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Press Release (06-09-2016)
First meeting of Cotton Crop Assessment Committee (CCAC) for the season 2016-17 was held
which was chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Textile Industry. Representatives of Provincial
Governments of Sindh and Punjab; Plant Protection Department; Trading Corporation of
Pakistan (TCP); Cotton Growers from Punjab; Sindh and Balochistan; All Pakistan Textile Mills
Association (APTMA) and Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC); Pakistan Cotton
Ginners Association (PCGA) attended the meeting. The Committee met to asses the area and
volume of current cotton crop in the country.
The Chair welcomed the participants and appreciated the stakeholders interest and
participation in the process of cotton crop assessment and described the objectives of the
meeting. Dr. Khalid Abdullah, Cotton Commissioner, dilated the overview of cotton crop
production in the country. Challenges faced by the cotton crop especially of climate and pests
like pink boll worm, white fly were discussed in detail.
The house was told that the health of cotton crop was better and would result in more yield than
last year. Due to better price, the confidence of growers has been restored gradually to great
extent who are using better quality fertilizer and more quality spray to enhance production.
However, sowing area has decreased by 21% in Punjab while it increased by 2% in Sindh, with
overall decrease by 15% than the last year. This decrease in area has proportionately depicted
in the production as well. Representatives of the Provincial Government explained the
methodology for crop assessment and informed the house about the crop estimates which are
reproduced as follow:
Khyber Pakhtonkhawa

Expected Production Million Bales (170kg)


Member representing KCA, Provincial and Federal Government and Growers were of the
opinion that the assessment is realistic and the ground realities are very close to this forecast.
Whereas members of PCGA were of the view the estimates are on lower side for Punjab and
supposed to be on higher side, though PCGA has not issued its cotton arrival reports. Cotton
growers emphasized the need of extensive awareness campaign for pest management and to
prevent rain damage. It is further added all the data is based on 170kg bale weight.
This was first meeting of the Cotton Crop Assessment Committee and three more meeting
would be held in due course of time. The actual figures of production will crystallize in the last
meeting of the CCAC. The 2nd meeting for crop assessment will be held in next 3-4 weeks.

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