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Note-Taking Guide

102.03 Compare and contrast digital graphics tools and their uses.

Destructive vs.

Destructive Editing: changes original photo and it cannot be

reversed after saving and closing.
Non-Destructive Editing: changes of the original photo can always
be reversed.


Retouching is the removal of unwanted elements/blemishes from a

photo to enhance the visual quality.

Adjusting Levels

Adjusting levels are the adjustments of highlights, shadows, and

mid-tones of a photo.


Exposure is an amount of light within a photo.

*Under-exposed: not enough light
*Over-exposed: too much light


Sharpness is the photos property that describes the clarity of


ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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Note-Taking Guide

102.03 Compare and contrast digital graphics tools and their uses.


Contrast is the amount of separation between darkest and lightest

areas of a photo.
*More contrast = photo more defined

Smart Object

Smart object is when converting a photo/graphic to a smart object.

Smart objects allow it to be scaled, rotated, or warped without
losing the original quality.


Cropping is the elimination of unwanted parts of a graphic.


Scaling is the change of a graphics size dimensions

*Height and width


Layering is the separation of design components individually or into

groups to make adjustments specific to the layer.

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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Note-Taking Guide

102.03 Compare and contrast digital graphics tools and their uses.


Selection is the surrounding of specific part(s) of a graphic to make

individual adjustments.


Feathering/Blending makes the edges of an image to smooth or to

be blurry to help transition into the background or another image.

Grids and Rulers

Grids and Rulers are tools that are used for measurement; they are
used to assist in scaling, arranging, and spacing of design


Gradient is the gradual change of color within a design component.


Filters are preset effects that applies to the whole design used to
quickly adjust the appearance of the graphic.

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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Note-Taking Guide

102.03 Compare and contrast digital graphics tools and their uses.

Layer Styles

Layer styles are preset effects that is applied to graphics; it can be

quickly and easily applied to individual layers to drastically change
the appearance in a short amount of time.
*Can be preset, customized, or saved

Visual Hierarchy

Visual Hierarchy is the usage of design techniques to carry the

viewers eye from one component to the next component.


Alignment is the arrangement of design components in an

organized & visually appealing manner.

White Space

White space is the absence of text/graphics in a design.

Color Correction

Color correction is the adjustment of the color values of a graphic

to make them appear more realistic (to meet the desired effect).

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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Note-Taking Guide

102.03 Compare and contrast digital graphics tools and their uses.

Color Profile

Color profile is a pre-determined subset of specific colors that is

assigned to an image.
*Preset for scanners, digital cameras, monitors, and printers; the
color of an image remains true from the source.

Color Gamut

Color Gamut is the range of colors that is defined by the color

*Color Profile: color choices are selected from the gamut.


Dithering is a process where it peppers in pixels of similar colors to

replace the device that cannot display colors within the assigned
color profile.

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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