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Andrew Schwefler

Period 2

Humans have always used war as a way to solve large conflicts and gain control
of others. Some people have different opinions on war; some are for and others are
againsts, some want to wage war and others want to stay away from war. Moloch, one
of the devils from the Paradise Lost, is one who is for war and wants to create it. He
argued for him, the other devils, and all of the fallen angels to wage war on Heaven
once again and take Heaven over. Moloch is a man who wants to use military power to
get rid or take control over his enemies. Even if they lose again, he will be happy
because they will have gotten revenge on God and the other angels. Moloch main
argument is to wage war on heaven in order to get revenge. Some in todays society
who makes a similar devils argument as Moloch would be Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler used rhetorical strategies to get his arguments across to others,
similar to the ones Moloch used to gain support for his plan to attack Heaven. Moloch
used pathos in order to get his plan across to the other devils and to gain support from
them. In his speeches, Hitler used a lot of pathos to gain support from the German
people. He creates positive emotion when he discusses his plans and attaches positive
images to them, and create negative emotion when he talks about his enemies. Moloch
creates a negative emotion when he also talks about his enemies, but a positive,
prideful, and hopeful emotion when he talks about his plan to wage war on Heaven. Not
only did both Hitler and Moloch used similar strategies to gain support for their
arguments, but they also had similar arguments.
Adolf Hitler was the main catalyst for World War II and started World War II.
Moloch and Hitler both planned to wage war on their enemies, but the only difference
between them is that Hitler followed through with his. They both saw power in the army

Andrew Schwefler
Period 2

that they had and wanted to wage war on their enemies. Moloch wanted to go to war to
God and said that they have nothing to lose. Moloch believed that nothing can get much
worse because they are already in Hell. Hitler planned to go to war to defeat his
enemies and to gain more power for Germany. Apart of his plan to wage war, he wanted
to create the Aryan race and have Germany be the superior country. They argued to use
their military power and battle their enemies.
When looking at the argument and plan of Moloch, Hitler makes the devils
argument. Not only do the two have similar plans and arguments, but the two both
present their arguments with the same rhetorical strategy of pathos.

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