Statics Proj

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Resultant of forces
A resultant force is the single force and associated torque obtained by combining a system
of forces and torques acting on a rigid body. The defining feature of a resultant force, or resultant forcetorque, is that it is system of force or a couple that will have the same effect to the body, both in
translation and rotation, if all the forces are removed and replaced by the resultant.
The point of application of the resultant force determines its associated torque. The term resultant
force should be understood to refer to both the forces and torques acting on a rigid body, which is why
some use the term resultant force-torque.

In physics, a moment is an expression involving the product of a distance and a physical
quantity, and in this way it accounts for how the physical quantity is located or arranged. Moments are
usually defined with respect to a fixed reference point; they deal with physical quantities as measured at
some distance from that reference point. For example, the moment of force acting on an object, often
called torque, is the product of the force and the distance from a reference point. In principle, any
physical quantity can be multiplied by distance to produce a moment; commonly used quantities include
forces, masses, and electric charge distributions.

3-D Forces
In three-dimensional space, there is a standard Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z). Starting with
a point which we call the origin, construct three mutually perpendicular axes, which we call the x-axis,
the y-axis, and the z-axis. Here is one way to picture these axes. Stand near the corner of a room and
look down at the point where the walls meet the floor. Then, the floor and the wall to your left intersect
in a line which is the positive xx-axis. The floor and the wall to your right intersect in a line which is the
positive y-axis. The walls intersect in a vertical line which is the positive z-axis. These positive axes are
depicted in the below applet labeled by x, y, and z. The negative part of each axis is on the opposite side
of the origin, where the axes intersect.
Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate axes. A representation of the three axes of the threedimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The positive x-axis, positive y-axis, and positive z-axis are the
sides labeled by x, y and z. The origin is the intersection of all the axes. The branch of each axis on the
opposite side of the origin (the unlabeled side) is the negative part. You can drag the figure with the
mouse to rotate it.

Equilibrium of Forces
A very basic concept when dealing with forces is the idea of equilibrium or balance. In general,
an object can be acted on by several forces at the same time. A force is a vector quantity which means
that it has both a magnitude (size) and a direction associated with it. If the size and direction of the
forces acting on an object are exactly balanced, then there is no net force acting on the object and the
object is said to be in equilibrium. Because there is no net force acting on an object in equilibrium, then
from Newton's first law of motion, an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in
In a mechanical system the condition under which no acceleration takes place. Newtonian mecha
nics today is based upontwo definitions which modify, but are essentially equivalent to, Newton's three f
undamental laws. These definitions postulatethe action of forces on particles. A particle is defined as a c
onceptual volume element that has mass and is sufficientlysmall to have point location. A body is define
d as a system of particles. To develop the mechanics of a body, thesedefinitions are applied to each of its
particles and their influences summed.
The law of motion is that, in a newtonian frame of reference (with few exceptions, a frame of ref
erence fixed with respect toEarth is considered to be newtonian), a particle of mass m acted on by resulta
nt force F has acceleration a in accordancewith the equation F = km a. Therein, k is a positive constant w
hose value depends upon the units in which F, m, and a aremeasured. The action-reaction law states that
when one particle exerts force on another, the other particle exerts on the onea collinear force equal in m
agnitude but oppositely directed.
A body acted upon by force is in equilibrium when its constituent particles are in equilibrium. Th
e forces exerted on itsparticles (and therefore on the body) are either internal or external to the body. An
internal force is one exerted by oneparticle on another in the same body. An external force is one exerted
on a particle or the body by a particle not of the body.

In engineering, a truss is a structure that "consists of two-force members only, where the
members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object". A "two-force
member" is a structural component where force is applied to only two points. Although this rigorous
definition allows the members to have any shape connected in any stable configuration, trusses typically
comprise five or more triangular units constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at
joints referred to as nodes. In this typical context, external forces and reactions to those forces are
considered to act only at the nodes and result in forces in the members that are either tensile or
compressive. For straight members, moments (torques) are explicitly excluded because, and only
because, all the joints in a truss are treated as revolute, as is necessary for the links to be two-force
A planar truss is one where all members and nodes lie within a two dimensional plane, while a
space truss has members and nodes that extend into three dimensions. The top beams in a truss are called
top chords and are typically in compression, the bottom beams are called bottom chords, and are
typically in tension. The interior beams are called webs, and the areas inside the webs are called panels.

Truss derives from the Old French word trousse, from around 1200, which means "collection of
things bound together". The term truss has often been used to describe any assembly of members such as
a cruck frame or couple of rafters but often means the engineering sense of "A truss is a single plane
framework of individual structural member connected at their ends of forms a series of triangle [sic] to
span a large distance.
A truss consists of typically (but not necessarily) straight members connected at joints,
traditionally termed panel points. Trusses are typically (but not necessarily) composed of triangles
because of the structural stability of that shape and design. A triangle is the simplest geometric figure that
will not change shape when the lengths of the sides are fixed. In comparison, both the angles and the
lengths of a four-sided figure must be fixed for it to retain its shape. The joint at which a truss is designed
to be supported is commonly referred to as the Munter Point.

Static friction
Static frictional forces from the interlocking of the irregularities of two surfaces will increase to
prevent any relative motion up until some limit where motion occurs. It is that threshold of motion
which is characterized by the coefficient of static friction. The coefficient of static friction is typically
larger than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
In making a distinction between static
and kinetic coefficients of friction, we
are dealing with an aspect of "real
world" common experience with a
phenomenon which cannot be simply
characterized. The difference between
static and kinetic coefficients obtained
in simple experiments like wooden
blocks sliding on wooden inclines
roughly follows the model depicted in
the friction plot from which the
illustration above is taken. This
irregularities, surface contaminants,
etc. which defy precise description. When such experiments are carried out with smooth metal blocks which are
carefully cleaned, the difference between static and kinetic coefficients tends to disappear. When coefficients of
friction are quoted for specific surface combinations are quoted, it is the kinetic coefficient which is generally
quoted since it is the more reliable number.

Kinetic friction
When two surfaces are moving with respect to one another, the frictional resistance is almost
constant over a wide range of low speeds, and in the standard model of friction the frictional force is described
by the relationship below. The coefficient is typically less than the coefficient of static friction, reflecting the
common experience that it is easier to keep something in motion across a horizontal surface than to start it in
motion from rest.


Wikipidea (19 October 2016). Resultant of forces. Retrieved from
Wikipidea (25 September 2016). Moments (Physics). Retrieved from
Frank D and Nykamp DQ, Vectors in two- and three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. From
Farlex. Retrieved from
Wikipidea (20 October 2016). Truss. Retrieved from
HyperPhysics. Retrieved from

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