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By Robert M. Stanley
The only thing necessary for the triumph
of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke


expose of my hometown of Malibu,

California, will forever dispel the modern
myth that it is just a scenic playground on the
Pacific Ocean for the rich and famous.
I apologize to anyone that is offended
by the facts presented here. However, I feel it is
extremely important that the general public, as
well as the Hollywood elite, have a right to be
informed about the dangers in Malibu so they
can take steps to protect themselves and their
loved ones from harm.
If, after actually reading my research,
people prefer to dismiss and ignore the
important information presented here that is
their right. However, at least they have been
warned, and I can live with a clear conscious.
Naturally, when most people think of
Malibu they do not associate it with evil.
However, it is time that the truth regarding the
demonic doorway in Malibu becomes public
For those who are not familiar with the
cosmology of the Chumash Indians they were
aware of the fact that there are three different
worlds that communicate with one another.
The beings from the Upper World are
benevolent and rarely interact with humans.
However, in stark contrast, the beings from the
Lower World are malevolent and often attempt
to harm humans at night by entering our
domain, which is the Middle World.
From 1542 to 1776, when the Spanish
stole the land from the Chumash and
committed germ warfare with smallpox,
plague, typhus, measles and venereal diseases,
that was a crime against humanity. However, in

1824, after establishing the Roman Catholic

Mission System, the Spanish, priests killed
half of the Chumash Antap Priests in cold
blood, and drove the rest into hiding, and
then outlawed the Chumash religion. That
was a crime against the Cosmos.
As a result, the balance of the Three
Worlds was lost and a doorway to the Lower
World in Malibu was left unguarded. Mankind
has been suffering the consequences ever
since because the Antap Priests were the
guardians of the Middle World. I am not sure
how they did it, but they maintained the
balance of the Three Worlds.
While doing research for my upcoming
book The Malibu Chronicles, I decided to
locate gravity anomaly maps of the Malibu
area. And, I was shocked by the scientific data
that was available in the public record. It
confirmed what I intuitively felt to be true.
There is a dimensional doorway clearly
visible when viewed with modern satellite



Before I present any further facts regarding the

dimensional doorway near Point Mugu, I need
to explain how I became aware of the entities
from the Lower World.
Actually, in retrospect, I think these
demonic entities became aware of me first
because I was unknowingly being guided by the
Antap to begin to restore balance to the Three
Worlds. Thus, the entities from the Lower World
saw me as a threat to their infiltration and
domination of our world, which is in the middle
of the Three Worlds.
Here is a brief excerpt from my book, The
Malibu Chronicles, which will help explain what I

Early one beautiful summer morning in 1984,
while working at Broadbeach, things were
very quiet so, I decided to take a quick break
and go surfing by myself.
For some reason, I was wearing the
sacred Chumash, Antap star-bead that I had
received as a gift that summer from Ali
McGraws teenage son Josh. I had strung it on
a necklace and was wearing it around my
neck that day and forgot to remove it before
entering the water.
By the time I realized what I had done,
I was on my surfboard just beyond the
breaking waves looking out to the horizon. I
knew the ancient, fire-baked, clay bead was
waterproof, but I decided I should catch the
next good wave and head back to shore and
remove the bead.
However, for some reason, after a few
moments, I forgot about the waves and had
an intense urge to turn myself towards the
shore. Thats when I noticed that there was
absolutely no one else on the beach, which
had never happened before. I then looked up
at the majestic mountains and realized that
even the breeze had stopped, which was
rather surreal.
When I turned back towards the ocean,
I saw an Osprey coming down the beach. As it
grew closer, I instinctively made a whistling
cry like a bird of prey. This got the Ospreys
attention and it began circling over me.

Then, I noticed that two Dolphins

were coming up the beach. And so, I
began whistling and clicking like a
dolphin might do if it were human. This
got the Dolphins attention and they
began circling around me under the
water. They were very close and, I could
see they were looking directly at me.
It was at that moment, with the
Osprey circling overhead and the
Dolphins circling underneath me, I had a
most unusual feeling come over me. Its
difficult to put it into words. All I can say
is that I felt deeply connected to the
cosmos; spiritually and physically.
And then, the energy shifted and
the Osprey stopped circling over me and
continued on its way south. Next, the
dolphins also stopped circling me and
continued on their way north.
As I sat there floating on the ocean
alone, in absolute awe, I felt humbled and
blessed to have been given such a
beautiful, personal experience.
It would take three decades before I
realized that what I had experienced that
day was a shamanic initiation. The
energy I briefly felt was the balance of
power between the three worlds.
The Eagle represented the Upper
World. The Dolphin represented the
Lower World. And I, a humble Human,
represented the Middle World, which is
where balance always resides between
two extremes.
Until recently, many events in my
life have not made much sense. Only now,
as I am lifting the veil on Malibu, does it
all seems perfectly clear. We humans
need to obtain and maintain balance in
our lives and in so doing restore the
balance of power to the Three Worlds.

I realize millions of people have already
heard me tell the next part of my story on
the radio, but I may have left out some
important details and there are literally
billions of people that have never heard this


story so, please permit me to repeat myself.

On September 21, 1985, I was working
as the head of security for a private
homeowners association on Broadbeach
Road. It is the private part of Zuma Beach. My
family lived on the public side of Zuma for
about twenty years, which was very fortunate
for me growing up.
From my perspective it was another
postcard-perfect day in paradise. Fall had just
arrived, the weather was wonderful, and the
beach was not crowded, which gave me a
chance to catch a few waves that morning.
After I got out of the water, I walked
over to the beach house where I kept my
surfboard and put it away and took a quick
shower. I then walked out into the front yard
and was heading back to my security post
nearby when I saw a young boy about ten-
years old playing in the sand alone.
I said hello to the boy but he just
mumbled something under his breath and did
not look up and make eye contact with me.
However, I noticed he had a really nasty scar
on his forehead, which made me wonder what
on earth had caused such an awful wound.
I continued past the boy and returned
to my post and soon forgot about him because
it was such a beautiful day and I was very
happy to be alive. I actually recall that
extremely positive emotion because it was so
diametrically opposite to the negative
emotions I would experience next.
As I was relaxing in my chair and
warming my body after surfing in the cool
ocean, I suddenly heard the bizarre, alarming
sound of a large piece of glass breaking
behind me. Reflexively, I instantly turned my
head toward the sound.
For some reason, at that point, time felt
like it had slowed down and I saw the boy
crashing through a large, sliding-glass door.
And then, I saw the shadow of an adult male
come from behind the boy and snatch him up
and away from the bloody carnage. Thats
when time seemed to speed up from my
perspective much faster than normal.
I jumped out of my chair and sprinted

to the beach house. Adrenalin was pumping

through my veins at an incredible rate.
I reached the house in seconds and
opened the front door without knocking and
yelled, Security! I didnt wait for an answer
as I raced up a flight of stairs to the second
floor. There, in the living room, the boys
grandmother stood like a lone statue.
She was white as a sheet and was
clearly in shock. A massive amount of blood
and broken glass were scattered all over the
floor where the sliding glass door used to
open to the balcony.
When I urgently asked her if anyone
had called the paramedics she said that her
husband had taken their grandson to the
bedroom and was holding a towel over his
face to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately that
was not the correct answer.
I frantically found a phone and called
911 and requested paramedics be dispatched
immediately to the house due to a life-
threatening accident.
Looking back, I am certain that if I
didnt make that 911 call the boy would have
bled to death right there in the house
because his grandparents were not
responding quickly and correctly to the
severity of the situation.
In any case, while I was waiting for
the paramedics to arrive, I began cleaning up
the broken glass. Please understand that
none of this was my responsibility as beach
security it was just a reflex.
I felt compelled from the core of my
being to help these people in their time of
need. And, as I was cleaning up the glass, the
grandmother told me that she was actually
glad the glass door had been shut, which
really took me by surprise.
When I asked her what she meant, she
explained that she felt certain that her
grandson would have jumped headfirst from
the balcony and most likely died if the sliding
glass door had been opened. Again, I was
really shocked by her comments, but I just
listened. She said he had suddenly got up
from the floor and ran full speed across the


living room when he hit the glass door.

I was still trying to make sense of the
traumatic scene, and her strange statements,
when I recalled that the boy already had a
very large, deep scar on his forehead before
the accident.
When I gently asked her about the scar,
she told me that the previous summer her
grandson had been playing in the back of his
fathers pickup truck with a cat. When the cat
jumped out of the truck he then jumped out
headfirst and hit the trailer hitch with his
forehead. She then added that she thought her
grandson, for some strange reason, believed
he could fly.
At that moment, while in a heightened
state of awareness, I had an irrational
realization that the boy was hearing voices.
Somehow, I knew these voices were telling
him that he could fly even though they knew
full well that he could not. And that is when I
saw something very strange appear in the
room up near the ceiling.
In hindsight, I dont think that swarm
of parasitic things (they looked like large tics
to me at the time) actually appeared out of
thin air. It would be more accurate to say that I
was suddenly able to see into their world like
a window, but only for a brief moment, before
I lost the ability to observe them invading our
At the time, I really thought I was just
hallucinating due to the stress and trauma
unfolding around me. Unfortunately, I did not
have the luxury to dismiss the events because
soon after the paramedics arrived and took
the boy away I returned to my security station
and could feel something was seriously wrong
with me.
At first I thought it was just excessive
emotional stress giving me a stomachache.
But I was familiar with that feeling, and this
was very different. It felt like I was under
attack by something that was very angry and
it was draining the life out of me through my
solar plexus.
If you have ever seen water spinning
down the drain after you pull the plug thats

what I was feeling at the time, which got my

full attention.
Instinctively, I had been thrust into
survival mode. To me, it felt like I had been
tossed into the deep end of a pool and forced
to sink or swim. I had nothing to guide me to
safety other than my intuition. Thats when I
recalled my earlier training from Junior
Lifeguards at Zuma Beach.
I had learned the hard way that when
being overwhelmed by the force of a wave or
a strong rip current that it is crucial to relax.
Its essential not to waste air and energy
when fighting a superior force of nature.
As I relaxed, I decided that I would
leave work early and seek the advice of my
neighbor Noel who was a wheel chair bound,
paraplegic man that had a very interesting
perspective on life. He had told me many
times how he enjoyed going for walks on the
beach in his other body. He insisted that we
all had a spirit body and that most people
had forgotten this fact.
When I explained to Noel what I had
experienced at the beach with the boy, Noel
explained that today was the fall equinox and
he suggested that I go find a spot on a
mountaintop and watch the sunset. He felt
that if I stared into the sun just as it was
setting I would receive a vision that would
guide me out of the situation. But, I had to
hurry in order to see the sunset that evening.
I quickly left Noels house and rode
my motorcycle high into the Santa Monica
Mountains above Malibu. I didnt know
where I was going exactly. I was relying on
instinct to guide me to the right location
before the sun went down.
I followed the paved, narrow, winding
mountain roads until I saw a dirt road that
led off to a small, separate peak. It was a
rather rough ride with many rocks and deep
ruts, but when I arrived at the top and
parked my bike, I knew I had found the right
From that mountain peak, I had a
360-degree panorama. The majestic beauty
of the mountains and the ocean surrounded


me. I had found a small oasis of wilderness

isolated from the mega metropolis of Los
Angeles County. It was the perfect site to seek
help or die doing battle with the parasites.
I would later learn that there was water
held deep inside the mountain. And, there
were crystals as well. I had found my way to a
powerful vortex: a crossroads of earths energy
currents called ley lines.
That evening, I decided to follow Noels
advice and watch the sunset. As I was staring
into the fading glow of the sun on the horizon, I
realized that if I could see my face at that
moment the pupils of my eyes would look like
they were on fire as they reflected the sun. It
was a rather strange thought that deeply
affected my being.
I then turned around so that I could see
the full moon rising on the opposite horizon. I
then had the same thought. If I could see the
pupils of my eyes, they would look as bright
white as the full moon. Again, I felt affected by
this realization. I could see it in my minds eye
as well as feel it in my body.
I then decided to turn my body facing
due north and tilt my head so I could see the
sun light on my left side and the moon on my
right. I was actually staring straight up, but the
light from the sun and moon was clearly visible
in my peripheral vision.
As we all know, light waves bend. And at
that moment, a part of my being began to bend,
also. I was keenly aware that I was in the
middle of, and totally connected with, two very
powerful and very equal but different energies.
Remember, this was the equinox.
Historically, it is a very powerful and sacred
time for rituals that increase ones equalization
and synchronization with the Cosmos.
After a few minutes of experiencing the
dual light of sun and moon, I decided I would
meditate as though my life depended on it. I
am not religious. And although I was only 25
years old at the time, I had read a lot about
religious practices and rituals like yoga.
I really needed to do something to help
myself. So, I sat on the ground with my legs
crossed and carefully listened to the sounds of

the warm wind surging in waves from the

vast desert in the east through the mountain
chaparral and out to sea in the west.
As the sunlight slowly faded away, a
multitude of crickets began sounding off all
around me. There were thousands of them!
After a while, I began to notice there was a
distinct rhythm involved. The eee-eee, eee-
eee sound they all were making was pulsing
in unison. For some reason, this inspired me.
Instead of meditating silently, I decided to
place my tongue against the roof of my
mouth and begin chanting OM.
I started each breath out with my
mouth open for the O sound. I would then
slowly close my mouth as I ended the breath
on the M sound. Soon, the top of my head
was tingling. And after a while, I began
hearing the subtle overtone, the higher
octaves, of my OM. Thats when I began to
see in my minds eye that I was actually
broadcasting a signal deep into space.
I thought that perhaps someone
might pick up the signal like a mental
message in a bottle. I decided to add a single
thought to my sonic signal: Love.
I realized that what I had
experienced earlier that day with the boy
and his grandparents was malevolent. I felt
that in order for me to continue living in this
world and remain benevolent, I needed to
know for certain that the opposite energy of
love also existed in the Cosmos.
I really cant say exactly how long I
sat on the ground up on that mountain top
meditating/praying/chanting that night. It
felt like a few hours. But, at some point, I
became tired and had to take a break.
I dont like to wear a watch, but I
could tell by the position of the moon, which
was overhead, that it was around midnight. I
was too tired to ride home and, I could feel
that the other-dimensional creatures were
still attacking me. So, I decided to lie down
for a while and resume meditating after I got
some rest.
Located at the site was a cement
foundation and frame for a small room that


no longer was in use. During the Cold War, the

US military had built a radar installation there
that had been abandoned, which had badly
deteriorated over time.
There were no walls. To me, it looked
like a modern ruin. It had accumulated a lot of
graffiti and broken beer bottles over the years.
I noticed that the cement columns had wide
footings. And so, I decided to lie down on one.
It was just wide enough to support my
back with my legs hanging over and my feet
placed on the ground. I put my motorcycle
gloves under my head and tried to relax.
Although it wasnt very comfortable, I figured
it was better than laying on the ground, which
was full of stones and rocks.
The cement column I was lying under
shielded my face from the intense full moon
that night. I didnt realize how tired I really
was until I was horizontal. The traumatic
events of the day, and the attack from the
things, had literally drained me.
As I closed my eyes and began to relax, I
felt my self gently falling. We have all heard the
phrase falling asleep. Well, this is what it
actually means. Its a sensation that occurs
when our spirit rapidly rises up and away from
our body. Usually, like most people, I would
reflexively jump back into my body. But this
time, I just relaxed and let myself go.
The strange thing was, I was still very
much awake and aware of what was
happening. This was not a dream I had just
lain down and closed my eyes. And as my spirit
floated up and away from my body, I entered
into a realm of white light. It was strange but
soothing at the same time.
After a few moments, I stopped moving
and surveyed my new surroundings. There
was nothing but white light in all directions,
which was a bit disorienting. I didnt know
where I was, but I felt I was alone and safe.
Thats when I realized that the things
that had been attacking me were not present in
this other place a sea of light. I was greatly
relieved and felt some satisfaction that I was
OK. For the moment, I had accomplished my
goal. However, that victory was short lived. I

noticed something moving in the distance,

which made me very anxious. I was alone on
a mountaintop in the wilderness with no
weapon, or flashlight, or anything.
I was now on high alert as I watched
the moving object coming toward me, which
was growing larger as it slowly approached.
As it grew closer, I began to make out some
details and was very surprised to see what
appeared to be a man wearing a white robe.
He had long hair and a beard. Soon,
he was directly in front of me, and we were
face-to-face. I couldnt help notice that he
was glowing brighter than the light
surrounding us. Even the pupils of his eyes
had light radiating from them.
The extremely strange sight of this
human-looking being stunned me. And,
when I thought to myself, Who the heck is
that? I heard him reply, I am the Father.
This totally confused me. And, for some
reason, he began laughing at me.
Although, in the past, when I have
related this story publicly, I always insisted
that his laughter was not sinister: in fact, it
was. For a variety of reasons, I was in denial
for nearly 30 years after that experience.
Fortunately, in 2014, I finally realized
that this radiant being was/is Lucifer: the
Light Bearer. He is also known as the Father
of all Lies. And, he is the Father/Creator of
the Archons and their mental parasites,
which I have written three articles about.
But I digress. Here is what happened next.
After Lucifer began laughing in my
face, the next thing I knew I was sitting up in
shock as though I had just awakened from a
really bad dream.
Keep in mind; I had no idea who this
radiant being of light was or why he had
confronted me. I was not asleep. And, when I
sat up, I thought I had just experienced a
very-strange vision. But then, I noticed that
the moon was no longer overhead. It was
setting on the horizon and the sun was just
dawning in the east. This absolutely freaked
me out because I realized that I had been
away for hours. And, for some reason, I


couldnt remember what happened after the

Father/Lucifer, began laughing at me.
I felt certain that I had experienced
something more while I was traveling out of
my body, but no matter how hard I tried, I
couldnt recall what it was. Three decades later,
I still cant recall what happened that night
after meeting Lucifer.
Fortunately, I was given some very-
important clues when I returned to work that
morning. After the sun rose, I rode my
motorcycle back to the beach. I was extremely
tired and confused, but I had work to do.
I got cleaned up and went back to the
house where the boy had nearly died. I went
inside and briefly spoke with the boys
grandparents. The told me that he lost a lot of
blood, but he was going to live. He needed over
300 stitches in his face and head to stop the
Although I was relived that the boy had
survived, something deep inside me was very
troubled. I looked at the grandparents and
could see they were very pale and weak and
scared. That made sense. And then, for reasons
I still cant figure out, I was compelled to give
them a warning.
In a very strong and soothing voice, I
told them that although they could heal the
scars on their grandsons face, if they didnt
heal the scars on his soul this would happen
I dont know who was more shocked by
this statement: them or me. No more words
were required. I felt tears welling up in my
eyes as I turned and quickly left the house.
As I walked slowly back to my security
station on the sand, I felt certain that I would
be fired for acting like such a nut case.
Later that same day, as I was trying to
make sense of the strange events that had just
taken place, a friend of my girlfriend arrived at
the beach and sat near me.
She was very excited and began to tell
me how I had taught her how to fly in her
dreams the night before. At first, I was in no
mood to listen. But then, she told me that I had
taken her up to the mountains for her flying

lesson. She added that she had read about

flying in ones dreams during her
psychology class. She thought her dream
had something to do with spirituality. I
was stunned by her words and description.
She told me how I had come to her
bedroom and took her by the hand and we
flew up into the mountains. At first she
was not able to fly on her own, but after
some instruction she quickly was off on
her own. However, I followed her home
and made sure she was safely back in her
On one hand, I was glad that she
was telling me this, but I was truly
shocked. I knew she was telling the truth,
but I had no memory of it. And, I also knew
how incredibly odd this all was.
This girl was a very nice person, but
she was not interested in spirituality in the
least. It seemed very strange that I would
help her in that way. And then, I realized
that perhaps this was what I was doing
while I was traveling out of my body for a
few hours the night before.
It really bothered me that I was
unable to recall such and empowering
experience like that. Although it was little
consolation, at least I no longer felt I might
be suffering from posttraumatic stress.
I began to realize that, like it or not,
supernatural forces were shaping my life.
It felt like being thrown into the deep end
of a pool: I had to sink or swim. However,
even though I was glad to have survived, I
really had no idea how to deal with what
was happening. That capability would
evolve over the next few decades of my life.
After I got off work later that day, I
went back to my apartment and found the
phone was ringing as I walked in. I was
extremely exhausted and confused when I
picked up the phone and heard the voice of
my grandmother.
She was a very spiritual woman, on
my mothers side of the family, who had
invested a lot of time and energy in raising
me when my mother was either away on


business or simply unable to look after me.

My Granny had called to tell me about a
very strange dream she had the night before.
She said that I was standing at the foot of her
bed saying something. She was very frustrated
that she could not recall what I was telling
her: she thought it was important. But, she
said, it was the most beautiful dream she had
ever had because I was lit up like a Christmas
tree with little lights dancing around.
I didnt know how to respond other
than to tell her that I loved her and was glad
she was my grandmother and that we would
talk again soon when I was rested up.
At that point, with two women who did
not know each other essentially telling me
about the same experience from the same
night, I felt my world had turned upside down
and inside out. I knew that there was no way
for me to dismiss my experiences as mere
mental delusions.
Looking back, I think, in some ways,
things would have been much simpler for me
if I had just chosen to be in denial of the
demons and live a normal life. However, that
path would not have been as rewarding or
September of 1985 was not the end of
my encounters with entities from the Lower
World; it was just the beginning. My life
became a relentless quest for answers and
activities that would assist humanity.
What followed over the next few
decades was my discovery of multiple sacred
Chumash artifacts and ancient stone statues
constructed by the First People who had been
destroyed in a great flood. They lived in a
coastal valley called the MU, which is now
underwater. Point Mugu, and Boney Mountain
behind it, is one small part of the MU that
remained above water.
As I mentioned on the beginning of this
article, I have located gravity anomaly maps
that indicate something big and bizarre is
located under the ocean floor directly in front
of the so-called underwater UFO base off
Point Mugu.
I believe this is could be a dimensional

doorway to what the Chumash called the

Lower World: home of demonic entities. This
site inside the earths crust is what Western
Civilization calls the Underworld, Hades or

There is far more to this story than I
can cover in this article. It has taken
thousands of hours, but I have amassed an
amazing amount of personal experiences and
news reports regarding mind control,
murders, suicides, cancer cases, nuclear
missiles, lasers, UFOs and more bizarre things
that have occurred in Malibu. All this, and
more, will be published in my book, The
Malibu Chronicles, due out in 2016.

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