Basic English Conversations by Abd. Hannan Ichsan, S.PD.: Questions and Answers

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By Abd. Hannan Ichsan, S.Pd.

Questions and Answers:
- What is your name? or Tell me your name, please!
* My name is Abd. Hannan lchsan.
- Who are you?
* I am Abd.Hannan Ichsan / Iccang.
- What is your complete / full name?
* My complete / full name is Abd.Hannan lchsan Bin Abd. Mannan Amin.
- Whats your call-name / nickname?
* My call-name / nickname is Iccang.
- What is your surname? What is your fathers name? What is your mothers name?
* My surname is Abd. Mannan Amin. My fathers name is Abd. Mannan Amin. My mothers name is Munawarah.
- How do you spell your name? Spell me your name, please!
* A = ei, B = bi, D = di, U = yu, L = el, H = eich, A = ei, NN = double en, A = ei, N = en, I = ai, C = si:, H = eich, S = es, A = ei, N = en.
- Good morning / day / afternoon / evening / night, students!
* Good morning / day / afternoon / evening / night sir!
Note: Good morning! (jam 00.01 pagi 11.59 siang), Good day! (kapan saja di waktu siang), Good afternoon (12.00 siang 18.00 sore)
Good evening! (jam 18.00 sore ke atas), Good night! (mau berpisah pada malam hari atau mau tidur).
- How do you do? * How do you do? (Artinya: Apa kabar? Tapi mengandung makna selamat berkenalan).
- How are you? How are you today / this morning? How are you going? How is everythings? How are things? Hows life?
* Very well, thank you or Very well, thanks or Just fine, thanks or Good, thanks or Not bad, thanks or Okay, thanks.
- Its nice to meet you today! I am happy / glad / delighted / pleased to see you again!
* Nice to meet you, too! I am happy / glad / delighted / pleased to see you again, too.
- What are you? What do you do?
* I am a teacher or I am an English teacher or I teach English at SMA SENTOSA.
- What is your job / profession?
* My job / profession is teaching or I am a teacher.
- What is your tribe? What is your ethnic group?
* My tribe / ethnic group is Macassarese/ Buginese / Mandarese / Torajanese / Javanese / Balinese, etc.
- How old are you? Tell me about your age, please!
* I am forty-one / seventeen years old now.
- What class (grade) are you in?
* I am in the first / second / third class (grade) of I A. or I am in the tenth / eleventh / twelfth class (grade) of Science/Social Study.
- When were you born? Where were you born? or When and where were you born?
* I was born on the fourteenth of December in 1970. I was born in Macassar.
- Where do you work / teach? Where do you study? Where do you go to school?
* I work at the office. or I teach in SMA SENTOSA. or I study at SMA SENTOSA. or I go to school at SMA SENTOSA.
- Where do you live? Whats your address?
* I live at Mawar Street number 23. or I live on Jl. Mawar number 23 in Tonasa I / Pangkep. My address is on Jl. Mawar 23 in Tonasa I.
- What time is it? Tell me the time, please!
* It is seven oclock or It is a quarter past seven, or It is seven fifteen. or It is half past seven, or It is seven thirty or It is seven ten.
or It is ten to seven or It is a quarter to seven or It is half to seven.
- What time do you usually get up / wake up in the morning?
* I usually get up / wake up at five oclock in the morning.
- What do you usually do after getting up in the morning?
* I usually help my mother to clean / tidy my bedroom, after that I perform the dawn prayer. And then....
- How do you go to school everyday? On what way you go to school everyday?
* I go to school on foot/by walking/by pedicab / tricycle (becak) / by bicycle / by motorcycle / by car / by minibus / jitney etc.
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
* I have seven brothers and five sisters. or I am the only child in my family. or I have two brothers and no sister.
- What is your favorite food? What kind of food do you like best? Tell me your favorite food!
* My favorite food is meatballs with noodles (bakso) or I like best eating bakso, apple, etc.
- What day is today? * Today is Sunday, etc.
- What day was yesterday? * Yesterday was Saturday.
- What day will be tomorrow? * Tomorrow will be Monday.
- What is your hobby? My hobby is reading.
- What are your hobbies? My hobbies are reading, swimming, collecting stamps, fishing, camping, etc.
* How do you say in English for buku? What is the English for buku?
* How do you say in Indonesian for book? What is the Indonesian for book?
* Repeat once again, please! or Repeat once more, please!
* Please hurry up! or Please make haste! Hurry up, please! Make haste, please!
* Keep silent, please! or Dont make a noise! or No voice anymore, please! Dont be noise, please! Shut up!
* Please pay attention to me! or No more other activities, please!
* Put your pen in your pocket / drawer / bag!
* Give me your money / pen / ruler, ..!
* Point the blackboard / lamp / window, ..!
* Touch your hair / nose / button / cheek, ..!
* Show me your book / pen / ruler / bag, ..!
* Please mention the name of the days / months / animals, etc. that you know!
* Please count the numbers from one until ten!
* Please tell me about yourself and your family!
* Any questions so far? Is there a problem? Are there any problems?

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