Ui2 Lesson Plan4

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UI2 Lesson Plan: Reporting Speech

Teacher/s: Dani Scheffler

Level: Upper Intermediate 2
Time: 9am-12pm
Goal: introduce a set of common reporting verbs (form, meaning, function) to Ss
Students Will Be Able To
1. identify common verbs used to report speech
2. practice reporting what other people say/said with appropriate verbs/verb forms
Theme(s): the news
Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage

Intera Time

Review or Preview (if Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:


le: SST)
Daily warm-up: What news stories did you hear over S-S,
5 min
the weekend? Share with partner. With class, decide if whole
soft or hard news.

Activity 1: intro to
reporting verbs
through reading on
Sharbat Gula

1. Look at the pictures on pg. 94. Discuss with
partner: (on board) Have you ever seen these
photos before? How would you describe the
women in the photos? What is the relationship
between them?


Elicit answers from Ss to set up article.

1.2. During Stage:
1. Were going to read through the article one
paragraph at a time and focus on something
different for each paragraph.
2. Read just first paragraph/intro.
Now write down 2 questions you have that you
hope the article will answer can be about
anything. Compare your questions with a

S-text 15+
+ S-S min

Read second paragraph: How do you think the

girl felt during the photograph? The
(Ss talk in pairs; whole group debrief after
each paragraph. Check to see if Ss have had
their questions answered.)
Read third paragraph: We know the
photographer remembers the day/moment he
took the picture, right? What do you think the
girl remembers about that day? How might her
memory be different than the photographers?
Read last paragraph: underline descriptive
words/language [connect to previous unit]. Are
they strong/intense descriptions? Can you
think of appropriate synonyms for them with
your partner?
3. Were any of your questions left unanswered?

whole 2 min

In groups of 3: Can you think of/describe other

iconic (vocab) photographs? What are the
stories behind them (do you know or can you S-S


Use your phones to show classmates/share

pictures with us.

Transition to #2: Do
all articles/news
stories use reported
speech? Can you
think of stories that
use it more than
others? (e.g.
eyewitness reports)

1.1 Post-Stage:
Tangible Outcome & Assessment
1. Elicit few examples from class, asking them to whole 3-5
report what someone in their group said. Write group min
relevant language on board: (S)he said/told
2. What verbs do we use when we report what
other people have said? List more ideas on
3. Ss scan article to find examples of reporting
S-text 5 min
verbs and how theyre used. Compare findings + S-S
with a partner. As class, categorize reporting
verbs followed by infinitive and verbs

followed by -ing.
2.1 Pre-Stage:
Activity 2: practice
using reporting
speech to share

1. To practice using reported speech, were going

to be detectives rather than reporters.
Show Ss visuals of mansion, library, chalk
outline to set up crime scene/mystery.
(Any ideas about whats happened?)


Lets look at the crime were trying to solve.

(Hand out mystery worksheet.) Let Ss read
through summary of crime individually.
2. In order to solve this crime what do we
(detectives) need to do?

whole 3-5
group min

Elicit answers/clarify meanings of: find

evidence/clues/witnesses, question suspects,
3. As detectives, well be focusing on talking to
the witnesses/suspects. (In this case, all
witnesses are our suspects and vice versa.)
What information do we need from them? Talk S-S,
in groups of 3 what info do we need to get
whole min
from suspects?
Ask each group to share one idea with class.
Elicit/clarify terms like alibi, motive, etc.
4. Lets look at an example of what a suspect
might say.
Go through butlers statement
whole 5-10
(witness/suspect) as class let Ss read through group min
it, have them decide which 2-3 pieces of
information (evidence) are most important.
5. What verbs might we use to report what the
suspect said to other detectives? (Said, told
me, admitted, confessed, insisted, )

Review how to combine reporting verbs with

possible evidence/what suspects said as whole
class. Leave examples on board.
(Example: The butler admitted he found the
2.2. During Stage:
1. Now its time to start investigating. Well be
working in teams to get information from our
suspects. (Demo: For example, Satoko and I
are detectives. Were working together to get
information about the crime. How do we do
that? We go around the room, find our
suspects, and read their statements.)

whole 1 min

2. Ss get A, B, or C suspect list and find their

team (others with the same list).
Each team will find and read statements from
the 2 suspects on their sheet. Together, they
must decide what information to report to the
other detectives (other teams) later by writing
at least 2 reported speech statements.



3. Remind teams to stay together and

negotiate/decide which evidence is most
important as a group.
2.3 Post-Stage:
Tangible Outcome & Assessment
1. When teams have collected suspect
statements/evidence, regroup so one A, one B, S-S
and one C student sit together.


They must report their findings to each other

using reported speech.
2. After all Ss have shared their information, they
should work together to decide who they think S-S
is guilty of the crime. They should be prepared
to say why they think so, using reported speech
to support their case. (We think Mrs.
Peacock is guilty because she
said/admitted/suggested that) Demo


form again on board if necessary.

3. Call on groups to share their conclusions. See
which Ss agree/disagree, if they focused on
same or different evidence, etc. Feedback on
form, use of reporting verbs.

Transition to wrapup: Okay, lets go

over some of the
things we learned

whole 10+
group min

Confirm/give solution to the murder (Mr.

Boddy was startled by the cobra and had a
heart attack. It was an accident, not a murder.)
Extension questions: Are Ss convinced by the
solution? Which suspects/witnesses had the
best/worst (most suspicious) alibis or
*note: Reported speech generated from this
activity will be used to continue practice of
reporting verbs + infinitive/-ing in next lesson.
See materials below.


Check what we accomplished today against our

objectives on board how did we do?
Whats one thing Ss learned about reporting
verbs/reported speech?
Looking ahead: what previous topics might show up
on the final exam? What have Ss been reviewing,
what do they think is most important?


whole 10
group min

(Characters and images borrowed from the board game and film Clue)

Its a mystery!
6 guests were invited to Mr. Boddys mansion for a party over the weekend. This
morning, while the guests prepared to leave, the butler asked everyone to join him
in the hall to make an announcement: Mr. Boddy was dead! The police were called,
and no one was allowed to leave until the police discovered how Mr. Boddy had
died, everyone was a suspect for murder.

The butlers statement:

Last night? Mr. Boddy went to bed around midnight, and I went to bed myself
shortly after, after making sure all the guests were settled in their rooms. The house
was quiet all night. This morning I tried to wake Mr. Boddy at his normal time, but
he wasnt in his room. I searched the rooms nearby his office, the bathroom and
found his body in the library. I didnt see any blood, but he was dead, and he
looked frightened. I noticed there were wavy shapes in the carpet that I cant
explain. Thats all I know.

List of suspects: A

Find and read the statements of these 2 suspects. Write at least two things to report to the other
detectives investigating Mr. Boddys death. (Example: The butler admitted that he found the

Mrs. Peacock
Mr. Green

List of suspects: B
Find and read the statements of these 2 suspects. Write at least two things to report to the other
detectives investigating Mr. Boddys death. (Example: The butler admitted that he found the

Dr. Plum
Miss Scarlet

List of suspects: C
Find and read the statements of these 2 suspects. Write at least two things to report to the other
detectives investigating Mr. Boddys death. (Example: The butler admitted that he found the

Mrs. White
Colonel Mustard

Colonel Mustard
Im an old friend of Mr. Boddys, although I hadnt seen him in years before this
weekend. I spend a lot of time traveling I returned from India last week with a
gift for Mr. Green, who was also invited to the party. I brought him a rare cobra*,
though I made sure to take its fangs** out so it cant bite! My bedroom was on the
third floor, and I slept very well last night. I didnt know anything was wrong until
the butler told us this morning.
*a dangerous snake


Dr. Plum
I am Mr. Boddys doctor. Hes a healthy man for his age, but he does take
medication for his heart. I have some with me right now, see? He asked me to bring
another bottle with me to the party. Mr. Boddy and I have a friendly relationship
sometimes we golf together on the weekends. I went to bed early last night, around
10 p.m. My room? Oh, it was next to Mr. Boddys, but I heard nothing.

Mr. Green
Mr. Boddy, Colonel Mustard, and I all went to university together many years
ago. It was a nice surprise to see Mustard again after all this time! We stayed up
late last night, talking in the library until 1 a.m. about traveling together in the
future. He said he had a gift for me, but I havent received it. I took a walk around
the house before bed, hoping it would help me sleep. I believe Mrs. White was also
up late I saw her in the kitchen around 2 a.m.

Mrs. White
Im Mr. Boddys business partner. Weve worked together for many years, but I
cant say I liked the man. Not that Im happy hes dead, of course, but he was the
sort of man who made enemies. I suppose this means I have control of the
company now Last night? After dinner, I played cards with Mrs. Peacock and
Dr. Plum. I believe I went to bed around midnight, and I woke up early today for a
run. My room was near the kitchen.

Miss Scarlet
Im Mr. Boddys daughter, recently divorced from my husband. My fathers
parties are always boring, but I had nothing else to do this weekend. I brought my
friend Mrs. Peacock with me to try to have a little fun. Everyone went to bed so
early! Two of the men were still in the library when Mrs. Peacock and I left for
another party. I dont know when we got back. We slept on the sofas downstairs so
we wouldnt wake anyone.

Mrs. Peacock
I didnt want to come this weekend, but I promised my friend, Miss Scarlet, that
Id keep her company. We stayed for dinner and cards and then left to find
someplace more interesting. We didnt come back until almost 5:00 this morning.
Scarlet fell asleep on the sofa, but I wanted to sleep in a bed. My room was next to
Mr. Boddys office. I thought I heard voices in the library when I passed on my
way to bed Im sorry, I dont remember anything more.

In the following lesson, use S generated sentences to review/practice reporting verbs +

infinitive/-ing. Start with S examples from previous day: Mrs. White confessed that she
hated Mr. Boddy. The butler admitted that he found the body. How can we rewrite these
sentences to use reporting verbs + inf/-ing?
Also elicit from Ss who they accused of murdering Mr. Boddy the previous day, e.g.
Jonathan accused the butler of murdering Mr. Boddy. After exploring the form as a class,
Ss will practice transforming these sentences individually, then comparing answers with a
1. Colonel Mustard mentioned that he had brought a cobra to the party.
2. Mrs. Peacock agreed that she would stay until the murderer was found.
3. Miss Scarlet complained that she hadnt gotten any sleep.
4. The police promised that they would investigate thoroughly.
5. Mr. Green apologized that he couldnt remember more.

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