Donald Trump Presidential Campaign

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Donald Trump presidential

campaign, 2016
The 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, an
American businessman, television personality and author, was
formally launched on June 16, 2015, in Trump Tower, New
York City. Trump was the nominee of the Republican Party for
President of the United States in 2016, having won the most
state primaries, caucuses, and delegates at the 2016
Republican National Convention.Trump chose Indiana
governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate.
On November 8, 2016, Trump and Pence were elected president and vice
president of the United States.

Trump's populist positions in opposition to illegal immigration and various

trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, earned him support
especially among male voters, White blue-collar voters and voters without
college degrees. Some of his remarks were controversial and helped his
campaign garner extensive coverage by the mainstream media, trending topics,
and social media.

Trump's disdain for political correctness was a staple theme of his campaign
and proved popular among his supporters. Some mainstream commentators
and some prominent Republicans viewed him as appealing to racism, a charge
that he "repeatedly and vehemently denies." Trump's most polarizing and
widely reported statements were about issues of immigration and border
security, especially his proposed deportation of all illegal immigrants, the
proposed construction of a substantial wall on the MexicoUnited States border
at Mexican expense, his characterizations of many Mexican immigrants as
"criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc", and a temporary ban on foreign Muslims
entering the U.S. (which he later modified to apply to people originating from
countries with a history of terrorism against the United States or its allies).

Trump's campaign rallies attracted large crowds, as well as public controversy.

Some of the events were marked by incidents of violence between Trump
supporters and protesters, perceived mistreatment of some journalists, and
disruption by a large group of protesters who effectively shut down a major rally
in Chicago. Trump was accused of inciting violence at his rallies.

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