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SERVICE-LEARNING: Smart Leadership Grooming is a program organized by
students of Seminar in Management Thinking (BPMN 3013), involving two groups from Group
B and Group C, School of Business Management, COB. We make joint ventures with Group C to
increase our productivity in program, and sharing risks and costs with them. This is one of
requirement for our course to conduct a program as the course assessment requirements. The
program will runs for one day.
The main purpose of this program is to establish a spirit of cooperation and teamwork
among the students during the activities. It is also to strengthen the bond and teamwork among
students. The other aim is to improve the soft skills in many aspects as there will be a lot of
enjoyable activities that will be held by us. We also want to encourage them to succeed in school
and life by our activities.
There is some objective of this program, which were to expose students to service based
learning, implement the spirit of volunteerism among students and to strengthen the bond and
teamwork between UUM students. Therefore, the students were giving their time to give a talk
during the program, such as shared their experience on time management as university student.
The program was given the positive impact to the students. By this program, they also can
increase their confidence level and improve communication skill in daily life. On the other hand,
there was a lot of advantage in this program especially to the students that involved.



This program was held on 27 October 2016 at SMK Bandar Baru Darul Aman, Jitra,
Kedah Darul Aman. The program runs for one day involving some member from Group B and C
together act as facilitator. There were 12 facilitator guide the students until the end. This program
was held to improve the soft skills as well as encourage them to succeed in school and life.
This is the first program conducted by students for the course requirement. This activity
was accompanied by PT3 students of SMK Bandar Baru Darul Aman, Jitra. The estimated
number of students involved is more than 100.
This program started at 7.30am where all student gathered at school hall and conducted
registration session. There were four slots throughout the program, included Slot 1-Ice Breaking,
Slot 2-Personality&Teamwork, Slot 3-Time Management and followed by Slot 4-Explorace. It
was ended with a closing ceremony session around 1.00pm. Program expired at 2.00pm.


Teamwork skills can be defined as a process conducted by members of the group to
achieve a goal yet so there is no fixed definition to describe the purpose of teamwork. This is
because, according to Chua and Lussier teamwork as the understanding and commitment
between all members of the team to achieve the objectives of the team itself. In addition, Francis
and Young also defines the work of the team as a group of people who are active, committed to
achieving the same goal, to work well and enjoy working in a team and produce high-quality
output. Michael A. West defines teamwork as a team formed among people for achieving the
goals of the organization. Greg L. Stewart, Charles C. Manz and Henry P. Sims Jr. said teamwork
is a reference to two or more individuals working together to achieve organizational goals.
Yeop Hussin said that team work is a collaboration between the manager or head of the
department responsible for planning and staff who carry out their responsibilities properly. This
is supplemented by Ab. Aziz said that teamwork is a combination of a number of individuals
who have competence interdependent both in terms of capability, expertise, skills and
knowledge. They each have accountability and commitment to the team's performance and are
ready to implement a challenging task. In addition, Devis and Newston said that teamwork is a
social process that is designed to get cooperation, participation and involvement of members of
an organization to achieve its goals. According to the conventional perspective teamwork refers
to a form of the composition of the work performed in the team for achieving the goals and
ambitions of an organization, association, departments, companies and bodies established for that


In Latin personality is persona which means mask. Whereas, according to Kamus Dewan
Bahasa fourth edition of personality and individuality and character of a person means. Ryckman
also declare personality as a set of dynamic characteristics and planned owned by someone
uniquely affects his cognition, motivation, and behavior in various situations. Meanwhile,
Mahmood Nazar, said personality as one of the characteristics of the personality of the individual
and of course characterizes the difference of a human being with another human being. Related
personalities about what exactly that describes the person. Norman and Revelle (2005). Che Mah
& Mariani, (2001), explains that personality is the ability and cognitive intelligence among
students is often associated with an extroverted personality sociability, quickly issued an opinion,
friendly, creative and more open. The personality can be defined as an attitude, a behavior that
reflects who one is.



Students who take the personality test will be able to know more about themselves. They
will know what kind of personality they are and they will be able to more understanding
themselves. When the student becomes more understand with themselves, they can find out for
their strength and the weakness so that they can improve and fix the weakness in themselves.
This is helped the students to become better than before. The personality test also can help the
students to build themselves. They will match kind of person they want to be with the
personality. Other than that, it is one of the approaches to increase the level of confidence in a
student. This is because the students will find out about their personality, and they can feel more
confidence to do anything because they already know what their strengths.
Can Handle Emotion
When the students have done the personality test, they will be able to understand about
themselves. When a person has understood about themselves, they will be able to control their
emotions and improve the way how they will manage their emotions. It can make the students
become more matured to handle the situation.
Behavioural Growth
When a person are doing the personality test, they are want to know how their
personality, what they are good at and many others reason. With the personality test, the students
will be able to develop appropriate self-management technique when they are facing the
difficulties. Other than that, it is can help the students to establish their personal goals and
develop future plans. They are already known about their personality and strengths, so that they
are able to set what they want in their life.



Students Are Too Dependable With the Results
The result of the personality test is not the one that can describe our self all the time. This
is because the student will become more matured as they growing and the personality that the
students get while doing the test is the personality of that time. The students cannot too depend
on the results all the time and not trying to change themselves to become better than before.
Other than that, the results sometimes are not accurately. According to Brown (1983), a test is
not possible to give an exact answer. Sometimes the results of the personality test are suit with
the person but sometimes it is not suit. It is just a ways to make the person more understanding
with themselves can improve themselves.
Do Not Take the Chance to Improve Themselves
When student done the personality test and got their results, most of the result in the test
are tell them about their strengths. This is might be the reason why the students did not trying to
improve themselves. They think the result has told them that are their strengths and they think
they already have all the strengths inside themselves. In fact, all the strengths that they get when
doing the test is need to be drawn first and need the improvement to make them better than



The primary benefit of teamwork is that it allows an organization to achieve something that an
individual working alone cannot. This advantage arises from several factors, each of which
accounts for a different aspect of the overall benefit of teams.
Explores is a great social ice breaker. Gathering students from all class in form three of SMK
Bandar Bandar Baru Darul Aman to a common goal in a relaxed atmosphere is a novel way to
promote teamwork. If the explores is stages as a race, this especially puts the students into
crunch time and will encourage responsibility and leadership in the team. This helps bring the
team together as each member of a team can contribute uniquely to the race. A treasure hunt
challenges players on an individual and a team level. Players use their knowledge of popular
culture, local geography, history, culture and the arts, along with puzzle-solving and map-reading
skills to solve a series of clues, each a mini-mystery that has only one correct solution. This
fosters logical function and enables one to think creatively.
Teaches Responsibility
Explores teaches hunters to follow directions, build listening skills, and seek and build a
consensus for a plan of action. The responsibility of a explores comes with plotting a strategy
and also encourages hunters to have the flexibility to change that strategy when anticipated
results are not yielded during a explores or if an unexpected obstacle sets the team back.
Relieves Stress
Explores can help improve the mood of anyone who participates. It is not surprising to see a
lot of smile from an engrossed, excited player. As a result of the common mission to find the
treasure and the joy felt in being a valued member of a team, negative energies are flushed away,
allowing positivity and optimism to radiate from a person.
Faster Speed


Teammates draw on the efforts of many contributors, they can often complete tasks and
activities in less time.
Promotes Social Interaction
Explores encourages you to get out of your comfort zone. Whether its being in an unfamiliar
area or being with an unfamiliar team, you are inspired to interact with your fellow team
members to ensure the teams objective is met. Since the competition of the race can be
exhilarating, youre even more prone to interact with your fellow team members to beat the other
Fosters Creativity and Learning
Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. Brainstorming ideas as a group
prevents stale viewpoints that often come out of working individually. Combining unique
perspectives from each team member creates more effective selling solutions. What you have
learned from your individual experiences is entirely different from your coworkers. Thus,
teamwork also maximizes shared knowledge in the workplace and helps you learn new skills you
can use for the rest of your career. Collaborating on a project creates an enthusiasm for learning
that solitary work usually lacks. Being able to share discoveries with the rest of your team
excites employees and fosters both individual and team knowledge.
Builds Trust
Relying on other people builds trust, and teamwork establishes strong relationships. Despite
occasional disagreements, an effective team enjoys working together and shares a strong bond.
When you put your trust in a team members, you are establishing the foundation of a relationship
that can endure minor conflicts. Trusting your teammates also provides a feeling of safety that
allows ideas to emerge. It helps employees open up and encourage each other. Open
communication is key when working on a team and produces effective solutions in difficult
group projects. Without trust, a team crumbles and cannot succeed on assigned projects. Great
teams build each other up and strengthen individual members to create a cohesive group. By


working together, teammates learn that wins and losses affect everyone on the team. Teamwork
necessitates confidence in each others distinct abilities.

Division of Work
One of the biggest advantages of working in a team is that there is most often an equal
division of labor so instead of having to look into all the aspects of a project individually, each
person merely has to deal with one aspect of it. Smaller tasks obviously require less time and
effort to complete so working in a team cuts down work load significantly. However working in
a team does not imply that you simply focus on your own part, your first priority is obviously
your individual task however once you have completed it, you could always be of some
assistance to someone else. When you are a part of a team you automatically learn how to work
in an unobtrusive and altruistic manner.
Shared Responsibility When Things Go Wrong
If for some reason the project fails, then a good team will stand by one another such that they
can jointly take responsibility and shoulder the blame. The best kinds of teams are those that are
united at all times no matter what. Those teams that resort to pointing fingers at one another
during times of crisis show a lack of team spirit. While working in a team each member should
always give his or her one hundred percent because when everyone gives his or her best then
only can the outcome be good, even the smallest of mistakes could cost the entire team.
Improves Communication Skills
For any team project to be a success it is vital that each team member communicates and
consults with the rest of the group such that no one feels in the dark about any decision made and
that everyone is in agreement. Even if you are working on the one aspect of the project that has
been assigned to you, it is important to make sure that you are constantly giving the rest of your
team mates updates pertaining to your progress at each stage. It is the responsibility of each


member to ensure that everyones work is running smoothly and that no person has been
burdened with excess amount of work.

Development of Leadership Qualities

Though being the leader of a team could be a challenge it is also an extremely enriching
experience. Being a leader does not imply that you throw your weight around and get things
done your way, it means that you serve as a link between team members when you notice that
there is some kind of communication gap among members or when you find that an individual is
not giving his or her best. The best kinds of leaders are those that are willing to help anyone in
need of it as well as those that are completely honest with the members of the team.
You Get To Play to Your Strengths
Since there is a division of work in a team each member can focus on whatever aspect of
the project which each individual believes that he or she can handle. When you work in a team
you get to decide on which part of the project you are comfortable working on. If there is
something you are not comfortable working with then you do not have to stress yourself about it
you can simply look into something else. Everyones talents lie in different fields so you can take
up whatever task you feel comfortable working on and whatever task you think you will not be
able to do justice to, someone else can take that up.




Indulging In the Blame Game When Things Go Wrong
In times of crisis it is easiest for the team members to point a finger at someone else and
indulge in the blame game. Since there is more collective rather than individual responsibility
involved in a team project it is often difficult to tell where things went wrong. Things become
most challenging when one person does his work correctly and the other makes a mistake, as
many individuals cannot bear the thought of shouldering the blame when they did their own part
flawlessly. People also resort to the blame game when they believe that there has been an
unequal and unfair distribution of work. Problems like these almost always arise when people
work in teams. These problems cost rifts among even the best of friends.
Unequal Involvement and Participation Of Different Members
It is challenging to work in a team when everyone does not put in his or her best efforts.
There are two kinds of people while working in a group- those that work tirelessly to get things
done and then there are those that are laid back and do not adhere to any deadlines. It is due to
some lazy individuals like this that things go wrong and to avoid failure it is often either the team
leader or other team members that have to take on the additional task of completing another
persons quota of work as well.
Clash of Ideas
Things can go incredibly wrong or even fall apart when there is a great deal difference in
the working methods of different individuals. Many people prefer to work much in advance and
some people believe in working last minute as they think that the pressure brings out the best in
them. In such a case it becomes increasingly difficult to coordinate things among different
people. In addition to having varying working styles, things also become complicated when there


is a clash of ideas and neither members are willing to compromise. Differences in methodology
are much easier to sort out as opposed to ideological differences.

One Team Members Desire to Outshine the Rest

When working in a team it is important for each member to have team spirit. It becomes
complicated when one member has the burning desire to outshine the other members of the team.
When an individual starts putting his individual needs before the needs of the group, then the
groups can no longer function efficiently. Those individuals that want to show themselves to be
better than the rest often fail to shares or communicate their own ideas to the rest of the team and
this leads to a communication gap or even a breakdown of communication as a whole. Working
in a dysfunctional group often becomes a source of tremendous stress.
You Might Have To Deal With an Over Bearing Team Leader
One of the most common disadvantages of working in a team is that you might have to
deal with an over bearing and authoritative leader that is unwilling to listen to your point of view
or ideas. In addition to this, it might be more painful when the leader takes the praise for work
that you have done or ideas which you have come up with.




The purpose of this program carried out was to give the students of SMK Bandar Darul
Aman the exposure in how to improve these two aspects:
1. Self Personality
2. Encourage Teamwork
We planned to improve by doing activities through implementing activities planned by
us, the students of UUM which was suggested by the Pegawai Psikologi from Pusat Kaunseling
Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar. Other than that, this program was held to train the undergraduate
students achieve the objective of our univeristy to have a holistic development of students as
well as other aspects such as community service which we are focusing on this program and
student participation in the management for example in managing the program in the university.
The classroom doesnt have to be a solo learning adventure and it can also be a collaborative
learning. That is why we did a lot of activities such explores and colour personality inventory
The activities can be beneficial on a personal, group and class-wide-level. Team work is
all about being able to operate smoothly and efficiently within a group. Team work had been
apply during explores game such. During that game, the students will form a group, then social
skills into action. The team of students must actively listen to each other, must learn to work
together and cooperate to success in that game. Actually, based on my thought, this is a chance
for the kids to expand their critical thinking, work on patience and learn how to take turns. Of
course, that skill will be applied in a lot of works such as the group work and during their
learning discussion. The activities also will give impacts on a personal value because each
student can benefit on a personal value from teamwork example body language. They can feel


like a valued part of the group as each student contributes to the project and shares the ideas that
will build confidence and self-esteem because a lot of students offer themselves to be a leader in
each checkpoint for explores.
In conclusion, we can conclude that the team work activities will be applied in teambuilding skills.

Personality ( Development )
As we all know personality development is one of the most important aspect in our life. It
can help in developing a positive attitude of life. For example, if the individual that have a
negative attitude will finds a problem in every situation. Whereas, for the individual that have
positive attitude will always remember that in every problem there will be the solution to solve
it. In this program, we have run the activities to develop positive attitude among the students.
The students will be having three activities as follow to improve their attitude and manage their
1. Ice Breaking
2. Inventori Personaliti Warna
3. SWOT Analysis
By having good personality, it can help in developing a positive attitude and behaviour.
For instance, if the individual have a good personality development means they will have a good
motivation and spirit, so they can easily handle their problem and work easily. They dont have
any burden. We had already make research about that and we make activities about answering
Inventori Personaliti Warna and Swot Analysis to improve and show how to manage the
Activity 1: Ice Breaking
Before they proceed with activity in groups, all form 3 students with UUM
student start the acquainted session. All students were given instructions to make
large circles. Meanwhile UUM students make a smaller circle in the bigger circle
formed by students of form 3. First, they introduced themselves by moving into a


circle direction, according to anti-clockwise and clockwise. Time given to them for
get acquainted is about 20 minutes only. We asked them to come up with group name
in 30 seconds inspired by Malaysian rock band. This task was succesfully done by
them in the given time. Most of the name reflects their interest in 90s band instead of
nowadays band. After that, they required to create a unique chant for their respective
group. All the group then have to know each other better including their fasilitator and
finished by several mini activities like massaging friends and broken phone which
focused on their alertness and ability to receive instructions. The main purpose of
these mini activities in ice breaking is to get them excited and to make they give their
full attention before proceed with our main slot. This session was lead by Danial
Azmi and the rest act as fasilitator.
Activity 2: Inventori Personaliti Warna
After completing all games from the explores, the programme continues by










this. Activity answering Inventori Personaliti Warna given to students of form 3.

This inventory carried

out to

give chance




know their

personality through colour. Colours included is green, blue, orange and gold. A total
of 185 questions was given to them to be answered. The facilitator also helps the
students to understand the words that never been heard in the inventory. We took the
inventory form from Pusat Kaunseling UUM and as the facilitator, we will explain
to them about the question and how to fill the inventory. After they had settle answer
the inventory, each facilitator will make details explanation about the inventory and
based on my observation, they had given good feedback to us and they can
understand and know their truly personal character. Then they also can improve their
self. All of the form 3 students give a good commitment during activity was carried
out. One of the good feedback given by form three students is when one of the
representative from UUM students explaining about colour that found inside Inventori
Personaliti Warna. They can understand personal character through colour very well.
Due to the result of the colour they get, they will try to improve themselves towards a
better person. We can conclude that the result of the inventory depend on the


environment or place they answering it. For example if the place is comfortable for
them to answer, the result of the colour will be better. This slot was lead by Iqram
Halin and Syafikah Mohyi while the rest act as fasilitator.

Activity 3 : SWOT Analysis

For this activity, we focused on their path after PT3 (Penilaian Tingkatan Tiga)
results. Since they will be in upper form of secondary school and will take SPM (Sijil
Pelajaran Malaysia) later, it is important to determine which stream to go for. As we
may know there are several choices can be choosed such as pure science stream,
acounting stream and not forgotten Islamic stream. This activity was intended to help
them recognize their strength, weakness, opportunity and analysis in term of
academic. By doing SWOT analysis, they can find the right balance.
According to Harrison 2010, strength is a current factors that have prompted
outstanding organizational performance. Thus we asked the student to list down their
high-scored subjects in ranking based on their examination results. If there is no big
difference, we asked them to list down according to their interests. When analysing
their weakness, they required to be honest and list down their own weakness such as
failure to be punctual. This is useful because they can make boarding school as their
choice to improve themselves in time management. By list down their weaknesses,
they will be able to come up with appropriate solution. Next is opportunity whether in
the future or at the moment. Some of them are born in less fotunate family, thus to
choose a school that is far from home might be a burden. By realising their
opportunities, they will be more grateful and realise their capabilities. The last one is
threat in terms of financial and after SPM. If they did not choose wisely, it will give a
great effect to their life after SPM. We are aware that academic qualifications is not
the only ticket to succeed but it will definitely make our parents proud and life a little
bit easier.
The session ended with most of the student realised they have to make a
thorough thinking for their academic decision in the future. Most of them realised


they have to choose wisely because at the they are the one that will live with the
decision. This slot was conducted by Abdul Hakim and Nurazrina Azman while the
rest act as fasilitator.

The classroom doesnt have to be a solo learning adventure and it can also be
a collaborative learning. That is why we did a lot of activities such as explorace, ice
breaking, and personality & teamwork outside class. The activities can be beneficial
on a personal, group and class-wide-level. Team work is all about being able to
operate smoothly and efficiently within a group. Team work had been apply during
the explores game. Actually, based on my thought, this is a chance for the kids to
expand their critical thinking, work on patience and learn how to take turns. Of
course, that skill will be applied in a lot of works such as the group work and during
their learning discussion. The activities also will on a personal value because each
student can benefit on a personal value from teamwork example body language. They
can feel like a valued part of the group as each student contributes to the project and
shares the ideas, that will build confidence and self-esteem because a lot of students
offer themselves to be a leader in each checkpoint for explorace especially during
body language games. There will be a leader that guide the team to remember the
sentences and shared with other. In conclusion, we can conclude that the team work
activities will be applied in team-building skills.
Activity : Explores
Many equipments used in the explores games. We created several
games for the students to enjoy after having a stress week of their PT3
examination. Below are the games that the students played which we think can



enhance the teamwork in the students itself. These activities were conducted
by Aimi Izyan and Maslina Bahrun while the rest guarded the checkpoints.
Game 1 : Catching Balloons Filled With Waters
In this games there were given three kain pelikat. The
students have to divide their group into three small groups in order
to catch the balloons. Only three balloons were given to each
groups. The marks will be counted when the balloons were passed
by the representative from the group and safe by using the kain
pelikat. From this activity, it shows that the students have to make a
discussion before pursue the games. They have to communicate to
the person that is incharge which throw the balloons to the students
that catch the balloons by using kain pelikat.
Material used : Balloons, kain batik and a pail of tap water.
Game 2: Carrying The Ball With Hockey Stick
This game was called bawa bola ping pong menggunakan
empat batang kayu hoki. During that game, the students will form
a group, then social skills into action. The team of students must
actively listen to each other, must learn to work together and
cooperate to success in that game.
Material used: Hockey sticks and ping pong balls
Game 3: Spinning Football
Six students from each group was choosen to kick the ball
after make a spin for 10 times. While the other members required to
give support to the kickers. The spin make it hard for them to kick
the ball properly thus a huge support is needed to make them focus
in order to kick the ball. We can see that a few students laugh at
their friends and this is unacceptable when at that time their friends
need their support. We tried to apply the spirit of unity among
Material used : Soccer balls and cones



This program is an effort of students of Seminar in Management Thinking (BPMN 3013)
to establish a spirit of cooperation and teamwork among students. It is also to ensure that all
students stay focused and motivated in carrying out daily activities. Additionally, the program
will strengthen the bond and teamwork between UUM students. The program also get a positive
feedback from PT3 students of SMK Bandar Baru Darul Aman,Jitra. This is because they really
get some input from us with some slots given to them.
On the other hand, some improvement need to be further enhanced especially a discipline
of the students should be control in order to ensure the program was succeed. In a coconut shell,
the program was succeed as expected. In fact, all the participants were very active in every slot
and give a good cooperation.



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