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REVEMICIASSIFIED ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS Syllabus Mathematical Notation 5 Sia eden ete Pubkcotions Pte Lid for the Singapore Examinations ond Assessment ™ a ll poi hed ied catabal Wperca Neher ee eget a ere] at beled O-LEVEL CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS New Edition 2008 © Singapore Asian Publications (S) Pte Ltd except questions extracted from Singapore-Cambridge GCE 0 Level Past Years’ Examination Papers and Syllabus Support Materials Copyright © 2007 Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sysie, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior peemission ix writing of the Singapore Examination and Assessment Board. Authorised Publisher and Distributor Singapore Asian Publications (S) Pte Lid 219 Henderson Road #10-04 Henderson Industrial Park Singapore 159556 Tel: (65) 6276 8280 Fax: (65) 6276 8292 Esmail: Website: Printed and Published by Singapore Asian Publications (S) Pte Ltd for Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board under licenee from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. ‘The answers in this publication are given by the publisher, Singapore Asian Publications ($) Pte Lid. Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board bears no responsibility for these answers Any queries or comments on the answers should be forwarded to the publisher directly ISB 978-98 1-274-281-0 ISBN-10 98 1-274-281-6 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, oF transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or atherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Printed in Singapore ‘GOOD BOOKS - OUR BUSINESS CONTENTS O Level Additional Mathematics Syllabus _-~---------------------------- i) - (Vv) Mathematical Notation _- -~- -- -----------~-----~~+~-=-=-=++=+=++++++-+ (vi) - G9 Mathematical Formulae (xi) Specimen Papers for examination in 2008 - (SP)1-8 ALGEBRA TOPIC1 Sets --------------+-+ +--+ ++ 2-2 one neneeeeeee es TOPIC 2 _ Irrational Roots (Surds)_------------------------------------ Qu -3 TOPIC3 Inilices ------ ++ -e 0s soe ee eee ee eee ee eee eee eee Gy -2 TOPIC 4 Logarithms ----------------------------------------+----- (41-3 TOPICS Simultaneous Linear Equations -----------++----------------- (S)L-3 TOPIC 6 Solution of Quadratic Equations _----------- (6)1-2 TOPIC 7 __ Simultaneous Linear and Non-linear Equations (7 TOPIC 8 Linear Graphs (8}1 -6 TOPIC 9 Graphs of Linear Absolute Walue Functions ----~-----------~--- (91-2 TOPIC 10 Reduction to Linear Equations -~---------+--++-----+-----+++ Col -4 TOPIC 11 Quadratic Graphs _-- -- -~--~~------~------~------------------ dyi-2 TOPIC 12 Quadratic Inequalities _---~-~------------~-~--~-----------~--- 12)1-2 TOPIC 13 TOPIC 14 TOPIC 15 Roots and Coefficients of Quadratic Equations ------------------ Equations of Circles -------------+-----+----++-+------------+ TOPIC 16 Graphs of y = x" where mis Rational ------------------------- TOPIC 17_ General Graph Sketchin, 71-2 TOPIC 18 Simultaneous Inequalities : Cs} TOPIC 19 Mappings . aon TOPIC 20 Composition of Functions (20)1 - 3 TOPIC 21 Parametric and Cartesian Equations _------~--~--~-------~--------- (11-2 TOPIC 22 Identities --------++-0+ ++ eee ne ee eee eee eee eee (22)1 TOPIC 23 Partial Fractions_------~-------~----~-------------~--------- Q3)1 TOPIC 24 Remainder and Factor Theorem, Solution of Cubic Equations ------ (24)1 -3 TOPIC 25_ Permutations And Combinations ------~-------------~--------- (25)1 -3 TOPIC 26 Binomial Theorem: Positive Integral Index_--------------------- (26)1-2 TOPIC 27_Matrices_--- ----~----~-~-~~---++--- +--+ ee ee ee ee (27)) -5 TRIGONOMETRY TOPIC 28 Trigonometric Functions For The General Angle (Q28)1 -2 TOPIC 29. Graphs Of Trigonometric Functions Q29)1 4 TOPIC 30 Trigonometric Identities And Equations -------++-+++++222-222- GO) -2 TOPIC 31 Solution Of Trigonometric Equations ------------------------- GHL-3 GEOMETRY TOPIC 32 Some Geometry Theorems --------=------ 0-255 -0--2 ene eee (32)1-2 TOPIC 33 Circles, Sectors And Segments. --------------------------+--- G3)1-4 TOPIC 34 Vector Geometry ----------------------++--- 2-2 eee sere eee (34)1-5 TOPIC 35 Velocity Vectors ----------------------------------------- GS)1-3 CALCULUS TOPIC 36 Differentiation Of Sum And Product --------+-+---------+----- (36)1 -2 TOPIC 37 Quotient Rule -- - G7) TOPIC 38 Chain Rule - G8) -2 TOPIC 39 Derivatives Of Exponential And Logarithmic Functions G91 TOPIC 40 Derivatives Of Trigonometric Functions -------++-+-+<-+---200+ (40)1 TOPIC 41 Implicit Differentiation ------------------------------------ (iyi TOPIC 42 Tangents And Normals. ---------------------+-++-2+0+205--+ (42)1 -2 TOPIC 43. Stationary Points (43)1 -5 TOPIC 44 Derivatives And Graph Sketching (44)1 TOPIC 45 Derivatives And Parametric Equations --------------------++-- (45)1 -2 TOPIC 46 Small Increments And Approximations ------------------------ (46)1 TOPIC 47 Connected Rates Of Change ----------------+++-+-- 220-2086 Ty -2 TOPIC 48 Indefinite Integrals (481-2 TOPIC 49 Definite Integrals (491-2 TOPIC 50 Plane Areas By Integration - - (Op -4 TOPIC 51 Kinematics (Without Calculus) -+++++++++++++++++---------2- (SIM -2 TOPIC 52 Kinematics (Calculus) ----------------+---------+---------- (52) -2 O LEVEL ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS EXAMINATION NOVEMBER 2007 (N2007)1 -9 ANSWERS (separate booklet) ------++--+-+----+2-5--025--- 7255 e o> Al-AI9 Specimen Papers Topie | » 52 Latest Examination Papers O LEVEL ADDITIONAL MA THEMATICS (4038) SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT Paper: Duration Description. Weighting | Paper 1 | 2h There will be 71 — 13 questions of varying marks and lengths testing more on the fundamental skills and concepts. Candidates are required to answer all questions. ae 80 44% Paper 2 2 Nils There will be 9— 11 questions of varying marks and lengths. Candidates are required to answer all questions. 400 56% CONTENT OUTLINE Knowledge of the content cf the O Level Mathematics syllabus is assumed in the syllabus below and will net be tested directly, but it may be required indirectly in respense to questions on other topics Topic/Sub-topics Content Algebra 1.1. | Quadratic equations and | Include: inequalities + conditions for a quadratic equation to have: (i) two real roots {ii}, two equal roats (ili) no real roots and related conditions for a given line to {i) intersect a given curve (ii) be a tangent ta a given curve (lid) not intersect a given curve + solution of quadratic inequalities, and the representation of the solution set on the number line + conditions for ax? +bx+c to be always positive (or always negative) + relationships between the roats and coefficients of the quadratic equation ar2+bx+e=0 1.2 | Indices and surds Include: + four operations on indices and surds + rationalising the denominator + solving equations involving indices and surds 1.3. | Polynomials Include: + multiplication and division of polynomials + use of remainder and factor theorems + factorisation of polynomials + solving cubic equations 1.4 | Simuttaneous equations | Incluge: in two unknowns. + solving simultaneous equations with at least one linear equation, by substitution + expressing a pair of linear equations in matrix form and solving the equations by inverse matrix method 1.5 | Partial fractions Include cases where the denominator is no more complicated than + (axthyex+d) + (ax+byoxtd)? © (axtbyxt+e2) ai) TopiciSub-topics Content Port | 16 | Binomial expansions | Inctude: | | + use ofthe Binomial Theorem for positive integer n | | + use ofthe notations n! ang (") | | ny | | | + use of the general term (° lab O 0} the sel of positive rational numbers and zero, (x © Q: x > O} the set of real numbers the set of positive real numbers, {x © B: x > 0) the set of positive real numbers and zero, {x € Rix = O} the real # tuples the set of complex numbers a subset of a proper subset of is not a subset of is not a proper subset of union intersection the closed interval (x GR: a < x= b} the is erval (x GR: a= x x 45 = ab’, find the value of x and of y. Without using a calculator, evaluate 6*, given that 3°! x 24"! =2""=, Gy (N2002/P2/9) (N2003/P2/2) (N2005/P2/8a) (N2006/P2/9b) (SP08/P2/6i) TOPIC 4 LOGARITHMS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES won woe If y>0,a>O0and a#1, x is areal number, and y=a" then x is the logarithm of y to the base a. We write x=log,y. yealss’, If y= 10* then x = logioy = Ig y, the common logarithm of y. If y=e* where ¢ = 2-718281828... then x= In y, the natural logarithm of y. 1g001 = 1201 ig | 1g 10 Ig 100 log,a =Ig 10= Ine log,1 =O log,a=b log, y+ logaz # loga(y + z) and loguyz # logay x logyz log, ¥ + logaz = logayz logy Toe? log, y “logez # loge(y ~ z) and log Jogay —logez = loga> b log,» * (log,y) but logy” = bx log,,y logy * log,yz = loguz log, y X logya = logua = 1 Ify=a* then lg y= 1ga* lgy =xelga ley _ toy = na x o= ai Baseof | G.C.E. Keys in logarithm | notation | calculator of y Iny lag a ee hae PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. Solve the equation 1g(20 + 5x) - Ig(10- x) = 1. (N97/P2/4b) 2. Solve the equation 2'*' + 2'=9. (N98/2/5a) 3. Solve the equation Ig(y- 8) + le($ =14Ig(4). (N99/P23a) 4. Solve the equation 2'** = 2+ 10. (N2000/P2/3a) 5. (a) Given that 41 g(x sv) = 1-5 + Igy - 1gy, where x and y are both positive, express, in its simplest form, y in terms of x. (b) Given that p = log.g, express, in terms of p, (i) loge), (Gi) loge8g. (N2000/P2/5e, d) 6, Solve the equations (i) Ig(2x +5) = 1 + Igr, (ii) logay + logy (NO1/P27a) 7. (a) At the beginning of 1960, the number of animals of a certain species was estimated at 20 000. This number decreased so that, after a period of n years, the population was 20 000e* Estimate (i) the population at the beginning of 1970, (ii) the year in which the population would be expected to have first decreased to 2000. (b) Solve the equation 3**'~2=8x3""'. (N2004/P WV 12EITHER) 8. (a) Solve logs(17y + 15) =2 + log.(2y - 3). (b) Evaluate log,8 x logic p. (N2005/P1/7) 9, Variables V and 1 are related by the equation V = 100“, where k is a constant, Given that V=500 when r= 21, find (i) the value of 4, (i) the value of V when r= 30. (N2005/P2/1) 10. (a) Solve the equation Ig(x + 12) =1 +1g(2—») (b) Given that log:p = a, logy = b and 4 =2°, express ¢ in terms of a and b. (N2006/P 1/8) 11. Solve the equation logx(2«— 1) - logy(x? — 2) = 4s. (SPO8/P 1/7) a2 12. An engineering firm buys a new piece of equipment at a cost of $72 000. The value of this equipment decreases with time so that its value, $V, after ¢ months use is given by V = 72 000.8, where & is a positive constant. The value of the equipment is expected to be $40 000 after 30 months use. G@) Calculate the value, to the nearest $100, of the equipment after 20 months use. The equipment is replaced when its value reaches 4 of its original value, (i) Calculate the length of time, to the nearest month, the equipment has been in use when is replaced. (SPOS/P2/1) 3 TOPIC 5 SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. To solve a pair of simultaneous lincar equations with two variables is to find the co-ordinates of their point of intersection, if any. 2. There is no solution if the lines are parallel and an infinite number of solutions if the lines coincide. 3. ‘There are generally four nongraphical methods of solutions: (i) Equating two expressions Solve: y=3x-4and2y=7+4y Solution: 2(31-4)=7+4xrete, (ii) Substitution Solve: 3p + 8v= I3.and2x=9-I1y Solution: 3p + 4(2x) =13 3+ 4(9 — 11)) = 13 ete. (iii) Addition or subtraction Solve: Sx—3y-=2and &x+5y=9 Solution: Sv—3y=2... (i) axe Spe (x5: 25r—15y (ii)x3; 0 2d4x415y . iii) + (iv) : 49x =37 ete (iv), Two-by-two determinant Solve: ax +hy =e andex+dy =f eb fd ab ed | eof = aaeb Solution: x= Note: If ad — cb = 0 then the graphs of the pair of equations are either parallel or identical. (5)1 WORKED EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equations Sx -4y =84 ,2v+3y= 14. st 4 143 nN Solve the equations 2**! —$* = 131, 2*4+5'7 = 13, qelaosy =131 2 a5h2213 From 2(2")-5 From (ii). H+ 45) = we x =7andy=3 3. Given that log, (ay?) = 10 and log ,(x4y?) = 16, find the value of log, J". log (xy?) = 10+ log,x+3log,y = 10 log (x4y7) = 16 > 3 log x + 2log,y = 16 103 16 2 13 32 log x = Egy jog ,x+ logy) +442 G)2 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1, A particle starts from rest at a fixed point O and moves in a straight line towards a point 4 The velocity, v ms“, of the particle, r seconds after leaving OQ, is given by v= 6 — 6". Given that the particle reaches.4 when f= In 2, find (i) the acceleration of the particle at 4, (ii) the distance O4. (N2005/P1/6) (5)3 TOPIC 6 SOLUTION OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1, Iax-bMex-d) =O then x= % or #, ed whtJb? dae 2. ax?+br+e=0 then r= WORKED EXAMPLES 1, Find the value of q such that 2788-29"? = § «24-1, 2243 3g =5e2%-1 e222 aoe 549%41 =O sv -9(2") 41 =0 (8+ 27-12-17) =0 W8+2"-1 =O If 2%-1=0 a a = q q =0 Ans: q=~3or0 2. Solve for vif (gu)? = 17 gx +2. 9{lg.x)? =Ilgr+2 90g x)? = 17Igx 0 lgx+1)Ugx-2) =0 IrQiga+t =0 Iflgx-2=0 lex + Igx =2 x =0:774 x = 100 2. x= 0-774 or 100 3. Solve the equation Yx—5 + 444 Vxo5 + ued G—S)r+4) +044) = 45 i? =x- 20 =4]—-x xtax-20 = 1681 -82v+47 Six x (6)1 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Given that x= |g @ is a solution of the equation 10°**' — 7(10*) = 26, find the value of a. (N97/P2/4c} Solve the equation 9" + 2(9**') = 40, (N99/P2/3b) (i) Sketch the graph of y = Inx. (ii) Determine the equation of the straight line which would need to be drawn on the graph of y = Inx in order to obtain a graphical solution of the equation xe"? = 1. (N2002/P2/8) Solve the equation logex = loga(x— 4) = 2. (N2003/P2/3) Solve the equation logis (3x — 1) = logs (3x) + log. (0.5). (N2004/P2/5) (i) Express the equation 4* — 2"*' = 3 as a quadratic equation in 2" (ii) Hence find the value of x, correct to 2 decimal places. (N2005/P2/8b) (6)2 TOPIC 7 SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS WORKED EXAMPLES 1. Solve the equations x? + 2xy + 4y? = 28 and x+2p=6, vty =6>2y=6-x..i) x? + Daye dy? = 28 ox? +x(2y) +P = 28...(ii) From (i) and (ii), x2 +246 -x)+(6-x)? = 28 x? 46xy—a7 4 36= 12vax? = 28 =0 x? -6x+8 =0 (2-4) =o Ifx=2, from (i) y= F(6-x)= $(6~2) = Ifx=4, Ans: x=2,y ml From (ii) and (vi) : 3 + l= eps il Wo Bh Mn NR tou (ii)+(v) ay: (vii) “he From (ii) and (vii) 24 Solve the equations 7x —4y = 23 and 49x? — 16y? = 1081. 49x? = 16y? = (Tx dy 7+ dy) = 1081 2 7x+4y) = 1081 Tx+dp Tx-4y =23 (+i) 14x = 70 x = 5..Gii) From (i) and (iii) 7(5)+4)° =47 4y= 12 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Rup Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the linex + 2y = 10 and the curve 27-Tytx=0, (N9T/PI/L) Solve the simultaneous equations 7 = 27(3), g(x + 2y) = Ig5 + Ip3. (N98/P2/5b) Solve the simultaneous equations 3x — 2y = 1, 9x7 += 7. (N2000/P 1/1) Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the line y = 2x + 3 and the curve Bx? +P 4x = 39. (NOM/PLL) The line dy =~ + 11 int s the curve y'= 2y +7 at the point 4 and &. Find the coordinates of the mid-point of the line AB. (N2003/P2/1) Without using a calculator, solve, for.x and y, the simultaneous equations (N2004/P 1/3) (n2 TOPICS LINEAR GRAPHS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Let Gy, yy) and Blx2, 2) be the end-points of a line segment. (i) Distance from 4 to B= Gi) The midpoint of AB =( (ii) The angle of inclination (0) of a straight line is the angle which the line makes with the positive direction of the axis of x. ‘The constant a (tan @) is called the gradient (slope) of the line, and m will be positive or negative according as to whether @ is acute or obtuse The gradient of a horizontal line is zero. ‘The gradient of a vertical line is infinite. All parallel lines have the same gradient. The gradients of two perpendicular lines are negative reciprocal of each ather. (iv) The equation of the line throug (v) The equation of the feu hare d@-mPeQenF = ym)? 2, Every pair of values that satisfies the equation of a graph is the co-ordinates of a point on the graph and conversely. Every straight line (linear graph) is represented by an equation of the first degree and conversely. (i) Special form: x =a This is a perpendicular line which crosses the x-axis at (a, 0). The equation of the y-a: x= 0. yeb This is a horizontal line which crosses the y-axis at (0, 6). The equation of the 2-axi y= ae This is a line through the origin with gradient m. xtysa This is a line which intersects both axes at points a un from the origin. (ii) Point-slope form: yey, smile xy) where (ey,y1)is a given point and a is the given gradient of the line, * where (x1, yi) and (x2, 2) are two given Gii) Two-point form: points. (iv) Slope-intercept form: y = mm + b where the gradient is ym and the line crosses the y-axis at (0, 5). (8)! 18 ete (Vv) Double intercept fo 1 where the graph crosses the x-axis at (a, 0) and the y-axis at (0, 5). a and & are the x-intercept and \-intercept respectively. (vi) General form: Ax + By + C=O where A, Band © are constants and A and B cannot be both zero. The set of straight lines v= mx + b, where only wr is a constant, is a set of parallel lines which have different y-intercepts for different values of A. ax + h, where only 6 is a constant, is a set of lines through ents for different values of m The lines Av + By = C and Ax + By = D are parallel. If C = D, they coincide. Therefore, the equation of the line that passes through (x), v1) and is parallel to 4x + By = C is 4x + By = Ax, + By. The lines Av + By = C and Bx — Ay = D (or -Bx + Ay = D) are perpendicular ta each other. Therefore, the equation of the line that passes through (x;, y:) and is perpendicular to Ay + By = Cis Bx— Ay = Br — Ay, (or Bx + Ay = =Bxy + AyD). The general form dx +By+C=0 can be transform (i) Slope-intercept form: y (ii) Double intercept form: = If the equations of the four sides or the co-ordinates of the four vertices of a quadrilateral are known, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram if any one of the following can be proved: TA (i) All the opposite sides are parallel, i.e. they have equal gradients. (ii) All the opposite sides are equal. (iii) One pair of opposite sides are parallel and equal. (iv) All the opposite angles are equal. (v) The diagonals bisect each other. If the four vertices of the quadrilateral are (x), y1), (v2, } =) ‘The two interseeting diagonals divide a parallelogram into four triangles with equal areas. A rectangle is an equiangular parallelogram. All the four vertices are right-angled. A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram. All the sides are equal. A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus, ), Ge ) and (xs, ys} successively this amounts to proving that (- The area of atriangle ABC, where 4 =(xi,y1), 8 = (xa,y2) and C= (3,73) xX} ¥2 03 x) Vive ys yt priya +xay3 Fab) XV; —Kav2—T ys] units? is $I The area of a polygon with vertices (a), vi), (Xs 9), Gs, Jn), Yea) and (ie, ys) is Xp 2 NZ Ke Xe XT Vi v2 VSe0 Vat Ya Ph (8)2 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS lL A line drawn through the point 4(4, 6), parallel to the line 2) point B. — 2, meets the y-axis at the G) Calculate the coordinates of B. A line drawn through 4, perpendicular to 4B, meets the line 2y = x— 2 al the point C, (ii) Calculate the coordinates of C, (N97/P1/2) Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be ¥ accepted. The points 4(-1, 4), B(2, 7), C and DC, 0) are the four vertices of a parallelogram. The point £ lies on BC such that BE = +BC. Lines are drawn, parallel to the caf y-axis, from 4 to meet the x-axis at Nand from £ to mect CD at F. (i) Calculate the coordinates of C and of E. (ii) Find the equation of DC and calculate the coordinates of F. (ii) Explain why AEFN is a parallelogram and calculate its area. (N97/PI/15} Nel Ta. oF The line 2y +x =$ intersects the curve 1° +xy = 6 at the points 4 and B. Find (i) the coordinates of A and B, (ii) the distance 4B. (NO8/PI/1) Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted. The diagram shows a parallelogram ABCD in which A is (8, 2) and B is (2, 6). The equation of BC is 2y=x+ 10 and ¥ is the point on BC such that AY is perpendicular to BC. Find () the equation of AX, (ii) the coordinates of XY. Given also thal BC = SBN, find (iii) the coordinates of C and of D, (iv) the area of the parallelogram ABCD, (NO8/PT/11) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the point (-5, 4) to the point (9, —3). (NOWP T/L) + 23 and is 5 units from the point (2, 0). Calculate the ns of P. (NO9/P 1/9) The point P(x, y) lies on the line 7y coordinates of the two possible posi (8)3 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted. The diagram shows the trapezium ABCD in which 4 is the point (1, 2), 2 is G, 8), D is (5, 4), angle ABC = 90° and AB is parallel to DC. (i) Find the coordinates of C. The point £ lies on BD and is such that the area of ACDE is + of the area of ACDB. (ii) Find the coordinates of E. The point F is such that CDFE is a parallelogram. (iti) Find the coordinates of F and the area of the parallelogram CDFE. (N99/P 1/15) The points 4 and B have coordinates (2, 2) and (10, 8) respectively. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB. (N2000/P 1/2) Points A, B and C have coordinates (1, 2), (-2, 6) and (9, 8) respectively. (i) Show that triangle ABC is right-angled. (ii) Calculate the area of triangle ABC. CNOL/P1/2) The line joining 4(5, 11) and (0, 1) meets the x-axis at C. The point P lies on AC such that AP : PB=3 52, (i) Find the coordinates of P. Aline through P meets the x-axis at Q and angle PCQ= angle POC. Find (ii) the equation of PQ. (i) the coordinates of O. clo 6 7 (NOL/P1/3) ‘The line 2y = 3x - 6 intersects the curve xy = 12 at the points P and Q. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of PO. (N2002/P 19) Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted. The diagram, which is not drawn ta scale, sh parallelogram OABC where Q is the origin and 4 is the point (2, 6). The equations of OA, OC and CB are respectively. The perpendicular from 4 to OC meets OC ai the point D. Find (i) the coordinates of C, B and D, (ii) the perimeter of the parallelogram OABC, carrect to | decimal place. (N2003/P1/11) = 3x, = $y and y = 3x - 15 (3)4 The line 4y = 3x + 1 intersects the curve xy = 28x — 27y at the point P(1, 1) and at the point Q. The perpendicular bisector of ?Q imersects the line y = 4x at the point R. Calculate the area of triangle POR. (N2004/P1/11) The diagram shows a trapezium O4BC, where O is the ori The equation of Od is y= 3x and the equation of OC is vy + 2x = 0. The line through A perpendicular to O4 meets the y-axis at B and BC is parallel to AQ. Given that the length of O4 is /250 units, calculate the coordinates of A, of Band of C. (N2004/P2/11) Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not he accepted ew The diagram, which is not drawn to scale, esis shows a quadrilateral ABCD in which A is (0, 10), Bis (2, 16) and C is (8, 14). Aw) ° Show that triangle ABC is isosceles. ¢ point D lies on the x-axis and is such that De CD. Find (ii) the coordinates of D, (iii) the ratio of the area of triangle ABC to the area of triangle ACD. (N2005/P 1/10) o D " The line x + y= 10 meets the curve y° = 2x +4 at the points 4 and B. Find the coordinates of the mid-point of AB. (N2005/P2/2) The straight line 2x + y= L4 intersects the curve 2x? — y* = 2xy — 6 at the points 4 and B, Show that the length of AB is 24/3 units. (N2006/P2/5) Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted. (8)5 ‘The diagram shows an isosceles wiangle ABC in which A is the point (3, 3), B is the point (6, 3) and C lies below the x-axis, Given that the area of triangle ABC is 6 square units, (i) _ find the coordinates of C. The line CB is extended to the point D so that B is the mid-point of CD, ii) Find the coordinates of D. A line is drawn from P, parallel to AC, to the point £ (10, &) and C is joined to £. Gii) Find the value of & (iv) Prove that angle CED is not a right angle. (N2006/P2/120R) The diagram shows a trapezium ABCD in which A is (0, 3), C is (14, 5) and angle 48C is 90°. The point D lies on the y-axis and the point 8 has coordinates (2. p), where p is a positive constan (i) Express the gradient of 4B and the gradient of BC in terms ofp. Hence find the value of p. ) Find the coordinates of D. (iv) Calculate the perimeter of ABCD, correct to 1 decimal place, (SPO8/P2/8) (8)6 TOPIC9 GRAPHS OF LINEAR ABSOLUTE VALUE FUNCTIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES J. To draw the graph of v = lax + 6] : Draw the graph of y= ax +h. Draw the reflection image of the portion below the x-axis. Erase the portion below the x-axis. Graph of y =m + 6 Corresponding graph of y= | mv + | @ A 4A 6 6 a — <> a —=;- (ii) N A 4 SI . Px ry x iii) aR k ib a af x ae x b tiv) kK R b 6 al @ * aya * I &) (vi) () If}fG) [2a then either f(x) <-a or f()2a where a isa non-negative constant. Gi) IF @)|>a@ then either f(x) <-a or f(x)>a . (ii) If PO] = a then 0c) = ta. (iv) If lf) 0 and a maximum point if a <0. 7, Join the points of No. 3 and No. 5 with a smooth parabola. The axis of symmetry must pass through the x-intercept if there is only one, or halfway between them if there are two. The axis of symmetry needs not be drawn unless asked but the graph must be symmetrical about it, Write the quadratic function above the graph. 2 2 8. By ‘completing the square’ any quadratic function can be expressed as a(x+)° +4", The point (--, =") is a maximum point if @ < 0 and a minimum point if a> 0.The yeintercept is ¢. If B? = 4ac <0 the quadratic equation ax? + bx +c=0 has no real root. When this happens the minimwm point and y-intercept are above the x-axis and the maximum point and y-intercept are below the x-axis. 9. If &*—dac is zero there is only one x-intercept -2. If it is positive there are two x-intereepis. 10. To sketch the graph of lax? + 4x+el: sketch the graph of ax? + hx +e. Draw the reflection image of the portion below the x-axis, if any. Erase the partion of the graph below the x-axis. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. Find the minimum value of (x — 2)° - 2 and the corresponding value of x. Sketch the graph of y=|Qx-2F-2|for0sx4. (N99/P1/17b) n Draw the graph of y = 3 + f° — 5x +4), for 0 0 a) Nae (iy >; NY, x y > 0 forall real values of x. asp « cand B are complex numbers. y>Oifxea yeOifxsa @ A y20ifxsaorfisx yoOifxcaorfex y=Oifx=aorx=f, y athen either f() <- Ja or fle) > Ja, where a is a non-negative constam. (ii) UFO? >a then either fle) <— J@ or fix) > Va. ii) If FO)? =a then fO)=+ Ja. (iv) If YG)? 3 —27. (N97/P 1/4) Find the range of values of x for which x(10 - x) 2 24. (N98/P1/3a) Find the range of values of x for which 30+ 1)? < 16x. (N99/P1/2) Find the range of values of x for which (2x + 1)(4— x) > 4. (N2000/P 1/3b) Given that f(x) 2 2° - 5x-7, (i) find the value of a, of b and of ¢ for which f(x} = atx — by = c, (ii) state the minimum value of f(x), (iii) sketch the graph of y = |f(x)| for -2 12. (NOI/PI/Tay Find the x-coordinate of the point on the line y = 5 - 2¢ where xy is a maximum. (NOP 5a) Find the set of values of x for which (x - 6) > x. y= Qr- Die=2) (N2005/P 1/1) Find the value of ¢ and of d for which (x: ~ 5 0 the equation has real roots. (i) If 6?-4ae=0 the equation has equal (repeated, identical) roots which are equal to (ii) If b? -4ae>0 the roots are unequal (different, distinct). @ fa, «lc are rational and b? -4ae is non-zero and a perfect square, then the roots are rational. (b) If 6? ~dac is nota perfect square but positive then the roots are irrational. The x-coordinates of the points of imersection of the straight line y= mx +d and the quadratic curve y= ax? +bx+e can be obtained from: avrtixtcsurtd Hence ax? +(b- a) +(o-d)=0 Discriminant =(b—m)? —4ale—d) If the discriminant is negative, the strai If the discriminant is zero, the straight tangent to the curve. ht line and the curve have no common point. ine touches the curve at one and only one point. It is a If the discriminant is positive, the straight line intersect the curve at two distinct points. If y=ay?+bx+e is either positive or negative for all values of x then the equation y = 0 has no real roots and 6? —4ae-<0. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Find the value of the constant ¢ for which the line y = 2x + c is a tangent to the curve y= 4e°— Gy + 11. This tangent meets the a-axis al A and the y-axis at &, Calculate the area of the triangle OAB, where Q is the ongin. (NO7/P 1/3) Find the valuc of & for which 2y +. = 4 is a tangent to the curve "4+ 4v= 20. (N98/P1/3b) The straight line y = 2p + 1 intersects the curve y = x + > at two distinct points. Find the range of values of p. (NS9/P 1/5) Find the value of k for which 8y =x + 2k is a tangent (o the curve 2y? = x +k. (N2000/P 13a) Find the value of the constant & for which the equation 447 + £7 + 1 = 4(k -3)x has equal roots. (N2001/P1/7b) (d3)1 Find the values of m for which the line y = ax —9 is a tangent to the curve x = 4y. (N2002/P 1/2) 2x +3 do not intersect. (N2003/P 1/1) Find the values of & for which the line x + 3y = and the curve y? + (N2004/P2/4) Find the values of & for which the line y =x +2 meets the curve y" + (e+ 4)" Find the value of » for which the line y = au — 3 is a tangent to the curve y =x + + and find the «coordinate of the point at which this tangent touches the curve: (N2006/P2/7a) The equation of a straight line is y = 5 + kx, where k is a constant. Find the values of & for which this straight line is a tangent to the curve y= 4y +44 1. (SPO8/P1/4) (13)2 TOPIC 14 ROOTS AND COEFFICIENTS OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. A function of aand fis symmetric if it remains unchanged when aand f are interchanged. Examples: a+ £, af, a? + §°, Jaf and 4 are symmetric functions. a— fj, - and a@fiare not symmetric functions unless a= Vy (i) If wand fare the roots of a quadratic equation ax’ + by + ¢ = 0, then a+ 8 =—4 and af =. The equation can also be written in the form 7 -(@+ S)x+ af=0. Gi) Any symmetric function of @ and #can be expressed in terms of a, b and c. OB + Pas ofkar B= a-t)=—S Git) Let p and g be the roots of another quadratic equation .° - (p + g).a + pq =0. If p and g are both symmetric equations of @ and f, then the coefficients of the second quadratic equation can be expressed in terms of a, # and c. Examples: Find the quadratic equation of x whose roots are 7 + 4 and a7f + fa. Express its coefficient in terms of a, b and c. Working: sum of the roots of the second equation =(h +7) +(@' B+ Fe) =-t4+c# product of the roots of the second equation =r +7) (B+ fa be VR) by ey HE = yx+S = P(e +e Olxe be = 2° — (sum of the roots) x + product of the roots y PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. The roots of the quadratic equation 27 — 4x + 5 =O are @and f. (i) State the value of a+ and of af. (i) Find the quadratic equation in x whose roots are 4 and ¢: (SPO8/P2/5) a4 TOPIC 15 EQUATIONS OF CIRCLES FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1 ne y Equation of circle with centre at the origin and value + Equation of circle with centre at (a, b) and radius r units: (x- ay +- bY Equation of circle which passes through the end-points of a diameter; The equation of a circle in a quadratic equation in two variables x and y such that (i) the coefficients of x and y are equal and (ii) there is no xy term. Find the centre and radius of a cirele whose equation is +27 + Dav + y' + Iby =e Working: x*+2ar+)* + 2by=c eS +laxvta+ y+ 2bytPac+a te (eta + (yt bP sa + bec [x—Ca)P + [y+ bP = fa? +b? tc? The centre is (-a, -b) and the radius is Ja? + b? + ¢ PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS The equation of acircle, Cis x7 +)? - 6x - 8¥ + 16 =0. (i) Find the coordinates of the centre of C and find the radius of C. (ii) Show that C touches the y-axis, (iii), Find the equation of the circle which is a reflection of C in the y-axis. (SPO8/P1/9) asyl TOPIC 16 GRAPHS OF y= x" WHERE m IS RATIONAL FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES We shall first consider cases where m is positive. Let m = n/d where n and d are positive integers which are either mutually prime (have no common factor except 1) or d is a factor of n (nid is a positive integers). rand d are both odd x nis odd, disevena>0 niseven, dis odd y>0. and y have the same sign | because d is even because nis even because » and dare odd ned yl abe as x90 y' 0 as rote: asd y= L forall x's acd y 0s x30 yi Stee as x sttes If d is a factor of a then this is a graph of an even this is a graph of an odd integral power of x, eg integral power of x, e.g. ye" The graph of y =x" is the graph of the reciprocal of y =". The graph of y = Ax” if k #1, is the graph of y =.x” stretched vertically with the 2-axis as the axis of stretch, and a stretch factor of k. Similarly for the graph of y= kr. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. No questions on this iapic in the last 10 years, (16)1 TOPIC 17 GENERAL GRAPH SKETCHING FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. The following are the most common graphs of some simple functions y = f(x). y y : xre(RuR) a yer y a * yest yea'a>l xER xeR yer yer 0 * * ¥ per yea.01 xeR x *eRt pel yeR 0 x y ye y Palos O war are related in the following ways: For the same value of x they have the same sign. . Both functions equal £1 simultancously. |. Both functions cannot be zero for any value of x. . When one function approaches zero the other approaches infinity. When one is decreasing the other is increasing and vice versa. is remains invariant, PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. The graph of y = 4'(x) is a smooth curve passing through the ints (1, 0), (13, 1), (2, 1-7) and (3, 2). (i) Draw, on graph paper, the graph of » = #”'(x) using the same scale on each ‘On the same diagram draw the graph of y = A(x) for 0S x < 2. (N99/P1/17e) a7)2 TOPIC 18 SIMULTANEOUS INEQUALITIES FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1, Suppose that the graph of y = (x) divides the xy-plane into two half-planes. For every point in the region above the line y > f(x) and for every point in the region below the line y < f(x). For these two graphs : (i) fG)> gtx) ify gtx) if'x Oor 59 then f(x) and g(x) have the same sign. a) Gi) TF fQ)+ gx) 2r +1}, B= tery? > xt}, find the values of x which define the set 4 > 8. (N2002/P2/4) sy TOPIC19 MAPPINGS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES An ordered pair consists of two elements, say x and y, in which one of them, say x, is designated as the first element and the other as the second element, It is denoted by (x, v). “y Let Y and Y be two sets and let x be an element of Vand y be an element of F. Ifevery x of X appears as the first term of at least an ordered pair of (x, y) we have a mapping from Xo ¥, A function f is a mapping from ¥ to ¥ (f:¥ +3 ¥) for which each element of X has one and only one element of ¥ as its image. It is written as f:x 1 y or y = f(x). y is called the image and x the preimage. f(x) is called ihe value of the function f at x. ¥ is the domain of the funetion and Y is the codomain. Those elements of Y which are the images: ofat least one x is the range of the function. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS No questions on this topie in the last 10 years. (19 TOPIC 20 COMPOSITION OF FUNCTIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. In f:X +> ¥, ifevery element of ¥ is an image of only one element of X then we can form an inverse function f~ x=f(y)and then y=. X. If y =f (x) then x = f7!(y) but more usually we first have 2. Inthe following nis a constant fQ)s 8 wen xem nex one FE he PMs x oxen xem nex oom ge ox" 3. f(j=n where n is a constant, is called a constant function. 4. f(x) called an identity function, Itis denoted by /. 5. If f and g area pair of functions such that the range of f is a subset of the domain of g, then the composite af f and_g (or the compasite of f followed by g) is denoted by gof or ef where gf (x) = 9(f(4)). gf is generally not identical to_fe. 6 flef=fef)=/if both f and f' coexist. 7 tefafelaf 8 (fagy leg tof! 9. fAxd=f (FLX). Itis usually equal to neither (fx)? nor f G2). lo. ptsyeytagyrapol es! ll, feesr pet af'" fo where a and r are positive integer with n> Pr. 12, Wf" =f then faf"™ fisp" Bnet phe afmttes prapmasMafMs,.= 13. GMa) =a and f-'f(a)) =a PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. A function f is defined by fs. x19 5- 4,420. (a) Find f~ and state the value of x for which f~! is undefined. (b) Find the values of x for which f(x) =f"). (N9V/P 1/7) ws Funetions f and g are defined by fsx SS}.x42, gi xr 2S, #3. (a) Show that fg: xb x. (b) Evaluate f-'(5), g°'(4) and ffg(7). (NOP I/17a) (20)1 (a) The function g is defined by g : x -> 8 ~ 3x, Find (i) an expression for g-'{x) and for g°(x), (ii) the value of x for which g(x) = gia). (b) The function /r is defined by h : x ++ ax 4+ b, a 4-1, for the domain 0) ¢ x ¢ 5. Given that the graph of y = A(x) passes through the point (8, 5) and that the graphs of y = A(x) and y = /r'(x) intersect at the point whose x-coordinat find the value of a and of db, (N98/P1/16b, ©) Functions f and g are defined by fixhe 547.043, ¢ 00h 11 + ba’, where we R. Given that {°(5) = $ and fe(2) = 4, evaluate a and b. (N9O/P L/17ay (a) The diagram shows the graph of y = f(x), where f is a function with domain -4 =~ S 6 and range 0 = f(x) <3. Make a sketch of the diagram shown and add a sketch of the graph of y = f(x). State the 3 range of f. (by) The functions f and g are defined for real values of x by fire 2e- 1g sae ty, where w #1. o Express (i) fa(x), G0) g'Q), in form of a single 2 fraction in terms of x, stating in each ease the value 4 of x for which the function is not defined. “ (c) The functions f and g are defined for real values of x by fsx hoo, gH x3. Express each of the following in terms of fand g only. G) xh x-6, ir -6, fix i+ 3, (N2000/P 1/11) Functions f and g are defined, forx€ R, by fib Sv-2, gre gbp.é f. (a) Find the value of g7(2). Find the value of x for which (b) f(x) = f'Q9, (c) fg(x) + 3g) = 0. (NOMP1/13a) The function fis given by fx 5-3 weR, (i) State the range of f. ) Solve the equation f(x) = 0, giving your answer correct to two decimal places. i) Sketch the graph of y = f(x}, showing on your diagram the coordinates of the points of imersection with the axes, (iv) Find an expression for fin terms of x, (N2003/P1/10) EITHER Functions f and g are defined for xe Rby fixe 3v-2ae4, gia gy ee? (i) Solve the equation gffx) = 2. (ii) Determine the number of rea] roots of the equation f(x) = g(x). (ii) Express f-! and g™ in terms of x. (20)2 (iv) Sketch, on a single diagram, the graphs of y = fG) and y = f-'(), stating the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two graphs. OR (i) Find the value of a and of b for which | — x? + 6x can be expressed in the form a-(v+bP, A function f is defined by f :.x--+1 —x°+ 6x for the domain x 2 4. Gi) Explain why has an inverse. (iii) Find an expression for f-' in terms of x. A funetion g is defined by gs 1 — x? + 6x for the domain 2 < «<7. (iv) Find the range of g {v) Sketch the graph of y= | g(x) | for2<4<7. (N2003/P2/12) The function fis defined, for xe R, by fra Atl yes. (i) Find f in terms of x and explain what this implies about the symmetry of the graph of y= fi. The function g is defined, for x € R, by gis. (ii) Find the values of x for which f(x) = g¢"(x). (iii) State the value of x for which gf(x) = -2 (N2004/P 1/8) tye, ‘The funetions f and ¢ are defined forx€ R by ext? Express each of the following as a composite function, using only f, g, f°" and/or g' : @) xe +2, Gi) rox-2, ii) x (v+2)7. (N2006/P2/1) 203 TOPIC 21. PARAMETRIC AND CARTESIAN EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES (such as ions. The set of all points whose positions are determined by those specified by an equation) is called the locus of points It is sometimes advantageous to express each of the x and y co-ordinates of the general point of a curve in terms of a third variable, called the parameter. The two equations expressing x and y in terms of the parameter are called parametric equations. It may be possible to obtain an equation connecting x and y by eliminating the parameter. Such an equation is called a cartesian cquation, or simply, equal a tof given conditic ubject to those con WORKED EXAMPLES Find the equation of the lise (i) through the origin O with gradient m, (ii) through the point (0.2) with gradient +. These two lines intersect at P. Find the co-ordinates of P in terms of mm. Write down the equation of the locus of P as nm varies. yo =m .(i) y Equation of the locus of P: x? = 2y ijl 2. Acurve which is defined parametrically by the equations x = 24 and y = 8 + 2¢- 2? meets the line y = x +6 at the points A and B, find the mid-point of AB. AtA and B: yext6 842-7 = 24446 t-P <0 Ifr=0,x=2+0 y=8+2(0)-07 =8 Ift=1,x=241=3, y=8+20)-17=9 ©. Mid-point of a2 = (734, 45°) = (24, 84) 3. The parametric equations of a curve are x= a, y=2P, Find the cartesian equation of the curve and where it intercepts the y-axis. gat v xf=xettl M-textl x-Wsxtt ©. Cartesian equation of the curve is ye 1) = 241" Ifx=0, (0-1)? = 20041)? ye2 «. It intercepts the y-axis at (0, 2). PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS No questions on tris topic in the last 10 years. (212 TOPIC 22 =IDENTITIES FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. A mathematical statement that one expression is identical to another for all values of the variables is called an identity. 2. The expressions are joined by the identity symbol " =". Very often, the equal sign " =" is used instead of "=". 3. It can be proved that if two polynomials are identical, then the coefficients of the same power of the variables on both sides of the identity sign must be equal. fe, det + ety ety a + a + ait tay SB +b, a yx + bo then at, = Dy, daar By o2y con 2 = Dg, 4) = By, ty = Bow WORKED EXAMPLES 1, Given that Sx° + 6.7 + 8 = (Ax + 1)(x- 2)(v +B) +." - SC, find the value of A, B and C. Coefficient of x¢ Wee2, Sx2°+6x2?4+8=(24 4 1(2-2)(2+8)4+2-5C W2=2-5C 70=-5C 5C =-70 C=-14 Ifx=0, 04+0+8=(1-2”B) +0470 2B = 62 B=31 Answer: A =5,8=31,C=-14 2. Given that a(x +b) = x7 + 6x +c for all values of x, find the values of a, band c. a(xt bY er torte ax + Qabx + box + 6xte a= 2ab=6 2b=6 b=3 Bee c= 3 =9 Answer: a=1,b=3,c=9 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. No questions on this topic in the iast 10 years. (22) TOPIC 23 PARTIAL FRACTIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES In this topic, a, b, c,d. A, B and C are constant “ =" means is identical with. Sometimes the symbol js used, arch A 1 Tatdiersp) = aed + tref ax +b =Alex+f)+ Blex +d) (To find A, lex =—4 To find B, let. (i) Equating coefficient of x: a =Ae + Be Equating constant : b = Af+ Bd Solve the simultaneous equations for the values of A and B. (iii) Alternative method To find A, let.x=-< in B arth erp a auth To find B, let x= —4 in 24 9 ach a £ o aedilersfl at ey an +b s Alex +f ¥ + Bex +d) (ex+f)+ Cler+d) To find A, let. = To find €, let.w= To find B, use the values of A and C and let x = 0. arth - 3.0 Gamecpeen = ax+b =Aler+f) (get h) + Blex +d) (ev + hy + Clex +d) (ev4f) To find A, let vs 4 To find B, let. x=-£ To find C, use the values of A and C and let x =0. ach A, Bee 4. Tered)extay) tard * enay ax+b =Alex+f)+(Bx+C) (ext) To find A, let.x= -# Use the value of A and let. x= 0 to find C. Use the value of A and C and let.x = 1 to find B. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS No questions on this topic in the last 10 years. (23)1 TOPIC 24 REMAINDER AND FACTOR THEOREM, SOLUTION OF CUBIC EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES. 1. A polynomial (rational integral function) is a sum of multiples of integral powers of a variable. The general equation for a polynomial of degree n in the variable xis SO) = agx" dgeyx™! 24. Fag +ayx+ao, where the coefficients ay, dnt, etc, a s and 1 is a positive integer or zero. Tf n is 1, 2,3 then the polynomial f(x) is a linear, quadratic, or cubic function respectively. Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder When a polynomial f(x) of degree n is divided by a divisor (v-a), where a is a constant, then f (2) =( —a)O(Q) + 8, where O(a) is the quotient, a polynomial of degree w-1, and R is the remainder independent of x. This is an identity which is true for all values of x. 4. The Remainder Theorem:If a polynomial f (x) is led by (va), where a is any constant, until a constant remainder independent of x is obtained, this remainder is equal tof (a). 5. There are two ways to find the remainder f(a): (i) Substitute « for xin f() and evatuate the resulting expression. (ii) Divide f (x) by G’—a}. This process can be greatly simplified by the process of synthetic division. 6. Synthetic Division: To divide f(a) by (¢—a), arrange in order of descending power of x the coefficients of f(x), inserting zero for the coefficient of any missing pawer of x. Write a on the left. Write the first coefficient of f (x) to the first position on the third line. Multiply this first coefficient by a, writing the product in the second line under the second coefficient of (x). The sum of this product and second coefficient is written in the third line. Multiply this sum by a, add the product to the next coefficient of f(x), again writing the new sum on the third line, and so on, until a product has been added to the last coefficient of f(x). The last sum in the third line is the remainder. The preceding numbers in this line are the coefficients of the powers of x in the quotient, arranged in descending order. 7. Anexample of synthetic division: Divide 24-703 +1241 byx—3 3 7+04+ 124 1 + 6-3 9+ 9 — 1-3+ 3+10 204-78 + 12r4 Dee 3) (2x3 — 2 3x4+3)+10 8. The Factor Theorem: If f(a) = & = 0 then (x =a) is a factor of f(x). This also means that ais a root of the equation f(x) = 0. The other factors and roots, if any, can be found by using the same theorem on Q(a). The converse of the factor theore: (241 9. 10. If (v —a) is a factor of fx) the constant term of which is ao, then a is a factor of ag. Divisor: va ata bx-a bxta Remainder fla) fay) 4) WORKED EXAMPLES Solve the equation 2x! + 3x°- Ilx-6=0 Ifr=2, 2(2)' +327 - 11@)-6=0 2 2x84 38-1x- 65 (4-2) (2847243) 47x 43x = (x— 2)(2e4 1) (e+ 3) (2) 2x4 1 +3) x Solve the equation ° Ifx=-l, C1) -3(-1¥ - 4-1) +2=0 8 Qve2=(r+ DO?-494+2) Se bat Ifx+150,x=-1 . tie [Ca¥ 40) fat = 4x42 =0,x= 43 2f ral 1, 3.41, 0.586 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS rs} (a) The expressions 2° — ax + a? and ax’ + °- 17 have the same remainder when divided by x - 2. Find the possible values of (i) a, (ii) the remainder. (b) Find the a-coordinate of each of the three points of intersection of the curves y= 6x — 5 and y= 17r- 4. (c) Find the value of & for which x? — 3x + kis a factor of x° - 5x7 + 12. (NOT/PI) Find the value of k for which x? + (k - Ix + # - 16 is exactly divisible by x — 3 but not divisible by x +4. (N98/P2/1a) (a) Find the remainder when 3° — x¢ ~ Sx +2 is divided by 3x + 2. (b) Salve the equation 2° + 134° +.x-70=0. (24)2 (c) Given that 7 + 2x - 3 is factor of f(a}, where f(x) = x4 + Go + 2a? + bx — 3a, find (i) the value of a and of b, (ii) the other quadratic factor of f(0). (NOO/P2/1) (a) The curve whose equation is y = (2x + 3x = 9) = 4), where & is a constant, has a tuming point where x=—-1, (i) Calculate the value of &. (ii) Calculate the value of x at the other turning point on the curve. ii) Draw a rough sketch of the curve and find the set of values of x for which y > 0. (by) f(xyand g(x) are given by f(x) = 44 + 3x3 — 12 + 204-4, g(xp sat + DB - BS $y 2, i) Solve completely the equation f(x) - g(4) = 0 f(x) and g(x) have a common factor.x ~ 0. (ii) Find the value of co, (N2000/P2/1) (a) The expression 2x4 — 5x7 + ax + b has a factor of x + 2 and leaves a remainder of 6 when divided by x — 1, Calculate the value of @ and of b. {b) The straight line vy = 114-6 intersects the curve y = a°(2x - 3) at three points. Calculate the x-coordinate of each point of intersection. (c) Find the value of & for which a — 3p is a factor of a — Ja°b? + kb*. Hence, for this value of k, factorise a! — Je*b? + kb* completely. (NOI/P2/1) The cubic polynomial f(x} is such that the coefficient of x* is -1 and the roots ef the equation f(x) =O are 1, 2 and &. Given that f(x) has a remainder of 8 when divided by x - 3, find (i) the value of k, Gi) the remainder when f(x) is divided by x +3 (N2002/P2/6) The expression w+ ax? + bx — 3, where a and b are constants, has a factor of x - 3 and leaves a remainder of 15 when divided by x + 2. Find the value of a and of b. (N2003/P1/3) Given that 62° + Sax - 12a leaves a remainder of +4 when divided by x — a, find the possible values of a. (N2004/P2/7) The function f(x} — 6x7 + ax + b, where a and b are constants, is exactly divisible by x — 3 and leaves a remainder of -55 when divided by x + 2. (i) Find the value of « and of b. Gi) Solve the equation f(x) = 0. (N2005/P2/9) ‘The cubic polynomial f(x) is such that the coefficient of 2° is 1 and the roots of f(x) = 0 are 1, Kand &*. Iis given that f(x) has a remainder of 7 when divided by x - 2. () Show that 4-2? - 2k -3.=0. Gi} Hence find a value for A and show that there are no other real values of k which satisfy this equation. (N2006/P1/10) Find the value of and of b for which 22 + .x— 1 isa factor of 20 +a +x b. (SPO8/P 1/5) (2493 TOPIC 25 PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. n Suppose that an operation can be perform in r sets of ways and thai these r sets have no way in common. If there are m ways in the first set, m: ways in the second set, and so forth, then there are nm, +7) + ... +1, Ways to perform the operation. Fundamental Principal of Countings: If an operation can be carried out in 71) ways and after this is done another operation can be carried out in a; ways and after this is done another operation can be carried out in my ways, and so forth, then the total number of ways in which all operations can be carried out is my X my X My X... . If cach of r operations can be carried out in n different ways, there are n’ different ways to carry out all the operations. This is a special case of the Fundamental Principle of Counting. @) An arrangement of all members of a set of u objects in a given order is called a permutation of the n objects taken all ata time. Gi) The number of permutation of all of n abjects is denoted by "P, or n!, called factorial 1. (ii) nl=n(n—1)r- 2)... 3x 2K 1 (iv) Of=t (i) An arrangement of any r of n objects, where 0 $ r 0, in ascending powers of x is 1 — 12x + 28p'x + gx" +... . Find the value of a, of p and of g. (N2005/P2/3) 6 10. Given that the coefficient of x* in the expansion of (& + 2 = >) is 84, find the value of the constant &. (N2006/P 1/6) 11. (i) Write down the first three terms in the expansion, in ascending powes of x, of (1 + px)’, where p is a constant. ) The first three terms in the expansion of (1 + gx)(1 + pxy, where p and g are integers, are | — 10x + 152°. Obtain two equations in p and g and hence find their values. (sp P1/8) (26)2 TOPIC 27. MATRICES FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets. It is designated by an upper-case alphabet in bold point. Plural for 'matrix' is 'matrices'. 2. Each number ina matrix is called an element, 3. Ant ior "m by ne" matrix has m horizontal rows and 1 vertical columns. Am * | matrix has #7 rows and only one column. It is a column matrix. A 1 * » matrix has only one row and #7 columns. It is a row matrix. Ant ® m matrix has m rows and m columns. It is a square matrix. 4. Matrices with the same number of rows and columns (same shape} belong to the same order (type, dimension). (ii) Matrices with all corresponding elements equal are called equal matrices, 5. QUICK REFERENCE (i) A+B=B+A aul 28 _les a[4" Jauw-[ <4) ate baf c#e deh a-e b-f c-g d-h (Gi) At B-( (ii) a-n-[ (iii) KAS ( “ i } This is called sealar multiplication. 4 is the scalar. cc ww) + feace-(4 } 6, The division of a number by a matrix and the division of a matrix by another matrix are not defined. 7, QUICK REFERENCE () A+B=BtA Gi) A+B+C=(A+B)+C=A+(B Gili) k(A+ B)=KA+ KB (iv) &(A- B)= kA &B () (ht A= hA+ KA, where hand kare sealars, (vi) HRA = {KAY = (KJ Ql The multiplication of a matrix is possible only when the number of rows in the right-hand matrix is equal to the number of columns in the left-hand matrix. (an nemateix) * (rs p matrix) = ar * p matrix Examples of matrix multiplication: (i) (ae) = (ae) Gi) @les)=(ae af) (ii) (ab { : ] = (ae + 5g) tin) (26) 20 Coes ae of + bh) (v) (: wo 7 oo (CF (S2) a (ab fer )_{ac+be aft bh wi (C5 of) [ere any (i) If AB is possible, BA may or may not be possible. Gi) If both are possible, AB may or may not be equal to BA. Gi) |ABC=(A B)c-a(BC) Let A be a square matrix, and m and 1 be positive integers. (i) A"=AAA...tom factors (ii) ATAn= aren (iit) (A")" = Ae A matrix in which cach element is zero is called a null matrix or zero matrix. [t is an additive identity denoted by ©. (i) AO= OA =O, where A and O must be of the same order. iil) A+O=O0+A=A Wii) A-O=A A square matrix in which each element of the diagonal from left to right (called the principal diagonal) is unity and every other element is zero is called the unit matrix or multiplicative identity matrix. It is represented by 1. } ALS 1A® A forall A's. a }( or wr } -~c a — 2 |: wi-be Gd-ie It can be shown that AB = BA =I. ad — be is called the determinant of matrix A. It is denoted by “det A." B= A" is called the multiplicative inverse of A. A= B" is called the multiplicative inverse of B. Matrices which have inverses are non-singular. (iv) — be = 0, then =};= is not possible. In such a case matrix A has no inverse. It is said to be singular. Fora? ® 2 matrix, 1= ( it acl ae 1 tota=(2 8 Jou B= AB = O does not necessarily imply that one of them (A or B) must be a null matrix O. AB = AC does not necessarily imply that A = O or B= C. Study the following before proceeding on to No.16. If AC = Band A is non-singular, Consider a pair of simultaneous linear equations: axtbyre oxtdy=f From them we have “x=gandy=h This is possible only if ad - be # 0. If ad — be = 0, then step two, which involves div) zero, is impossible, Ifad— be = 0, the graphs of the two linear equations are cither parallel or they coincide. They have no unique solution. (2793 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1 A company produces 4 types of central heating radiator, known as types, B,C and D. A builder buys radiators for all the houses on a new estate. There are 20 small houses, 30 medium houses and 15 large houses. Asmall house needs 3 radiators of type A, 2 of type B and 2 of type C. A medium-sized house needs 2 radiators of type 4, 3 of type C and 3 of type D. A large house needs | radiator of type B, 6 of type Cand 3 of type D. The costs of the radiators are $30 for type 4, $40 for B, $50 for C and $80 for D. Using matrix multiplication twice, find the total cost to the builder of all the radiators for the estate. (N2002/P 1/5) , . 43 . . Write down the inverse of the matrix ( 76 } and use this to solve the simultaneous equations dx + 3y+7= 0. Tx + fy + 16=0. (N2002/P2/1) A small manufacturing firm produces four types of product, 4, 8, C and D. Each product requires three processes - assembly, finishing and packaging. The number of minutes required for each type of product for each process and the cost, in $ per minute, of each process are given in the following table. Number of minutes Type 4 B c D vince 8 Process Assembly 8 6 6 5 0.60 Finishing 5 4 3 2 0.20 Packaging 3 3 2 2 0.50 The firm receives an order for 40 of type 4, 50 of type B, 30 of type C and 60 of type D. Write down three matrices such that matrix multiplication will give the total cost of mecting this order. Hence evaluate this total cost. (N2003/P1/7) Given A= G 7) and B= ( 4 ‘), write down the inverse of A and of B. Hence find (i) the matrix C such that 24°! + C= B, (id) the matrix D such that BD = A. (N2003/P2/7) Given that A > [ - ; } find A“! and hence salve the simultaneous equations Qv+3y+4=0 “Sx + 4y+13=0. (N2004/P2/1) ao ot 23 It is given that A (3 4 identity matrix. Evaluate p and k. (N2003/P2/6) } and that A + A‘ = 41, where p and & are constants and I is the 74 7 A large airline has a fleet of aircraft consisting of 3 aircraft of type 4, 8 of type B, 4 of type C and 10 of type D. The aircraft have 3 classes of seat known as Economy, Business and First. The table below shows the number of these seats in each of the 4 types of aircraft Llass of seat | samy | Business ‘Type of aircraft ~~~ A 300 o 40 B 150 50 20 c 120 40 0 D 100 0 0 (i) Write down two matrices whose product shows the total number of seats in each class. Gi) Evaluate this product of matrices. On a particular day, each aircraft made one flight. 5% of the Economy seats were empty, 10% of the Business seats were empty and 20% of the First seats were empty. (iii), Write down a matrix whose product with the matrix found in part (ii) will give the total number of empty seats on that day, (iv) Evaluate this total. (N2006/P'1/5) Given that A = [ 4 I } use the inverse matrix of A to (i) solve the simultaneous equations y—4x + 8 = 0, 2y-3x41=0, 2 (ii) find the matrix B such that BA -( Go } (N2006/P2/8) (2795 TOPIC 28 =TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR THE GENERAL ANGLE IMPORTANT NOTES AND FORMULAE In the first quadrant all the trigonometric functions are positive. In the second quadrant only sine and cosecant are positive Jn the third quadrant only tangent and cotangent are In the fourth quadrant only cosine and secant are pos 2 Any trigonometric function of (1 » 90° + x), where n is an even integer, is equal to the same functions of x, with the sign depending upon the quadrant in which the angle lies. Any trigonometric fimetion of (2 + 90° = x), where #7 is an odd integer, is equal to the co-function of x, with the sign depending upon the quadrant in which the angle lies. 3. Trigonometric o Functions sine a cosecant cosine Lengih ef arc 4. The ratio Tigusercrax IS always the same for a given central angle. This ratio is the circular measure of the angle, Its unit is a radian. 2a radians = 360", radians = 180°, r radians = WORKED EXAMPLES State the limits between which B must lie if B is acute and cos 32 is negative. Bis acute > 0° < B< 90° and 0°< 32 < 270° cos 3B is negative —> 90° < 38-<270° and 30° < B<.90° ii) From (i)and (ii), 30°< B< 90° (28)1 nw Find the value of tan 1020° without using tables or calculators. tan 1020°= tan (990° + 30°) =tan (11 «90° + 30°) =~ cot 30° Since 11 is an odd integer and 1020° is in the fourth quadrant (or the "twelfth" quadrant). tan 1020°= — /3 3. Given that sin 4 is 0-6, tan A is negative and 0° <4 < 360°, find the value of cos +A. sind > 0 and tan 4 < 0, therefore 90° <4 < 180° From the calculator A = sin”! (0-6) = -36-9° + 180° = 143-1° £08 $4 = cos} (143-19) = 0-316 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS No questions on this topic in the last 10 years. (28)2 Every vertical line through x = 490°, 270°, 4450°, ... (or + reflective symmetry .) is an axis of With these values ofx, sin (¥ + a) = sin (v— @) for any a. 3. Symmetry of Cosine Curve (i) Every vertical line through x reflective symmetry. For these values of x, cos (x + a) = cos (x~ a) for any a. ye cosx S40" 180 180" S40" Fou wr 360 > (ii) Every point on the x-axis with x = £90°, £270°, £450° ... (or £3, centre of point symmetry. For these values of x, cos (x ~ or) =~ cos (x + @) for any x. +180°, +360° .. (or 0, 4m, 42 ...) is an axis of y= cos x 4. To transform the graph of f(x), where f(x) = sin x or cos x, into the graph of (i) f@)tb: Translate the graph of f(x) vertically 5 units upward if b is positive and 4 units downward if} is negative, The amplitude and period are unchanged, Alternative method: Translate the x-axis of the graph of f(x) 6 units in the opposite direction. Relabel the y-axis. (ii) fr+h): Translate the graph of f(x} horizontally 6 units to the left if 6 is positive and 5 units to the right if b is ne: The amplitude and period remain unchanged. Alternative method : Translate the y-axis of the graph of 7x) 6 units in the opposite direction. Relabel the x-axis. Gil) — fo) Reflect the graph of f(x) in the x-axis. The amplitude and period remain unchanged. (iv) Graph of bf (x): Sketch the graph of f(x) vertically. Scale factor is 6 and the x-axis remains invariant. ‘The amplitude is now 5 but the period remains unchanged, Alternative method if} is positive: Multiply the label of the y-axis of f(x) by b. (v) Graph of f(-x): Reflect the graph of f'(x) in the y-axis. The amplitude and period remain unchanged. (vi) Graph of f(x): Stretch the graph of f (x) horizontally. Scale factor is ¢ and the y-axis remains unchanged. The amplitude remains unchanged. The period is 22 radian or 2, Alternative method if} is positive : Divide the label of the x-axis af y = f(x) by b. Graph of FQ) : Reflect about the x-axis any part of the graph of #(x) which is below the x-axis. (viii) Graph of 75 : The graph of (x) and that of reciprocal function 1; are related in the following ways: wi (a) For the same value of y they have the same sign (b) Both functions equal + | simultancously. (c) Both functions cannot be zero fer any value of x. (d) When one function approaches zero the other approaches infinity. (¢) When one function decreases the other increases PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. The function fis defined, for 0 << x, by f[x)=5+3 cos 4x. Find (i) the amplitude and the period of f (ii) the coordinates of the maximum and minimum points of the curve y= fix). (N2004/P 1/6) 2, The function fis given by fsx 24 5 sin 3x for O° g = ebaz) can be written in the form & tan @and find the value of k (N2003/P2/2) Prove the identity cos x cot x + sin x = cosee x. (N2006/P2/2) Given that p = cos 4 + sin 4, q = cos 4—sin 4 and that 4 is a measured in degrees, (i) find the value of p* + g°, (it) show that 4 = tan(45° + 4). (SPO8/P1/2) (30)2 TOPIC 31 SOLUTION OF TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES ne » If sin (ax + b) = y and let @ = sin''y be the basic angle obtained from the inverse trigonometric function key of a calculator, then ax + b = 0 + 2360" or (-0 + 180°) + 360° where is an integer. Similarly for cos (ax +b) =y ax +b=6 +1360" or (8 + 360") + 1360" Iftanlav+b)=y ax + b= 0+ 0180" If solutions are required in radians, x and 2x must replace 180° and 360° respectively. If 0 SxS 360", sin (ax +b) = ty 180°, 8 + 180°, -6 + 360°. The same Solve the equation a sin x + 6 cos x = ¢ where 0° ¢ x < 360°. Solution: a sine 6 cos.x and 6 = sin“!yis the basic angle, then av + b = @-O+ truc for cos (ax + b) and tan (ax + b), PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS p isfy the equation (i) 16 sin x -— 8 sin?x Find all the angles, between 0 and 360°, which s 18°) +2=0. (N97/PI/14) = 5cos*x, (ti) 4 sin ycos y = 3 cos’y = 0, (iii) sect Find all the angles between 0° and 360° which satisfy the equation (i) 2 cos 2x = 4 sin x + 3, Gai) sin (y + 30°) = 3 cos y. (NOT/P2Sa) (a) Find all the angles between 0° and 360° which satisfy the equation (i) 2 sin 2x + 1 =0, (ii) sec y (1 + tan y) = 6 cosee y. (b) Find all the values of 1 between 0 and 10, for which cos (¢)= 0-6, where “4 is measured in radians. «N98/P 1/12) Solve the equation 8.8 — 2x ix —- 1 = 0. Hence find the values of 4, between O° and 180°, which satisfy the equation 8 tan*@ — 2 tan 6 — 5 = cot @. (N98/P2/1b) GI) 16. (a) Solve, for 0° < x-< 360°, the equation 4 tan?x+ & sec x= 1. (b) Given the y <4, find the largest value of y such that 5 tan (2y +1) = 16. (N2003/P1/9) (a) Solve, for 0° < x < 360°, the equation sin’ x =3 cos’ x44 sin x. (b) Solve, for 0 < y <4, the equation cot 2y = 0.25, giving your answers in radians correct to 2 deeimal places. (N2004/P 1/9) Given that x = 3sin® — 2cos@ and y = 3cos8 + 2sin®, (i) find the value of the acute angle @ for which x=) (ii) show that? + 5° is constant for all values of 8. (N2004/P2/6) (a) Find all the angles between 0° and 360° which satisfy the equation 3 cos «= 8 4an x. (b) Given that 4 < y <6, find the value of y for which 2cos(*) + JF =0. —(N2008/1/9) (a) Solve, for 0° < x <= 360°, the equation 2eotr = 1 + tanx. (b) Given that y is measured in radians, find the two smallest positive values of y such that 6sin@y +1) +5=0. (N2006/P 1/11) Find all the angles between 0° and 180° which satisfy the equation 2 cosx - 3 sin 2x = 0. (SPO8/P1/1) The diagram shows a rectangle ABCD inside a semicircle, centre O and radius 4 m, such that angle BOA = angle COD = 6°. The perimeter of the rectangle is P m. (i) Show that P = 16cas6° + 8sind*. Express P in the form R cos(? ~ a). . Oe Gi) Find the maximum value of P and the corresponding value of 8 Is 2] (iv) Find the value of @ for which P = 15. a e o (SPO8/P2/11) G13 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. I, re) The diagram shows a triangle ABC in which AB = c, angle BAC B = 60° and angle BCA = 90°, The mid-point of BC is D and angle BAD = 3°, Show that Le (i) the length of AD is exactly [—. CS Gi) x? =60° - ant ) (SPO8/P1/6) ‘ D s N P T Inthe diagram above SPT is a tangent to a circle at the point ?. The points Q and & lic on the cirele. The line PM is perpendicular to the chord QR and the line RN is perpendicular to the tangent SPT. (i) By considering QP as a chord of the circle, find, with explanation, an angle equal to angle OPT. Gi) Explain why a circle with PR as diameter passes through M and N. (iti) Prove that the lines MN and QP are parallel. (SPO8/P2/7) (32)2 TOPIC 33 CIRCLES, SECTORS AND SEGMENTS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES r= radius d= diameter =2r R= radius p= perimeter ¢ = circumference @ = angle al the centre 1, Cirele 2. Annulus 2aR+ 2zr A=nR? =n? 2n(R+r) =2(R?-r) =an(R+r)\(R-r) , { a , 3. Sector p=2rta @ measured in degrees : “ o a= {y2ars sear 1 - A=sonrt = tar 6 measured in radians : a=r0 A=4°0 =4ar 4, Triangle A= base x height ABXACXSiNA =tABxBCxsinB B C =FBCxCAxsinc = 1 i (33)1 Minor segment p=a+tchord =at2rxsin$ abn? Azbrr Major segment © measured in degrees: p=a+tchord a _ na 180 6 imeasured in degrees : 1 ® measured in radians : mrt Br sing A = Area of Sector — Area of triangle *xsin@ A=$r0-4P xsind= $°O~sind) A= area of major sector + area of triangle = $9? sin + 6 measured in radians: mrt P=(2n-O)r42rsin $ Chord 1 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS p The figure shows a circle, centre O, radius 10 cm, and a tn chord AB such that angle AQB = => radians. Calculate Gi) the length of the major are ACB, (i) the area of the shaded region. (NOTIP 1/9) In the diagram, OAB is a sector of a circle, centre O, of radius 8 em and angle AOB = 0-92 radians. The line AD is the perpendicular fram A to OB. The line AC is perpendicular to OA and meets OB produced at C. Find (i) the perimeter of the region ADB, marked P, Gi) the area of the region ABC, marked Q. (N98/P'1/10) The diagram shows a circle, centre O, of radius 10 cm. The line AC is perpendicular to the radius QA, and the line OC intersects the circle at B. Given that angle OCA is 0-5 radians, calculate (i) the length of AC, (ii) the area of the shaded region, (iii) the perimeter of the shaded region. (N99/P'1/10) (33)2 =rQn-6+42sin 4) ? sin 04+ 4an— Or? 47Usin 0 42x -8) 0d 4 ce 05 radians The diagram shows a major segment of a circle, centre Ao O, radius 10 m. The chord AB is of length 12 m. Calculate (i) the perimeter of the segment, (ii) the area of the segment. (N2000/P1/6) The diagram shows a sector, AOB, of a circle, centre O, A radius r cm, where the acute angle AQB is @ radians. rors, Given that the perimeter of the sector is 14 cm and that the area of the sector is 10 cm?, evaluate r and @. @ <—] @ radians (NOI/P1/6) B In the diagram, OAB is a sector of a circle, centre O and radius 16 cm, and the length of the arc AB is 19.2 em. The mid-point of OA is C and the line through C parallel to OB meets the arc AB at D. The perpendicular from D to OB meets OB at £. (i) Find angle AOB in radians. (ii) Find the length of DE. Gil) Show that angle DOE is approximately 0.485 radians. (iv) Find the area of the shaded region. (N2003/P2/10) The diagram shows a sector COD of a circle, centre Q, in which angle COD = 4 radians, The points A and B lie on OD and OC respectively, and AB is an are of a circle, centre O, of radius 7 cm, Given that the area of the shaded region ABCD is 48 cm’, find the perimeter of this shaded region. (N2004/P 1/4) The diagram shows a semicircle, centre O, of radius c 8 cm. The radius OC makes an angle of 1.2 radians with the radius OB, The are CD of a circle has centre A and the point D lies on OB, Find the area of (i) sector COB, Gi) sector CAD, A oo (iii) the shaded region. (N2005/P1/120R) (33)3 TOPIC 34 VECTOR GEOMETRY FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES N we s A scalar quantity is one which is completely determined by a single number, its magnitude (size). It has no direction in space. A vector quantity has magnitude (modulus), in the ordinary algebraic sense, as well as direction in space. It can be represented by a directed line segment whose direction is that of the veetor and whose length is proportional to its magnitude. Vectors are usually printed in boldface type: a: the vectora AB : the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the directed line segment AB. The magnitude of vectors are denoted by modulus signs : jal the magnitude of a | AB|; the magnitude of AB In writing and printing, & @ a, 4B, AB, AB may be used to represent vector and a, AB, lel, L481 may be used to represent magnitudes. A zero vector (null vector) has zero magnitude and no specific direction. It is represented by a point and symbolised by 0, When it is added to any other vector the vector is unchanged. AB+0=AB. (i) Triangle Law : The sum (resultant) of any two vectors (called components) of the same kind represented by AB and BC is a vector represented by AC. (ii) Parallelogram Law: The sum of two component vectors AB and AD drawn from any point 4 is represented by the diagonal AC of the parallelogram ABCD. Gii) Resultant by rectangular resolution : If A = (0, 0), B= G1, 1),C =G, y2) then AD, the sum of AB and AC has its terminal point (terminus) at (vj +2.) +2). The Polygon Law: A set of three of more vectors may be added by forming a sequence in which the vectors are placed tip-to-tail in any order. The vector joining the unattached tail to the unattached tip is the resultant. A vector can be resolved into any number of m components, where # is a pos' integer, in infinite number of ways, by drawing a polygon of (7 + 1) sides aceording to the Pelygon Law. Addition of vectors is both commutative and associative : () atb=bta, (i) atbt+te=(at+b)+e2a4+(b4eo). A vector which has the same magnitude and parallel to AB (or @) but is of the opposite sense is called the negative of AB. It is designated as —AB (or —a). AB +(-AB)=0. -AB= BA, ‘The subtraction of vectors is defined as the addition of their negatives : (i) a-b=a+(-b). Gi) a-a=a+Ca)=0. Gayl PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS ne The diagram shows the parallelogram OAC. Given that A = 3 OA = 3i+ j and that OC = 4i - 2), = (i) find OB. (ii) use a scalar product to find the acute angle between, c the diagonals of the parallelogram. (N97/P 1/8) The position vectors of the points 4, 8 and C, relative to 4 origin O, are a, b and a + 2b respectively. AB and OC c iD OP Lo fr. on: meet at D, where 4 = p and QE = q. Express OD in terms of (i), b and p, (ii) a, b and g. Henee svalyate p 4 7 and q. Given that a=] |, &> 0 and that b=| } find the value of & for which angle OD-4 = 90°. (N97/P1/16) (a) Given that a -( 1 \n ( 7 angle between a and b, (iii) the value of p for which b and c are perpendicular. (b} The position vectors of the points L, Af and N, relative to an origin ©, are d,e and 2d + > S 2e respectively. The point P lies on LM and is such that LP = 3Z4f. The line OP is produced to mect the line LN at Q. Given that OO = 40P and that LO = LN, express — OO in terms of (i) A, d and ¢, (ii) 1, d and ¢. Hence determine the value of } and of pt. (NOBPI/I5) Relative to an origin O the position vectors of the points P and Q are 3i + j and 7i— 15j wn db =f P| gna cy the v J au ce ( pet } find (i) the value of a + b, (ii) the > — respectively, Given that 2 is the point such that 3P2 = RQ, find a unit vector in the direction = OR. (N99/P 1/3) a , - _ 4 k The position vectors of points P and Q relative to an origin O are ( > jn ( 4 } = respectively. Given that OP is perpendicular to OP, use a scalar product to find (i) the value of &, (ii) the angle O@P. The position vector of the point & relative to the origin O is 6 = oe =. Given that Y is a point on RP such that KY = 1A, (iii) express OY as a column vector in ye terms of 4. Given also that OX = j10Q, (iv) find the value of 4 and of yu. (N9D/PI/16) (a) Find the positive value of p for which 0-61 + pj is a unit vector. (b) The vector 3i + 4j is parallel to the vector a + 3b, where a = gi — j and b =i + qj. Find the value of g. (N2000/P 1/16) G4)3 7, Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted. (a) (b) (b) The four points QO, A, B and D are such that O- = fd OD = [ i). (i) Show that O, 4 and 2 lie on the same straight line. (1) 2-2) —» > Find the value of d given that |4D| = |BD|. The pe O are p and q . > ph . A respectively. The point & is such that OR = -OP and ihe point § is mid-point of PQ. tion vectors of the points P and Q relative to an or > > (@) Express RO and OS in terms of pand q. +s > => lS RS is produced to meet OG produced at the point 7 so that Sf = ARS and OF = nOO =. Express ST in terms of (ii) 4, p and q. (ii) 1, p and q. Hence find the value of 4 and of ju. (N2000/P 1/16) Points A, B and C have positive vectors a, b and ¢ e respectively, relative to an origin O. The point P lies on BC such that BP : PC = 1 The point O 5 lies on AP produced such that AP : PQ = 1: 2. Find, in terms of a, b and e, — di) OP, aa Gi) 08. — > Show that CO is parallel to AB. The point 4, B, C and D, shown in diagram, are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD. The positive vectors of A, B and C, relative to O, are 3i + dj. + j and 5i + 2j respectively. Find > () AC, — (ii) BD, > (iii) OD. The point A’ is the reflection of A in the x-axis. (iv) Show that the points 4’, C and D are collinear and find the ratio 4'°C : CD. (NOL/PI/14) G4)4 TOPIC35 VELOCITY VECTORS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES n we In clementary problems on velocity vectors, the earth is assumed to be stationary. The velocity of a moving object P relative to the earth can be denoted by Vre, or simply, Ve. It is the “actual” velocity of P as measured by an observer who is not moving relative to the earth. (i) Vre is a vector quantity. It must be specified by its direction and magnitude (speed). — ‘The magnitude of Vee is Vee. In written form they can be denoted by Vpg and | Fre respectivel: Gi) Example: Ver — on a bearing of 060° 38 kmh! Ver 35 kin ht Vig is the velocity of P relative to Q. It is the velocity of P as measured by an observer at Q. a) Vor Vir Ver Vow Vro Veo Vio = Vie ~ Vor Vro= Ver — Vor (i) Veo=—Vor or Vor =—Vro Vo + Vor = Ver The sum of the velocity of P relative to Q and the velocity of Q relative to R is the velocity of P relative to R. — (i) The position vector of Q relative wo P is the vector PQ (maybe written as PQ). Its > tude is PQ (maybe written as jp Gi) PQ=-QP Do not confuse position vector with velocity vector. Do not confuse distance or displacement with speed. (i) If Vpg is in the same direction as PQ, or Vop is in the same direction as QP, then and only then will the two moving object P and Q intercept each other. Gi) If Vpg is in the same direction as QP, or Vop is in the same direction as PQ, then the two moving objects P and Q are moving away from each other (35)1 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. n An aircraft leaves A to fly to 2 which is 100 km due North of A. The iB pilot sets a course due North but after 15 minutes he realises that, i owing to a wind blowing from due East, the plane is at a point i where C is 65 km from A and 16 km West of A. Find (i) the speed, km hr, of the wind, (ii) the speed, in km bh”, of the aircraft in still air, (ii) the course the pilot should have set fram A order to have amived directly at B. Find also the course the pilot should set from C in order to fly directly to B and, in this case, the time, to the nearest minute, taken for the journey from A to B. (N9OT/PII3) }100 Kin; cet A Aberdeen is 750 km due north of London, A plane, whose speed in still air is 480 km hol, flies directly from London to Aberdeen in a time of I4hours. There is a wind of 80 kmh! blowing from a direction whose bearing is (+ 180)°, where 0 << 90.Find (i) the vatue of 8, (ii) the direction in which the pilot heads the plane, On the return journey next day, the wind specd is still 80 km h7'but its direction is now from the north-east, The plane leaves Aberdeen at O800. Assuming that the speed in still air is again 480 km h7!, find (iii) the direction in which the pilot must head the plane, (iv) the expected time of arrival in London, (N2000/P2/10) A plane, whose speed in still air is 500 km h-', flies from a point A toa point B, 1560 km due north of A. Because of the action of a constant wind the plane must head in a direction whose bearing is 009°. Given that the flight takes 3 hours, (i) show that the speed of the wind is approximately 82.5 km bh‘, Gi) find the hearing of the direction from which the wind is blowing. On another occasion the wind, whose speed is now 90 km h"', is blowing from a direction whose bearing is 120°. A second plane, whose speed in still 75 km Ir", flies from A to a point C which is due east of A. Given that this flight also takes 3 hours, ii) find the distance AC, (N2001/P2/10) At 1200 hours, ship P is at the point with position vector SOj km and ship @ is at the point with position vector (80% + 20j) km, as shown in the diagram. Ship P is travelling with velocity (204 + 10) km h+ and ship @ is travelling with velocity (-10i + 30j) km h*. (i) Find an expression for the position vector of » Pand of Q at timer hours after 1200 hours. Gi) Use your answers to part (i) to determine the distance apart of P and Q at 1400 hours. (ii) Determine, with full working, whether or not P and Q will meet. (N2002/P 1/10) P(0,50) * (80,20) oO x In this question, iis a unit vector due east and jis a unit vector due north. A plane flies from P to Q. The velocity, in still air, of the plane is (280i - 409) km ho! and there is a constant wind blowing with velocity (S0i- 70j) km h7'. Find (i) _ the bearing of Q from P, (ii) the time of flight, to the nearest minute, en that the distance PQ is 273 km. (N2003/P 1/6) (35)2 A motor boat travels in a straight line across a river which flows at 3 ms“! between straight parallel banks 200 m apart. The motor boat, which has a top speed of 6 ms" still water, travels directly from a point A on one bank to a point B, 150 m downstream of A, on the opposite bank. Assuming that the motor boat is travelling at top speed, find, to the nearest second, the time it takes to travel from A to B. (N2004/P2/8) The diagram shows a river 90 m wide, Mowing at 2 ms‘! between parallel banks, A ferry travels in a straight line from a point A to a point B directly opposite A. Given that the ferry takes exactly one minute to cross the river, find i) the speed of the ferry in still water, (it) the angle to the bank at which the ferry must be steered. (N2006/P2/4) (35)3 TOPIC 37 QUOTIENT RULE FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES tf) _ Sxbofrh- fordeg'd ed glx) {ete WORKED EXAMPLES 1, Calculate the gradient of the curve » = 4+ at the point where x = 3. 2 _ (ee and ty? 4 252 ' (ve n 3. Differentiate with respect tox, a fe Sy-2 (Gx? = 195-5 - 206) ue b= 1 Ge 1 = Ais? = 5 ~ 30x? 4 12 gt? PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 2x3 1. Find the value of k for which (454) = Tp. (N97/P2/6b) G7) TOPIC 41 IMPLICIT DIFFERENTIATION FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES ‘ , hy =xty or Oy) =! +y aa Byte x S PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS I. Find the gradient of the curve 3° = 2° + 2xy + 8 at each of the points where x= 2. (N97/P2/6c) @ot TOPIC 42 TANGENTS AND NORMALS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES > ‘The equation of the tangent to the curve f(x) at the point (vy, yi} is y—yy = f'n) x Or— a). ‘The equation of the normal to the curve at (x;,y;) is v-¥1)* f'(Qy) = Ax — x1) PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. ie) 10, The gradient at any point on a particular curve is given by the expression »° Where x > 0. Given that the curve passes through the point P(4, 18), find (i) the equation ‘of the normal to the curve at P, (ii) the equation of the curve. Find the coordinates of the point on the curve when the gradient is. a minimum and calculate ninimum value. (N97/PL/T2) Acurve has the equation y= 7—3y. Find an expression for =. Hence find (i) the equation of the normal to the curve at the point where + = 2, (ii) the approximate increase in y as x increases from 2 to 2 + p, where pis small. (N9S/PT/4) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y* =.7y + 6y at the point (2, 6). (N98/P2/6b) The gradient at any point (x,y) on a particular curve is given by * =l+ . The equation of the tangent at the point P on the curve is y = 3x + 1. Given that the x-coordinate of P is positive, find (i) the coordinates of P, (ii) the equation of the curve. (N9OIPLI7) 6x +25 at the point (0, 5) (N99/P2/6b) The equation of a curve is y = 7y. Find the equation of the normal to the curve at the point where x= 3. (N2000/P 1/8) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve xy + x7 = 2y at the point on the curve where axel (N2000/P2/8a) The point P lies on the curve y =.7 - 3x + ¢, where c is a constant. The equation of the tangent to the curve at P is y = 5.x + 3. Find the equation of the normal to the curve at P, Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = (NOMP LO) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = 2+ at the point where the curve meets the A-UXiS. (NO1/P2/3b) = crossing the x-axis at P and the y-axis at Q. aR, The diagram shows part of the curve } The normal to the curve at P meets the y-ax (i) Given that = yA, evaluate k. (ii) Find the length of RQ. (N2002/P1/11) (42)1 j 2nd A curve has the equation y =. ‘ . ci . . (i) Obtain an expression for {¢ and hence explain why the curve has no tring points, The curve intersects the x-axis af the point P. The tangent to the curve at P meets the y-axis at the point Q. {ii} Find the area of the triangle POQ, where Q is the origin. (N2006/P1/9) (42)2 0.9 09-1744 x 0.9 - 10) =(-0.1)4-6.4) <0 1 11-174 x 1.1 = 10) =0.1%(-5.6) <0 » (1, 0) is a point of inflexion on falling curve. 25-3) [= IA) + (x 2.5% — 13) =4[tx= IF + Aa Dor~ 2.59] =4((2.5 - 1) + 202.5 - Lit >O 2. (2.5, -1.6875) is a minimum turning point. a} ystr— 1-3) (2.5, 1.6875) PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. A circular cylinder, open at one end, is constructed of thin sheet metal whose area is 4322 cm’. The cylinder has a radius of r cm and a height of h em, (i) Show that the volume, Vem’, contained by the cylinder is given by Vv 432r—). Given that r can vary, (ii) find the value of r for which Vis stationary, (iii) evaluate the stalionary value of V and determine, with working, whether this value is a maximum or a minimum. (NST7/P1/13) 2. (a) Find the coordinates of the stationary points on the curve y = 27 + 12. + 3x? - 28 and deduce the nature of each of these points. (b) A hollow closed rectangular tank is made from sheet metal of negligible thickness. The tank has length 2x m width x m amd a total extemal surface area of 48 mr. Express, in terms of x, (i) the height of the tank, (ii) the volume of the tank, Given that x can vary, find the dimensions of the tank for which the volume is a maximum. (NOS/PI/14) (43)2 Find the range of the function f : x 2 + 8x for the domain 1 0) or below the x-axis (y < 0). If > Othe graph is a rising curve. If <0 the graph is a falling curve, If > = 0 the point is either a turning point or a point of inflection on horizontal tangent. Where the gradient is infinite, the tangent at that point is parallel to the y-axis. Mark any point whose co-ordinates are either given or can be calculated if necessary. Now join this points with a smooth curve but do not cross points of discontinuity. PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS No questions on this topic in the tast 10 years. (4yt TOPIC 45 DERIVATIVES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Let the parametric equations of a curve be x = f(r) and y = gtr). The gradient of the curve at any point with parameter ris 2 = tet > ff. - Set) 2. The equation of the tangent to the curve at this point is y— el) = a 3. The equation of the normal to the curve at this point is [y—glrd]>< PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. The parametric equations of a curve are. x = 41+ 2, y = 2¢~ 5, Find (i) an expression for in terms of 1, (ii) the coordinates of the point at which the tangent to the curve at (13, -3) meets the x-axis, (iii) the coordinates of each of the poinis on the curve at which the tangent to the curve is parallel to the y-axis. id also (i¥) the value of ¢ at each of the points of intersection of the curve with the line x + y= 16, (v) the cartesian equation of the curve. (N97/P2/8) In terms of the parameter ¢, the equations of a curve are x = F - ft, y = 26+ 1. (i) Find the value of fat the point ? on the curve where the gradient is “¢. (i) Show that the equation of the normal at P is 2y + 5x = 44, (iii) Find the value of f at the point where the normal at P again intersects the curve. (N98/P2/8a) n 3. (a) The parametric equations of a curve are x the normal to the curve, at the point where r 6 +67 + 100, y =3F + 1214 5. (i) Show that Q, passes through the point (6, 0). (ii) Find the value of ¢ at each of the points where the line « -— 2y + 10 = 0 intersects the curve. (b) The parametric equations of a curve are x = 2 sin 0 — 1, y = 2 cos 20, for — 4. (i) Find the gradient of this curve at the point where this curve intersects the y-axis. (ii) Find the value of aand of b for which the cartesian equation of this curve is y= 1 + ax + bx (NO9/P2/8), 4. The parametric equations of a curve are x = 4¢ + 1, y = 1 +f, The line y = x intersects the curve at points A, B and C. The coorinates of A are negative and 2 lies between A and C. (i) Find the coordinates of A, B and C. (ii) Show that AB = BC. (iii) Obtain an expression for 2 in terms of ¢. (iv) Show that the tangent to the curve at A is parallel to the tangent at C and find the equation of cach of these tangents. (v) Given that the tangent at A meets the curve again at the point D, find the value of rat 2D. (vi) Obtain the cartesian equation of the curve. (N2000/P2/2) 5. The parametric equations of a curve are x =P -4t+5,y= P44, (i) Express < in terms of 1. A is the point on the curve where ¢= 1. The tangent to the curve at A meets the x-axis at B. (ii) Find the area of triangle AOB, where Q is the ongin. (45)1 TOPIC 46 SMALL INCREMENTS AND APPROXIMATIONS FORMULAE AND IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Let Av and Ay be the change in the value of x and the change in the value of y respectively. ‘They are to be positive if the change is an increase and negative if the change is a decrease. They may also be written as dx and dy, Git) f+ add = fit 2x as 3. (i) A percentage change of p % in-x means Ax = p% x or (ii) A percentage change of q % in y means Ay = 4% y or = = q% (ii) If asmall change of p% in x causes a change of q% in y, then, rex from No.2 (ii): gf ~ x2 PAST EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. Accurve has the equation y = q2S5r where c is constant, (i) Obtain an expression for = (i) When x increases from | to | + p, where p is small, the corresponding change in y is approximately 35. Find the value of c. (N9O7/P2/6d) 2. Use calculus to determine, in terms of p, the approximate change in the radius of a circle when the area of circle increases from 9007 10 (900 + pyr, where p is small (N99/P 1/8) 3. Given that y =.) + 9x, use calculus to find, in terms of p, the approximate percentage increase in y when x increase from 3 to 3 + p, where p is small. (N2000/P 1/13a) 4, Given that y = x In x — x, find an expression for 4. Hence find, in terms of p, the ¢ in y When x changes from ¢? to c? + p, where pis small. (N2000/P2/8e) approximate chi $. ‘Two variables, x and y, are related by the equation y = x? + £. (i) Obtain an expression for (ii) Use your expression to find the approximate change in the value of y when x changes from 2 to 2-05. (NOU/P 1/8) 6. (i) Given that y= 1 + In (2v — 3), obtain an expression for = (ii) Hence find, in terms of p, the approximate value of y when x= 2 + p, where p is small. (N2005/P2/3) 7. The equation of a curveis y= at (i) Find the gradient of the curve where x = 2. (ii)Find the approximate change in y when x increases from 2 to 2 + p, where p is small. (N2006/P 1/3) (46)1

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