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Guidelines for Submission of Cases and Teaching Notes

1. Primary data based cases are preferred. However, secondary data based cases, with proper
referencing would also be acceptable.
2. Sometimes one has to disguise names of real company and real people for want of their privacy.
However, authors should avoid using names such as ABC Ltd and Mr. XYZ etc. Instead, authors
should use such disguised names which sound like real names.
3. Plagiarism is required to be avoided at all costs. Authors must assure that information included in
their cases doesnt violate any copyrights. Any such instances of violation of copyrights will solely
be the responsibility of the concerned author(s). For any copyrighted material to be used in the
case, author(s) must obtain written permission from the copy right owner.
4. Cases submitted must be accompanied with detailed Teaching Notes. The case and teaching notes
require to be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format (.doc; .docx).
5. The Case would include:
i. First page : Title page indicating Case Title, Author(s) names, affiliations, and contact details
ii. Second page would carry the Case Abstract of not more than 300 words including:
Functional areas (Course/programme and specific topic) for which the case can be
case objectives, and
keywords (maximum five)
iii. The Case may have the following structure:
Main Body of the Case including the all facts and issues related to the case (this can
have multiple sections depending on the requirement of the case situation)
Closing section
Tables, Exhibits
6. There is no prescribed length and word limit for the case. However, good cases must provide
adequate contextual information but yet should not be too lengthy. Some of the best HBS cases
have length of 5 to 15 pages inclusive information presented in tables and exhibits.
7. Font Requirements: Font size-12; Font type-Times New Roman; Line spacing-Single; SubheadingsArial font, size 10, Bold, mixed case as opposed to all capitals
8. The case would require to be written in past tense, since the case describes events that have
already taken place
9. To be considered of an acceptable quality, the case would require to be written with a proper flow
and accurate language.
10. All tables, figures and exhibits are required to be placed at the end of the text and sequentially
referenced within the text. Source for every table, figure and exhibit needs to be mentioned under
the same.
11. APA style for in-text citations and referencing is preferred. However, other major, accepted styles
may also be used as long as consistency in the style usage is maintained
12. The Teaching Note has the same font requirement as the Case.
13. Teaching Notes should include:
Synopsis of Case
Case Positioning
Learning Objectives
Substantive questions & analysis
Study Questions
Teaching Process including suggested dos and donts
Optional Epilogue
Optional Theory.

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