position in the FORE AND AFT PLANE. In this case as close as possible opposite the C of G of the other blade. Of course the manual will tell us how to do this, It is important that the propeller assembly is both statically and dynamically balanced. Ifit is out of balance in either then vibration will result. Dynamic balancing may be carried out by: * Using a dynamic balancing rig. + The propelier being fitted to the aircraft engine and running the engine. (Aircraft mounted balancing - often in flight). Dynamic Balancing Rig ‘The propeller is fitted to the rig and the propeller assembly is run up to speed. Indicators on the rig will show the amount of dynamic imbalance the value of the mass to be added, and where - both in the plane of rotation and the plane of the axis of rotation. -~ After the mass has been adjusted the propeller is re-tested, and if necessary, further mass adjustments are made. The final test will show the propeller assembly in perfect (or near perfect)" dynamic balance. * Within the vibration tolerances allowed in the manual. Aircraft Mounted Balancing ‘This may be done on an engine run on the ground but is more accurate if carried out on a test flight. ‘Transducers (test equipment) are fitted to the engine structure /engine mountings and during the test flight readings are obtained from indicators cn Ps the flight deck. f After landing these readings are plotted on a graph which indicates the correct adjustment of the mass value and its location. After adjustment a further test flight is used to verify that the calculations are ‘correct. _ Balancing (including aerodynamic balancing) is carried out by the manufacturers. Dynamic and static balancing is also carried out by those operators with the specialist equipment and personel, ~~ —— ‘The following is an example of dynamic balancing on the deHavilland Dash 8 using the Hamilton Standard 14SF-23 propeller fitted to the Pratt & Whitney turbo jet PW123. You are not required to remember the details but the principles you should understand and learn DASH 8 PROPELLER DYNAMIC BALANCING General The propeller assembly is checked for dynamic balance either on the ground (engine run) or in the air (it is preferred in the air) . Some equipment is already mounted to the aircraft, but additional equipment is mounted for test purposes. A thorough inspection is carried out on the propeller and engine to check for any signs of damage/ deterioration that might adversely affect the recorded vibration values. During the engine run the vibration levels and their clock positions are recorded on a chart. After completion of the chart a mass value and clock position is obtained. The mass is changed by using bolts, nuts and washers located in pre-drilled holes in the spinner bulkhead (Fig. 14). PROPELLER —_ SPINNER BULKHEAD —_* HOLES FOR BOLTS: Fig. 14 DYNAMIC BALANCE MASS LOCATION SPINNER BULKHEAD Each nut, bolt and washer has a specific weight and each hole has a maximum weight which must not be exceeded. There is a maximum total amount of weight that can be added to the bulkhead. THE BALANCING PRODEDURE Propeller dynamic balancing is normally carried out when excessive vibration is present and all other causes have been checked and rectified, such as propeller damage, engine mount deterioration, ete. Dynamic balancing uses the aircraft synchrophaser magnetic pick-up and a slave velometer as inputs to a slave balancer box, These components are interconnected by cables Equipment to be fitted to the aircraft/engine Velometers - one per engine Velometer Mounting Brackets - one per engine Cables Synchrophaser Breakout Cable Chadwick-Helmuth Balancer Signal Selector and Cables HEED Pre-Test Procedure 1. Check propeller logbook for any maintenance actions which may cause “out of balance’, ie blade replacement or repair. 2. Check propeller blades for damage, uneven repair and security. 3. Check polyurethane sheath for security. 4. With propeller feathered and spinner removed: (i) Carry out "Feather Index Check". (ii) Check forward-counterweight for security, 5. Check spinner for security and indexing. - Check de-icing heaters for security. ——— 7. Check spinner bulkhead for existing balance weight security. 8. If vibration reported under icing conditions check blade heaters for operation. 2av DC mvc 4 IAG PIS = PHOTOCELL ‘® ‘TO ENGINE 2 VELOMETER 2 ‘TO SYNCHROPHASE BOX (ENG. 2) ‘TO SYNCHROPHASE BOX (ENG. 1) ‘TO ENGINE 1 VELOMETER ‘A CHANNEL B O © snap 2. U_. et, BALANCER Soe MODEL 8350 9. Check areas around internal blade heaters for burn holes. Burn holes must not be closer than 3 inches from leading edge and not to exceed 3 inches in diameter. Burn holes are not to extend through the blade. Cracks or fibreglass delamination are not permitted. Check any leads for damage, cracks, security and contamination. Pre-Test Procedure - Powerplant 1. Inspect engine mounts for obvious damage, delamination and deterioration. 2. Inspect for signs of side mount movement indicating possible low torque on mounting bolts. 3. Check engine firewalls and nacelles for evidence of contact with engine-mounted equipment. 4. Check engine intake adapter for metal-to-metal contact with lower cowling. Equipment Installation Propeller blades must be positioned 45 degrees from the vertical centreline to facilitate engine cowling lowering. 1. Gain access to engine. 2. Remove spinner. 3. Install velometer mounting bracket. (Accurate installation is essential) 4. Install velometer on mounting bracket. 5. Confirm synchrophaser pulse generator gap is correct on each engine and adjust if necessary. 6. Connect cables between velometer and gearbox. Secure cable to engine mount. Use tie-wrap and tighten to tension 7 using tie-wrap gun. Ensure the cable harness is positioned and secured in the engine nacelle aivay froin excessive heat and moving parts 7. Refit engine cowlings and spinner 8. Connect balancer box by opening PROP SYNC C/B on 28V de right circuit breaker panel and connect synchrophase breakout cable between balance box and receptacle. 9. Close PROP SYNC C/B and apply 28V de power. 10, Check all cable connections. Ground Test Procedure 1. Start engines (refer to Chapter 71 of the manual) and perform propeller synchrophaser function test for both engines. Select SYNCHROPHASE off. Stabilise engines at 785 PROP RPM. 2. Refer to Chadwick-Helmuth instruction manual and apply power to the Balancer/ Analyser only after the ground power has been disconnected and when the propellers are unfeathered. Propeller Balancing Test (In Flight) Split Propeller RPM Procedure Prior to balancing propellers it is important to determine that vibration levels do not substantially change with variations in power settings. The following procedure will produce three IPS (Inches Per Second) and Phase Angle ‘measurements which are plotted on a balance chart. A line known as a MOVE LINE is drawn joining the plots. If the MOVE LINE value exceeds 0.4 IPS in length it is likely there is a fault with the propeller that may make it impossible to balance. Propeller dynamic balancing cannot be successfully performed on the ground. Operate aircraft in still air (nominal height 10,000 fi - kept the same for all subsequent flights) with no icing conditions. Aircraft should be trimmed for straight and level flight. 1, Set synchrophaser to OFF. 2. Apply power to Balancer Box. 3. Adjust both engine control levers to indicate 1050 PROP RPM and 75% TRQ. Adjust No. 2 condition lever to indicate 900 PROP RPM — without changing TRQ setting. 4. Measure the vibration of propeller No. 1. Record the Clock Angie and Inches Per Second (IPS) readings on the Dynamic Balance Chart. 6. Reduce engine No. 1 power to indicate 60% TRQ at 1050 PROP RPM. Engine No. 2 controls remain as in step 3. 50% TRQ repeat steps 4 and 5. pulse meworr YELOMETER GENERATOR “| SYNCHROPHAS en PICK-OFF *. TORQUE MOTOR: (Pant OF PROPELLER ContmoL UN BALANCER BOX CABLE CONNECTOR a) 5 SYNC CONTROL UNIT Ere ne (ON FLIGHT DECK) EQUIPMENT REMOVED ws sovsont Ga ree. UGHT son pt Fig. 16 CABLE AND EQUIPMENT CONNECTION DIAGRAM — . 8. _ Increase engine No. 1 power to indicate 90% TRQ at 1050 PROP RPM> Engine No. 2 controls remain as in step 3. 9. With 90% TRQ repeat steps 4 and 5. ~—-49- Plot the 60% and 90% clock angles-and IPS levels on the balance chart. 11. Toestablish "Move Line" draw a line to joint the 60% and 90% points on the plot. If measured "Move Line" length exceeds 0.4 IPS itis likely there is a propeller fault that will prevent satisfactory dynamic batancing: ——— 12. To obtain vibration readings for propeller No. 2 repeat the above steps substituting engine 1 for engine 2 13. On the second and subsequent flights, steps 6 to 11 can be eliminated for both propellers. The readings at 60% and 90% TRQ settings need only be done on the first flight to ensure vibration levels are reasonably consistent throughout the power range. Propeller Vibration Measurements - With Propellers at the same RPM's Propeller vibration measurements may be made during flight without splitting the propeller RPM's. This makes the data collection procedure more straight forward when using the Chadwick-Helmuth "Smart Chart" program incorporated in the CH 8500 series of analyser. Because the propeller vibrations produced by both propellers are at the same frequency (same RPM's), one propeller may influence the reading obtained for the other propeller. Therefore an extra data collection flight (or two) may be necessary before an acceptable balance (0.15 IPS, or less) is achieved. I. Set synchrophaser to OFF. 2. Set both engines at 75% TRQ and 1050 PROP RPM. Trim aircraft as required for straight and level flight. 3. Measure the vibration of propeller No. 1. Refer to the Chadwick-Helmuth Operators Manual for the required balancer box setup and operation. 4. Record the Clock Angle and Inches Per Second (IPS) readings on the Dynamic Balance Chart . 5. To obtain vibration readings for propeller No. 2, repeat steps 3 and 4 substituting propeller No. 2 for propeller No. 7 Balance Weight Calculation (Balance Chart Procedure) The propeller dynamic balance chart consists of 3 parts: () Table of Values. — 7 (i) IPS vs Clock Angle Graph. (ii) IPS vs Weight Scale. The Table of Values - is divided into 3 sections representing three flights, which ~~ may be needed to confirm propeller dynamic balancing. First flight establishes condition of propeller balance, checks reading consistency with power changes and sets initial weight correction. BLADE 1 BLADE 2 BLADE 4 BLADE 3 SPINNER BULKHEAD VIEWED FROM AFT MANUAL SPECIFIES MAXIMUM: LENGTH OF BOLT NUMBER OF HOLES TO BE USED WEIGHT PER HOLE STACKED HEIGHT OF WASHERS [ALSO SPECIFIES PART NUMBER OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Fig. 17-SPINNER BULKHEAD DETAILS _ Second flight determines propeller balance after initial = weight correction and 7j IPS Tevel remains out of limits provides an additional weight correction: If second flight shows propeller has remained out of balance and an additional weight calculation was made, a third flight will be necessary to confirm second weight placement achieves 0.15 IPS or below. IPS vs Clock Angle Graph - is used to plot IPS levels and clock angles to determine power move line and balance washer weight and position. Clock angles can be in units of hours and minutes or degrees depending on which model of balancer box is used. Power Move Line is drawn by connecting first flight 60% and 90% TRQ setting readings. Measured length of the line is the "Move Line’. NOTE: Balance readings at 60% and 90% TRQ need only be done on the initial flight to ensure vibration levels are reasonably consistent throughout the power range. Balance washer position is established by clock angle and placement determined by spinner bulkhead holes indicated at that clock position. IPS vs Weight Scale - is used to calculate balance weight required at spinner bulkhead hole locations. Once IPS vibration level has been established at 0.15 IPS or less at 1050 PROP RPM and 75% TRQ, the propeller is considered dynamically balanced however, the lowest value of an out of balance condition within a reasonable number of flights should be aimed for to achieve the smoothest, quietest flight. Post-Balance Procedure Re-configure the aircraft by removing all previously fitted test equipment and cables. Record all balance data in the V.P. log book and sign. Record all work done ori propeller. Record all work done on the aircraft including engine running times/flight times/landings in aircraft log book/engine log book and sign for work done. ENGINE NO PROPELLER SERIAL NO RESERIAL NO RST FGA FIRST FLIGHT rinsy FLIGHT SECOND FLIGHT] THIRD FLIGHT] epee | owen | nao new | aosonmM” | Tiosom 73a Eete | olgonde | sox Tonoue | rox Tonaue_| 75x TOROUE StecE eso _ os 300 128 ws | oss o70 oe 020 oe TABLE OF VALUES [ VOD ) G Puno ; @ fue ae et 7 Rormns (3300) PS" ho ie: / ‘¢ a aur? ten) Secon Liou > Cp —— wancortine © @ @ 3 es 1270) B P A @ s : ~ (2490) 8 ‘0 euoea we" 7 > fast euicet (210°) 11509) IPS PLOTTINGS Ml Argo yuo - ite} — satu ps rans WEIGHT. SCALE Fig. 18 BALANCE WEIGHT CALCULATION - EXAMPLE ANTI-ICING SYSTEMS FLUID SYSTEM Propeller anti-icing may be accomplished by allowing anti-icing fluid (isopropyl alcohol) along the leading edges of the blades. The fluid is carried in a tank in the aircraft. It is pumped from the tank to the propeller (and leading edge porous distribution panels) by an electrically driven pump which is controlled from the cockpit. The propeller is equipped with a slinger ring having feeder pipes aligned with the leading edge of each blade. When the pump is turned on, fluid is forced through the delivery pipe to the slinger ring. Here the centrifugal force of the rotating ring causes the fluid to stay on the outside of the ring and flow through each supply pipe to the front of each blade. Distribution along the front of the blade may be assisted y a rubber overshoe into which small spanwise groves are cut. Chordwise distribution is assisted by the airflow. Testing Carry out a functional test of the system with the engines running and check that there are no leaks and that each blade has an even distribution of de-icing fluid over both sides of the blade. This check may be assisted by the use of a mixture of methylated spirit and whiting painted onto the blades prior to the test and noting the pattern of discoloration after the test. Check correct clearance between supply pipe and slinger ring. Clean the blades after the test. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM This uses ac. and sometimes de. current to supply heater elements in the leading edges of the blades and sometimes on the front of the spinner. Check for correct seating and cleanliness of slip rings and brushes and after a functional test check that all heater elements are warm/hot to the touch (be careful). Check brush spring pressure by hand, and check slip rings for wear and cleanliness. Ensure brush/slip ring-assembly is not-lubricated. Check. carbon brushes are not cracked or chipped and have sufficient length to be supported in their guides correctly. If in doubt about the serviceability of the brushes - change them. If a heater element fails to work check:- (a) that it is correctly earthed (bonded). {b) using a visual examination the condition of all wires, heaters, brushes, slip rings - for condition. (©) __ the circuit breakers/fuses. (4) continuity of all wires/heater elements. (e) voltage supply. Change any unserviceable wire/component and re-test. Check flight deck controls and indications - lamps, power consumption indicators ete. CHECKING PROPELLER TRACK Each blade must be in the same relation to all the others with respect to the plane of rotation, ie they must all have the same “track”. ‘The track is checked once the propeller has been installed. The track of the propeller is defined as the path which is followed by the tips of the blades when rotated through 360 degrees. Typical allowable out-of-track values for propellers of light aircraft with propeller blades of six feet diameter or less are: * Alalloy - no more than 1/16th inch. (1.58mm) * Wood - no more than 1/8th inch. (3.17mm). ~ Before the tracking check is carried out the aircraft must be chocked to ensure that it cannot move. A reference point is then placed within 1/4 inch (6mm) of the propeller arc at the point laid down in the maintenance manual. This may be done by placing a board underneath the tip of the blade so that the track can be marked. ‘The propeller is rotated by hand and as each blade passes the board its track is recorded. This procedure is followed until the track of all the blades has been recorded, The maximum difference in the track of all the blades should not exceed the laid down limits. Tracking may be carried out more accurately by mounting the propeller horizontally on a bench on a mandrel and rotating it against accurate height datums - such as an accurately set vernier height gauge. REFERENCE POINT” SUITABLE SUPPORT Fig. 19 METHOD OF TRACKING A PROPELLER 7 CHECKING PROPELLER CLEARANCES If your suspect that ground or structure clearance is insufficient or the check is called for in the maintenance schedule then it should be checked in accordance with the aircraft maintenance manual. Minimum clearances are specified in BCAR as follows: Ground Clearance. Checked as on heavy landing condition with maximum weight and most adverse pitch selected, with most adverse C of G position to include any structural flexing. In the take-off or taxi attitude which-ever position is most critical. Minimum clearance: * Nose wheeled aircraft - 7in (178mm) * Tail wheeled aircraft - 9in (229mm) Also with the tyre on the critical side deflated and the (conventional) shock absorber bottomed the propeller should still have positive clearance. For leaf spring type struts the equivalent value of deflection is 1.58. = Structure Cleatance-Under the most adverse pitch selection and landing conditions with maximum structure flexing the clearances should not be less than: * Jin (25mm) radial clearance between blade tips and structure plus any additional clearance needed to prevent harmful vibrations. * fin (13mm) longitudinal clearance between blades or cuffs and stationary parts of the aircraft. + Positive clearance between any other parts of the propeller/spinner system and stationary parts of the aircraft. REMOVING AND FITTING PROPELLERS ‘The actual process of removal/fitting will depend on the type of propeller and on the maintenance manual. A fixed pitch single bladed propeller will be much easier to change than a multibladed VP prop ‘The following notes are therefore guide lines and you know that the manual must be consulted for the aircraft concerned when carrying out an actual propeller unit change. Fitting a Fixed Pitch Single Bladed Propeller (Small Aircraft) 1. Consult the aircraft maintenance manual. 2, Check that the propeller is the correct one for the aircraft. Check its part number and serial number against its stores release form. 3, Give the propeller a visual examination for damage, corrosion and distortion. Check the attachment holes for damage, corrosion and correct machining. 4. Inspect the engine propeller shaft for damage, corrosion and distortion. 5. Check any fittings for corrosion, damage, and security. 6. Fit rear spacer/cone [if fitted) and offer propeller up to propeller shaft. If propeller is to be hand swung, locate propeller at correct angle (the lower blade at about 4 o'clock - facing the aircraft - with one cylinder on the compression stroke). Slide propeller into place and fit front cone [if fitted). Torque load r retaining nut/nuts (wet or dry - check manual) and lock. 8. Carry out engine run, Check for: aTeae ; * Vibration - if present carry out tracking check. + rpm at maximum throttle setting. After correcting for ambient conditions this value should be recorded in the aircraft log book. 10. Recheck attachment bolt torque values. Record all the work done in the aircraft log book and sign. PROPELLER FRONT CONE COTTER PIN REAR cLeMIs IN ae PROP on / SHAFT 0 ap OO ae SNAP RING PROP REAR RETAINING CONE mi SPACER Fig. 20 INSTALLATION OF A FIXED PITCH PROPELLER Fitting a VP Propeller A The first 5 items for the fixed pitch propeller apply here, as well as checking electrical anti-icing systems for damage and security (if fitted). Ifa fluid de-icing system is fitted check for security, concentricity, and damage to the slinger ring, supply pipe and any other pipelines. Remove all protective covers and plugs, and clean parts which have been treated with a protective coating. Lubricate specified parts with the recommended grease or oil before installation. Fit the electrical brush gear housing to the engine reduction gear casing, and check that it is square with the engine shaft, using a dial test indictor clamped to the shaft. (If an electrically anti-iced. propeller) Fit the lifting sling to the’propeller, lightly smear the front and rear cone seatings with engineers’ blue, and temporarily fit the propeller to check the contact area of the cones. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14, 15. Tighten the hub retaining nut by hand, rotate the propeller at least one revolution, then remove the propeller and check the extent of bluing of the cones.” If the contact are is less than 80% high spots may be removed by light stoning, or, where permitted, by lapping on a suitable mandrel. Clean the cones and cone seatings. With hydraulically-operated propellers, fit and lock the oil tubes in the engine shaft. Refit the propeller, lightly lubricating the splines, cone bore and threads with the specified lubricants. Cone faces should not normally be lubricated, as this may result in looseness of the propeller when the oil film is lost. Lubricating the propeller bore, rather than the shaft, will prevent any lubricant from being displaced on to the cone face when the propeller is installed. Correctly torque and lock retaining nut. Turn the blades to the feathered angle, and fit the pitch-change mechanism. Install the brush gear, and check for correct contact between the brushes and the slip rings. (If electrically heated propellers). Ifa fluid de-icing system is fitted, check that the supply pipe aligns correctly with the slinger ring and that it does not foul. Fit pitch change mechanisms/equipment in accordance with the manual. Fit the spinner - checking correct contact of anti-icing electrical contacts if fitted. Hand turn the propeller through at least one revolution to check for fouling and tracking. Carry out engine run checking for: * Vibration. * Maximum rpm at full throttle setting. * Full pitch range movement. * Correct operation of anti-icing systems. * Constant speeding check sm — Inspect propeller after engine shut down, for oil leaks, fluid leaks (fluid de-icing) - correct de-icing fluid distribution on the blades. Check for general propeller security. WNTI-ICING, DISCHARGE PIPE a eave =e = a eae) Dome RETAINING NUT. DOME ASSEMBLY So socke sowie _ eseewee Lock 8ING Fig. 21 TYPICAL HYDROMATIC PROPELLER 16. Record work done and corrected max rpm at blade setting in aircraft log book. __ Example — Fitting The Hamilton Standard-Propeller on the Dash’8_ Note: Again you are not required to remember the details of this procedure but reading it does make for good revision of the principles outlined previously. It also shows the variations that can apply to a particular propeller. log book. Cross refer propeller log book to engine log book and aircraft 10. Make sure the propeller blades are in full reverse, if not position the blades and pitchlock valve manually. Fit propeller sling. Attach the propeller lifting device. If the propeller assembly is supported on the transport dolly, take the slack out of the hoist cable and remove the propeller mounting nuts. Carefully remove the propeller assembly from the dolly or stand. Remove the flange adapter or adapter plate (when fitted). Using a cloth moist with MEK or equivalent clean the following parts: the propeller hub the hub mounting flange threads on the hub mounting bolts engine shaft mounting flange and pilot diameter mounting nuts. NOTE: Allow parts to air dry for two minutes. Remove protective cover from propeller shaft, Lubricate preformed packing with MIL-L-23699 or MIL-L-7808 lubricating oil and install in groove in propeller shaft mounting flange. Remove cover from brush block. Adjust the position of the pulse generator to obtain maximum clearance during propeller installation. MAKE SURE THERE IS NO OIL ON THE PROPELLER MOUNTING FLANGE. BY WIPING FLANGE WITH A CLEAN LINT FREE CLOTH. Position propeller assembly aligning the yoke shaft with the propeller shaft mounting flange. Remove protective sleeve from the yoke shaft and wipe clean. ‘Turn the engine flange until the two large diameter flange dowl pins are aligned with the mating hub dowl pin holes. Move the propelier slowly rearwards until it seats on the propeller shaft flange, engaging dowel pins and hub bolts with corresponding hotes tr the flange———— : Apply a layer of Mo-Lith thread lubricant on the: threads of the hub bolts threads of nuts face of the nuts that will touch the engine shaft flange. 11 12. 13. NOTE: Donot lubricate the flange or the mating propeller hub mounting surface. Install the nuts on each hub bolt until the threads of each nut are completely engaged on the bolt. () Measure the running torque of each nut. NOTE: The running torque is defined as the torque that you measure when you remove or install a fastener or a nut. Itis measured after all the threads have been engaged but before the nut or fastener engages the surface it will touch. (i) Replace any nut that has a running torque less than 2ft.lbs. Or if running torque is greater than 16 ft.lbs. Torque nuts in a criss-cross pattern to specified torque of 135 to 140ft.lbs. NOTE: When using an adapter attachment on a standard torque wrench the overall effective length is changed and mechanical advantage is gained. in order to secure a fastener toa required torque value an equivalent scale reading must be calculated using the formula as follows: Scale Reading (applied torque) = Required Torque x Wrench Lever Lenath Overall Effective Length Where wrench lever length is from the centre of the extcnsion attachment to the centre of the torque wrench hand grip, and where the overall length is from the centre of the torque wrench hand grip to the centre of the flaton _, the adapter. Lower the hoist or gantry and release from the propeller sling. Support the sling and remove the slave bolts securing the sling to the propeller dome: remove sling. Coat threads of bolts with Mo-Lith No. 2 lubricant and reinstall in the propeller dome with washers. Torque the botts to 16010170 lbs:ins-And-tockwire in series with the ——— ~ same type bolts through dome. 14. Using the circular pattern: fi) Loosen one nut by about % to “2 of a turn. i) Tighten nut with a torque value of 135 to 140 ft-lbs. (ii) Repeat steps (i) and (ii) for the remaining fifteen hub nuts. 15. Witness mark all nuts to the engine flange. 16. Adjust the gap of the pulse generator, to the correct value. 17, Engage the pitch change tool in the slots in the pitchlock valve and tum the valve clockwise while simultaneously turning the blades by hand until both blades and valve are against feather stops. 18. Install oil transfer tube. A Fitting Oil Transfer Tube ‘The fitting of the tube requires a more detailed operation than is appropriate for this book. In general the blades have to be set to a particular angle. The tube has to be cleaned and inserted in the propeller dome and rotated to set the PCU to its correct position. ‘The tube is removed and the pitch lock value is set to the correct position. Install transfer tube using new lubricated preformed packings. Fit cotter pin and plug. Check oil level in propeller barrel. Fit propeller spinner. Install Propeller Brush Block 1 Temporarily position brush block on brush block bracket and secure with bolts lubricated with engine oil) washers and nuts. 2 Calculate quantity of shims required to position brush block axially. ————3—rubricate threads or bolts with-engine oil, then torque nuts. 4. Reinstall connector and close circuit breakers. Install forward upper cowling and close and secure lower front nacelle cowling, Ground Test Propeller System 1. Operate engine propeller system and carry out POWER PLANT CHECK OUT FOLLOWING COMPONENT CHANGE (refer to chapter 71 of manual). 2. Shutdown engine with propeller in feather. Check index marks on propeller barrel align with associated joints on blade retaining rings. 3. Carry out slip ring electrical check. 4. Carry out propeller dynamic balancing check, if necessary. ATYPICAL ENGINE RUN 1. Check that engine, propeller, and all systems are serviceable for an engine run. 2. Fully cowl the engine. 3. Carry out safety precautions appropriate to an engine run. See the books in this series "Jet Engines’ and/or "Piston Engines". 4. Place aircraft into wind, tie down and chock as required. In the case of the PC-9 for example, the main landing gear is tethered by wire rope to a ring bolt on the running pan, and the nose undercarriage leg gaitered to prevent the blade tips hitting the ground. 5. Record the pressure and temperature of the day. 6. Start up the engine in accordance with the manual and set rprs. to about 1,200 (example) and exercise the propeller. This way, the oil gets warm and the propeller goes from min. to max. rpm. ES 7. The checks as specified in the manual should now be carried out. These could include checking: * Maximum rpm. - * Propeller system/systems. a =o on = ae * Feathering. * Propeller pitch change throughout its range. * Synchronising/synchrophasing systems. Warning and indication systems. Vibration levels. De-icing/anti-icing systems. 8. Engine running time should be kept to a minimum consistent with completion of the checks, and a watch should be kept on engine temperatures to avoid overheating. With turbine engines, changes to operating conditions should be carried out slowly, to avoid rapid engine temperature changes, and to conserve engine life. 9. When all checks have been successfully carried out, the engine should be stopped, and a thorough inspection of all propeller system components should be carried out, checking for security, chafing of pipes and cables, and signs of oil leaks. 10. If vibration was experienced during the engine run, the hub retaining nut/nuts should be re-tightened after the engine shaft has cooled down. Example of a Propeller Functional Check - Free Turbine Engine 1. Once the engine has reached operating temperature, open the throttle and observe the indicated rpm. Initially rpm will over run but should come back; thus the governor is controlling. Stay at this condition for about five minutes checking all parameters. 2. Close throttle and bring the rpm lever back to min rpm stop. Check the turn over rpm. 3. Open the throttle with the rpm lever in the max rpm position. With the throttle in the full power station, move the rpm lever to the min rpm position and note indications; in this way a constant speeding check is being carried out. 4. Whilst all this is taki: g place a vibratior check is carried « at. - 5. With all checks complete, shut down the engine with the rpm lever in the max rpm condition. 6. Check for oil leaks and excessive grease escape around the blade shaft area, The propeller attachment bolts should also be checked for tightness. — 7. Before signing the CRS, make sure that the reference rpm at full oo throttie is recorded-in-the aircraft log book and the engine log book. —__ PROPELLER REMOVAL In general it is the reverse of fitting and the following is the procedure as applied to the Hamilton Standard propeller on the Dash 8 General The propeller assembly, removal and installation can be carried out with the blades initially in full reverse with changeover to the feathered position during the installation procedure. This method of installation is recommended by the manufacturer. It limits the possibility of damage to the propeller yoke shaft during installation, but requires manual movement of the propeller blades to the feathered position. The alternative method approved by the manufacturer is with the propeller blades in the feathered position. This method does not require manual movement of the blades but additional care must be taken to avoid damage to the yoke shaft during transportation and installation. Equipment Required The following tools and equipment is required during propeller removal and installation. Torque Adapter - Used in conjunction with the propeller nut ratchet wrench. Used when removing and fitting propeller attachment nuts, and with torque wrench when torquing propeller nuts, Prop Sling - Used when lifting the propeller. Propeller Stand - Used for propeller storage and some assembly work. Propeller Build Stand - Used for propeller build and test. Propeller Pitch Change Tool - Used with the propeller pitch lock valve during propeller removal/ installation and during oil transfer tube installation. Propeller Wrench - Used with the propeller nut torque adapter for removal and installation of propeller attachment nuts. Propeller Removal Carried-out-in-accordance withthe manual and involves the removal of the ‘Spinner, Oil Transfer Tube, and Propeller Assembly. — — To remove the spinner remove the Tri-wing screws using a special screwdriver and remove spinner complete. To remove the oil transfer tube, remove the screws and plug catching the oil in a container. Remove cotter pin and remove oil transfer tube discarding all preformed packing. Remove Propeller Assembly 1. Ensure propeller blades in full reverse. 2. Back-off pulse generator to provide maximum clearance during propeller removal. 3, Remove dome mounting bolts and washers (four places) between propeller blades 1 and 4. Install propeller sling and secure between blades 1 and 4 with slave bolts. 4. Connect propeller sling too hoist or gantry and take up slack on lifting cables. 5. Remove engine cowlings to gain access. Remove nuts securing propeller assembly to engine reduction gearbox propeller shaft. Reject nuts if breakaway torque is less than 24 Ibs.ins. 6. Carefully separate propeller assembly from propeller shaft. 7, Remove and discard preformed packing. Remove shim and reject if damaged. 8. Remove propeller brush block as follows: (a) Onac variable frequency panel ensure circuit breakers are open and clipped. (b) Disconnect electrical connector. Blank connector and receptacle on brush block. (c) _ Remove bolts, nuts and washers securing brush lock. Detach shims (if fitted) and brush block. Record quantity and thickness of any shims removed to facilitate brush block reinstallation (particularly qwherr-same propeiter-is to be reinstalled. — 7 - 9. Plaze protective cover over propeller shaft. 10. Refer to Propeller Maintenance Manual and install propeller flange adapter on rear of propeller hub and over hub mounting bolts. Secure adapter to hub by six evenly spaced nuts. Tighten nuts securely. OR 11. When required, install adapter plate on rear of propeller hub in lieu of adapter for propeller installation on transport dolly, transport stand or stationary stand. PROPELLER CONTROL UNIT/CONSTANT SPEED UNIT The following is a general description of the removal fitment. Removal 1 Ensure power is off. 2. Remove the plug from the socket supplying the solenoids (if fitted) ~ 3. Unscrew the oil supply pipes. Fit blanking plugs 4. Remove the control rods from the feathering override lever and the governor control lever (as appropriate). Unscrew and remove the special nuts securing the unit to the engine mounting pad studs. 6. _ Gently remove the unit off the studs keeping all washers, drives, nuts, etc., in a safe place. 7. Record all work done and sign. a Installation 1. Check unit for: (a) Correct serial and part nu.aber and identify against stores release documents. {b) Correct unit for the installation. (c) Removal of all blanking caps, lubrication of all threads and shaft connections. (4) General cleanliness, and serviceability of screwthreads. (e) Corrosion, damage, burrs, cracks and that mounting faces are clean and dry. 5 sit new jointing washer —usually-deywith NO jointing compound. ___ 7 3. Position the unit on the studs and check-correct location/alignment of drive shaft and oil transfer holes 4. Fit the washers and nuts to the studs and tighten diametrically. Torque load ‘The mechanical linkage on a piston engine should be adjusted, so that the CSU control is on the maximum rpm. stop when there is a slight clearance between the pilot's contro! lever and the forward end of the gate in which it operates The controls to the PCU of a turbine engine are interconnected with the high pressure fuel cock, and with one or more of the electrical contacts associated with the operation of the various propeller functions. They may also be electrically or mechanically connected to the controls on the flight deck. ‘The mechanical linkage is normally adjusted by locking the pulleys and levers in set positions, using rigging pins or similar equipment as necessary, and adjusting the connecting rods or cables to suit. Details of the procedures for setting up the propeller controls on any particular aircraft must be obtained from the appropriate Maintenance Manual 6. _ Fit the electrical plugs. 7. Connect and secure the oil pipelines. 8. Carry out a functional test as per the manual during an engine run. 9. Record all work done and sign. General Inspection Check for security of attachment, corrosion, damage, oil leaks, tightness of unions, sockets (the electrical socket should be hand tight only) and nuts. Locking of the same. Ensure that electrical parts /cables are not chaffed, and are clear of moving parts. Ensure also that there is no contamination from oil, fuel, ete, and no signs of burning. Functional Checks After replacing or refitting a PCU a functional check must be carried out. Engine Running - Min Constant Speed Check 1. Start engine and set fuel trimmers to the required position (X%) 2. Open throttle lever until specified torque is observed. Check that rpm. is as laid down - if it is not change P.C.U. 3. Open fuel trimmers (to X plus Y %). rpm. should increase then return to the selected rpm. 4. Reduce fuel trimmers to a low setting (X minus Z %). rpm. should decrease then return to selected rpm. Engine Running - Max rpm Check 1. Open throttle fully and allow engine to stabilise - 4 to 5 minutes - check manual. 2. Check rpm is within limits 3. If rpm. incorrect check rpm indicating system, control and static settings. If rpm error exceeds a certain amount suspect PCU and/or propeller. Adjustments may be made by adjusting the rod length between the PCU rpm control lever and the input lever. as FEATHERING UNIT General Inspection Check for security of attachment, corrosion, cracks, damage, leaks, and locking. Check all nuts and bolts for tightness. If leakage is evident joint gaskets, where fitted, should be changed The Filter - Cleaning Remove the oil outlet pipe. Remove the filter complete with housing. Remove filter elemnent from housing. Thoroughly clean the element with kerosene and dry with compressed air. DO NOT USE RAG. Note any unusual contents of filtered material ~ and note condition of oil. Thoroughly clean the housing. Inspect the element and the housing for damage and the element for blockage. Refit element into housing. Renew oil seal. ... Fit the filter and housing. ae Replace the vil outlet pipe-— - an AONE won 11. At the functional cheek; check for leaks: Removal Refer to the manual. Remove the electrical connections. Remove inlet and outlet oil pipes. Support the unit and remove the attachment bolts. Blank all apertures. Record all work and sign. ousene Fitting ‘This is the reverse of Removal and includes the appropriate items listed in Installation for the PCU. Remember When any work is carried out on an aircraft or an aircraft component such as fn engine then that work must be recorded and signed for. This may be done on worksheets but the final record must be in the Log Book (for propeller/engine changes the log books involved will include the aircraft log Boole, the engine log book and the VP log book), and in all cases a CRS completes the certification. Also remember that these notes are for study purposes only - ALWAYS REFER TO THE MANUAL WHEN CARRYING OUT WORK ON AIRCRAFT/AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT. —_ (a) Inflight. Questions 1. Newton's 3rd Law states:- (a) That a body stays in a state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an outside force. (b) Force is proportional to the mass times the acceleration. (c) That to every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. 2. The chord line of an aerofoil section is the straight line:- (a) Along which the airflow approaches the aerofoil. (b) From the centre of the leading edge to the centre of the trailing edge. {c) That is parallel to the centre line of the aircraft. 3. Centrifugal Force is defined as the force:- (a) Created by a mass rotating around a centre point acting away from the centre. (b) Created by a mass rotating around a centre point acting towards the centre. (c) Generated by the forward motion of a body. 4. Aerodynamic Balance is defined as the balancing of the propeller:- (a) When it is rotating. (b] Ina stationary rig. (c) Components prior to assembly. 5. What are the disadvantages of using wood as a material for making propellers? (a) It is difficult to manufacture. (b] _ It is easily damaged and difficult to repair. {c)__ It has a low strength to weight ratio. 6. A Ground Adjustable Propeller is a propeller in which the blade angle can be adjusted:- (b) By the manufacturer. (c}) By the mechanic on the ground. 7. The pitch of a propeller is the range of:- (a) Movement between the blade chord line and the feathering position. (b] Blade movement between the plane of rotation and the blade chord line. (c) Movement of the blade between the plane of rotation and the feathering position. 8 ‘The counter weight on a single acting propeller moves the blades to:- (a) Fine pitch. (b) Coarse pitch. (c)_ Feathering position. 9. A propeller is feathered to:- (a) Improve fuel economy. (b) Prevent damage to the engine/ propeller. (c)__ Increase life between overhauls. 10. The purpose of blade indexing is to set:- (a) All blades to the same angle. (b) Individual blade angles. (c)__ The feathering angle for all blades. Answers. eee t(cl 6 (cl 2 (b} 7 ( “~~ 3 (a) 8 (db) oe (A) 9 (b) 5 10 (b)

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