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College Prep: Writing a Strong Essay

with Leigh Ann Chow

Using Verbs
Revise the sentences below to change the weak or passive verb forms into more active and direct verbs.
1. The children were asked by the teacher to sit quietly at the table.
2. The medal is given only to soldiers wounded in battle.
3. The car was driven only on weekends and otherwise kept in the garage.
4. The replica is an approximation of how the house might have originally been constructed.
5. The decision was made just in time to be announced at the assembly.
6. The newspaper is an illustration of student participation in school activities.
7. The dotted line on the map is a designation that a trail is not yet complete.
8. The school is the administrator of the exam.
9. The blue sequin dress was once worn by Marilyn Monroe.
10. The scholarship was created by descendants of Civil War soldiers.

Possible revisions:
1. The teacher asked the children to sit quietly at the table.
2. Only battle-wounded soldiers receive the medal.
3. The elderly woman only drove the car on weekends and otherwise kept it in the garage.
4. The replica approximates the houses original construction.
5. The principal made the decision just in time for him to announce it at the assembly.
6. The newspaper illustrates how students can participate in school activities.
7. The dotted line on the map designates incomplete trails.
8. The school administers the exam.
9. Marilyn Monroe once wore the blue sequin dress.
10. Descendants of Civil War soldiers created the scholarship.

College Prep: Writing a Strong Essay with Leigh Ann Chow

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