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Sample of Calculation

Sample of calculation (Refer to test 1 data)

For N = 1439 rpm,

= 150.69 rad/s
(Based on reading of h:55mm)

1) To find the Shaft Power

= Tshaft x w


2 N

= 1.1 Nm x 150.69 rad/s

= 165.78 W

2 (1439)

= 0.1658 kW
= 150.69 rad/s
2) To convert kW into hp
1hp= 0.7457 kW
0.165 8 kW

1 hp
0.7457 kW

3) To find volume flow rate

Refer to the graph plotting the graph 90 degree vee notch calibration provided.
Based on the data of water height collected in mm make a line to the curve
line on graph and make another line down at the point of intersection to the
value of flow rate and record the flow rate data, Q in the table.

4) To convert L/min into m3/s

1 L/min = 1.66 x10-5m3/s
Example: 60 L/min = 1.66 x10-5m3/s x 60
= 1.0x10-3 m3/s

5) To convert inlet pressure


mH2O into N/m2

1 mH2O = 9806.38 N/m2


0.05 mH 2 O

9806.38 N /m 2
=490.319 2
1 mH 2 O

6) To convert discharge pressure, P2 From psi into N/m2

1psi= 6894.757 N/m2
8 psi= 55.16x103 N/m2
To find water head, h(m)
hp= (P2-P1)/g
= (55158.06-490.319)/(1000kg/m3) (9.81m/s2)
= 5.573 m
7) To find output power, Pf
Pf= gQhp
= (1000kg/m3)(9.81 m/s2)(0.001)(5.573)
= 54.67 W
8) To find efficiency,
= Pf/ shaft
= 54.67/165.78
= 0.33 x 100%
= 32.98 %

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