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GARIS PANDUAN KESELAMATAN BAGI PENGGUNAAN LIF DAN ESKALATOR GUIDELINES ON THE SAFE USE OF LIFTS AND ESCALATORS (“pf GUIDELINES ON THE SAFE USE OF LIFTS AE ces DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES MAI (seco TION) Foreword “These guidelines are prepared by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health {D0SH) with the cooperation of it contractors and shall be cited as the Guidelines on the Safe Use of, Uns ana Escalators “The purpose ofthese guidelines are to: + inform the owners and users of lits and escalators oftheir esponsibiities; + inform the owners and uses fs and escalator of therespunsblties cf regstered competent fem; + create awareness among the owners and users ofthe safeuse of lifts and cescelators; and + minimise acidents, breakdowns, vandalism and complaint relating to tits and escalators “These guidelines enabée lit owners (such as building owners, co-owners, bulding management), registered competent fiems and lift users to have a better understanding ofthe maintenance requirements and safe operation of lifts and escalators. The DOSH believes that with these ‘uideines the it owners can have o clear understanding of their responsibltes and roles. “These guidelines will be reviewed and updated from time te time to Include any changes whenever necessary. We welcome al fecback regarding these guidelines. [would ike o thank the committze fr contiautingmuct oftheir energy and ert tothe reparation these guides Director General Departmert of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia 2010 The Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Melasie would ike to thank all indidels directly or indirectyinvoved and the Maaysian Lit and Escalator Association (MALEA) for their contributions tothe preparation of these guidelines: Acknowledgement 1. Pn, Muaziah bte Abd Rahman, Direc, Industral Safety Dvsion, DOSH, Malaya . 2c Mohd Hata bin Zakaria Deputy Direct Indust SaftyDNson, 054 Malaya 3k Zulafly bin Zainuddin FTKLOOSH 4. En, Mohd Hiswandy Ishak Dos Ha, 5. En. Wan Rafei W. Abd Rahman Dos Ha, 6. En, Mohd Noor Ari bin tsa Selangor BOSH 7.En.Faicul Abdullah Selangor COSH 8. Pn. Wan Nur KhsfizahWen Abdllloh —FTKLOOSH 9. En Ismail bin Ainuddin Dos# Ha, 410. Pn, Norliza ine Abu Othman Dost Ha, 1. Ir Richard Oh MALEACMS Lifts Engineering Sdn. Bhd. 412. En, Han Yoke Kwang MALEA-Ots Lift Company (M) Sdn. Bhd. 413.£. KThituchelvam MALEA-Ot Lift Comoany (M) Sdn. Bhe: 14.En. Ng Kooi Yorg. MALEA-Fujtec (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 415. En. Yau Hing Low MALEA-Ryoden (Malaysia) Sdn. Ba. 416.£n. Zahir bin Moharred Shaffy MALEA-Ryoden (Malaysia) Sdn. Bha. 47.1, Tham Thin Yen MALEACHitachi Life Enginecring (M) Sdn. hd 18.En. Joseph Yuen MALEA-SIGMA Lift (M) Sd Bhd. 19.n, Tan Seng Keng MALEA-KONE Lift (Mj Sdn. Bhd, 20. Ir. Teh See Tee MALEA-Antah Schineler Sdn. Bhd. The guidelines have been reviewed and endorsed by the Policy Review Committee chaired by the Director General ofthe Department of Occupational Safety and Health, For further information, please contact: Department of Occupational Safety and Heath Levels 2,3 & 4, Block D3, Complex Federal Government Administrative Centre 62530 Putrajaya Tels 03-8886 5000 Fax: 03-8889 2352 ' Email: jkip@mohegovny (Our Reference: sKKP DP 127/379/4-50 AXbreviations « ost FMA IMB MALEA naporop ‘Osta raaps aterpretations ‘Competent Firm Chief inspector Competent Person Inspector ur. Maintenance owner Certificate of Fitness Department of Occupational Safety and Health Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) Joint Management Body “The Malaysian Lift and Escalator Association Occupational Safety and Heath (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Ooaurenc, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 Occupationsl Safety and Health Act 1998 (Act 514) Emergency Battery Operated Power Supply ‘fem with written appro from the Chi apectortocany ‘out nstaation repa, maintenance, akeration ané derroition ofits and escalators subject to terms set bythe Chet Inspector Director General of DOSH ‘Apersonwiththe qualifications knowledge sklsand abies tocerry out tasks related lifts and escalators and registered with the Chief Inspector DOSH officer that includes the Chef inspector Deputy Chief Inspector and Senior Inspector appointed under Section Ad PMAL9« ‘Anapplance designed to vanspor pasiengers or gpods or both from one levelto another ina verteal drection by mears. fait cacThe motion of the it cars obtained through anelectic meorcoupledto theliftng element, and includes the machinery suspension ropes, hydraule rams, supports ‘nd enclosures cequired in comection therewith CContinucus manterance,epairard servong tits and esata The person receiving the rents or profits fromthe oreccaltors uted, whether an his oun accautor aan agent or trustee for any cther gerson or those who would recelve the same ithesreizsor ts/escalatos were lease, rd this ‘rere bulking management companies pint ranagement bodies or corporate management. Table ot contents ‘Page Number Foreword i Ackrowledgarents i Abbreviations ii Interpretations W Table of Contents w 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 General Operations of Lif System 2 3.0 General Operations of Escalator System 4 40 Lagication « 41 Acts and Regulations 42 Malaysian Signderd 43 Penalty 5.0 Duties and Responsibilities 7 51 Government 0SH 52 Owner 53 Competent Firm 54 User 6.0 Safety Information u 61 Noticesto be displayed 62 Do'sand Don'ts 7.0 Emergency Response Procedure “ 7a Uiks J. Action by Trapped Person 74.2 Action by Pecple Cutside the Li. 7.4.3 Aetion by the Ownsr/Bullding Management 7.44 Action by Competent Firm 1.2 Escalators References 6 ‘Appendices Appendix Certificate of Fitness ” Appendix Content of Register of Lifts -Secend Schedule 8 Appendix3 _Netice of Prahibiton/tiotice of immediate 8 Prohibition -JKd 26 FMA, Appendix Form JKKP 6 = Report on Accident/Dangerous 20 ‘Occurrence (NADOPOD) AppendieS —_DOSH Directory a mA iy 10 Introduction Today, its and escalators offer great convenience to society. As peoy their dally activites, they do nat need to go through the trouble of climbing up and down staircases from one level to another. The benefits of using ifts and escalators ae eltrot only y those working or living in luxurious high-rise buildings but also by those living in low-cost buildings. Lifts and escalators are machines which require care and scheduled maintenance to lensurethat they can function propery without causing any problems tousers. if maintenance isnot conducted properly, breakdowns wil occur which wl lead to higher cost and dowrtime. "Moreover, vandalism and misuse may also leave adverse effects on the performance of its and escalators. It fetho responsibilty ofthe owners and competent Firms to ensure that te fits and escalators ate inspected and mairtained regularly. Adequate funes are required to cary out Imaintenance and inspections. The owners are encouraged to edueste users en the safe operation oflifts and escalators t avold accents or unwanted orcurrences, Therefore, responsibilities regarding the safe use of lifts and escalators do not rest, selely onthe shouldersof the owner, competent frm, building managernent or DOSH but also ‘on the shoulHers ofthe user. Tis way, accidents inolvinglfts ad escalators can be minimised 1 2.0 General operations of tft System Controter Machine rerspeed Governor Landing Cal Buttons Landing Door Wire Repes Door Operator Cer Cage er Dace Safety Gear Countenveight “Traveling Cables Limit switch Gide Fails Buffer Governor Terstoner Today, fts and escaletos ofer great convenience to society. As people go about thelr ally actities, they do nat need to go through the trouble of climbing up and down For general ‘operation ofthe lift sytem, the lift car cage is raised and lowered by wire ropes. The ropes are ‘attached to the if car cage and looped arounda sheave, The sheave grips the hoist ropesso that ‘when the sheave rotates the ropes moveand hence the If car moves too. The sheave is connected to the mater of the machine. When the motor turns one wav. the sheave raises the lift car; when the motor turns the other way, the sheave lowers the lift ct, ‘Typealy the cieave, motor and controler ofthe lit system sre allhoused ina machine room abore the lift shaft The ropes that Iift the car are aso connected toa ccuntenweight which hangson the ‘other side of the sheave. The courter weight weighs about the same asa car filed to SO per ' cent capacity. The purpose ofthis balancing is to conserve enerey asially, the motor has to ‘withstand only the dfferencein weight between the two sides of the It car and the counter- weight. Doth the it car and the counterweight ride on guide ras along the sides of the let shatt. The rallsalso work with the safety gear system to top the car inan emergency. oma a 2 usar bu with severally atersthetieep them safer condtion. The int ine of defence isthe pe sytem tel fs ae equipped with utipleropesin the unexpects everttatone the apes sap, he remaining ropes was beableo hol the Eenifalloftheropes were brea ts ure that it car weulifaltothe bttomoftheshaftss it ‘rsh sly oer bang stor. When the cr exceeds the desinated speed a soe iting deve called the avespeed gover vil detet andacthat thesaetypar Leaking stem byrppnetheral. Ls lsohave lectramagretic bakesthat function tha it operations, Whenthe eectromag- rete brakes ere ncpen goston thet car walrmve nhlsjstethebrakeswil dose coat the eexpriencesa problem withelectical supp Ls alsohave alimitswitchinstaled near the top and bttomofthelit shat. the lftcar moves too farineltercection the witch wl vggr the controler toring thelif toa stop. ‘The bottom ofthe Iftshat has shox absorber system called a bater: The buffer works ke 2 ‘dent ashion to soften he impact should theft movebeyord thelandng terminal Many modern ts ae cortrolles by mlroprocessor-bas corto. The contaler processes cf the relevant nfrmation about the Iift nd dives the metor wih the comet ammount putthe It car ‘where needs tte ‘Mast stems alzo have aload sensor to detect the loa in theft car The fad sensor tl the conivolerhow fl he cari, the car exceed the rated caps the corr will nat rave the car ntlit tos the accepted capacty Ls use wo derertsets odors cardoorsthat nove withthe ftarand landing doarsatevery lang the it car sop. Thelanding doers re esertialtoprevet uss from fing down anopen shat. ‘he dons onthe crs are operated by adoor operator whichis contol by thet ontrole. Safety Device in it Car ‘Aa buttonIt gives an audible warning signal when help equed. Door open/close button ~It keeps the door oper(closed when pressed, Emergenoyligring~It its up the isd ofthe fe when the elecrictysuppy as Safety edge/doorsersors it darswilopen/reapen whenan object is deteted (Overioad device ~it tigger the alarm wher the ated ad of theliftis exceeded, Telephone/iecom button ~it permitsvertl cxrmunicationwith hebulcing ‘management. aepene 3.0 General Operations of Escalator System Comb plate Ccontraler se *P _-Emergency stop Button Hancrall Orve unit Truss Main crive Chain {An escalator isa moving staircase for transporting people between floors. consists of three main parts 2) Apower unt consisting of amoter anda reduction gearbox that provides power to

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