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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Karen Donato

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the
This lesson is:

Caterpillar name
Name recognition, sequencing, fine motor, letter competencies

Objective(s) of the
Connections to
Language Objectives

Old twos/young threes

Classroom Number

The children will arrange their names with precut circles with the letters of their
name printed on each. They will then add legs and eyes to create a caterpillar!
A review of a previous
This lesson will continue our lesson of name recognition and spelling.
15 minutes as a whole group activity with one teacher with every four students
The children will continue their learning of their name sequencing and letter
Approach to learning the children will rely on their memory and name tag to
spell their name
Communication, language, literacy this activity will help the students to spell
their name and encourage language development
The children will learn the letters and sounds in their name

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

Precut circles with the letters of the students name, background paper, markers,
glue, nametag on desk

In circle, the children and staff will use the white board and write every childs
name, spelling as we go along
I will make a Karen example with the children directly before the activity
Small group activity
Each child will share their caterpillar name in front of the class, spelling out the

Method of assessing
understanding of
(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will
use for assessment(s)
Plans for differentiated

I will evaluate the childs
letter competency during
our morning meeting
alphabet identification

Supporting children
with identified delays

Assessment of Student
Assessment of
Learning Since the
Childrens Language
students will have their
name already on their desk The language skill
as a reference, the
assessed will be how
assessment will be more
the child shares after
about the childs
the caterpillar is
identification skills, than
the letters
Supporting English Language Learners
Since the childrens names are the same in most

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2


Follow up/Extension
Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know

or disabilities
languages, most names will be the same. If they are
I will have the letters
not, the childs native language will be written under
printed on the
the english
background paper as well
for the student to match,
instead of the activity
being for sequencing and
The student will share their name with the class and have the chance to display
their project.

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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