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Department of Labour

Hom e About us Contact Us Term s and Conditions FAQ Downloads The Karnataka Shops and Com m ercial Es tablis hm ents Acts , 1961 (State Act w.e.f 01-03-62)

e - Ka rmi ka i s a fa ci l i ty for Regi stra on a nd Renewa l of Esta bl i s hments under the Ka rnata ka Shops a nd
Commerci a l Esta bl i s hments Act, 1961 ; whi ch i s one of the State La bour Laws a nd Rul es bei ng enforced by
the Depa rtment of La bour, Ka rnata ka .
The Depa rtment, a s pa rt of i ts func ons , enforces va ri ous l aws i n the State whi ch requi re ci zens to i ntera ct
wi th the depa rtment a s pa rt of a dherence to va ri ous State a nd Centra l Ena ctments .The purpos e of the Act i s
to cover the fol l owi ng func ons of the depa rtment.
Is s ua nce of Regi stra on Cer cate
Renewa l of Regi stra on Cer cate
Amendment i n Regi stra on Cer cate
Is s ua nce of Dupl i cate Regi stra on Cer cate

Fi l i ng of Annua l Returns
Exemp on on weekl y hol i day for Shops a nd Esta bl i s hments
Exemp on for women worki ng i n ni ght s hi
Submi s s i on of Appea l s

Shops and Establishment survey is in progress, hearby request owners of shops and CE to cooperate

ar users having taken registeration online, please use the same username and password for Renewals, Amendments, Closure and Annual Returns.
Customer Help Line Number 080-26658788. Timings: 10:00 AM to 1.30 PM and 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM. E-mail :

ine Registration/Renewals/Amendments/Annual Returns application process is extended to entire state.

List of Scanned Documents to be uploaded
Registra on fee
Proprietor / Managing Partner/ Directors Photo
Addres s proof for the es tablis hm ent /s hop (Rental

No. of Employees

Fees (Rs.)

/leas e agreem ent etc.)

No Empl oye e s


Identity Proof of the owner/ authoris ed s ignatory

1 to 9 Empl oye e s


(PAN card/ Driving licens e/Voter Card etc.)

10 to 19 Empl oye e s


20 to 49 Empl oye e s


/Mem orandum of Article)

50 to 99 Empl oye e s


Authoris ation letter for Authoris ed s ignatory / s elf

100 to 250 Empl oye e s


attes tation Letter for Owner

251 to 500 Empl oye e s


Challan /Paym ent Receipt /Trans anction Receipt

501 to 1000 Empl oye e s


Duly filled Regis tration Form s igned by owner /

Above 1000 Empl oye e s


Statuatory Docum ents (Partners hip deed/BBMP

trade Licens e/Incorporation Certificate

Authoris ed s ignatory

Related Informa on

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Informa on related to SAKALA services

Ac vi es of K L W Board
Right to Informa on
Employee State Insurance
Employee Provident Fund
Rastriya swas ya bheema yojana
Karnataka Service guarantee act
Right to Informa on Act
Ocial Website of karnataka state Govt.
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Dept.of women & children development
Child Labour
Labour bureau - Simla

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