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(: -{Serbja}-, : -{Serby}-),
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), (. -{Cottbus}- - ).
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: -{Serbja}-, -{Serb}-,
-{Serbowka}-, :
-{Juni Serbja}-.

2. 4. a
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500. - ,
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VII , -{dux ex gente Surbiorum}-, .
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805. , , -{Limes sorabicus}-,
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1400. , , .
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-{IV}- ; , .
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11 . , ,
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XVI . 1548.
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1794. -{I}- ,
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1675. (-{De Serbis, Vendorum natione vulgo dictis Die Wenden}-).
poeta laureatus,
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1693; -{Principia linguae
wendicae, quam alium wandalicam vocant}-,
- . - -{Serbow kurjer a powedar}- -
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(-{Gorlitz}-) 1779. -{Oberlausitzer Geselschaft der Wissenschaften}-,
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1840. ,
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1839., ,
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Wenden in der Oben und nieder Lausitz - Pjesniki hornych a delnych Luicich Serbow}-, Grima 1841, 1843,
(1804-1872), , Sorabija
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, Kwetky; ,
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, . -{Maica serbska}- 1846.
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-{Letopis}-, , , ,
, 1876.
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(1938.), , ,
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, . (1916.),
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, -{Boij Serbin}-, , ,
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( ), ( , ,
.), , ( ,
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1981. -{Serbska itanka}-,
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1984. , .
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''''' '.

[1] Vladimir Zmeljkal, Luit Srbov, Praha, 1962; Tone Glavan, Luiki Srbi, Ljubljana 1966; Jan Petr, Nstin politickch a kulturnch djin
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[2] , 35.
[3] -{Rudolf Jen, Stavizny serbkeho pismowstwa, Budiin, 1954, 10.}[4] . , , ... . -{XLII}-, 1976, . 1-4,
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[7] 259.
[8] -{Hubert ur, Komu muza wodi, Budyin 1977, 149.}[9] ( )
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[10] -{ Projekat Rastko - Luzica / Project Rastko - Lusatia (http:/ / www. rastko. org. rs/ rastko-lu/ uvod/ ndjordjevic-luzicani. html)}-.
-{}-. -{2010-06-24}[11] -{ Projekat Rastko - Luzica / Project Rastko - Lusatia (http:/ / www. rastko. org. rs/ rastko-lu/ uvod/ index. html)}-. -{}-.
-{2010-06-24}[12] http:/ / www. luzica. tk
[13] http:/ / www. rastko. org. rs/ rastko-lu/ uvod/ ndjordjevic-luzicani. html
[14] http:/ / www. serbske-nowiny. de/
[15] http:/ / ski. sorben. com/

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Source: Contributors: 2e1a0, BokicaK, BraneJ, CrniBombarder!!!, Dungodung, Goggs1212, Golija, Iki.prevodilac, J
budissin, Kaster, Laslovarga, Maduixa, Michaello, Micki, Novak Watchmen, PANONIAN, PetarM, Pinki, SmirnofLeary, Stefan Nedeljkovi, Verlor, Vladar86, Zorba, , . ,
, , , , , , 11 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

:Disambig.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 Contributors: User:Baumst
:Flag of Sorbs.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: w:User:MysidMysid
:Lusatia in Europe.png Source: License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors: 32X, Chesnok,
Duesentrieb, IJA, Walden69, berraschungsbilder, 1 anonymous edits
:Sorbs national-costume1.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5
Contributors: User:Dundak
:Cottbus zweisprachige Strassenbezeichnung zugeschnitten.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Blue.dragon
:100px-Logo-of-Domowina.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: BraneJ, PANONIAN
:Sorben.jpeg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 Contributors: Wolfgang Kotissek, Verein
Sorbischer Kulturtourismus
:WikiNagrada2.PNG Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Original uploader was at
sr.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by at sr.wikipedia.

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/


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