Professional Development Courses in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland For European Teachers

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Professional Development Courses in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland

for European Teachers.

Next year ISP will be celebrating 35 years of organising quality training courses for
European educators on behalf of ministries of education, teacher-training institutes
and schools, including courses for many thousands of teachers funded by the EU
Comenius and Erasmus+ programmes.

As the next Erasmus+ KA1 deadline (2 February 2017) is approaching, we have just
put details of our 2018 teachers courses on our website. Please click on the courses
listed below for details of our 2017 and 2018 courses.

PRIMARY LEVEL (ages 3-11)

Language & Methodology Courses for Primary Teachers of English

Courses for Pre-primary Teachers of English (Very Young Learners) (ages 3-6)

C.L.I.L. Courses for Pre-primary and Primary Teachers

English Language Courses for Educators

Courses for Primary Teachers focusing on Art, Music, Drama, Science, Maths
or Physical Education

Courses for Primary Head Teachers, Inspectors & Advisers

Courses for Teachers of Pupils with Special Needs: English and other subjects

Using Technology in Teaching and Mobile pedagogy for language teachers

SECONDARY LEVEL (ages 10-19)

Courses for Secondary Teachers of English

Using Technology in Teaching English and other subjects and Mobile pedagogy
for language teachers

Courses for Teachers of Pupils with Special Needs: English and other subjects

Courses for Teachers in Vocational Schools: English and vocational subjects

Courses for teachers of Art, Music, Drama, History, Geography, Science,

Maths or Physical Education

C.L.I.L. Courses for Teachers who teach their subject "bilingually" in English

Courses for Secondary Head Teachers, Inspectors & Advisers

Courses on School Development & Quality Enhancement


Courses for Teachers of English in Adult education

International Study Programmes is an ideal partner for schools which have been
awarded (or are applying for) Erasmus+ funds.

We invite schools to:

choose from the wide variety of courses which individuals or groups of teachers
may join

ask us to design a tailor-made course for a closed group of teachers from one school
or group of schools.

Whatever the focus of a schools European Development Plan we can provide a

relevant course in the UK to meet the training needs of teachers.

Special offers are available for teachers who are not successful in obtaining
Erasmus+ funding.

We would be grateful if you would pass on our information to your schools

Erasmus+ coordinator and to your colleagues.

Please also see our website for details of holiday language courses for secondary
school students. Teachers who have not been successful in obtaining Erasmus+

funding may be interested in our offer of free attendance at a teachers course for
teachers who bring students to our courses.

We are also experienced in arranging work placements and specially designed

courses for Erasmus+ funded school students as well as homestays with attendance
at a British school for groups of primary or secondary school pupils. We would be
pleased to supply further information if required.

We look forward to having the opportunity of co-operating with your school and
welcoming your teachers and/ or students on our forthcoming courses.

Thank you for your kind attention.

All good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Anne Hopwood


International Study Programmes

The Manor
Cheltenham GL54 4EB

Telephone: 0044 1451 860379

Fax: 0044 1451 860482


Hazleton in the snow

Nice and tidy.

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