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Effective Starting Guide for New Player of Dragon Blaze

This guide is base on the information release by Gamevil as well as old KR patch
when Chap 4 release. All the guide here is just plans that haven't yet being te
sted. I will testing this way of playing once the Patch is live on Global and up
date accordingly =).
This guide had updated to second version due to new Chapter 4 release that major
ly change the way new player could start this game (for old guide here is the li
nk). Other than 7 Days Login Reward for new player, there will be a new Beginner
Quest that gives out a Buster Key when you completed them. The way this guide w
ill be formatted will be from Day 1 till Day 7 and also cover the Beginner Quest
Table of Contents
Quests and Rewards
Character and Starting
Day-2 to Day-6
Fast Rubies Earning with each Class
Beginner Mission Explained
Here are the list of Quest and rewards you could get as beginner.
1. Beginner Quest
This Beginner quest consist of 4 Missions. Each mission will give out some rewar
ds after completion. Next mission will one be unlock when you had finished the c
urrent mission. Upon completed all the mission, you will be rewarded with 1 Free
Buster Key Summon. These Mission is better you start them after you had your 7t
h Day Reward which is a Free Draco Summon Tix
Mission 1: Obtained an Ultimate
, 30 Light Essence, 4 Million Gold,
Mission 2: Obtained an Ultimate
, 20 Light Essence, 4 Million Gold,
Mission 3: Obtained an Ultimate
, 20 Light Essence, 4 Million Gold,
Mission 4: Finished All Mission

Draco Deity - Reward: 4xPlatinum Ally Ticket

1 Draco Deity Summon Ticket
Angel Deity - Reward: 3xPlatinum Ally Ticket
1 Angel Deity Summon Ticket
Boden Deity - Reward: 3xPlatinum Ally Ticket
1 Boden Deity Summon Ticket
- Reward: 1 Free Dragon Buster Key

2. 7-Days Login Rewards

These rewards will be given to new player upon login everyday.


2xSSS Ally Summon

300 Shoes
1 Hero Selection Ticket Summon
7-Days 100% EXP Boost Potion
300k Gold
500 Rubies
1 Draco Deity Select Ticket

3. Other Rewards
Please checkout this page: Beginner Reward List for the whole list of reward you
could get as new player in Dragon Blaze. To give you some idea, you could get t
otal around 20k Rubies as new player.

As beginner, you will be given 3 Character Slots for you to make your character.
Checkout this Character Info for more information on each class and what they e
xcel in. Here are my suggestion for which character to make and train in sequenc
e. each new slots cost 99 rubies to unlock.
Paladin - Excel in almost all area in PVP and PVE
Mage - Good in PVP Mode (Guild Battle)
Rogue - Good in Raid Boss
NEW Slot: Warrior - Adequate in every mode in game
NEW Slot: Priest - Excel in Raid Bosses for Equipment
NEW Slot: Archer - Good in PVP Mode (Guild Battle)
After you made the first 3 characters, you can start your game with PALADIN.
Daily Login Reward: Hero Summon Ticket
Start with Paladin & progress through story + save up 1490 rubies.
Once you have the rubies, follow the Fast Rubies Earning with each Class
Start your Beginner Mission - Get Greysoul as from mission-1 reward
HERO TIX SUMMON SUGGESTION: Get a Tiel for awaken to Tiel the Justice.
Reach end of Season 2 area with Paladin
Raid all the raid boss in Season 1 and Season 2 area for paladin
Earn 1490 Rubies for Special Jar of Growth for Mage
Raid all the bosses for Mage in Season 1 and 2 area
So to start the day, i created these 3 characters on free slot (would create mor
e later on). dragon blaze beginner guide - start
Start your game with Paladin. You will be given 2xSSS ally as daily login reward
. Summon them and add them to your team. Don't rush to enhance them first, you w
ont need them to progress season 1 AT ALL. Paladin is strong enough to clear the
whole map of season 1. Unless you obtain some Rogue ally, you could start to en
hance them if want because they will be needed later on to make Rogue Deity. For
now, you just need to progress through story and level up. While doing those, y
ou will be rewarded with various reward (Rubies, SS Allies, Gold).
You will notice there is a beginner mission pop-up, you open and start your firs
t beginner mission. Choose any dragon buster (it doesnot matter). Next you will
be completing 1st Mission and gotten the reward:
1 Draco Select Ticket - Get a Draco Greysoul
4x Platinum Ally Package - these are 9+1 Platinum Summon at Shop > Summon Ta
b > Platinum Ally Package
30 Light Essences
4 Million Gold
Yes, for the Draco tix, get a Greysoul. Now you need to Ultimate him to complete
the mission and get the reward for Mission-2. These probably will take some tim
e and cant be done on first day i guess. so Check out these section: Beginner Mi
ssion Explained, for the rest of Beginner Mission.

During the story progression, you will be briefed about skills. For paladin, pum
p all points into Active 1 - Judgement and max 1st Passive - Def Up. These 2 ski
lls are all u need to get through season 1 and 2 area. Add 1 or 2 point on 2nd A
ctive and Max 3rd Active. Checkout full paladin build HERE. The one i used here
are the Sword/Healer Paladin. Most probably in future, you might need to spent s
ome rubies to reset your paladin build to other build like full keyholder build
to better perform in other area. but for now, that build is the safest for you t
o kill all Raid Boss easily.
When you reach the raid boss dungeons, do raid them at least once each to obtain
reward rubies. All Season 1 raid boss will give you around 539 Rubies. Once you
have 300 rubies, go to Shop > under Item tab > check the Helper Set > use 300 r
ubies to buy the Paladin Helper Set. This set will help you clear almost all sea
son 1 and season 2 area with ease and also can be shared with your warrior chara
cter later on.
Move on through the story with your paladin, most probably you could clear until
season 2. Use some rubies to purchase shoes (no worry you will earn them back i
n no time). Some tips on earning Rubies:
While progressing through stories, train your allies' rapport. Each ally tha
t hit rapport 100, will reward you 10 Rubies.
Raid all the Boss Dungeon once when you reach them.
Check all the contents that is unlocked while level up. example arena can on
ly be access when you are lvl 25. Enter and fight for 1st time will give you 100
rubies + weekly participation of 50 rubies. Do join once for all the contents t
hat is unlocked for you.
Join a Guild and Participate in Guild PVP and PVE contents. Those will net y
ou some rubies as well.
Check out GM Events and try to clear them, some of the even have rubies as r
You will need to collect 1490 Rubies in order to proceed to next character. Once
you have those rubies, go to character selection screen and start your Mage. No
w why Mage? This is because of the Equipment Links, you could link your ally or
character equipment together, more detail on this on this article HERE, although
it is in Korean, but you get the gist of it. Basically the reason i chose mage
coz the special jar of growth will give you a helper set which could be Link to
Priest character or allies that use Staff and Orb. NEVER Choose a Warrior for yo
ur special jar of growth coz your warrior could get the Equipment Link from Pala
Progress through the story until you had unlocked the 4 slot of inventory. Next
go to Shop > Item tab > purchase the Special Jar of Growth - cost 1490 Rubies wh
ich can only be purchased once per account. This will give you:
Straight lvl ur character to lvl 99, Unlocked all the dungeons and quest til
l end of Season 3.
5xSSS Class Selection ally Tickets,
Suggestion: Use this 5 Class selection on 2 Rogues, 3 Mages.
2 Rogues are for Deifying to Mikaela & HellHawk,
3 Mages are for gambling in hope for incanter
up-to-you whether u wanna follow, some will use on warrior,
in hope for some paladin. but 2 rogues is a must.

A set of lvl 99 +MAX Helper Set for your class

[2PCS: Weap.ATK +1636, Def.Pen +130],
[4PCS: CDMG+180, HP+69907],
[6PCS: ATK.SPD+42, Acc+ 98]
Upon purchasing that, you will be direct to character selection screen. Login yo
ur new lvl 99 Mage, you will be at season 3 lobby area. You don need to rush to
proceed to season 4, you wont be able to handle them with your current strength.
Instead, go back to Season 1 and start raiding all the bosses from Season 1 to
Season 2. You might not able to handle Season 3 bosses but you can try to see wh
ether you got lucky and pair with veteran player to clear them. After all the ra
iding in Season 1 and 2, you will get back around 1304 rubies, now it is time to
start new character and repeat these, check Fast Rubies Earning with each Class
for more details. You could consider spending some rubies on helper set for Rog
ue and Archer. Which will make things easier, else you could also just spend tim
e in Raid Bosses to hunt them. I will just buy them for easier life =).
After creating earning all those rubies from repeating the character creating an
d raiding, now you should go back to your Paladin and start your Farming of esse
nces, allies and Items. With your current strength, here are some dungeons you c
ould camp and farm stuffs:
Season 2
Season 2
Season 2
g accessory
Season 2

- Guardian's Cave 5 : For Light Essences and SS ring accessory

- Infernal Fortress Entrance 7 : For Light Essences and SS earrings
- Infernal Fortress Inner Ward 7 : For Light Essences, SS & SSS rin

Some tips for

torage slots,
spending 250
ch could help
g dungeons.

- Scorched Terra 9 : For Light Essences, SS & SSS earrings

your farming, try unlocking some inventory slots for paladin and s
this could help you while auto-dungeoning. Also you could think of
rubies each on Komodo Wings and Deadly Fire (total 500 rubies) whi
you to combine all the Items, cards and Gems you obtain while doin

If you done all these in Day-1, i would say you are in good shape. Keep grinding
for today and then get some rest. Move on to Day-2.
- Back to Top DAY 2 - 6




300 Shoes
2x SSS Ally Summon Ticket
7-Days EXP Booster
300K Gold
500 Rubies

Grind Dungeons with your Paladin for: Gold, Essences, Allies and Items (Skil
l Card & Magic Scrolls)
Grind your Equipment and Myth Raid Badge for entering 6-Man Raid in Chap 3 Myth Mode Raid
Get lvl as high as possible for paladin and try to complete Season 3 - Norma
l for paladin.
Collecting Gold and Essences to prepare for Deifying

Collection Ally fodders for Enhancing & Deifying

Collect Skills Cards to equip on your Ally
From Day-2 to Day-6 are about the same, grinding your Level, Golds, Items & Alli
es. Start this off by leveling your paladin to Lvl 99, this should took around 1
or 2 days if you keep spending like 500+ shoes daily on the suggested dungeon o
n Day-1. When you are leveling your paladin, you should try to enhancing some th
e 2 Rogues ally that are summons using Class Tix. Enhance them with ally fodder,
to know more detail about enhancing, check out Enhancing and Limit Breaking on
DBWikia. Try to leave at least 5 SSS Allies for Ultimating Greysoul later on Day
When you have some spare tickets, you could spend them in 2 area:
Use your Priest and Start raiding Season 3 - Myth: Disgael Raid for Badge: F
reed Ragnarok and Raid essence
Spend them on Revenge of Belphegor - For Golds
Spend wisely on Arena, Guild Battle and Nebula Raid (may be too hard, but yo
u can try leeching other pro player)
On your Day-3, you will get a Hero Selection Ticket, use that to get Tiel which
can be awakened later on to Tiel the Justice which was super powerful and use wi
dely in all area of the game.
Nothing much except grinding, enhancing and raiding for these 5 days. Next up Da
- Back to Top DAY 7
Daily Login Reward: 1 Draco Deity Selection Ticket
Finally you get a Draco Deity for FREE and this mark the start of your Begin
ner Mission
This method is make use of Dragon Blaze generous rubies reward for new player an
d make full use of them to earn rubies for new player. This can only be done onc
e per account. How it is done? below is the steps
STEP1 : Start
STEP2 : After
STEP3 : After
ab > purchase the
o 99 and unlocked
Set (LVL 99)

with a new Character, let say PALADIN and save up 1490 Rubies
you obtain 1490 Rubies, create a new character, let say a MAGE
progressing story until unlock 4 inv slot, go to Shop > Item t
Special Jar of Growth - cost 1490 Rubies which lvl your char t
all dungeon till season 3 + 5xSSS class select ticket + Helper

STEP4 : Raid all the bosses from Season-1 and Season-2 area to get back 1304
STEP5 : Create another New Character of diff class e.q PRIEST
STEP6 : Start the new character and progress till unlocking 4 inv slot, go t
o Shop > Item tab > purchase the Normal Jar of Growth - cost 550 Rubies which le
vel your char to lvl 99 and unlock all dungeon till season 3.
STEP7 : Raid all bosses from Season-1 and Season-2 area to get back 1304 Rub
STEP8 : Repeat STEP5 - STEP7 for the rest of the class (ROGUE, WARRIOR and A
Here is the breakdown on your amount of rubies earn if you follow this.

6x1304 Rubies (Season-1 & Season-2 Raid) = 7824 Rubies

1490 Rubies
Unlocking 3 more character slots = 3x99 Rubies = 297 Rubies
5x550 Rubies = 2750 Rubies

Total Earning: 7824 - 1490 - 2750 - 297 = 3287 Rubies

This haven include the rubies reward from Season 3 Raid, which can be done after
you are stronger. If add those in, you still have around 6 x 666 Rubies = 3996
Rubies to be earn.
Some will argue that it is better to just spend rubies to buy shoes and clear th
ose dungeon in each character than spent 550 rubies. I would disagree with that,
main reason is because season 3 area are alot harder than season 1 and 2 and co
st alot more shoes (Normal, Hero, Legend, Myth). The shoes you could get from 55
0 rubies is just 1300++ Shoes, which doesn't even cover the shoes cost for seaso
n 3 all modes. So it is just better to buy the special Jar of Growth Until may b
e when they merge all the difficulty in Season 3 area.
These are series of mission which will give out 3 Deity Summon ticket + 1 Dragon
Buster Summon ticket at the end as the reward. These consist of 4 Mission which
could be started anytime and can only be done once per account.
MISSION-1 >> Completed upon accepting the challenge
- Once accepted the beginner mission,
you will complete this mission and reward will be sent to your mail.
- Get a Draco Greysoul using the rewarded Draco Summon Ticket
- Now you will need to ultimate an Draco Deity to complete mission-2
MISSION-2 >> Ultimate your Draco Deity
- Ultimate your Draco Greysoul
COST: 5 SSS Allies, a number of A to SS Ally and roughly around 40 Light Essen
- Upon complete you will be rewarded with Angel Summon Ticket,
Use it to get Kymael The Just
- Now you need to Ultimate an Angel Deity to complete Mission-3
MISSION-3 >> Ultimate your Angel Deity
- Choice1: Ultimate your Angel Kymael
COST: 5 SSS Allies, a number of A to SS Ally and roughly around 40 Light Essen
- Choice2: Ultimate your Angel Mikaela (Manual Create)

COST: 10 SSS Allies, a number of A to SS Ally and roughly around 40 Light Esse
- I would choose to ultimate Mikaela, coz i could use it to make Stigma later.
- Upon complete you will be rewarded with Boden Summon Ticket,
Use it to get Drunken Falcon
- Now you need to Ultimate the Boden Deity to Complete Mission 4
MISSION-4 >> Ultimate your Boden Deity
- Choice1: Ultimate your Boden Drunken Falcon
COST: 5 SSS Allies, a number of A to SS Ally and roughly around 40 Light Essen
- Choice2: Ultimate your Boden HellHawk (Manual Create)
COST: 10 SSS Allies, a number of A to SS Ally and roughly around 40 Light Esse
- I would choose to ultimate hellhawk, coz i could use it to make Stigma later.
- Upon complete you will be rewarded with Free Dragon Buster ticket.
Get Iota as for your free Dragon Buster ticket.
- with this, you had completed the Beginner Mission.
- Whole mission should took around 2-3 weeks for beginner to complete.

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