BS Symbols

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RS lent a BS 499 :Part 2:1980 LOY 13.0018 Welding terms and symbols Part 2. Specification for symbols for welding Termes et symbols relatifs au soudage Partie 2. Spécification des symboles relatifs au soudage Begriffe und Symbole der Schweisstechnik Teil 2, Spezifikation far Symbole der Schweisstechnik British Standards Institution Gr7 8S 499: Part 2: 1980 Contents, Page Foreword Inside front cover Cocperating organteations Back cover Speatteation 1. Scope 1 2, References 1 3. Symbols : 4. Position of symbols 1 5. Dimensions 3 6. Complementary indications 3 Tables 1. Flomentary symbole 4 2. Supplementary symbols 5 3. Examples of application of supplementary symbols 5 4. Position of the symbol 6 5. Examples of tho use of elementary symbols 7 6. Examples of combinations of elementary symbols 2 Foreword ‘The revision of this Part of BS 499 has been carried out under the direction of the Welding Standards Commmittes to tak> account of the requirements of ISO 2653-1974 ppublisied by the tneeinational Organization for Standardization (ISO). As a result the gereral content and presentation have been changed to align with ISO 2553, ‘The elementary symbole depict the form of the weld to be ‘made regardless of the welding process to be employed, which was not always the caso with the symbols in the previous edition of this standard. Thes details and complementary indications. In the absonce ofa single method being agreed internation- 189 2683 provisionally recognizes that the position af the symbol relative to the reference tine should depend on the mediod of drawing projection used in tho particular Page 7. Examples of use of symbols for compound welds “4 8. Examples of combinations of elementary endl supplenentary symbole 15 8. Main simensione 16 10. Numarical indication of process 18 Figures 1. Method of representation 1 2, Tjoinewith one fillet weld 2 3. Ciuciterm joint with two filet welds 2 4. Position of the arrow line a 3. Exampie ofthe indication of dimensions 3a 6. Use of symbol for peripheral welds 3 1. Use of symbol for site welds 3 8 Symbol for non-cestructive testing 2 9, Example of the indication of process 3 cave. [twas felt that this sition should not be cartied ‘over into tht standard and therefore the practice of placing ‘the symbol tnlow the reference line for welds on the ‘arrow side" remainsunaltered in this revision, for both third and rst angle projection. Bacausa of tho existence of two systems of pasitioning the symbel, however, itis strongly recommended that all drawings should eleerly state which system tas bain employed. {In order to simplify drawings, itis recommended that requirements relating te the preparation and making of welds should be included on the welding procedure sheets For typical information to appear on welding procedure sheets for various processes, reference should be mace to the appendices in 8S 489 : Part 1, while an example of the layout of a typical welding procedure test record is given in the sppendix of BS 4370 : Part 1 8S 499 : Part 2: 198 12,32 : British Standard Welding terms and symbols Part 2. Specification for symbols for weicing —_ 1. Scope This Part of BS 499 specifies cequiremants for the symbolic Fepresentetion of welds on drawings. For the most common types of weld the scheme provides basic indications reyard- Ing the welds to be made without ovar-burdeaing the drawing with notes or showing an additional view. The scheme is not intended te apply to complex joints, invelving ‘multiple welds for example, for which it may be simpler to show on the drawing a separate datailed view of the joine end welds required, 2. References ‘The titles of the standard publications referred toin this Standard are listed on the inside back cover, 3. Symbols 3.1 Elementary symbols, The various types of weld are ch characterized by a symbol which, in general, is repes entative of the shape of the weld to be made or the edge preparation to be used. The symbol is not to be taken to Dre-judge the welding process to be employed ‘Tho type of weld shall be indicated by the appropriate elementary symbol given in table 1. Examples are given in table 6, Thevertical portions of the symbols for single-bavel butt, single butt and fillet welds shall always be on the left-hand side of the symbol irrespective of the orientation of the wold metal. The symbols shall apply to the respective Welds regardless of the number of runs to be deposited, whether or not there isa root gap and whether or not there is backing material, as such details shall be given on the ‘welding procedure sheot. 3.2 Combinations of elementary symbols. For welds mae {rom two sides, cambinations of elementary symbubs shall bbe used. Examples are given in table 6. {mn the case of compound welds, #.g.afillet weld supar- imposed on a single-bevel butt weld, the appropriate combinaticn of symbols sall be used, but the scheme of symbols is not intended to apply to complex joints Examples ae given in table 7. 33 Supplementary symbols, When the external surface of tho wold is required to be of @ particular shape, the appro- priate supplementary symbol given in table 2 shall be used inconjanction with the relavant elementary symbol. Examples ae given in tables 3 ond 8 4, Position of symbols 441 General, The symbols shall be uted in conjunction with narrow line and a relerence lire, Their method of tepres entation is shown in figure 1 1 2 3 soi 1is the arrow line is the reference line is the symbol Figure 1. Methed of represintation 4.2 Arrow line relative to the joint. To indicate the position of aweld in a particular joint relative to the parts being Joined, the *head’ of an arrow shall be used to denote the "uference side’ of the joint. The side nearer the arrow head shall be knowin es Ue ‘arrow side” and the remote side as the ‘other side’. Examples are given in figures 2 and 3 _ ,BS.499: Part2: 1980 Figaro 2.7 foint with ne iat wba “Otserside ‘Arrow side ‘Othor hse ction A ot join A “Amon side “Odie side offeimB” joint 8 ofpint af int NOTE, The postion of thearrow in these sketches is choton for purposs of clarity. Normally, it would be placed Inmeiatly adjacent 9 the joint. Figure 3. cruciform joint with two fillet wets 4.3 Position of the arrow line. The position of the arrow 4.4. Position of the raferanes line. The reference line sell line with respect to the weld is generally of no special be a straight line preferably drawn parallel to the bottom significance, but in the casa of joints in which only one part ede uf the drawing, 's Prepared the arrow shall point towards that part. 4.5 Symbot relative to the raferonce line. The pexition of ‘The arrow line shall join one end of the reference fine such the symbol relative to the reference line shall be in accord: ‘that ferms an angle with it. Examples are given in figure 4. ance with the requirements of table 4, respective of the NOTE. Whon the arrow cannot point t0 a joint symbole vepesen- method of drawing projection employed. {atlon carmot beuned. SSW |r ® w Cl ww 5. Dimensions 51 General. Where a symbol is accompanied by a cortain| number of dimensions, expressed in millimetres, the indica tion of these dimensions, Tlustrated in figure 6, shall be as follows: (a) dimensions relating to the cross section of the weld, shall be given on the left-hand side of the symbol: (b) longitudinal dimensions thall be given on the right hand side of the symbol; distances between adjacont wold elements shall be indicated in parenthesis, “The main dimensions to be indicated, and how they are sed, shall be as civen in table 8. Any other significant dimensions shal be included on the welding procedute sheets. The cimonsions that locate th» weld in relation to the edges of the parts being welded shall be given on the drawing 5.2 Butt wolds. In the absence of any dimensicnal indies tions tothe con tary, it shall be taken that butt wolds are intended to have fll penetration and to be continuous _along the entire lang oF the jo 5.3 Fillet welds. In the absence of any dimensional indica: tions to the contrary, it shal be taken that fillet wolds are intended to be continuous alona the. _ joint. ae “The cross-sectional dimension to be indi wold shall be the gana When it is also desired to indicate the design throat thickness, then te leg length dimension shall be prefixed withthe letter ‘b” and the design throat thickness dimension shall be prefixed with the foresr ‘9 lu the case of fillet weld tign ofthe weld shall bn indicated on the craw ¢ formation of te joint makes this obvious, and both lea, length dimensions sll be gen, separated by amuttplica ton sign NOTE. The following prefered range of ies enath dimension, in 36, 5,6, 8,10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 25, having unequal legs, the orienta, 6. Complementary indications 6.1 Peripheral welts. Where a wold is to be mad all round 4 joint, this shall be indicated by a circle placed where the artow line joins the reference line, as sown in figure 6. BS 499 ; Part 2: 1980 Figure 6. Use ol symbol for peripheral walis 6.2 Site wele, Welds to be made on site shall be differen tiated from shop welds by the indication of a fleg where ‘the arrovr line Joins the reference line, as shown in Figure 7. J— Figue 7. Use of syntot for sta welds 6.3 Nondestructive testing, When it is desired to indicate ‘that non-destructive testing, other than visual examination, of aweld is required, the symbol shown in figure 8 shall be placed near to the end of the reference line. Figura 8 Syimbo for non-destructive testing 6.4 THeldiny procest, Information regarding the wolding process to be used is given on the welding procedare shot When itis also desired to indicate the process as part of the symbolic representation, the appropriate number in table 10° shall be placed within a Tork’ at the end of the reference line as shown in figure 8 - Figue9, Example of the incieatin of process BS499 : Part 2 : 1980 Table 1, Elementary symbols No, | Designation 1. | Bute weld between flanged plates* (the flanges being melted dow completely 2 | Square butt wotat dhe 3 | sinde-v butt wold 4 Singe-terel butt weld fe EZR SS 5 | single V butt wold with broad root face ZASD) 6 | single-bevel butt wold with broad root fac CZESS 7 | singlo-U ware wate je ZEN 8 | Single butt weld 9 | Backing or seating run 10 | Fillet weld “Butt welds between flanged pistes lymbal 1) rot completaly puetrated ae symbolize ax aque butt welds (yitol 2) with the wold tHekreses shown fe tole 10). ‘7H sy abo! ieused to indicate a stud weld when thei i no end preperation anno filet weld BS 499 : Part 2: 1980 Tobie 1. (concluded) 11_| Plug weld (circular or elongated hole, completely filled) : Yo - = - z ——— 12 | spot wed (restores or ar weling) or projection weld grastigs O | a WY ive 12. | Seam weld PZ 2 | {al_flat (usally finished fash) {b_ convex (cl concave Table 2. Supplementary symbols Table 3. Examples of application of supplementary symbols Flet (flush) single-V butt weld Convex double-V butt wal Concave fillet wold at (flush) single'V butt weld with flat (flush) Coens anv ZZ EES ZES B49: Part 2: 1980 Table 4, Position of the symbol” Iuueration | Graptie eepresntation Below the reference line if the external bonne surface of the weld (weld face) ison the arrow side of the joint eS ‘Above the reference line ifthe external surface of the weld (weld face) is on the other side of the joint [ee ‘Across the reference line in the case of wolds made within the plano of the Joint. as “31d ne projection ‘Table 5. Examples of the use of elementary symbols* BS 499 : Part 2: 1980 ' 4 poor» ~ oO | « he) Ho prnvnmny fae Z : | Stu ell f= ; & — ¢ +] singlew. ( po) [it | |v a | + q~ [= "ed angle projection, BS 499 : Part 2 : 1980 Table 6, (continued) Na. | Oxdgenion | tition Graphic rprvenaton “] emboli voreoniaion Grambes : Dy uw S yi!” f SS 8 Ay] bnnd»non 2 4 q K ; 4 ce z S " w " ry ID) & Table 5. (continued) BS 499: Part 2: 1980 bina K Z 7 3 |e pe “ sininstonien La 6 Jo jronedeninnna| gh Sings : mortals : A 16 5.499 : Part 2: 1980 Table 5. (continued) Ne | Designation | Musration Graphic presentation irambere tsbie nn w INK nna i a 20 pwn [ramanmr| hrommrmmr Table 5. (concluded) BS.499 : Part 2: 1980 Spot weld 3 25 BS 499 : Part2 1980 ‘Table 6, Examples of combinations of elementary symbols feier 9 Titration “Symbolic wpremniation nay oman Sine butt wld DD etal a-3 Dogtiaibovet Ve (wate) ana pionnnnnnonnn J»»nommnnonn 12 BS 499 : Part 2: 1980 Table 6. (concluded) Ne. usation tabie ‘vith bros gp | roottioe tre wel >on ost weld ‘Sinale¥ | butt wet 12 . | bee wet 7 13° | eet wota 0 dap A ag y ss VN ed filet “BS 499 : Part 2 : 1980 Table 7. Examples of use of symbols for compound welds ; ae [| rS Jk Qe | CH x ro Oe \z (a - e *Fordimensenal mquienienss08tble9. ‘Table 8. Examples of combinations of elementary a supplementary symbols BS 499 : Part 2: 1980 [Geapicl representation Symbolic representation is g pos r = = > |0 Ay “ly ie | 1980 _ BS 499: Pert 2 ear tonsa ee fe-ousesy “avounye pm jo sequinu sip 51 + “J ‘suewne pian aueeipe unnagaoumstp on (Se pus ano jo usu an ise) q" ssmyoup ios uBsop ays) & Ny" . “abv0) 89) ans ¢ 1 ; z ese | ramen pnnsore jaiuasigen eam re uae | iii) eae ses oan on Suo|suaunp urpy “@ e1qeL 16 BS 499 : Part 2: 1980 me OF : ee eR Te mene eo trouve ( nee fi wre megs (e'0u aan) fu 8 @] xu Aa (wove) |e EN 1 uci!) vonuiea | weneuiea | on (pepnjoues) “@aiaes, 7 48S4ge : Part 2: 1980 Table 10.* Numerical indication of process 1 Ave wold 47. Gat premure welding 11 Metal-are welding without gas protection 49, Cold welding 111 Meta-are welding with covered etectrode 112 Gravity are wolding with covered electrode 7 Other weiding proceses 113. Garo wire metal ars welding 71 Thermic welding 414 Flux coro meta-are walling 72 Electrosea welding 115. Costed wire metalare welding 73 Electrogas welding 118 Fiecracker wolding 7A. Induction welding 12. Suimerged are woiding 75. Light radiation wel 4121 Submerged aro welding with wir electrode 751 Laser welding 122. Submerivel aro welding with strip electrode 762. Are image welding 13. Gasshialted motatare walding 753. Infrared welding 131 MIS wolding 7 Electron beam weleing 135 MAG welding: meta-are welding with non-inert 77 Percission welding 78 Stud welding sd metal are welding with non-inert TBI Are stud wolding as ahele 782 Resktanee stud welding 14. Garshiolded welding with non-consumable electrode 141 TIGwolding 9 Brazing, soldering and braze welding 149 Atomio-hydregon welding 91 Brasing 16 Plasma are welding 11 Infrared brazing 18 Other are welding processes 912 Flame brazing 181. Carbon ae welding 919. Furnace brazing 185. Rotatingare welding 914 Dip brazing 15 Sale bath brazing 2. Resistance welding 916. Induction brazing 21 Spot welding 917 Ultrasonic brazing 22 Seam welding ‘918 Resistance brazing 221. Lapseam welding 919. Diftusion brazing 226 Soa walding with strip 929 Friction brazing 23. Projection welding 924 Vacwirn brazing 24 Flan welding 93. Other brazing processes 25. Resistance butt welding 24 Soldering 20 Other resistance welding processor 941 infrared soldering 201 HF resietance wolding 942 me soldering 813 Furmee soldering 3 Gaswolding 914 Dip soldering 31 Oxyfuel gas wotaing 945. Salt bath soldering 311 Oxyacetylene welding 946. Induction soldering 312. Oxy propane welding 947 Ultrasonic soldering 313 Oxy-hydrogen welding 945 Resistance soldering 32 Air fuel gis welding 949. Diffusion soldering 321 Airsestylona welding 951 Flow soldering 822 Airgropane welding {952 Soldering with soldering ron 953 Frition soldering 4. Solid phase welding: Prossure welding 954 Vacuum soldering 41. Ultrtonic wolding 96 Other soldering processes 42 Friction welding 97 Brace wong 43. Forye welding 971 Gas braze welding 44° Welding by nigh meznanica energy 912. Ave braze welding 441 Explosive wolding 45. Diffision welding “This bie comple with lntrnatinal Standard 160 4089, 18 | - Drawing Guide WELD SYMBOLS 28) Welding cis Weldinc.... Weld process numbers. 17) Welding process roteronce Page 2 of 4 SQUARE BUTT WELD | co Table of Weld Symbols WELD SYMBOLS JUTT WELD SINGLE BEVEL BUTT WELD a { | vi ere ay | | a | E naeonieees | | emermas ||) Sasa PS Ye oe ee) eae Hiawa seas Cy yn fo oo eS 0 Complimentary Symbo's COMPLIMENTARY SYMI IBOLS (WELD WITH FLAT FACE WELD WITH CONVEX FACE \WELD WITH CONCAVE FACE) FAR SIDE FAR SIDE . SITE WELD I | > COMPLIMENTARY INDICA’ Supplementary indication | weve aut rovne TIONS WELD PROCESS IDENT bttp:/; html 2/15/2004 Drawing Guide WELD SYMBOLS Page | of 4 [Discisimer: The information on this page has noi been checked by an independent person. Use this |intormation at your own risk. ROYMECH Home Drawing Page Drawing of Weld Symbols [Tre British Standard for weld symbols is BS EN 22559. When identification of the weld process Is required las part of the weld symbol the relevant weld process code is listed in BS EN ISO 4063, Basie Weld Symbol The weld symbol always includes 1. An arrow line 2. Areference line 3. Asymbol Bybee! REFERENCE LINE ARROW LINE | / > Note: Weld symbols on the full reference line relates to welds on the near side of the plate being welded Weld symbols on the dashed ine relates to weld on the far side of the plate. If the welds are symmetrical on Dott sides of the plate the dasned line is omitted. ifthe deshed line is above the full ine then the symbol for the nearside weld is drawn below the reference line and the symbol forthe farside weld is above the dashed line © O® 1x10 / (200) / eG ~ 418x100 / (200) Information above reference line Kentfes weld en sane side as symbole representation Information below fefsronce tne entiies wold a apposite side io symbulle representation, 1) Dimension referring to cross section of weld ie 2 ete die C|| ff 3} seppuclenaysymba J wo ta / 2) Rare won avr oe 2 mths coneresiaseacea a 2 i 6) Olsance botwoon wala lemons itp:/ Tables/Drawing/ Weld html 21572004 Drawing Guide WELD SYMBOLS Page 3 of 4 imensioning Welds zis6a5) 250 DEEP PENETRATION WELD DIMENSIONING FILLET WELDS 1 CE} feo ma e R SEAM WELD MENSIONING WELDS http:/ Weld html 2115/2004 CNG WO WENA SyMIDOLS For Senlor Welding Inspectors CSWIP 8.2 1) a. Throat. b. Leg Example: 2.7 b.10 BS 499 BSEn 22553 & AWS A2A By @B Whitaker Sac Bag. Soo MH. Weld Seat. 28. EWS. Convention of BS 499 (UK): The arrow line: @) Shall touch the joint intersection, b) Shall not be parallel to the drawina. ©) Shall point towards a single plate preparation Reference line: @) Shall join the arrow line. ) Shall be parallel to the bottom of the drawit ss Symbols: 8) Welds this side of joint, go underneath the reference line, ») Welds the other side of the joint, goon top of the reference line. ©) Symbols with a vertical ine component must be drawn with the vertical ine to the left side of the symbol, 1d) All oss sectional dimensions are shown to the left ofthe symbol ©) All linear dimensions are shown on the rightof the symbol ie Number of welds, length of welds, length of any spaces. Fillet welds Bevels J's Number. X Length. (Space) 10 X 50 (100) Examples of BS 499 double sided butt weld symbols Double bevel Double Y Double Double U 2) Supplementary & further weld symbols to BS 499: ‘Square butt weld, a Weld on site Profile of fillet weld a, Ye * 111 (Welding process) Spot weld aoa weld (Single bevel and filet) Weld all round “a Intermittent plug and fillet welds are shown pitched to the start of each weld as shown below: 3.No's. 20mm length. SAN 50 mm gap to each weld start 3) Convention of 1802553/ BS En 22553: (Has replaced BS 499 in UK & Europe) ‘This standard uses a different method to represent arrow side and other side of the weld joint. A.broken line shall be shown above or below the reference line, except in the case of welds that are totally symmetrical about the central axis of the plate Weld symbols are basically as per 8S 489 however, filet weld leg length must always be preceded by the letter Z and nominal throat thickness by the letter a in deep penetration filet welds end partial penetration butt welds, the effective {hroat thickness must always be indicated by the letter S. Removable backing strip Welcing process Reference information 31 ara al z10 s.10 a8 Ye ‘Broken line indicating ” other side. AY, Weld toes to be ground smoothly 4) Convention of AWS A2.4 (USA): a This standard uses the same convention as 8S499 to show this side and other Side of the reference line. Some special symbols are used in this standard jilference between the conventions is that in AWS A2.4 a change of direction in the arrow line is used to indicate single plate preparations. SMAW AWS A2.4 may also use a number of reference lines fror mn the arrow line to indicate the sequence or procedure of welding. ‘Staggered arrow shows eet 1° operation Single plate preparation 3 operation A further difference between BS 499 and AWS standards is that the AWS AZ 4 standard, dimensions the pitch of intermittent fillet welds and plug welds to the Centre of each weld. (BS dimensions these to the Start of each weld) Staggered intermittent filet welds are indicated to AWS as below: Length of weld a5 3-5 \. Pitch to weld centres. ITO Rabeieation IRABLE FILLET WELD PROFILES (8) ACCEPTABLE FILLET WELD PROFILES SOE. CONVEXITY C,OF & WELD OF INDIVIDUAL SURFACE BEAD WITH DIMENSION W SHALL NOT EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE FOLLGWING TABLE. ‘WIDTH OF WELD Face OA INDIVIDUAL SURFACE BEAD, W MAX CONVEXITY, © Ws 518m (mm) 18 (18mm) W>918in TOW «tin, 25mm) VB in. (8 nm) We tin Bis (S mm) excessive excessive INSUFFICIENT INCOMPLETE convexity UNDERCUT He FUSION (6) UNACCEPTABLE FILLET WeLo PROFILES BUTT JOINT (TRANS MON) UNEQUAL THICKNESS PLATE NOTE: REINFORCEMENT A SHALL NOTEXt ED VB in (9 mn). SEES.244 (0) ACCEPTABLE GROOVE WELD PROFILE IN BUTT JOINT excessive InsurricenT Excessve oveRLe CONVEXITY THROM GNbeRcUT € (E) UNACCEPTABLE GROOVE WELD PROFILES IN BUTT JOINTS: - gure S4—Acceplable and Unacceptable Weld Profiles fee 5.24) Guide to weld symbols For Welding Inspectors CSWIP 3.4 499 & BSEN 22553 By @B Whitaker Sac Gag, Soe NH Weld Seat. LCS. BUS. [so - 2863 1) Convention of BS 499 (UK): Bstw- 22593 The arrow line: BS — 4490 ve N tres Ar 4 a) Shall touch the joint intersection. b) Shall not be parallel to the drawing. c) Shall point towards a single plate preparation Reference line: a) Shall join the arrow line. b) Shall be parallel to the bottom of the drawing. A Symbols: a) Welds this side of joint, go undemeath the reference line. b) Welds the other side of the joint, go on top of the reference line. ) Symbols with a vertical line component must be drawn with the vertical line to the left side of the symbol. d) _Allcross sectional dimensions are shown to the left of the symbol ) _Alllinear dimensions are shown on the right of the symbol i.e. Number of welds, length of welds, length of any spaces. Fillet welds Beveis Js a. Throat. b. Leg Number. X Length. (Space) Example: 2.7 b.10 10 X 59 (100) Examples of BS 499 double sided butt weld symbols Double bevel Double VV DoubleJ = Double U

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