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Journal of Ship Technology, Vol. 2, No.

1, Jan 2006, pp 22-35

Prof. V Seshadri
Department of Applied Mechanics
IIT Delhi, India

Prof. SN Singh
Department of Applied Mechanics
IIT Delhi, India

Cdr PR Kulkarni, Ph.D

Naval Construction Wing
Department of Applied Mechanics
IIT Delhi, India

Study of Problem of Exhaust Smoke Ingress into GT Intakes

of a Naval Ship
V Seshadri, SN Singh, Cdr PR Kulkarni
The rise in the intake air temperature of the gas turbines has been reported in
some of the newly designed ships. This not only adversely affects the efficiency of the
gas turbines but can also affect their life and reliability. Solving the smoke nuisance
problem on the already constructed and operational ships with dubious exhaust emission
performance involves investigation by wind tunnel studies, which play an important
role in recommending modifications to the topside configuration and in the imperative
troubleshooting between the launch and delivery of such a vessel. The paper presents
an investigation of the phenomenon on a naval ship wherein the problem was detected
after the launch of the ship, during the sea acceptance trials. The trials team reported
unexplained high ambient air temperature at GT intake. Investigation of the problem
at IIT Delhi by simulating the phenomenon in a Wind Tunnel found that the exhaust
smoke exiting from the funnel was being sucked into the GT intake. On the basis of
results from the experiments, several modifications were suggested in the geometry of
funnel and GT intakes as well as the topside configuration to overcome the problem.
The study presents the recommendations for modification to the topside configuration
on the vessel to overcome the undesirable problem of ingress of the exhaust smoke into
the GT intake and highlights the need to detect such shortfalls in design very early in
the design spiral and to find efficient means to eliminate them so as to avoid the costly
post construction additions and alterations.
Keywords :
Exhaust Smoke, GT Intake, Topside, Ship Aerodynamics





Funnel diameter

Fru Densimetric Froude no. =


Temperature of ambient air


Exhaust velocity (m/s)

Coriolis parameter

Gravitational acceleration (m2/s)


Temperature of exhaust

Journal of Ship Technology


gD f

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006


Ambient cross flow velocity (m/s)



Grashoff number = (T e T a2)

of strong localised recirculation zones in the early

stages of ship design is a standard practice in the
design spiral of a ship. Solving the smoke nuisance
problem on the already constructed and operational
ships with dubious exhaust emission performance
involves investigation by wind tunnel studies, which
play an important role in recommending modifications to the topside configuration and in the
imperative troubleshooting between the launch and
delivery of such a vessel. The problem of smoke
nuisance on ships by wind tunnel investigation has
been a subject of study since 1940s [1-12]. Use of
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to investigate
the problem has been reported in recent years [1322]. The evolution of the funnel shape and topside
configuration on passenger and naval ships over
the last hundred years and a comprehensive review
of the problem of smoke nuisance on ships by
various researchers since 1930s has been presented
in a review paper by Kulkarni [23].

T e

Density ratio =

Velocity ratio = Ve / V w

Density of ambient air

Length of model

Density of exhaust

Peclet number= Ve L/

e a


Reynolds number =

Kinematic viscosity


Richardson number =

Thermal diffusivity


Rossby number = Ve / fL



aV wL

a gL

eV w

The cluttered topside of a typical naval ship

features short funnels that are located in the vicinity
of taller structures that are aerodynamically bluff
bodies. This highly unfavorable funnel configuration
causes the exhaust smoke to exit into the wake of
the bluff bodies, thereby resulting in trapping of
the exhaust into recirculation zones and cause
undesirable smoke contamination on the topside
operational areas. An investigation of the behavior
of exhaust smoke emitted from the funnel located
in the wake of a bluff body assumes significance in
the design of ships to identify the recirculation zones
and undertake modifications to the topside layout.
The studies of the dispersion of the exhaust plume
under the influence of cross wind, and identification

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

On naval ships, one of the ways in which the

problem of smoke nuisance manifests itself is by
rise in the intake air temperature of the gas turbines
(GT) due to the exhaust gases coming out of the
funnels being sucked into the GT intakes. This paper
presents the findings of wind tunnel investigation
of the problem on a naval ship [9] carried out at
IIT Delhi. During the sea trials of the ship, it was
observed that the intake air in the GTs was at a
much higher temperature than the ambient air. The
trials team reported unexplained higher ambient air
temperature of the order of 5 to 12C at the GT
intake. The schematic CAD model representing the
topside of the ship indicating the location of the
funnels and the GT intakes is shown in Fig. 1.
Wind tunnel tests on scale model of the ship by
simulating the exhaust smoke through the funnels
and the suction at the GT intakes were therefore
undertaken to appreciate the problem and suggest
modifications in evolving an optimal solution to
overcome the problem. This paper presents the
findings of the wind tunnel studies and the
recommendations of modifications to the topside
configuration to overcome the problem prior to the
delivery of the ship.

Journal of Ship Technology


F orw ard fu n n el
A ft fun n el

F w d G T In tak e
A ft G T In tak e

Fig. 1: Schematic CAD model of topside configuration representing the blocks of superstructure as
aerodynamically bluff bodies




During model studies, it is essential to ensure

that the data and observations obtained from the
model are applicable to proto-type conditions. In
order to ensure that the flow fields in the two cases
are similar, it is necessary that the conditions of
geometric, kinematic as well as dynamic similarities
be satisfied. In the context of dispersion of exhaust
plume from ships funnel, it is only the initial plume
rise phase that needs to be modelled. The general
case for the gas turbine exhaust outlet as found on
a naval ship is that the cross flow is very turbulent.
Further, the presence of superstructure in the
vicinity clearly affects the plume dispersion and
therefore, the plume trajectory models cannot
readily be used. Several authors have discussed the
scaling criteria for wind tunnel studies of the
exhaust smoke (Overcamp [24], Halitsky [25],
Davidson [26], Holdo [27], Kulkarni [10] etc.).
These are Reynolds number (Re), Richardson
number (Ri), Densimetric Froude number (Fru),
Rossby number (Ro) and Peclet number (Pe). In
practical model simulation, it is impossible to meet
all the scaling requirements to model the buoyant
flow from the ship funnel. Accordingly, a number
of scaling approximations have to be introduced.

The GT exhaust from the funnel of a ship has

both momentum and buoyancy. Scaling the initial
momentum and buoyancy in the near field requires
matching of Densimetric Froude number (Fr u),
velocity ratio (K), density ratio (), Richardson
number (Ri) and the Reynolds number (Re) between
the model and the prototype funnel. The importance
of buoyancy forces in a mixed convection flow can
be measured by the ratio of Grashoff number (Gr)
to (Re)2. If Gr/Re 2 1, it implies a very strong
influence of buoyancy. However, if this ratio is
small, buoyancy forces can be ignored in the
simulation. For the typical flow parameters of a
naval ship, this ratio works out to be of the order
of 0.1. Since the ratio is small, the buoyancy forces
can be ignored in the simulation. The phenomenon
of interest is near field dispersion of jet in the
disturbed flow field created by bluff bodies of the
superstructure. In the near field, the plume path is
inertia dominated rather than buoyancy dominated.
Therefore, in the present investigation, air at
ambient temperature was injected through the
funnels of the model superstructure to represent the
ejection of ships exhaust smoke. Since thermal
effects are not considered, Ri 0 and Peclet
number matching is not required. For an isothermal
jet, = 1 and Fru in the model and full-scale
flow. Thus, scaling the momentum in the near field

Journal of Ship Technology

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

study requires only K to be matched apart from Re.

Though equality of Re is required for the simulation
in the wind tunnel, bluff bodies such as the
superstructure of ships however, are an exception.
This is because little change occurs in the flow
patterns around the superstructure with increasing
Re above 10,000 [8] as the effects of the turbulence
flow phenomenon remain the same over a wide
range of Reynolds number.
In the present study, scaling down all the
dimensions by the same factor ensured geometric
similarity. Hence, the model of the ship was
geometrically similar to the actual prototype. In
order to ensure kinematic similarity, it was
necessary that the ratios of the various critical
velocities are same for the model as well as in the
prototype. In addition to the mass flow rate at each
of the GT intake under full load condition, the flow
of air for jacket cooling was also taken into account
for each GT. Hence for kinematic similarity, the
suction flow rate at the two GT intakes was
calculated for part load and full load conditions.
The velocities of the exhaust gases coming out of
each of the funnels at the full load as well as part
load conditions was estimated. In order to ensure
kinematic similarity between the model and the
prototype at full load and partload conditions, the

ratio of exhaust velocity (Ve) to wind velocity (Vw)

at the funnel, i.e. the velocity ratio (K) was
calculated. The Reynolds number in the model study
was approximately 106, which was sufficiently large
to ensure dynamic similarity.


The schematic arrangement of the experimental

set up for flow visualization studies is shown in
Fig. 2. The 1:50 scale model of the superstructure
was installed in the 1.6 m x 1.6 m wind tunnel in
the Gas Dynamics Laboratory of IIT Delhi. The
ship model was mounted on a rotary table provided
in the base of the wind tunnel test section. This
allowed the ship model to be rotated and set at any
angle with respect to the wind direction. The plane
of the rotary table was flush with the bottom plate
of the test section. The wind tunnel was a closed
circuit type with air being circulated by a fan run
by a 175 HP motor. The propeller of the fan was
provided with adjustable pitch blades so that
different air velocities could be attained in the wind
tunnel test section. The length of the test section
was 10 m. The maximum velocity attainable in the
wind tunnel was 26 m/s. The velocity profile in the
test section was checked for uniformity and the
turbulence level in the test section was of the order

P ito t T u b e
1 :5 0 sca le m do el


S m o k e g en erato r

S m o k e g en erato r

A ir fro m
b lo w er
S uc tio n to
b lo w er

A ir fro m
b lo w er

O rifice p late

S uc tio n to
b lo w er

Fig. 2: Experimental set up

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

Journal of Ship Technology


of 0.1 %. The sidewalls of the wind tunnel test

section were made of Perspex sheets, which allowed
visualisation of the flow field over the ship model.
As a part of the study, it was necessary to
simulate the flow at the GT intakes. For this
purpose, an air circulatory system consisting of both
suction (to represent the GT intake) and blowing
(to represent the GT exhaust) was fabricated and
installed. Air at ambient temperature was injected
through the funnels of the model superstructure to
represent the ships exhaust smoke. The air delivery
system for this set-up was provided by a centrifugal
blower capable of delivering maximum discharge
of 3600m3/hr at a static head of 1.5 m WC. In
order to facilitate the injection of a metered quantity
of air through the funnels and suction of metered
quantity of air through the GT intakes, an extensive
pipe network was laid from the two GT intakes of
the ship model as well as to the two funnels of the
model. The piping system consisted of pipeline
network with valves, which was used to control the
flow in any part of the pipe network. A set of bypass valves were also provided both in the suction
as well as the delivery pipeline systems so that
additional flexibility in flow control could be
obtained. This valve system allowed independent
control of the flow rate from each of the GT intakes
as well as the flow coming out from each of the
two funnels. Fig. 2 gives the detailed pipeline
network. Pre-calibrated orifice type flow meters
were incorporated both in the GT intake pipelines
as well as in the pipes supplying air to the funnels.
The individual orifice meters were designed to
accurately measure the flow rates expected in each
of the pipelines. They were fabricated at IIT Delhi
and were pre-calibrated. The accuracy of calibration
was 0.5%. Hence, the flow rate in any of the
pipelines could be adjusted to the desired value
within an accuracy of 0.5%. With the above
system, it was possible to adjust the positions of
the various valves so as to get the desired velocities
in the model study. This was essential to ensure
kinematic similarity between the flow conditions
that would exist in the model studies as well as at
in-situ conditions.




The velocity of air at any setting was measured

using a calibrated Pitot Static tube mounted at the
centerline of the wind tunnel. This probe was
installed on the upstream of the model at a distance
of approximately two meters from the model. The
pressure differential indicated by the Pitot Static
tube was measured using an optical type of micro
manometer having a resolution of 0.1 mm of water
column (WC). The initial experiments were also
conducted to ensure that the distribution of velocity
in the wind tunnel ahead of the model was uniform.
This was verified by measuring velocities at various
locations across the test cross section at a station
upstream of the ship model.
Markings were made both on the rotary table
as well as on the base plate of the wind tunnel test
section so that the ship model could be set at any
desired angle with respect of the wind direction.
The position of the model could be set within an
accuracy of 1. The range in which the orientation
of the ship model could be varied was 20
The orifice meters individually measured the
flow rates of air in the two suctions of the GT
intakes as well as two supply pipes to the funnels.
The pressure differentials indicated by these four
orifice meters were measured by U tube water
manometers having a resolution of 0.5 mm WC.
In order to visualize the flow conditions
existing at various locations on the model, the
following techniques were used.

Tuft probes like single tuft, rake tufts were

fabricated and could be placed at the desired
(b) An elongated thread probe was also fabricated
to visualize the flow direction in an extended
(c) Smoke was introduced into the air being
supplied to the funnel by a smoke generator
(shown in Fig. 2), which made the flow coming
out of the funnel visible. The smoke was

Journal of Ship Technology

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

introduced intermittently whenever it was

necessary to visually observe the flow.
(d) Both still photographs as well as video films
were used to record the flow pattern on the
ship model at various settings. These were
analysed later on to arrive at appropriate

various critical operating conditions studied varied

from 100 % loading of the GTs (full load) to 35 %
loading (partial loading). The velocity ratios were
accordingly varied during the experimentation so as
to duplicate these conditions to achieve kinematic



7.1 Study of Original topside Configuration

The velocity ratio (K) defined as the ratio of

the velocity of the exhaust gases at the funnel exit
(Ve) to the wind velocity over the ship (V w) is one
of the critical parameters which governs the
trajectory of exhaust gases coming out of the funnel.
If this velocity ratio is high then gases coming out
of the funnel would tend to move in the upward
direction and hence would clear the obstacles on
the ship deck. The ship would not be operating
under the full load conditions all the time.
Depending on the ship velocity the gas turbines
could operate under part load conditions. However,
under part load conditions, this velocity ratio could
be as low as 45% of the value at full load conditions.
This would cause the exhaust gases coming from
funnel to interact with the ship mast and introduce
smoke in the zone of GT inlets. Hence, part load
operation of the GT would be critical condition as
far as interaction between the forward funnel
exhaust and aft GT intakes is concerned. The

A ft. fu n n el

A ft. G T in ta k e

Initial experiments were performed without

making any modifications either to the funnels or
the GT intakes. Kinematically conditions were
duplicated at full load as well as at part load
operating conditions. These observations were also
made at various wind velocity directions in the range
of 20. The following general observations were

The exhaust gases coming out of the forward

funnel were found to curl partly into the intake
region of forward GT intake. Thus it was found
that some amount of smoke was getting into
the forward intakes as shown in Fig. 3

(b) Gases coming from forward funnel seemed to

clear the aft mast at full load conditions.
However, at part load operation the exhaust
interacted with the aft mast and the smoke was

F w d . fu n n el

F w d . G T in tak e

Fig. 3: Ingress of Exhaust Smoke into the GT Intakes

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

Journal of Ship Technology


modifications would also deflect the direction

of exhaust gases coming out from the forward
funnel in such a way that it would not interact
with the aft mast.

found to enter into the suction region of intakes

of aft GT. This happened particularly when
the wind velocities were at Red 10 and 0.

The exhaust gases coming out from the aft

funnels were also found to curl back into the
suction region of intakes of aft GT as shown
in Fig. 3

7.2 Modifications to Configuration

In order to solve the above problems the
following modifications in the ship model were

The platform over the forward GT intake was

extended upto the forward funnel. The width
of the platform was made equal to the width
of the GT intakes. This is shown in Fig. 4(b)

(b) Starboard side of the forward funnel wall was

raised at an inclination of 30 to the funnel by
2 cm on the model (equivalent to 1 meter on
the full scale ship). The forward sidewall of
the funnel was also raised by the same height
giving an inclination of 20 to the vertical.
These modifications are shown in Fig. 5(b).
These two modifications were incorporated in
order to avoid the exhaust gases from the
forward funnel getting into GT intakes. These

Fw d Funnel


A platform was built over the aft GT intakes

(shown in Fig. 6(b)). This platform was
extended fully upto the forward wall of the aft
funnel. The width of this platform was made
equal to the width of the GT intakes.

(d) The two sidewalls of the aft funnel, namely

forward and port sidewalls were also raised to
prevent exhaust gases curling back into aft GT
intake area. The port sidewall of the funnel
was raised by giving an inclination of 30 to
the vertical by 2 cm (equivalent to one meter
on the full scale ship). The forward side of the
funnel was also raised by some height giving
an inclination of 20 to the vertical. This
modification is shown in Fig. 5(c).
7.3 Observations with modifications
Flow visualization as well, as measurements
were made at various operating conditions to
establish the effectiveness of the modifications
enumerated in section 7.2. With the modifications
it was expected that the problem would be solved
to a great extent. The following conclusions were

P latfo rm o v er
F w d G T in tak e

F w d G T in tak e

(a) Original configuration of forward GT intake

(b) Modified configuration of forward GT intake

Fig. 4: Modification to forward GT intake


Journal of Ship Technology

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

the problem of entry of exhaust gases from aft

funnel into the suction zone of aft GT intakes
at all conditions of operations.

drawn from these measurements.


With the modifications in the forward and star

board sides of the forward funnel (Fig. 5(b))
as well as provision of platform over the
forward GT intakes (Fig. 4(b)), the problem
of exhaust gases from the forward funnel
entering into the forward GT intakes was
completely solved. This was observed to be
valid at all conditions of operation.

(b) The exhaust coming out from the forward

funnel was clearing the aft mast in most of
the wind directions. However, at certain wind
directions under part load conditions (close to
about 60% loading) the gases coming out from
the forward funnel were still found to be
interacting with the aft mast and hence getting
into suction zones of aft GT intake. The
provision of platform over aft GT intake
(Fig. 6(b)) prevented most of the gases from
entering into the suction of the aft GTs.
However, at certain wind directions (Red 10
and 0), some of the exhaust gases (approx 2
to 5%) were found to enter into the GT intakes
under part load conditions.

7.4 Additional Modifications

It was observed that modifications suggested
in section 7.2 above have solved the problem under
most conditions of operation. However, under part
load conditions (between 35 to 50 % loading) as
well as at certain wind directions (Red 10 and 0),
the aft GT intake was found to be affected by the
exhaust gases coming out from the forward funnel.
In order to solve this problem several additional
modifications were attempted. Among these, the
following are the more important ones: (a)

The modification to the aft funnel (Fig. 5(c))

as well as the provision of the platform over
aft GT intake (Fig. 6(b)) completely solved

The two remaining walls of the forward funnel,

namely, the backward face and the port
sidewalls were also raised to the same height
as that of the other two walls so that all the
four walls of the funnel are in the same
horizontal plane at the top (shown in
Fig. 7(b)). These two walls were not given
any additional inclination but were raised in
the same plane as that of the existing walls.
These modifications would make the exhaust
gases coming out from the funnel to rise higher
and clear the ship mast. Secondly, the area
available at the funnel exit would also reduce

S tarbo ard side and front

o f fu n n el raised

(a) Original Funnel

(b) Modified Fwd Funnel

P o rt sid e a n d fro n t o f
fu n n el raised

(c) Modified Aft Funnel

Fig. 5: Modification to the funnels

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

Journal of Ship Technology


A ft F u nn el

P latfo rm o ver aft

G T in tak e

A ft G T in ta k e

(a) Original configuration of aft GT intake

(b) Modified configuration of aft GT intake

Fig. 6: Modification to aft GT intake

R a isin g o f h eig h t o f
fu n n e l sid e s

(a) Original Funnel

P o rt sid e an d fro n t o f
fu n n e l raised

(b) Raising of
funnel height

(c) Modified Fwd


S ta rb o ard sid e an d fro n t

o f fu n n el ra ise d

(d) Modified Aft


Fig. 7: Final Modification to the funnels

thereby increasing exhaust velocity of the

gases and hence the trajectory of the funnel
exhaust would become higher at all operating
conditions, thereby preventing its interaction
with the aft mast.
(b) Further modifications were made in the inlet
portion of aft GT intake in order to prevent
the entry of exhaust gases into the turbines.
The important modifications are as


Provision of extended platforms both at

port side as well as starboard side of the
aft GT intake at 02-deck level (Fig.8 (b)).

(ii) The suction area of aft GT intake was

blocked upto 02 deck level (Fig.9 (b)
& (c))
(iii) Additional platform was provided on 02deck level at aft GT intake (Fig 10(b)).
(iv) The suction intake for aft GT intake was
modified so that the entry of the air is
from the backward side only (Fig.11).
7.5 Observations with additional modifications
The efficacy of the additional modifications

Journal of Ship Technology

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

A d d itio n al p la tfo rm o n
a ft G T in ta k e
A ft F u n n e l

A ft G T in ta k e

(a) Original configuration of aft GT intake

(b) Extended platform on aft GT intake

Fig. 8: Extended platform on port and stbd. side of aft GT intake

A ft F u n n el

S ta rb o ard sid e
B lo ck a g e o f G T
in tak e

A ft G T

in tak e

(a) Original configuration of

aft GT intake

(b) Blockage of aft GT intake

upto 02 deck

(c) Blockage of suction area

of aft GT intake

Fig. 9: Blockage of aft GT intake

A ft F u n n el

A d d ition al P latfo rm o v er
aft G T in ta k e
(a) Original Configuration

(b) Initial modification

(c) Additional platform

Fig. 10: Additional platform at aft GT intake

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

Journal of Ship Technology


described in section 7.4 in preventing the entry of

exhaust gases from forward & aft funnels into the
suction of GT air intakes were also investigated in
detail under all operating conditions of flow. On the
basis of these observations it was concluded that:

not be practically feasible.


Provision of platform extensions at 02-deck

level on both sides (Fig. 8 (b) and 10 (c)) as
well as blockage of aft GT intake upto 02deck level (Fig. 9(b)) is very effective in
preventing the ingress of exhaust gas into aft
GT intake at all conditions of operation.

Removal of the platform extensions at 02 deck

level at both sides (Fig. 8(b)) and blockage of
inlet area upto 02 deck level (Fig. 9(b)) did
not have any adverse effect in almost all
operating conditions except at 60 % operation.
In this case at certain wind directions (Red
10) a small portion of the exhaust gases
appeared to enter into the intakes.

7.6 Recommendations For Modifications to

Topside Configuration

(b) The provision of back flow entry (Fig.11) into

the aft GT intake although very effective may

In order to obviate the problem of unwanted raise

F w d . fu n n el
A ft F u n n el

A ir su ctio n fro m b ack w a rd

sid e o n ly
(a) Top view showing the backward
facing opening that ensures suction
is from backward side only.

(b) View showing the blockage

B lo ck a g e to e nsu re th e
air inta k e fro m into aft
G T in tak e is fro m
b ack w ard sid e o n ly

(c) Another view showing the blockage

Fig. 11: Blockage to ensure back flow entry into aft GT intake


Journal of Ship Technology

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

in the intake temperature of the gas turbine due to

the entry of exhaust gases, the following
recommendations were made on the basis of the
wind tunnel investigations carried out.

All the four walls of the forward funnel should

be raised as described in section 7.4(a). In
addition, the forward walls as well as the
starboard sidewall of the forward funnel (as
described in section 7.2 (b)) and the forward
walls as well as the port sidewall of the aft
funnel (as described in section 7.2 (d)) should
be raised. These modifications to the funnel
are shown in Fig. 7 (c) and (d).

(b) The platform on the intakes of both forward

and aft GTs should be extended upto the
corresponding funnels (Fig. 4(b) & 6(b)).

The platform over the intakes of aft GT at the

aft funnel should be further modified as shown
in Fig. 9 (b) so that the suction areas of these
GTs are blocked upto 02 deck level.

already constructed ship is always a costly

In order to achieve the objective of optimising
the superstructure design and further, save costly
changes at a later stage, it is essential for the ship
designer to be able to have a means of visualising
the path of the exhaust under different conditions
very early in the design spiral of the ship. Avoiding
these problems requires continual development of
the topside design and revisiting and fine-tuning
the design options. CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) is emerging as a design tool to enable
the ship designer to achieve this goal and
undertaking a detailed study of the topside


The present study was sponsored by M/S

Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai and the authors
are grateful to them for their support.

(d) The platform on both sides of the intakes of

aft GT should be provided at 02-deck level
(Fig. 8(b)). This modification however, is not
very essential but can be incorporated only if
the problem of smoke ingress is to be avoided
under extreme conditions of operation.





The study reported in this paper has allowed

the identification of dubious exhaust emission
performance in an already constructed ship and
suggested methods to eliminate them. On the basis
of results from the experiments, several
modifications were suggested in the geometry of
funnel, GT intakes and the topside configuration to
overcome the problem. The modifications suggested
primarily resulted in the deflection of the direction
of the exhaust by modifying the geometry of the
funnel and introduction of platform above the GT
intakes. However, incorporating such changes and
modifications to the topside configuration on an

Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006







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Journal of Ship Technology












Field Due to the Hot Exhaust of Power

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Prof. V.Seshadri is Professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of TechnologyDelhi. He is a Mechanical Engineer with ScM. and Ph.D. degrees from Brown University, U.S.A. With over
31 Years of experience in teaching and R&D, he has held various administrative positions including that
of Head, Applied Mechanics Department and Deputy Director (Admn) at the Institute. His areas of
specialisation are Pipeline Engineering, Development and Calibration of Fluid Devices, Computational
Fluid Dynamics, Coal Ash Handling & Transportation, Biofluid Mechanics and Ship Aerodynamics.
Prof. SN Singh is Professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of TechnologyDelhi with over 21 Years experience in teaching and R&D. He is an Aeronautical Engineer with an M.Tech.
in Aeronautical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur and a Ph.D. in Fluid Engineering
from Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi. His areas of interest are Fluid Mechanics, Internal Flows,
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Two Phase Flows, Flow Instrumentation and Ship Aerodynamics.
Cdr. PR Kulkarni belongs to the Corps of Naval Constructors of the Indian Navy and is presently Faculty
at the Naval Construction Wing, Department of Applied Mechanics at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He
is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Naval College of Engineering, with a PG Diploma in Naval
Construction from Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, M.Sc. in Naval Architecture from University College
London (UCL) and a Ph.D. in Ship Aerodynamics from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He has served
onboard various Indian Naval Ships and the Naval Dockyards. His fields of interest include Warship Design,
Ship Hydrodynamics, Ship Dynamics, Ship Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics.

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Vol. 2, No.1, Jan 2006

Journal of Ship Technology


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