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Smart Solar Charging Utrecht

Robin Berg - LomboXnet

31 maart 2015

Startingpoint: local sunpower

How to increase the yield of solar power?

First public solar-powered charging station

Pilot Lombok

40 residents test
electric carsharing

Cars charged
62% on local

Start Living Lab

Smart Solar Charging
First sun power
controlled public
charging station

I.c.w. General Electric,
Schuuring, Stedin, Last
Mile Solutions and
Gemeente Utrecht

First V2G charging station

I.c.w. Nissan Europe, IKS and Alir Power

Possibilities V2G

Mogelijkheden V2G

Study University of Utrecht

Self-usage of solar energy by LomboXnet:
Normal charging: 49%
Sunpower-controlled charging: 62%
Sunpower-controlled charging nd
discharging: 87%

Opportunities: call to action

Local solar power and EV-batteries are a match in heaven
1.Free local storage
2.Local peak-shaving: cost-reductions for grid operator
3.100% clean driving
4.Higher ROI on investments in solar energy
Tremendous growth in numbers and size (both EV and PV)

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