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Shaolin Wahnam Kuala Lumpur

Kung Fu for Health, Vitality, Self-defense and Spirituality

Grandmaster Wong Kiew KitsBooks

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit

Books by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit:

Introduction to Shaolin Kung Fu (1981)
The Art of Chi Kung (1993)
The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu (1996)
The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan (1996)

Chi Kung for Health and Vitality (1997)

The Complete Book of Zen (1998)
The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine (2002)
The Complete Book of Shaolin (2002)
Sukhavati: The Western Paradise (2002)
Master Answers Series (2002)
The Way of the Master (2015)

The following books are available on Google Play Store:

1. The Art of Chi Kung (Revised Edition)
2. Chi Kung for Health and Vitality (Revised Edition)
3. The Complete Book of Shaolin
4. The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine
The Facebook Page for Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kits books (Cosmos Internet
Sdn Bhd).
The website for Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kits books is at Cosmos Internet.

About the Author

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit, popularly known as Sifu Wong, is the fourth
generation successor of Venerable Jiang Nan from the famous Shaolin
Monastery in China and Grandmaster of Shaolin Wahnam Institute of Kungfu
and Chi Kung. He received the Qiqong (Chi Kung) Master of the Year Award
during the Second World Congress on Qiqong held in San Francisco in 1997.
Since 1987, Sifu Wong has spent more time teaching Chi Kung than Kungfu,
because he feels that while Kungfu serves as an interesting hobby, Chi Kung
serves an urgent public need, particularly in overcoming degenerative and
psychiatric illnesses.
Sifu Wong is one of the few masters who have generously introduced the once
secretive Shaolin Chi Kung to the public, and has helped many people to
obtain relief or overcome so-called incurable diseases like hypertension,
asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, migraine, gastritis, gall stones,
kidney failure, depression, anxiety and even cancer.

He stresses the Shaolin philosophy of sharing goodness with all humanity, and
is now dedicated to spreading the wonders and benefits of the Shaolin arts to
people all over the world irrespective of race, culture and religion.
He is an internationally acclaimed author of books on the Shaolin arts and

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