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Operation/ Operacije(a )

Four-stroke cycle (or Otto cycle)/ etvero-taktni ciklus

As their name implies, four-stroke internal combustion engines have four basic
steps that repeat with every two revolutions of the engine:
(1) Intake/suction stroke (2) Compression stroke (3) Power/expansion stroke and
(4) Exhaust stroke
1. Intake stroke: The first stroke of the internal combustion engine is also known
as the suction stroke because the piston moves to the maximum volume position
(downward direction in the cylinder) creating a drop in pressure. The inlet valve
opens as a result of the cam lobe pressing down on the valve stem, and the
vaporized fuel mixture is sucked into the combustion chamber. The inlet valve
closes at the end of this stroke.
2. Compression stroke: In this stroke, both valves are closed and the piston starts
its movement to the minimum volume position (upward direction in the cylinder)
and compresses the fuel mixture. During the compression process, pressure,
temperature and the density of the fuel mixture increases.
3. A Power stroke: When the piston reaches a point just before top dead center,
the spark plug ignites the fuel mixture. The point at which the fuel ignites by
engine; typically it is about 10 degrees before top dead center. This expansion of
gases caused by ignition of the fuel produces the power that is transmitted to the
crank shaft mechanism.
4. Exhaust stroke: In the end of the power stroke, the exhaust valve opens.
During this stroke, the piston starts its movement in the maximum volume
position. The open exhaust valve allows the exhaust gases to escape the cylinder.
At the end of this stroke, the exhaust valve closes, the inlet valve opens, and the
sequence repeats in the next cycle. Four-stroke engines require two revolutions.
Many engines overlap these steps in time: turbine engines do all steps
simultaneously at different parts of the engines.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kao to njhovo ime implicira, etvorotaktni motori sa unutranjim sagorijevanjem
imaju 4 osnovna koraka koji se ponavljaju na svaka dva obrtaja motora.
1. Usisni, unosni takt
2. Takt kompresije
3. Takt ekspanzije/ snage
4. Ispusni takt

1. Unosni takt: Prvi takt motora sa unutranjim sagorijevanjem je takoe poznat

kao usisni takt jer se klip pomijera do pozicije maksimalne zapremine (smijer na
dole u cilindru) stvarajui pad pritiska. Dovodni ventil se otvara kao rezultat cam
lobe(!) koji pritie stijenku ventila, i mjeavina isparenog goriva se usisava u
komoru za sagorjevanje . Dovodni ventil se zatvara na kraju ovog takta.
2. Takt kompresije: U ovom taktu, oba ventila su zatvorena i klip poinje svoje
kretanje ka poziciji minimalne zapremine (smijer ka gore u cilindru) i kompresuje
(sabija) smjeu goriva.Tokom procesa kompresije , pritisak, temperatura i gustina
smjee goriva se poveava.
3. Takt snage: Kada klip dostigne taku tik pred sami centar, iskra pali smjeu
goriva. Taka zaapaljenja goriva varira u zavisnosti od motora; uglavnom je 10
stepeni pred sami centar.Ekspanzija gasova izazvana zapaljenjem goriva daje
snagu koja se prenosi na radilicu mehanizam.
4. Ispusni takt:Na kraju takt snage, otvara se ispusni ventil. U toku ovog takta,
klip zapoinje kretanje ka poloaju maksimalne zapremine. Otvoreni ispusni ventil
dozvoljava da gasovi izau iz cilindra. Na kraju ovog tkta ispusni ventil se
zatvara, unosni ventil otvara, i proces se ponavlja u narednom ciklusu.etvero
taktni motori zahtjevaju dve revolucije.(!)
Kod mnogih motora se prelapaju ovi procesi u vremenu; motori sa turbinom rade
sve korake istovremeno u razliitim dijelovima motora.

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