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communicate respond

Ta l k Yo u r Wa y t o t h e To p
How to Address Any Audience
Like Your Career Depends On It.

website: www.communispond.com email address: info@communispond.com Phone: 1-800 843 5168

Talk Your Way to the Top
How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends on It

We have a saying at Communispond: “Every for a $50-million account. We were up

business challenge is a communications against four or five other top agencies.
challenge.” At first, it may sound like one We knew that the presentation was every-
of those simple “So what?” axioms, often thing. We needed to highlight our talents,
heard in the business world, that are im- our creativity, our skills, our people, and our
possible to disagree with because it’s impos- accomplishments. The presentation would
sible to find any deeper meaning behind be made up of many parts and many people.
them. But think about it a little more. We created an agenda, identified the presen-
Try to name one business challenge that ters, and rehearsed the presentation (more
doesn’t hinge on effective communication. than once).

Increasing sales, using advertising and mar- When the big day arrived, the client showed
keting, recruiting and retaining employees, up with his team of eight people. They were
cultivating strategic leadership, inculcating taken to the main conference room, which
an organizational vision, improving investor had been designed as a mini-theater for just
relations, changing how your company or this purpose. Eleven different people from
product is perceived, launching new busi- our agency participated in the presentation.
ness initiatives: they all depend on strong, They were the cream of the crop, the best
carefully developed, well-executed commu- that JWT had to offer, yet they ranked “good,
nication. You may have the best product or not great” as presenters. Our material was

service. You may develop the best ideas. first class but, with a couple of exceptions,
You may have the most talent-rich organi- our presenters weren’t. We knew that the
zation and deepest resources. You may have presentation had to “knock the lights out”
the best business plan. If you don’t com- for us to win the account. Alas, the lights
municate what they mean to your various were still on when we finished. We didn’t

internal or external audiences, none of get the business. The best efforts of the
them will matter. It’s not just the message top people of the number one advertising
—it’s how the message is delivered.

Here’s an example. I’ll never forget my The presentation is a

first experience with the new business “moment of truth” for the
development team for the J. Walter presenter. We can’t hide. We are
Thompson advertising agency. We had exposed, for better or worse.
an opportunity to make a presentation

2 Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It.
agency in the world were not good enough
because our communication skills were
not good enough.

I came to realize that, in the advertising

business (and every other business too),
decisions were made in response to an oral
presentation, rather than a written pro-
posal. The proposal was important. But the
differentiator was the presentation. Clients
could see and hear and sense what the
recommendation was all about. They
could ask questions. The presentation is
a “moment of truth” for the presenter. We
can’t hide. We are exposed, for better or
worse. The listeners decide whether they
like us, believe us, trust us, and perceive
whether we are secure with ourselves and
confident in what we are saying. The view-
ers can see us think on the spot and judge
how smart we are. In other words, it all
comes down to communication.
Overcoming Your Fear of Speaking
Just as effective communication skills are
Of course, knowing the importance of
vital to organizations as a whole, they are
strong speaking and presentation skills
even more critical to the success of the in-
does not change one crucial fact: you still
dividuals within those organizations. Every
have to stand up and speak. And for most
career challenge, like every business chal-
people, that’s a problem. It’s intimidating.
lenge, involves communication-whether it’s
In fact, it can be downright scary.
running a smooth meeting, making presen-
tations to senior executives, persuasively I remember an ad some years ago for
delivering your point of view (sometimes in a public speaking course. The headline

disagreement with the boss), or conducting read, “There are only two times when
a successful business lunch. you’re truly alone. Just before you die, and
just before you give a speech.” If that’s also
Success and good communication skills
how you feel, here’s a consolation: you’re
build upon each other. Even more so than
in good company. Most businesspeople
people just starting their careers, successful

are nervous about standing before a group

businesspeople need strong speaking and
and making a presentation.
presentation skills because they receive
more opportunities to communicate in Benjamin Disraeli, one of the greatest
front of groups of people. And, ironically, prime ministers of Britain, once said that
the better you are at communication, the he would rather have led a cavalry charge
more successful you can become, since than faced the House of Commons for the
leadership gravitates toward people who first time. William Jennings Bryan, one of
can speak well in front of a group. the great American orators of the twentieth

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The most important criterion to look for
is the number of “on your feet” speaking
opportunities the program provides-the
more the better. You don’t overcome fear
and develop self-confidence by listening
to lectures. Emerson said, “If you can do
a thing once, you can do it twice. If you
can do it twice, you can make a habit out
century, admitted that, in his first attempts of it.” We learn by doing. Most of the
at public speaking, “. . . my knees fairly skills that have to do with overcoming
smote together.” fear are physical.

More recently, the Book of Lists printed 3. Make a decision-and go. There’s no sense
the results of a survey of 3,000 Americans. wallowing around in all the material you
One of the most startling outcomes was may have uncovered. Select the course
the answer to the question, “What are you that captures your fancy and sign up.
most afraid of?” Forty-one percent said, The very act of making a decision will
“Speaking before a group.” When the same free you.
question was asked on an “aided basis,”
which means the respondents were given Speaking As Well As You Think
a list of probable fears to select from, Every course in speaking and presentation
more than 90% selected “Speaking before skills will differ at least slightly from the
a group.” next But they all will help equip you with
skills you can apply to become a better
So if you have ever felt the roaring wings speaker-and, therefore, a better leader. At
of butterflies fluttering in your stomach Communispond, we focus on several key
before a presentation, you’re just like the principles to help businesspeople speak
rest of us. A dry mouth is normal. So is a as well as they think.
feeling of tension. So is a quaver in your
voice; a sense of awkwardness; not knowing Prepare Mentally and Physically
what to do with your hands; shortness of
In its simplest form, preparation is having

breath; sweatiness; a somewhat sickly pallor.

done enough work to be absolutely sure you
Fortunately, with a little work you can know what you’re talking about. Winston
overcome that fear. Here are three steps Churchill said it took him six or seven hours
toward that goal: to prepare a forty-five-minute speech. If you
want to be confident, you must know that
1. Face up to it. Admit to yourself that your message is worthy of the audience,

your fear of speaking in public is limit- worthy of the moment, and worthy of you.
ing your opportunity for recognition That takes time and work. And it’s worth it.
and advancement. It’s holding you back.
You can’t stand out in a competitive Know Your Subject
environment if you won’t stand up
The first step in gaining confidence is to
and speak.
know your subject. There is no substitute for
2. Examine possible solutions. There are that. If you’re not an expert on the subject,
hundreds of programs available to you. don’t speak. You become an expert through

4 Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It.
study and experience. If you think about it, But Don’t Read
you may see that you’re already qualified to Never read a speech to an audience unless
speak on a number of subjects. The reason you are forced. They deserve better. So do
you will be asked to speak is that someone you. No matter how erudite the writing is,
recognizes you as an expert or as a person the audience sees a speaker who reads his
who has experience worth sharing with a talk as the deliverer of yesterday’s news.
broader audience. The drama is gone. We cannot even be
The situation will usually determine the sure the speaker wrote the speech. Fickle
direction your remarks should take.When listeners that we are, we will give the speaker
Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg, he knew his demerits right off the bat. But when a
mission was to commemorate those who speaker begins a talk with head held high,
gave their lives on that battlefield site. A looking at the audience as he speaks, we
department head in a company may speak know that what we are hearing is “today’s
about the mission of the department a spe- bread,” baked fresh today, right before our
cial initiative or an unforeseen emergency; eyes. Our attention peaks. We are watching
in recognition of someone’s accomplish- a live performance. We are impressed.
ment; or to announce a promotion. As a
speaker, your responsibility is to reach into How a Speaker Impacts an Audience
your own storehouse of knowledge and A few years ago, a famous UCLA professor,
experience, determine your point of view Albert Mehrabian, conducted extensive
about the issue at hand, and then craft your research on the communication process.
message so it addresses How you look accounts for a whopping
the current need. 55%. How you sound accounts for 38%.
If you want to be
What you actually say accounts for only 7%.
confident, you must Put It on Paper
know that your How you look includes your clothes, your
By all means, write out
message is worthy facial expression, your stance, your hands,
your talk. It will help
of the audience, the leaning of your body, the way you move
you put your thoughts
your eyes. How you sound depends more
worthy of the in order. Seeing the talk
on volume and inflection than the quality
moment, and right there in front of
of your voice. Again, it’s an impression.

worthy of you. you will buoy your
The message is less important, ultimately,
than how it is delivered. Understanding
the importance of how you look and
sound is the first step toward speaking
Read your talk out loud over and over and presenting effectively.
again to your spouse, to a friend, to anoth-

er family member, even to your dog. Read

How Our Instincts Betray Us —
it in front of a mirror while trying to main-
and How to Turn the Tables on Them
tain eye contact with yourself as you read.
Once you know it well, do the same talk No matter how much we prepare to give
without the script. Make notes if you like. a speech, it cannot quite match what you
Use them while you rehearse. Rehearse feel during that “moment of truth.”
the speech out loud until you’re sick of it. You walk to the front of the room. You
Then go through it one more time. turn to face the audience. And there is that

website: www.communispond.com email address: info@communispond.com Phone: 1-800 843 5168 5

“superior force” out there, staring back at more than five seconds but less than fifteen
you. Every instinct says you should scan the seconds in length. Then move to another
audience. After all, 85% of all information pair of eyes and finish another thought.
stored in the brain comes through our And repeat the process over and over
eyes. They almost wander by themselves. until you finish.
Scanning for news is their job.
When you focus on one person, you reduce
But scanning exacerbates the problem. the audience to one individual. The situa-
Your eye relays all that blurry audience tion becomes the same as what you face
information, and the brain doesn’t know every day. You are used to speaking to one
what to do with it all. So it throws up an person at a time. Your brain can handle that
emergency flag and signals for an adrena- quite easily. Your butterflies will fly away.
line fix. You already have that gnawing
tension in your stomach from
Dealing with the Adrenaline Rush
knowing you are going to
When you focus When we stand in front of an audience,
speak. Then you get that extra
on one person, jolt of adrenaline to really jazz we feel a great adrenaline rush. Our bodies
you reduce the you up. Your nervousness is are supercharged. It’s more energy than we
audience to one increased. Your thoughts get are used to. If we don’t know what to do with
individual. The all jumbled. Your mind can it, this physical energy leaks out-and can
work to our disadvantage. We fidget, clear
situation becomes even go blank.
our throats, put our hands in our pockets,
the same as what To combat all this, we tend move our feet from side to side, scratch
you face every day. to slide into some pretty weak our heads, play with a pencil, run an index
defensive behaviors: finger across our nose, cross our feet.
• Looking away from the audience Fortunately, you can make all of this energy
when searching for a word work in your favor if you know what to do
• Looking at people without really with it. Here are some proven strategies:
seeing them
• Looking up, hoping for divine Speaking with Energy
intervention Your body can add a visual dimension to the

• Briefly closing our eyes when thinking content of your talk. Gesture for emphasis
• Sweeping the room with our eyes or excitement. Show physically that you are
committed to what you are saying. Increase
We use these behaviors because we don’t your volume to add inflection and vocal
know what else to do. None of them help emphasis to your message. That way, you
you think better or speak better. And their use the energy productively. In a real sense,

impact on an audience is negative. speaking reduces to an equation:

Focusing Your Eyes Energy released = Energy received

Focus on one person and one pair of eyes. (by the speaker) (by the audience)
Remain focused on one person in the
If we speak with low energy, the audience
audience until you complete a sentence or
receives low energy and our impact is
a phrase—a place in your dialogue where
reduced accordingly.
you might naturally pause. Usually it’s

6 Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It.
Using Your Hands
Where should your hands be? When
you begin, they should hang naturally by
your sides. Then they should be used to
describe and emphasize what you are
saying. Ideally, you should gesture with
one hand at a time.

Taking Your Stance

Walking around is of no value to the
audience unless you are going somewhere.
Pacing is going nowhere. You look
strongest and in greatest control when
you plant your feet shoulder width apart,
weight equally balanced, square to the audi- the energy, instead of letting go and
ence. That way, all of your energy manifests using it. You’ll swallow your words. Your
itself in gestures, facial expressions, and body will be a reflection of your weak voice.
upper body movements. Your message is You’ll be conscious of your nervousness.
reinforced and made clearer by your phys- That’s no good.
ical behavior. Your confidence will grow
But if you take a leap of faith and let your
as you sense the control.
voice ring out, you’ll find that your body
will follow and your confidence will soar.
Keeping Up the Volume
You see, volume is a trigger mechanism.
If your volume is low, you’re probably
Once you push yourself hard for more
speaking in a monotone. If you’re a mono-
volume, your body will become more
tone, you’re boring. Most executives don’t
engaged in helping get the message across.
speak with enough volume. Speakers think
they are loud. Audiences don’t. Audiences All of that will make you free-free of fear,
read low volume as low conviction or low free of self-consciousness, free of self-doubt.
interest on the part of the speaker. At that You will have taken all of your adrenaline

point you’ve lost them. The greatest sin and put it to work for you.
a speaker can commit is to be boring,
One more thing: Once you’ve begun to
because that loses the audience. And low
learn and internalize some of the skills for
volume is the greatest cause.
speaking as well as you think, put them to
Many people have been taught that they work. You can’t sharpen them if you don’t
should speak in a conversational tone. use them regularly. Seek opportunities to

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work when you speak. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do the
are speaking to an audience. You’ll be try- thing you fear to do and the death of that
ing to contain the adrenaline, to hold back fear is certain.”

Mr. Daley is the founder and chairman of Communispond, a communication skills training firm based in
New York. This white paper is a review of the book Talk Your Way to the Top (McGraw-Hill, September
2003), co-authored by Mr. Daley and Laura Daley-Caravella.

website: www.communispond.com email address: info@communispond.com Phone: 1-800 843 5168 7

communicate respond

website: www.communispond.com email address: info@communispond.com Phone: 1-800 843 5168

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