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Muhamad Azwar Bin Anwar


Title: How the imagination works to help in our life
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about how the imagination works to help in our life.
Central idea: Imagination helps with creating creativity and innovation, helps to stimuli your
brain, and also helps to alter and train your brain.

What is imagination?
A. People usually relates it with creativity people with imagination or no
imagination at all
B. It refers to mental imaginary ability to form new images without senses such as
hearing, sight and other senses.
C. For example, you are sitting alone, but you are picturing yourself with loved ones


because you miss the person.

Imagination is also uniquely human ability.
A. Allows us to explore ideas of things that are not in our environment and not even


I was interested to look up in this topic because I am the type of person who loves to be


in imagination and because I have read J.K Rowling commencement speech at Harvard.
Today I would like to talk about the power of imagination.

( Lets start by my first point of how the imagination works.)



Could help with creating creativity and innovation.

A. Most of the influential and innovative creations come from the simple act of
imagine something bigger, easier and more simple yet beautiful.
1. For example, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Steve Jobs of Apple and Pierre
Omidyar of eBay who starts with imagination and lead to innovation.
2. Albert Einstein once said that Imagination is more important than
B. Scientist and artist have an amazing gift for turning outside the box and allowing
their mind and imaginations the freedom and to grow their thoughts.
1. Many products has produced as I stated before.
2. Without this creative power we may never have had the internet,
smartphones, airplanes, and other amazing technology we rely on every
C. Imagination is important as it is the main ingredient in order for us to expand our
world and for the advancement of the world.


Imagination can stimuli your brain.

A. From the research, it is found that the same cells in the brain could light up
whether we perform an action ourselves or watch someone else do it.
1. Found by researchers like V. S. Ramachandran , director of the Center for
Brain and Cognition at the University of California, San Diego using

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans,.

As for example, some of us find action movies are so exciting which is
we were imagine ourselves in that picture which will activate our brain
due to imaginations.

B. According to study, individuals who frequently read fiction seems to be better

able to understand other people, empathize with them, and see the world from
1. Hence, help us to understand and care about people who are radically
different from ourselves.
2. Go deeper beneath surface differences to the common feelings and
thoughts that could bind us together.


Imagination helps to alter and train our mind.

A. Scientist believed that our brain become rigidly set and defined in early childhood
but fMRI scanning reveals that is untrue.
1. It can be train through the focused mental exercise that can be done by
using power of imagination as tool to train it.
2. There was a story about a woman who asked for help from the Buddhist
lecturer about how to control her anger. the imagination actually helps
the woman to control her anger.
B. Without the inconsiderate neighbor, where will we find the chance to practice
patience? Without the office bully, how could we ever get the chance to know the
energy of anger so intimately that it loses its destructive power?


Imaginations help with creating creativity and innovation, helps to stimuli our brain and


also can help to train and alter our brain.

Easy to dream and imagine something but to produce it in real life is the hardest part. Do


believe in ourselves.
We have the power to create so much more and it is up to us to use our imaginations to
change our lives and our world for better.

Gabriel Cohen. How imagination shapes your reality. 4 June 2015.
Lamisha Serf Walls. 5 Reasons Imagination is More Important Than Reality . . 4
June 2015.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Imagination. . 4 June 2015.
James Mapes. Imagination, Creativity & Innovation : open up a world of possibility. Pdf. 4
June 2014.

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