Learning Activity Plan For Prek-Grade 2 Karen Donato

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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Karen Donato

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the
This lesson is:

Beekeeper field trip

Social Emotional, world knowledge, bridging


Classroom Number

The class will take a field trip to a beekeeper to conclude our bee unit
A conclusion of a concept
This lesson will help the children to bridge the concepts that they had learned
about team building and group work. This will be a real world example for the
children and will help them to learn how honey is made
3 hours

Objective(s) of the
Connections to

This activity will continue sequencing as the children learn the steps that go into
making honey and working as a team
Approaches to learning / world knowledge - by getting out of the classroom and
to a beekeeper the children will continue to learn about honey and a world other
than their own

Language Objectives

The children will learn phrases based on beekeeping and bees, which they will
use later on when making drawings about the experience, which the teachers
will record based on the students dictation

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

Notebooks and drawing tools for the drawing activity at the beekeeper

Before the trip, the children will complete their know and want to know chart
along with a drawing of what they expect
I will create a blank chart which I will begin with a fact that all the children know
and want to know
As a full class, we will all fill the chart out together
After the field trip, we will reflect and finish filling out the learn portion

Method of assessing
understanding of
(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will

The children will create a
knowand want to
know chart of concepts
before the trip

Assessment of Student
Learning The students will
expand the chart to learn
after the trip

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

use for assessment(s)
Plans for differentiated

Follow up/Extension

Supporting children
Supporting English Language Learners
with identified delays
or disabilities
I will make sure that the
children have different
forms of communication
forms and that the
beekeepers is accessible
After the field trip, the class will finish the KWL chart together as a whole group
and make drawings to create a book about the trip that will go home with each

Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know
Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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