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Resolution Guide


Preambulatory clauses are written with gerunds (words ending in ing) and commas
Operative clauses are written with present simple suggestive verbs and semi-colons
Each clause (preamble or operative) should relate to ONE IDEA
Any operative clauses should have some connection with a preambulatory clause as
background and the reason for needing the operative clause
5. Instead of putting too many ideas in one operative clause, separate the idea into several
distinct clauses and use connector words like Further and Additionally to connect
the idea
6. Put all the operative clauses related to one idea (street children, child soldiers, etc)
together and then start the next grouping of clauses
7. On conference day, you should aim for around 5 sponsors, and as many signatories as
8. Remember to be SPECIFIC! For example, DONT say Suggests creating educational
programs about youth violence. Instead, say Suggests creating educational programs
based on international video conferences with students in primary schools from
different cultures in order to better educate future generations about the negative
effects of youth violence and crime. (Then follow this up with another clause stating
how you will fund it).
9. Questions to answer in a resolution:
a. What? (What problems should be addressed? What will we do to address
b. Why? (Why should we address the problems? Why does this affect my country
and countries around the world?)
c. How? (How are we going to fix these problems? How will we get the money?
How will we get people to do what we suggest?)
d. Who? (Who should be fixing these problems? Who should be educated about it?
Who should be paying? Who is suffering? Who needs the most help? Who is
e. Where? (Where are the problems occurring? Where should we help?)
f. When? (When does this need to be solved by? When is a realistic goal of
reaching this resolution?)
10. BE SPECIFIC, but also make sure the resolutions apply to as many
countries as possible!!!

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