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Inferno Dialectical Journal

First level of Hell

The first level of Hell is inhabited by non Christians (who actually live a
prosperous life) and babies that were not baptized. Also, great philosophers are trapped
in this level of Hell.
The sin they committed is that they were not truly Christian, also people such as
the philosophers occasionally drifted from Christian beliefs (according to Dantes POV),
and were placed in this level of Hell.
The people are not true believers.
The sinners are punished through depression and are constantly wandering a
giant temple. Essentially, there is no punishment in this level, there is just eternal sorrow
that will never subside.
The contrapasso is that the people will know that they will never get to heaven
and that uncertainty will forever loom over their shoulders of what they could have
reached if they had followed the supposed right path in life. In the palace, there is a
library with every source of knowledge ever needed. However, one cannot get to this
library, adding to the depression and mellow tone of this level of Hell.
Second Level of Hell
The people in this level of Hell are lustful.
Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, and other notable figures are in this level.
The sin of lust is derived from incontinence. The carnal.
The sinners are punished by being trapped in a typhoon. This whirlwind is not
just any normal gust of wind, but one that is unforgiving and throws people around like
ragdolls and ultimately harasses the sinners just as how they (potentially) could have
harassed someone or something with their lust.
The contrapasso is that the sinners let their desires guide them, so the wind of
the typhoon is throwing them around like their desires.
Third Level of Hell
Cerberus is the guardian of this level of Hell. Generally, gluttons are trapped in
this level.
The people trapped in this level of Hell were not moderate in anything they did,
but were overindulging in everything (especially food).
The Gluttons committed sins of incontinence.
The sinners are punished by being trapped in large sheets of dirty snow and
are feasted upon by Cerberus. In this level, there is an eternal rain of brutal proportions.
Each soul is trapped perpetually in this cold and desolate wasteland while Cerberus
threatens everyone.
The contrapasso is that all the waste they made in their life is now directly related
to all the waste in the level of hell. Also, it shows how wasteful they were in their own life
and how they are forced to lie in agony, without comfort.
Fourth Level of Hell
Guarded by Pluto, the Greek ruler of the Underworld.
People who hoarded and people who spent too much of their resources.
The hoarders and greedy committed sins of incontinence.
The sinners are punished through battle. The hoarders and the greedy are
jousting each other while they are forced down by weights.

The contrapasso is that the sinners are trapped in an endless cycle in which they
cannot get out of. The weight that crushes them is symbolic of all the wealth they had
Fifth Level of Hell
The people in this level of hell are wrathful and sullen.
These people were not moderate in their way of life and constantly showed anger
and resentment towards other.
The people trapped in this level of hell have committed sins of violence.
The punishment is that the wrathful and the sullen battle on the River Styx and
are also being drowned at the same time. This is not just any battle, the wrathful
brutally hurt each other and literally eviscerate each other. While this is happening, the
sullen are drowning in their sorrows and are attempting to be heard, but their efforts
lead to no avail.
The contrapasso is that the wrathful are forced to shred each other apart, just as
how they tore people apart in the real world.
Sixth Level of Hell
Heretics are punished in this level of hell.
These people rebelled against the church, did not believe in god, and did not
believe in that there is an afterlife.
This is a sin of incontinence.
They are eternally trapped in tombs of fire. While they are scorched in flames,
they let out painful sighs in an attempt to call for help or leave this brutal punishment.
However, this does not lead to anything and people are simply trapped in this agony.
The contrapasso is that they are being brutally purified from heresy by fire.
Seventh Level of Hell
Generally, those who were violent are punished in this level of hell. Some notable
people include Alexander the Great and Centaurus.
There are three sublevels in this level of hell. People that committed murder,
suicide, and violence towards the arts/God are each in their own respective sublevel.
This is a sin of treachery.
The murderers are punished by being trapped in a pool of boiling blood. Those
who committed suicide have their souls trapped in trees. The ones who committed
violence against art are repeatedly mauled and torn apart by dogs.
For the murderers, the contrapasso is that they drown in the blood of all the
people they had killed. For the suicides, the contrapasso is that they are trapped with
their thoughts by themselves. Finally, the ones who committed violence against art and
god have no solution to leave the constant suffering and pain.
Eighth Level of Hell
Those who are fraudulent are placed in this level of hell.
Each section (10 total) houses a different type of fraudulent sin. Some of these
sins include: seducers, panderers, evil advisers, falsifiers, and others.
The sin committed here is a sin of fraud.
Each type of sin is punished in a unique way. For instance, the seducers are
whipped by devils, soothsayers have their features reversed, and hypocrites are forced
to wear heavy mantles.

The contrapasso is dependent on the sin itself. Just like how seducers used
manipulation to get what they want, they are prodded by the devil in the direction he
Ninth Level of Hell
The ninth level of hell contains those who committed severe sin. Each sublevel is
named after a proponent of that sin: Caina, Ptolemy, Antenora, and Judecca.
The deeper one gets into this level of Hell, the worse the sin gets.
Sins of treachery.
The people in this level of hell are mainly traitors to their faith. Because of this,
the worse their deeds were, the deeper they are trapped in the ice.
Since these people are total traitors, they live their days trapped in brutally cold
ice. Since God symbolized warmth and light, the cold and desolate atmosphere provides
a direct contrast to Gods grace.

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